After almost 4,000nm of racing, the decision has been made by the Clipper Race Committee that Race 11: #SailConnected with SENA, will end at Mandatory Finish Gate 2.

With the lead yachts being around 50nm from this Finish Gate, the tension, along with the ever-rising temperature, will be hotting up as teams battle it out for the podium.

Race 11 offers a unique challenge on the circuit, as there are six Mandatory Finish Gates in place along the race route in the run up to the Finish Line. These are in place due to the fickle and ever-lightening breeze as the fleet sails south into the doldrums. Any of the Mandatory Finish Gates could have been selected as a finish line by the Race Committee. This is so the fleet doesn’t end up getting stuck in zero wind and can make its transit through the Panama Canal.

Mark Light, Clipper Race Director, explains: “The decision when to finish Race 11 is always tricky with balancing weather forecasts, distances to go, fuel and motoring capabilities, as well as looking ahead to the likely Panama Canal transit dates and our overall Race Schedule.”

The lead yacht, Ha Long Bay, Viet Nam, is currently just over 50nm from the gate, with Qingdao following closely just a few miles behind. However, with just a 140nm split in the fleet, with some boats further inshore searching for breeze, it’s all to play for right up to the line, and teams will need to focus on perfect helming and trimming all the way to the finish.

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