Hello Qingers!

Hello folks. So, we said it would be Monday before we knew if our route had paid off. Well, yesterday we popped up in second position. Now before we get too excited, the fleet hasn't come together yet so while it looks great at the minute, there's a long way to go and as we converge it may change. However, we are happy with where we are so far and hopefully, we have given ourselves a fighting chance. I hope there are no more fishing boats and nets. No more wind holes would be nice too.

Life on board continues as normal, normal being everyone coming down with coughs and colds. We’re slowly getting over it and getting on with the sailing. Sail changes, reefs in, reefs out. Spinnakers up and spinnakers down all while getting a good soaking, well for those up at the bow anyway!

Last night a tanker passed us just a mile or so away, passing between us and UNICEF with Perseverance not too far off. I'm sure they wondered what was going on, meeting three sailboats mid- Pacific.

Tonight, we should pass the halfway mark of the race and the next milestone not too far off is the International Date Line where we pass from east of the Greenwich Meridian to east.

I’ll leave it here as I’m off to bed for an afternoon nap. Gotta get them in!

Talk soon.

Love to those at home,

Phil, Henry and the dragon riders

Until Race Start : The USA Coast-to-Coast Leg