Race 6 - Day 6
Crew Diary - Race 6 Day 6
14 January

Olwami Zungu
Olwami Zungu
Team Dare To Lead
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Middle of the race, passed Fraser Island and left with a few hundred miles until finish. A lot seems to be on my mind, like what am I to be after this race, how different will I be when I get home and what difference can I actually make?

The change in our ranking from the previous to the current race has made me realise a lot about the boat I am in, the skipper (Ryan) and AQP(Charlie), and the crew. Ryan’s leadership on the boat inspires me to take lead of my own life. Charlie’s composure teaches me not to rush everything I do in my life. The combination of both shows me that there is always a way of making things work when they are not in your favour. The crew allowed me to embrace myself from different perspectives.

Despite our failed techniques, the team energy stayed consistent, and everybody still smiling and laughing. We celebrate the wins of our fellow competitors as we understand the hardships of the ocean, we all sail in. When we don’t compete, we party and that’s what we do which essentially makes this boat go faster but the faster it goes the fewer days I have to spend with these wonderful people which saddens me. The view of stars will not be the same when seen alone and understood by no one because not many I know have crossed the ocean. Abundant lessons learned from the two races most of which will shape me into the person I desire to be and some of which I can tell the younger children growing up with ambitious dreams surrounded by barbed wire telling them they cannot achieve the achievable.

As we journey to the mandatory gates my appreciation for life and family as a whole increases, concepts of unity and growth become more vivid.

A lot of words to be spread across my country, small steps to be taken and big changes to be forever made.

Dare To Lead Ambassador.

See y’all soon