Race 6 - Day 6
Crew Diary - Race 6 Day 6
14 January

Zhan Shi
Zhan Shi
Team Zhuhai
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One day before dinner, everyone was called up on to the deck for a brief. We don’t normally do team briefs unless it is something important. It turned out that we had to choose between two different paths for two completely different strategies for the game. We were informed about both strategies and we were invited to vote for one. It was the first time I was included in the decision-making process in the race. Most people seem to have same preference for one strategy and the result turned out very positive in the end.

I could not help wondering, who is more important in the race, the Skipper and AQP or the crew members? In the Clipper Race, the Skippers and AQPs are professionals and most of the crew members are not. The professionals are the brain of the race, and the crew are the arms and legs. If the brain makes a wrong decision, the result won’t be positive no matter how strong the body is. Thus, it is obvious the Skippers and AQPs are 80% in the race and the crew members are 20% important. However, if the crew members are not competent enough to execute the strategy, or make a lot of mistakes during the revolutions, even the best Skippers will not be able to win the game. Moreover, if certain crew members are not only good at following orders but also could help lead the team or even help design strategy, it will be a huge help to the sailing staff throughout the race. So, my conclusion is: in a perfect world, the Skipper and AQP plays 80% of the role in the race, but in the real world, it is 60% Skipper/AQP and 40%. crew members. Sailing is a team sport, and everyone plays certain roles in the game. Michael Jordan couldn’t win the NBA championship without the coach and other team members.

Until Race Start : The USA Coast-to-Coast Leg