Race 2 - Day 3
Crew Diary - Race 2, Day 3
18 September

Clara Carrington
Clara Carrington
Team Punta del Este
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Keeping fit on board Punta del Este (Estar en forma a bordo de Punta del Este)

On board, every day, during one hour, all the crew share their time together on the deck, during our ‘happy hour’, since we have two different watches, we don’t always have the time to be together as a team, and this is our moment to do so. Also, every day, each one of us has different responsibilities on board, apart from sailing, and yesterday it was our turn to lead happy hour.

After a recap of our position within the fleet, and sharing all our comments together on board, it was now our turn to propose something fun and different for our happy hour. Mary, with her background in fitness, I proposed to do some stretching, taking into account the good weather and flat seas.

So the 24 of us found a place on the deck, and Mary guided us through some good stretching exercises, of course, accompanied with some good laughs and giggles. We are definitely not all as flexible as we think!

Today it was the turn of Luis and Aloysio to lead our happy hour, and they have decided to follow yesterday’s initiative, that made everyone feel good. Today Luis led us through some interesting yoga stretches.

As Jeronimo says, and we all agree, a happy team is a winning team, and exercise is key to our happiness and wellbeing.


A bordo, cada dia, tenemos una hora en la que toda la tripulacion coincidimos en cubierta, y es nuestra ‘happy hour’ todos juntos, ya que al estar en dos guardias distintas, no siempre tenemos tiempo para disfrutar juntos como equipo. Y como cada dia tenemos distintas responsabilibades a bordo, ademas de navegar, ayer nos tocaba a Mary y a mi liderar el Happy Hour.

Tras un resumen de nuestra posicion, la posicion de la flota, y compartir todos juntos como estan todos los temas a bordo, llega nuestro momento de proponer algo divertido y distinto al equipo para nuestro happy hour. Mary, con su experiencia en fitness, ha propuesto hacer estiramientos aprovechando el buen tiempo y que hay poca mar.

Asi que los 24 que estamos a bordo, hemos encontrado un lugar en cubierta y Mary nos ha guiado por varios estiramientos, claro esta acompanado de grandes risas y carcajadas. Definitivamente no todos somos igual de flexibles.

Hoy, les tocaba happy hour a Luis y a Aloysio, y han decidido seguir con la iniciativa de ayer, ya que nos sento tan bien a todos, y Luis nos ha guiado por estiramientos de yoga.

Como dice Jeronimo, y todos coincidimos, a happy team is a winning team, y hacer ejercicio es parte muy importante para la felicidad y bienestar del equipo.