The sun has finally arrived as we hit 100 nautical miles to run. The wind is still strong and we are averaging over 10 knots as I type. The crew saw an albatross this morning and were concerned the cold and damp weather was here to stay, but thankfully it wasn’t a bad omen - perhaps it was just checking up on us one last time. We have become accustomed to their daily visits and it will be a shame not to see them again.

Today is Leg 3 and 8 crew member Joseph Kean's birthday, and therefore we are hopeful of an extraordinary cake. Today's mothers Nick Allard (Legs 2- 8) and Kate Whyatt (round the world) will have a job on their hands to beat the cake we had for Tzen Chia (round the world) and Andrew Ogg's (Legs 3, 4, 5 & 6) birthday made by Janice Tadros (round the world), as we have eaten all the butter. However I’m sure whatever they manage to rustle up will be delicious! Happy Birthday Joe!

The crew are managing the remaining time by discussing lasts; last breakfast at sea, last time I wear my drysuit etc. We are about to have our last lunch at sea. Will we have seen the last 02:00am watch handover already? We shall see!

This will be the last blog until Leg 4, therefore a quick thank you to those crew leaving us after this Leg; Marcus Knight, Sue Plater, Eduard Braga Rettich, Charlie Stålberg, Joe Kean, Mike Gruning and Sam Ruiz. Thank you for your contribution and I hope you enjoyed the Southern Ocean experience. We look forward to the delights of Albany and preparing for Leg 4.

Thank you to those who have been following our progress via the Race Viewer, blogs and social media.
