Race 4 - Day 4
Skipper Report
21 November

Mike Miller
Mike Miller
Team PSP Logistics
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Hi there PSP Logistics watchers.

Wildlife bingo has had a very good 48 hours since our last report. Yesterday afternoon found us watching the salty seadogs of Perseverance on our port side, and two breaching Humpback Whales to our starboard. Apart from sailing too fast, the seadogs did little of note, but the whales were quite spectacular, as they heaved their enormous bodies almost completely out of the water, before crashing back with an almighty splash. For those that don't need their wildlife quite as obvious, we also spotted a shy Albatross (discernible by its grey face), a Pintado Petrel (with startling white splodges all over its black body), and a Spectacled Petrel (with its white glasses on). Oh, and a Southern Right Whale as well. Not quite a full house, but when added to the escort of dolphins out of Table Bay and the glowing bioluminescence splashing over the deck last night, not a bad effort.

In between all this amateur David Attenborough-ing, we have also been doing a bit of sailing. The wind has, exactly as Simon Rowell's huge supercomputer predicted, swung around behind us, and we are surfing down waves, on a flat-ish boat, with speeds in the high teens. Proper champagne sailing, if it wasn't raining! We are still close to the front of the pack, to top it all off. Nice!

Most of our early seasickness seems to have worn off, and the crew (including the many new joiners) are loving being away from land again. They are rising to the small problem-solving opportunities that are presenting themselves (a stuck pump here, a frayed rope there) with aplomb. And speaking of the crew, I must give a quick shout-out to honorary crewmembers Jo and Declan from our sponsors PSP Logistics, with whom we had a fantastic sail in Table Bay and a great booze up afterward. Thank you!

Now, back to chasing down those salty seadogs (and those flying fiends on Zhuhai, who are also a little way ahead!!)

On on!!!

Mike, Lottie and the struggling to concentrate on sailing amongst all the whales crew of PSP Logistics