Well, it's been an exciting 48 hours or so since the last one of these. Once again, we find ourselves seemingly sailing out of the breeze and into patchier and less consistent wind, this means that to stay ahead of the game you have to push a little bit harder, which means taking some risks. Now up till this point we'd done very well with kites in the race however every now and then you get burned and yesterday was one of those days. As Mikey T put it, "The timing was impeccable, with the clew of the anti-wrap net in my hand, ready to hoist, we wrapped!" The first I heard of it was somebody loudly announcing on deck the magic words (which will flush any Skipper out of their sleeping bag rather quickly) "We have a wrap!" Happily, people sprang into action, and we managed to get the situation back under control relatively quickly. It was impressive stuff given that it was quite a tricky one, and Mike and I were very pleased with how the crew dealt with the whole thing. Now we are sailing along in sunshine after a rainy night in a breeze that frustratingly is not as strong as was promised by our forecast. Ah well, we'll keep on trucking with what we've got. It’s still a very long way to go to Fremantle so I'm sure we'll get our wind soon!
All the best from the crew, Mike and myself