Hello Qingers!!

We’re still flat and we’re screaming along in the right direction under glorious sunshine! So, life is good! The music is playing on deck and everyone’s wet clothes and sleeping bags have made an appearance in the sunshine to dry off.

We’re definitely starting to count down to Seattle, and Phil and I now see sleep as time travel – we take it in turns going into a temporary cryogenic state and wake up 50-60 miles closer to Seattle – magic! (we can thank the awesome speedy crew on deck for that).

It’s looking like we’ve consistent wind until about 250 miles from the finish where there appears to be a big wind hole which could swallow us up for a day or so… there’s speculation on board that the Race Office have a wind hole button and love pushing it right at the end.

So right now, it's all about finding whatever extra speed we can so we hopefully get a little bit closer to the finish before the wind hole swallows us. If we can get far enough east before the wind hole comes north, then we can avoid the wind shift and the zero wind and hopefully get very light but consistent wind. But as usual the weather is bound to change between now and when we get there, so we’ll see...

In other news we’ve seen our first whales of the leg, a couple of fin whales; and today I learnt we could’ve been eating fresh focaccia bread this whole time.

Love to those at home – or waiting in Seattle,

Henry, Phil and the dragon riders

Until Race Start : The USA Coast-to-Coast Leg