So shh - we are still here don't worry. We didn't dare use the secret squirrel option in Leg 2 after our fiasco in Leg 1 where soon after we put our invisible cloak on we descended from first to tenth place. We are getting braver though and have spent the last 24 hours in sneaky Stealth Mode so that no one would know quite how slowly we have been going - sneaky indeed. In 30 minutes (at the time of writing) we shall reappear and all will be revealed. Don't be disheartened followers ... it hasn't been too breezy so you still have lots of viewing to go.

Today Monty made an appearance on deck. Monty is the Visit Seattle bicycle. I think it was the warm weather - he needed to stretch his wheels. Can you imagine the fun that was had? Wind hole + bicycle + a load of stir crazy crew after 3 weeks at sea.

Hoping, praying, crossing all toes and fingers that wind blows soon and we scream along downwind towards BBQs and beers.