Now that we're back into satellite coverage, we can see just how far ahead the southern group of boats got over the couple of days. Well done to Visit Seattle, Unicef, Garmin and Qingdao (morning all!) for staying ahead of the weather front - Nasdaq just didn't make it, so we lost miles whilst slowly getting nowhere.

Oh well - now we just have to fight for the lower positions, and with only 300nm to go it's looking close between the next four boats. Nasdaq just peeled from Code3 (heavyweight spinnaker) to Code 1 (lightweight) in a slowly dying breeze with our sights firmly set on the next race mark off Tory Island.

Still no sign of that bright yellow thing that's sometimes up in the sky - just grey, grey, grey with occasional drizzle. Good thing there's so much on the schedule to look forward to in Derry-Londonderry: drinks, food, music, drinks, sport, drinks, the Foyle Maritime Festival, drinks ... it all promises to live up to the enthusiastic endorsements of previous races.
