Race 3 - Day 12
Crew Diary - Leg 3 Day 12
07 December

Peter Ford
Peter Ford
Team Yacht Club Punta del Este
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“Better to arrive late, than dead on time.”

One of the pearls of wisdom my grandfather passed on.

As we cross one of the fiercest oceans on the planet, this adage rings so true. The changing weather systems create all kinds of sea state conditions some of which I’ve never seen or experienced before.

It is truly awe inspiring, fearsome, beautiful and most unforgiving to the unprepared. There’s a realisation of how insignificant we really are in this environment. It is not ours; we are land based not ocean creatures but mankind set themselves to adapt and overcome to seek lands and treasures from further afield. We are in a place few will experience, and I am always thankful I am here.

As we race across the 45th parallel I am often reminded of my grandfather’s lesson and can sense our Skipper lives by this as well.

Nano’s yacht, crew and resilience reflects this in the many tasks and duties we carry out every watch, every day. There is a deep knowledge amongst his charges. He would never risk the wellbeing of his crew and yacht and rush to the line. Patience and preparation is key.

In my field of endeavour (cooking) it is known as “Mise en place” and he has it in spades.

The maestro watches, the finish line awaits…

Vamos Punta!