I can't say much about the sailing, as we are in Stealth Mode. But I can say this: at some point overnight, we gybed and since then we have been aiming straight for Seattle, hitting the elusive VMG spot. Everybody is having a turn on the helm and is super motivated to be on course, achieving that 100% heading for the finish feeling. I can tell you, on a 5,000-mile cross-ocean trip not an easy feat. Usually, we point in very different directions for a long time before we get to where we want to go. So, when that finally happens, it feels great!

So great that across the boat whispers can be heard of showers, beers, pizza, Netflix and just chilling (not necessarily in that order). You know, the usual stopover stuff that is all much needed after a month at sea. That while we are still more than 500nm out and with the weather feature-who-shall-not-be-named looming between us and the Finish Line. But let's not think about that too much. Just like the previous 5,000 miles, we are taking it one watch at the time and just hope said feature will change its fickle mind and be long gone when we get there. And in the meantime, we will keep hitting 100% VMG spot on. Long may it last.

In non-sailing related news, yesterday I felt I needed to call for a personal hygiene day, as even the normally like fresh linen smelling starboard hallway was smelling..."ripe" shall we say? So clean socks and underwear came out, wet wipes were (ab)used and wet gear went into dry bags. For now, that seems to have improved the situation, although I would not recommend any land dwellers to set foot on Perseverance anytime soon.

And today, on Laura's birthday, we had an amazing happy hour. The sun was out, the kite up and Pippa had made an amazing birthday cake (with boat-made caramelized macadamias on top!) which we had with a glass of Coke. Amazing. And after all that sugar and caffeine we had Perseverance's first ever silent disco, where everybody danced to the song that was stuck in their heads. Trust me, on a boat everybody has a song stuck in their heads. Sometimes for weeks and sometimes multiple, depending on where you are on the boat/what you are doing. The silent disco had 6 dance floors, based on music genre and it might not have been a surprise that the Disco/Pop floor was busiest, although nobody on the EDM/Rock floor was a bit of a surprise. The Chill Lounge was full of people that were too shy to dance.

In anticipation of the dance event, Pippa and I had a cunning plan to plant annoying songs in peoples head, so we had been singing Baby Shark at random times. Well, the joke was on us as we both woke up with that stuck in our heads, so we were relegated to the Kids/Disney dance floor. Now I just need a new tune in my head, soon!

Ineke, Joss and the Sea Dogs enjoying a taste of spring