There is light at the end of the tunnel!
It has been a true delight over the past few days to turn downwind and sail in beautiful conditions with the kite up, blue skies and sunshine. It feels as though our grey, slamming days are behind us, and the crew have rebooted via solar power, with fun on deck and more comfort down below. We feel blessed to have come this far and are trying to focus on sailing fast for what looks to be a very compressed finish for the whole fleet.
Given the vast array of conditions, routes and challenges we have all faced, it is insane to still be this close, and is a testament to the matched nature of this competitive fleet. There is a lot on the cards for this race, particularly having played our joker. With lots of boats in Stealth Mode, and a looming high pressure between here and Seattle, a lot remains unknown. One thing we do know, is this team have already sailed their way through 5,242 nautical miles of the largest body of water on the planet, and managed some time travel along the way, a huge feat of achievement in itself.
Laura, Dan and a sunkissed team