Oh dear folks,

What a day. This is the crazy that ocean racing can throw at you. I will elaborate on the minor technical difficulties discussed yesterday - the shackle holding our forestay to the chain plate at the front of the boat snapped. Literally. This shackle is capable of holding 7 tons and it broke and bent wide open freeing the forestay. But we are all right.

I will just post a quick summary. Firstly, huge shout out to Claire whose poise and calm under pressure really showed. She did all the right things in the right order to ensure the big stick stayed up. Her starboard watch crew of Kiwi Steve Schoultz (Happy Birthday, mate), JV (John Vearncombe) and Wozza (John Worrall) worked quickly to help get the precautions set up.

So, we were enjoying the delights of an Eric Miglin/ Graham Dodge continental breakfast when we heard a loud bang. Rushing on deck we found the forestay loose but held in place by the Yankee hanks. We quickly beared away (a run is less stress on the forestay) and ran spare halyards forward to take the load. We dropped the Yankee, secured the forestay temporarily and set about the repair process.

One of our plans, and I have lost count how many there were, was to use the shackle holding the bobstays to the boat as it is the only one on the boat big enough. Unfortunately, despite numerous efforts from JV and James ‘McSmokey’ Macfee, which involved dangling them over the front of the boat till they were up to the head and shoulder in water while everyone else stood at the back of the boat to try and "lift" the bow, was fruitless. Shackle wouldn't budge.

We have ended up using jubilee clips to smooth the sharp edges of the chainplate and re-lashing the forestay here in its natural place. I might add that this intelligent suggestion was my very own. The Race Office are rather impressed with my fix and I believe there will be a job contract waiting for me in Fremantle with the title "Master almighty rigger extraordinaire" and a very hefty salary...hint hint, Sir Robin.

Now we have effected a suitable repair, we are cleared to continue racing under a restricted sail plan but that suits us as it is not so limited that we won't get to enjoy the delights of Fremantle. It's going to be pretty embarrassing for the other boats when we win!!

Separately, I have to add that I have been a little under the weather this leg and you may have noticed through my blogs. However, I can confirm that I will be back in full fighting scriptural spirit on Leg 4.

Think Pink and wish for winds that suit our restricted sail plan.

