What a terrible idea to have a rap as your team song... yesterday the Huskies and myself decided we would try and learn the words. It's fair to say that all of us middle class British/American/French folk are not ghetto rappers in any way shape or form. "Talking music" as I called it when I was younger is still too cool for us - I think we will stick to the sailing for now. We did make up a few dance moves though. We are thinking of them as 'understated' as they mainly only involve one arm so that the helmsman could also join in busting shapes to the ultrafast and bad rapping. Stay tuned for our departure in Freo and maybe we will treat you to a few... ;)

The wind hole we were expecting wasn't so bad. Unfortunately, we lost all the ground we gained on everyone the day before but luckily, we were only bobbing for about four hours (we have had a lot worse!) and then were on the move again.

This time round the crew all got a little of the 'wind hole blues' as we are now referring to it; the feeling like you aren't going anywhere, or making any ground towards your destination is hard. Suddenly it feels like you have been at sea forever, and it will be Christmas before you see your loved ones again.

It's remarkable how the mood changes with only five knots of wind (five knots of wind means generally four to five knots of boat speed). For me, however, the wind hole was the perfect time to get some sleep before the excitement of the next four or five days begins. It feels so good to be moving closer and closer; we are less than 2000 miles to go on our countdown - hooray!

Sailing with style - Nik