Race 9 - Day 5
Crew Diary - Race 9, Day 5
14 March

Nathan Hadfield
Nathan Hadfield
Team Dare To Lead
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So, here it is; my first blog since joining my crew and after a rather fantastic pancake breakfast served up by Jim and Steve on what should be our last full day before arriving back in Subic Bay, I sit here sweating in the saloon pontificating on what I want to tell you all.

On the race itself, it has been a bit of a mixed bag of early successes followed by the inevitable wind holes that seem to plague this part of the world (as the circumnavigators of the boat will testify to) that dragged us back down the pack and good sailing on the part of our competitors. Now, as the finish line draws near, we again find ourselves in a decent situation and are pushing hard to gain every point possible.

For me, while this might not have been the race I was expecting even a few weeks ago, it has been a great reintroduction to life on board and an opportunity to not only bond with everyone but also sharpen up our skills for the real test that awaits.

A big “Hi!” to all those back home and thanks for all your support; especially to my wonderful partner Sue and I’m looking forward to getting an update on that little thing we’ve got going on.

Nathan and the Crew