PSP Logistics
  • All Teams
  • Bekezela
  • Dare to Lead
  • Ha Long Bay Viet Nam
  • Our Isles and Oceans
  • Perseverance
  • PSP Logistics
  • Qingdao
  • Washington, DC
  • Yacht Club Punta del Este
  • Zhuhai
All Races
  • All Races
  • Leg 1: Race 1 - Portsmouth, United Kingdom - Puerto Sherry, Spain
  • Leg 1: Race 2 - Puerto Sherry, Spain - Punta del Este, Portugal
  • Leg 2: Race 3 - Punta del Este, Uruguay - Cape Town, South Africa
  • Leg 3: Race 4 - Cape Town, South Africa - Fremantle, Australia
  • Leg 4: Race 5 - Fremantle, Australia - Newcastle, Australia
  • Leg 5: Race 6 - Newcastle, Australia - Whitsundays, Australia
  • Leg 5: Race 7 - Whitsundays, Australia - Ha Long Bay, Viet Nam
  • Leg 5: Race 8 - Ha Long Bay, Viet Nam - Zhuhai, China
  • Leg 6: Race 9 - Zhuhai, China - Qingdao, China
  • Leg 6: Race 10 - Qingdao, China - Seattle, USA
  • Leg 7: Race 11 - Seattle, USA - Panama
  • Leg 7: Race 12 - Panama - Washington DC, USA
  • Leg 8: Race 13 - Washington DC, USA - Oban, Scotland
  • Leg 8: Race 14 - Oban, Scotland - Portsmouth, United Kingdom
  • Leg 8: Race 15 - SPARE RACE
17 July
Race 13 - Day 15 Race 12 Circumnavigator Club Andrew – Coach Dianne – Scholar Jessica – Executive Lorenzo – Passionate Youth Mark – Chemist Ran – Public Relations Tom – Veteran We… Mark Hagan
PSP Logistics
04 July
Race 13 - Day 2 Hello everyone, and by everyone, I mean; friends and family, Steve and Tim, Dianne and the team at… Vivien Mico
PSP Logistics
04 July
Race 13 - Day 6 Race 13 Circumnavigators Club Andrew – Coach Dianne – Scholar Jessica – Executive Lorenzo – Passionate Youth Mark – Chemist Ran – Public Relations Tom – Veteran We… Mark Hagan
PSP Logistics
18 June
Race 12 - Day 2 Tonight, while motoring out of Shelter Bay, Panama, among a dozen anchored ships waiting to transit the Canal, PSP Logistics … Christopher Luce
PSP Logistics
18 June
Race 12 - Day 3 Pride – Delve Deeper Pride is one of the team values for us on PSP Logistics . It means we are brave,… Dianne Mcgrath
PSP Logistics
29 May
Race 11 - Day 15 The art of hair washing Day 15. It was my day on galley, and this was the day. With a little… Maya Vohrah
PSP Logistics
29 May
Race 11 - Day 22 To quote Robin Williams, “It’s hot. Damn hot!” And with heat comes sweat. Oh, so much sweat… With temperatures down below… Christopher Luce
PSP Logistics
29 May
Race 11 - Day 24 Our watch, the Pacific, came on at noon. With about 47 nautical miles to the Finish Line, a decent breeze… Christopher Luce
PSP Logistics
29 May
Race 11 - Day 18 As we pass through 90 degrees west latitude, we will be three quarters of the way around the world. Roughly… Mark Hagan
PSP Logistics
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