Hello Qingers!

Not much has changed since last we spoke. We’ve been more or less straight line sailing and trying to make best speeds.

We have ticked off the date line and the next obstacle of the course, outside of weather, is the ocean sprint. Now the sprint as we’ve said before doesn’t change how we sail or how fast but may influence routing slightly. So lets keep our fingers crossed that we can make good speed across the 3 degrees of longitude in good time. Given the spread of the fleet the weather for those at the front and those at the back will be quite different so who knows who will benefit best from what is thrown at them.

Meanwhile the chore of plodding upwind into building seas continues, making life difficult for all those on board. All we can do is keep our speeds as high as possible.

With under 2000 miles to Seattle, we just need to keep trying as hard as we can to get the best result we can.

Lastly I’d like to take this opportunity to wish my beautiful daughter, Vicki, a very happy birthday and hope she enjoys her day. Lots of love.

Talk soon.

Love to those at home,

Phil, Henry and the dragon riders

Until Race Start : The USA Coast-to-Coast Leg