Hello Team,

How are you this mid-week Wednesday? Do I have some exciting news, it comes from Blighty. Bekezela Crew Supporters have increased in numbers. On Monday a babyzela joined the ranks, having been born 8lbs, and making his grandfather, Chris Hyde, who is slightly more than 8lbs, very emotional. I have dealt with many things at sea, this was a first; dealing with a very emotional, very happy, a Yorkshire man Grandfather! Congratulations from us all.

Recently I have lost my love for sailing, I have found no real enjoyment for sailing on these vast repetitive oceans. Finding ourselves at the back of the fleet once again didn’t help, so overnight on Monday, we gybed and headed off down the coastal route, away from the fleet heading to the Scoring Gate.

Fast forward to Tuesday. I was awoken by #1 just before 08:00 local time, after breakfast. With a mug of D2 (tea) in hand I put my head up the companion way to be greeted by brilliant blue skies, dark navy colour waves, topped with icing white breaking tops rolling up behind us, and to our east in the distance, a long, impressive mountain ridge stretching to infinity. The Code 2 flying, and you could hear the cavitation of the boat accelerating down the waves. Excited crew informed me of the whales, not just one, seen broaching in amongst this vista. This was without question champagne sailing, a prime vintage. A quick chat with the on-deck watch and an agreement reached once we hit a steady true wind speed of 25kts we would drop the Code 2 (middle weight spinnaker) and go to the Yankee 1 as the wind was due to increase to the mid 30kts range, shortly after that.

Target wind speed reached and as we prepared to drop the Code 2, it decided to have a hissy fit, maybe it was enjoying the panorama and didn’t want to leave the party, then as quick as a cork popping out a bottle, it tore itself in two. Half trailing behind the boat and half dancing around like a teenager at a rave at the front. After some brief dynamic problem solving, both parts were recovered and the Yankee 1 hoisted. We then continued, very appropriately to surf our way down the West Coast towards San Francisco. In such an environment, what is there not to love about sailing, and how privileged I am to be able to lead a team that spring into action to sort the situation. Maybe sometimes I forget to live in the moment.

The current north westerly, occasionally north north westerly, fresh breezes are expected to last a couple more days easing as we level with Los Angeles. Without a doubt we will be missing the Code 2 as that happened, however Mistress of Sails, Mel, has already mapped the tear and has a repair plan, but it's going to take time, and a lot of sail repair tape and thread.

In other news, it is with great sadness that Nick (Pomfret) had to step off the boat in Seattle, for family and personal reasons, ending his journey with Bekezela. Nick was a major part of the crew with his infectious smile, fantastic work ethic and love of helming. I for one will miss his chirpy greeting of “All right Guv’nor” and also his company. Nick, you are already missed, and we all wish you well and hope everything is the best it can be in the circumstances.

Now quite often after our evening meal, 8pm boat time, Maisie and I will retire to the Nav Station for a ‘management meeting’. This involves having a bit of a catch up, where #1 brings me up to speed on gossip from across the fleet (the AQP intel network is really quite impressive). We play around on the computer, looking for animal faces in the weather GRIBs, while pretending to seriously look at weather routing and we have a treat. I have discovered Baby Ruths, OMG they are awesome. Now I am not allowed to name who gave Maisie and I a bag of snack/treats for the Nav Station in Seattle, it wasn’t a rule, it was just a strict instruction. But thank you, they know who they are, and some others will guess as well!

Sorry, can’t stop myself using this one. How do you get two whales in a car? Head east from England across the Severn Bridge.

Think that's all for now, standing by this channel.

David, Maisie and surfing Bekezela crew.