Race 6 - Day 1
Crew Diary - Race 6 Day 1
10 January

Ziqi Wang
Ziqi Wang
Team Qingdao
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Today is the day when the fleet sets off from Newcastle. The hot summer sun in Eastern Australia seems to burn out every trace of moisture in the air. Before the Race Start, Acting Consul General, Mr Wang Chunsheng, Chinese Consulate Sydney and his party drove two hours away to the pier to visit the Ambassador Crew members of our Zhuhai and Qingdao yachts and took photos with us. He wished us a safe journey and hoped that we would motivate more young people to join this sport. The Acting Consul also chose a tie with many small sailboat patterns on it to match his suit today. It was really thoughtful.


The race officially started at three o'clock in the afternoon, and the wind direction and strength were almost as expected. It’s just that the starting route of this race was set in the middle of the narrow waterway entering Newcastle Harbour. The fleet was very close to the shore. I stood on the bow of the boat and was responsible for observing the wind conditions of the two front sails. From this perspective, I could see the people seeing off the boat on the shore. The shouts of the crews were heard one after another; the shouts of the crew members were continuous when they were operating together; the shouts of the captain and first mates were endless when the ships avoided each other. It’s really a gripping moment! The narrow waterway was almost completely blocked by eleven large sailing boats. Each yacht repeatedly turned in the group to stand out. This scene was exactly the same as a sailing boat's track race and the intensity was not the same. up and down. We were very close to Yacht Club Punta del Este and if someone were standing on the end of their boat's bowsprit, they could step onto our stern deck just by taking a step! What an exciting sailing experience!


After leaving the river and reaching open water, the distance between the yachts gradually widened, continued to sail away from each other. We also sailed close to shore for an hour and then turned to sail southward, but it seemed that because of the terrain around Newcastle and the miles of beach hills, although the sea conditions were stable, the boat speeds on different routes were very different, and sometimes on the same route. Due to sudden changes in wind strength and direction, the route may cause the leader to lose its reputation in an instant. In the next four or five hours, we turned no less than ten times and crossed paths with other yachts of different echelons. During this period, the intrepid even needed to use radio communications to ensure a safe distance between us. Until the sunset filled the sky, everyone seemed to have chosen their respective positions to sail. We were sailing side by side with the Washington DC, PSP Logistics and Zhuhai, and the other yachts were far away at the end of the horizon.

今晚的海里有很多发光的藻类,船激起的浪花都泛出幽幽的蓝色,夜空中繁星点点,我们在积分榜上暂事稳住在了第一的位置。每一次出航的状况都是迥然不同的,真的是乐趣满满,这一段乐此不疲的频繁转向被大家戏称为level 5 training。真的很期待接下来几天紧凑的比赛是怎样的呢……

There were a lot of luminous algae in the sea tonight, the waves stirred up by the boat were glowing with a faint blue, and the night sky was full of stars. We temporarily secured the first place in the standings. The conditions of each race have been completely different, and it was really full of fun. This period of frequent turns that we enjoyed was jokingly called Level 5 training. I’m really looking forward to what the intense competition will be like in the next few days...


From Zack along East Australian Coast