Morning all,

Well, chatting with the crew on what to write about in the last day, simultaneously they said "shooting stars". They were right, the night sky was brilliant. We had a moon for a while and that left us and in its place, a star cluster that was magnificent. Also, seeing dolphins and whales should get a mention. They really are becoming hardened sailors when the skies came up before the whales.

The sailing has been a little frustrating at times, with nerve racking decision making as well. This is because the wind has got light and is a little all over the show. The reports also showed a huge "wind hole" between us and the finish. Do we sail the long way round, do we chance it and cut across, do we….etc? All the while the guys are catching up or pulling ahead. And it's not fast or exciting sailing like the blow we were in last night. We went for straight at the next way-point. With 49 nautical miles to go to the way-point, only time will tell if we made the right decision.

Otherwise life on board is all good, the seasick have their sea legs. No more sick buckets around, but more importantly, the crew is now whole and I am loving it.

So until tomorrow, hold thumbs for GoToBermuda.

Oh and PS if we have made the right decision you could well be discussing the race first hand with your loved ones, if I am wrong you will have to wait a bit.


Chat later,

Wavy, Fabian and crew