Race 6 - Day 5
Crew Diary - Race 6 - Day 5
27 January

Paul Widdowson
Paul Widdowson
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The Doldrums

The doldrums is no place for thee

Especially if you are sailing from A to B

Nothing to do but pray for wind

And look at sails longing to be trimmed

With mainsail flopping from side to side

Drifting along, no place to hide

With sun shining bright and burning the deck

All the crew, dripping wet with sweat

Even below is too hot to survive

Drinking loads of water

Just to stay alive

What’s that on the water

A ripple in view

Hope its some breeze to move us a knot or two

The sails are full for a moment at last

Drifting along, I’m sure we’re stuck fast

“Skip can we start the motor to move”

Not yet was the reply

Or its our race to lose

So drifting along all dripping with sweat

The doldrums is no place to sail

Are we out of this yet