Hello Qingers!

We’ve been going upwind since Friday, which means we’ve been living at 45 degrees since Friday. When you’re at 45 degrees it makes as much sense to be walking on the walls as it does the floor. This is novel for the first day, but after that it’s just a chore. Everything from going to the toilet to baking bread becomes more difficult when your whole world is at an angle, jumping off the occasional wave (including typing this blog – chasing the keyboard around the nav station).

This, along with the cold, is making the watches on deck quite tiresome. But the crew have been dealing with it really well and are looking forward to the downwind conditions I keep promising them.

We’re starting to see a little bit of light at the end of the tunnel and talk has already turned to what we’re looking forward to when we get to shore – mine is always the same; beer, burger and shower as close to one another as possible.

That’s all from me this time, I’ll be more chatty when the boat is flatter!

Love to those at home,

Henry, Phil and the dragon riders

Until Race Start : The USA Coast-to-Coast Leg