Hello Qingers!

So, followers, what have we had since last time we spoke? A lot of very light to no wind, big fishing fleets with lines of nets laid, and of course we found ourselves along with some others in the middle of it all. As a result, we came out worse for wear and found ourselves at the back of the fleet having been only a couple of miles from those who are now apparently running away with the race.

It's not over yet and we are fighting hard for every metre made over our opposition. We have been making good progress and slowly catching the group in front. As I write we have lost sight of them on AIS and are sailing blind but hope that we have made a good tactical move in splitting from them.

Let's see in a couple of hours how it pans out.

Not too long now until arrivals in Zhuhai, although depending on finish time we may have a wait to get in with the tide.

See some of you in China!

Love to those at home,

Phil, Henry and the dragon riders