Well, what a couple days we’ve had. It started out with a very frustrating 24 hours of light and variable winds. This mainly consisted of a million sail changes whilst drifting along at 2kts and then trying not to get upset at the incoming emails congratulating us on how amazing our progress had been.
We spent those 24hours wishing for wind. Our wish very much came true in a bout of 45kt squalls. Before all these squalls, we were flying kites, but luckily, we were prepared, and each time we got the kite down safely before they could cause drama.
One of these squalls really went for it, starting at 44kts then increasing to 55kts for a time. During all this, we have experienced an immense amount of rain. This has led to quite the array of outfit choices, some opting for full foulies in an attempt to stay dry, whilst others have dug out the swimming cozzies.
Flore, our OBR must get an honourable mention as she managed to film the crazy wet squall and achieve a full hair wash at the same time!
Now for some quick-fire updates – Turns out Bob is quite the bird whisperer, the other night finding a small black bird that he cradled for hours before it flew off. Jono lost a croc in a wind seeker drop of all things. Ella declared yesterday she was never sailing again to then 24hours later finish her afternoon watch wittering on about how great the helming was. And finally, Bruce the bonsai is still in good health.
At time of writing our distance to the Finish Line has just slid under 300nm. It’s hard to process, we’re so near the finish. As excited as we are to be closing in on our home port after nine months of racing, we can’t loose our focus. PSP Logistics have just appeared on the horizon and Yacht Club Punta del Este are right on our heels so there are still spots to play for.
Think that’s about all,
Hannah, Ella and the Washington, DC, Crew