Race 1 - Day 1
Crew Diary - Race 1, Day 1
02 September

Xi Guan
Xi Guan
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After a long farewell on the Thames, everyone is eager to anchor and to lie down and enjoy the last whole night sleep before the Race Start.

Our Skipper said: “I have circled our boat on the map, every hour we will have two crew members who need to get up to and watch the map, if the boat is outside the circle, we will have an alarm and you must wake me up!”

Now, let me introduce our Skipper and First Mate (AQP)...They are young; the total ages of them just match the average age of the Visit Sanya, China team, but they are very good at sailing.

Back to the story of the anchor, someone said, “How about we fix the position of the three points then we can track where the boat anchor is, and have an object of reference…” he has not finished yet, out Skipper said confidently, “No need. There is no wind and no tides, and the land is flat sand, which is a perfect area for landing down, I don’t want to be woken up at midnight. And tomorrow morning, at 6am, we will have a meeting.” I thought our Skipper must be tired, the meeting was only five minutes.

The Visit Sanya, China Yacht has been given a nickname; Xiao Qi=little seven, she has sailed around the world for a couple of times, but more than 20 people on board at the same time looks a little bit like pushing and yelling. And twelve bunks for the crew sleeping is enough. Because at the same time, someone is busy in the kitchen. But where to anchor our boat must be another story. We will finally get a sleeping room for everyone, and I have a dream, the guider talked with me, Young Man, The water can float, but also can upset the boat. I just awoke, and back to reality.

It was windy, and the rigging is making some noise, and the surfing is faster, our boat was a swing, I just walked through the cabin, to see what happened from map, and the crew are watching the screen, our boat is still at that point, then I released, I think I worry too much.

When I woke up this morning, we just knew Qingdao had lost their anchor, no time to think of them, now we are in a tougher situation because the big wind and turbulent flow makes the anchor line tangle. But, we have only four hours to the Race Start, urgent

Luke volunteered to go down to the water, but the rope tangled tightly, and the water is cold and deep, can’t see anything, Luke’s help didn’t make any changes, two hours later, our Skipper thought of an idea, make an adventure, he used another rope to attach to the anchor rope and use windlass to pull the line, and then another rope became less crowded. Wow, what a relief operation on last minute!

Last but not least, the story is quite simple: Action! Let’s head to the Race Start area. And the meeting should be in the morning at 6am, finally it happened at 9:45am, 15 mins before Race Start. Get the Sail on, and the start of our race, and our nearly whole year racing around the world is just beginning....












此刻人群中有个弱弱的声音问,“我们要不要三点坐标定位一下这个锚点,好有个参照物。” 话音没落,已被船长大手一挥自信满满地驳回:“今天晚上没风也没啥流,下面还是平整的沙地。这种抛锚的风水宝地,不必多此一举!我其实是不指望被你们半夜叫醒的。起航的战术明早六点部署,散!会!”


三亚号小七尽管是艘见过世面环球好几圈的七十尺大帆船,忽然塞了二十多个人在底舱多少还是显得有些熙熙攘攘。航行一旦开始,总有一部分人在甲板工作,有一部分人在厨房工作,十二个可睡床位在大家轮班制工作模式下绰绰有余。可锚泊就是另外一回事儿了。大家好不容易这儿塞塞那挤挤再加上还有几位哥哥发扬光大睡到了地板和帆舱里,最后算是成功安顿了下来。一时舱内鼾声四起,我也不知何时迷迷糊糊的见了周公,梦中周公语重心长的声如洪钟般教导我:“少年,水能载舟,亦能溜锚啊。” 像是被周公从梦里叫醒般,睁眼回到了现实。


再一觉醒来已是清晨,得知大半夜青岛号溜了锚,还没来及幸灾乐祸,就发现我们的小七陷入了更深的泥沼 - 因为夜里的风摆和乱流,小七的锚绳把自己的舵缠得死死的,基本相当于自己把自己钉在了原地。并且船尾下锚,开发动机要冒锚绳绞坏螺旋桨的风险,这个脱困的可能性也基本排除啦。这时候,还有不到四个小时就要起航了。情况相当紧急,蓝胡子卢克自告奋勇下水,可绳子缠的紧紧的,水又冷又深,能见度又低并不起到什么实质的作用,上上下下折腾,两个多小时过去了也不能脱困。船长这时候忽然开了窍,决定冒个险,拿来另外一根绳子勾住锚绳一段固定,另一端接在绞盘上,用绞盘的力量把锚绳松动,锚绳的反作用力把船反转了半圈终于在离起航不到半个小时的时间侥幸得以脱困。绝对堪称编剧剧作法“最后一分钟营救”的经典范本。
