In the end it seemed like a no-brainer. No wind at all to the north-west meant gybing south after lunch was our only option. It's meant a long time on a non-making tack but now we're in the breeze we're making 12 knots+ and moving again!

Last night our Code 2 hoist got a little over complicated and a kite halyard went the wrong side of the forestay meaning Dan, our resident spreader squirrel, was dispatched to unplug it and untangle the yankee halyard from the working kite halyard and re-run everything whilst 90ft aloft and barrelling along at 13 knots. He loved it of course. Me less so. One of the consequences of age and a vivid imagination. It was textbook though, and we are now flying south-west at pace. Watching Seattle soar by us on the opposite gybe whilst Dan was aloft made me realise how quick we are moving across this blue canvas when things are working as they should. All of us are cocooned in our own little worlds of fibreglass and clicking winch drums.

Fuerteventura is next and we may need to gybe again a few times before breaking out to the south-east of the islands. Let's hope we don't meet the wind hole I have been predicting dreading for three days - but no options seemed available other than this.

Busy day tonight - so that's all from WTC Logistics. Ta ta.

