Race 4 - Day 14
Crew Diary - Race 4, Day 14
01 December

Tim Chappell
Tim Chappell
Team Unicef
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Why ? - sometimes I really wonder why I am on this adventure – that I have fitted in before I pop my clogs and wander off to the land of forevers.

I noticed the Facebook Clipper Race advert – the one with the huge pacific waves – remember it? In tears, I signed up immediately, arranged my interview and then decided to ask (tell) my brilliant and lovely other half – Anna – what I was anticipating. With a sigh, she said that is exactly like you, asking me the questions I had failed to ask myself – my pension savings would be gone but I was finding that life was becoming mundane and I also later on needed to find out more about myself – particularly after my Asperger’s Syndrome diagnosis in December 2018.

Money paid, training done and I am now in the Southern Indian Ocean waiting with some trepidation about the storms ahead. Neptune and Zeus will try their best to flatten us at some point!

I have discovered that I am not as fit or as strong as my mind has said that Anna really is the most important person in my life - alongside that of my two fantastic sons and my six Grandchildren. I have accepted that I have been rather a bit of AS … to her not realising that my AS traits were a major part of my makeup.

So that is what this adventure does to people – gives them the time to be self-analytical and to be pushed physically and mentally beyond limits.

I have done many crazy/weird things in my life – the Clipper Race is belatedly giving me a reason to be nicer and friendlier. Anthonie is forcing mindfulness and smiling into my life and everyone is seeming to understand and accept me better as time goes on – it is a strong binding UNICEF team.

Why ? - Into the Ocean, I go to lose my mind and find my soul.