Race 2 - Day 7
Crew Diary - Race 2 Day 7
22 September

Francesca Kitto-jones
Francesca Kitto-jones
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I feel refreshed. Still sweating like (insert favourite analogy here) but refreshed none-the-less. The reason for this refreshedness? Cold beer? Sudden Arctic blast migrating south for winter? No. A shower. A proper, fresh water, through an electric pump and a shower head shower. What bliss! Having just come off mother watch which involves being below deck for most of a 24 hour period and mostly next to the hot cooker, I was entitled to a shower. The fact that the act of drying the heads area and pumping out the water afterwards made me sweaty again – sorry for the repetition of this idea but the idea of ladies ‘glowing’ in this sauna of the high seas is laughable – has not detracted from the short-lived pleasure of a little privacy and a chance to really examine those bruises in awkward-to-see places. Oh, and of feeling clean again.

In other news… I must tell you about our fizzy drinks dispenser. You know the brand; you add the concentrated syrup flavour of your favourite carbonated pop, big in the 70s, reminds me of friends’ birthday parties where you consumed too much sugar, played pass-the-parcel and left with a party bag containing a slice of cake and a balloon. Purchased by Jonny, our on-board victualler, way back when we were still in the UK and spoken of only in demeaning terms, it was finally given its debut on Wednesday 18th September, 2019 to huge fanfare and anticipation. Oh the joy! The wonderful blackcurrenty loveliness of it all! Incredible really that such a comparatively small thing can give such pleasure but I think we’re all finding that it’s the simple things that are making life just that little bit better.