The night is just closing in and the voyage that we set out upon eleven months ago is nearing its final moments. The stars have been replaced by lights on the shore - twinkling in the navy blue world that is dusk at sea. Hurricanes, phenomenal seas have now turned flat - calm conditions with barely a breath of wind tonight - a mirror image of our first evening out here eleven months ago.

It's going to take a while for this to sink in. To realise what we have achieved - what I have achieved. I gave this race my all. I gave it my life, my everything. I gave my crew all of me - the good, the bad, the positive, the negative - highs - lows - tears - and laughter. I opened myself up for failure - aimed as high as I could - felt the steep falls, the downs but in the end - this time - it worked. Second place - SECOND PLACE! I am stunned. Dream big - work harder than you ever have before - and if you want it enough - anything is possible. And whilst I'm on this train - a massive heartfelt congratulations to Wendo and the team. I couldn't be happier for you. I imagine I speak for all the skippers when I say that.

Results aside - this year has been defined by the community that I have had the privilege to be part of. The people that sign up to this race, and do this race - are incredible. I have so much respect for you all. You are brave people - inspiring people - risking everything for an adventure, for a dream. Your spirit and passion for life is intoxicating. I feel so lucky to have spent a year surrounded by you. Thank you. It's nearly time to go back to the 'real world'. Hopefully we all manage to take a little of this magic with us - some of that Clipper Race bubble medicene - wherever we go in the future. Perhaps we can influence the grey, the concrete, the mundane and add a little sparkle to peoples' lives.