Hello Qingers!

Well, what’s changed since last we spoke? Not a great deal. We’re still all too close to UNICEF and Perseverance, we’re still in good wind heading the right direction and we’re still sailing as fast as possible. It has however definitely got colder; we’ve seen blue sky for the first time in days and we’ve passed halfway – which is slightly worrying as I’m well over halfway through my personal stash of snacks.

The next few days will give us some changeable weather as we enter a low-pressure system. There’s been lots of debate and indecision on board about whether we attack it from the north or the south. We now have a vague plan and are looking forward to what could be that last low pressure of Race 10. This system’s wind holes, stronger wind, bigger seas and changeable direction will give us and all the other boats plenty of opportunity for position changes.

We have ticked off a second milestone of the race, as well as over halfway, today we crossed the International Date Line - meaning that today is in fact yesterday… weird!

Hopefully as we get a little closer to land, we might see some more wildlife. So far, it’s been limited to albatrosses and swallows.

With still over 2,000 miles to Seattle, we just need to try harder and do better to make sure we come out on top.

Love to those at home,

Henry, Phil and the dragon riders

Until Race Start : The USA Coast-to-Coast Leg