Race 4 - Day 29
Crew Diary - Race 4, Day 29
15 December

Clara Carrington
Clara Carrington
Team Punta del Este
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Grateful / Agradecida

Two and a half years ago, a childhood friend came to visit me at home, during a fracture and surgery recovery that had me in a wheelchair for two months, and she gave me one of the best gifts I could have ever imagined. She reminded me and showed me how important it is to be grateful, to recognise it and to transmit gratitude.

Those who know me, know that I am a very reserved person, and today I am going to share a very personal gratitude, which is a daily exercise I do every day.

I am incredibly grateful for the family and friends I have in my life. It may sound like a ‘cliche’, but the reality is very different. Grateful for the family I was brought up in (and my family I include aunts, uncles and cousins), the values learned, the love received, the support, and how they have all helped me become the person I am.

Grateful for the friends I have in my life. Some are childhood friends and others have been joining me in this life journey with the years. I am a person of not many friends, however, they are very good friends. I am grateful for having them in my life, they are of my pillars in life, they love me as I am, they support me, they show me and guide me to be a better person, and to improve, with their sincerity and love. You know who you are, and I am grateful and honoured to call you friends and you have also become my extended family.

Grateful for having you in my life, my life companion, my love, my support. You encourage me to learn, to improve, to be a better person. Grateful that you have chosen me to share your life with.

I am grateful for the decisions taken in life, the experiences lived, learnings, and all thanks to having all of you in my life. I feel incredibly privileged, honoured and grateful for having you all in my life, thank you

With love

Hace dos anos y medio, una amiga de la infacia me vino a vistar a casa, durate mi tiempo de recuperacion de una operacion tras una fractura que me tuvo en silla de ruedas durante dos meses, y me ofrecio uno de los regalos mas increibles que jamas hubiese imaginado. Me recordo y enseno lo importante que es ser agradecido, a reconocer y transmitir el agradecimiento.

Aquellos que me conocen, saben que soy una persona muy reservada, y hoy voy a compartir mi formal personal de agradecimiento, un ejercicio que hago a diario.

Me siento increiblemente agradecida por la familia y amigos que son parte de mi vida. Puede sonar como un ‘cliche’, pero la realidad es bien distinta. Agradecida por la familia en la que naci (y por familia me refiero tambien a tios, tias, primos y primas), los valores aprendidos, el amor recibido, el apoyo, y como todos y cada uno de ellos me ha ayudado a ser y convertirme en la persona que soy a dia de hoy.

Agradecida por los amigos que son parte de mi vida. Algunos son amigos de la infancia y otros se han ido uniendo a mi vida con los anos. Soy una persona de pocos amigos, pero muy buenos amigos. Agradecida por tenerles en mi vida, son los pilares de mi vida, por quererme como soy, por apoyarme, por ensenarme y guiarme a ser una mejor person, y para mejorar con su sinceridad y amor. Sabeis quienes sois, y me siento agradecida y honrada de llamaros amigos y que os hayais convertido en mi nueva familia.

Agradecida por tenerte en mi vida, mi companero de vida, mi amor, mi apoyo. Me motivas a aprender, a mejorar, a ser mejor persona cada dia. Agradecida que me hayas elegido para compartir tu vida.

Me siento agradecida por la decisiones que he tomado en mi vida, las experiencias y aprendizajes vividos, y todo gracias a teneros en mi vida. Me siento increiblemente privilegiada, honrada y agradecida de teneros en mi vida, muchas gracias.

Con amor