Race 6 - Day 5
Crew Diary - Race 6 Day 5
14 January

Rachel Murphy
Rachel Murphy
Team Perseverance
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All that that remains of my Clipper Race experience is the flight home and unpacking before real life can no longer be avoided.

Having six weeks away from home and responsibilities to bob around on a boat for no other reason than I want to is a rare and very welcome luxury. Race 4 has been exactly what I hoped it would be; a good taste of the clipper race, mixed conditions, arduous, but not frightening. The highlights include the dolphins swimming through bioluminescence, sleeping whales, helming at night, and hardworking and supportive crew mates.

The sweaty heat of race 6 was the most challenging aspect and I am ever so grateful for Ini’s choice of route that saw us make good time. Thank you to both Ini and Joss for all their hard work and dedication to the boat and I wish them and all of the crew of Perseverance good luck and good hydration for Leg 5.

Until Race Start : The USA Coast-to-Coast Leg