Well hello everybody,

How’s it going? Life here on board Zhuhai has been fairly uneventful as of late. We elected to go north and now we are plodding that way in bright sunshine, anxiously watching the now rapid progress of the southern fleet! It’s alright though because we have a bold and cunning plan that I think might surprise a few of the other boats and the folks at home, so watch this space! But at the moment we bide our time...

Being heeled over at this angle means that the boat initially looked like a hurricane had passed through a car boot sale, however we adapt and tidy and now things down below are ticking along at their usual steady pace, and crew on deck are enjoying the sunshine. Life is good. There is no denying the next couple of days will be potentially quite a telling moment in the overall race to Seattle, so fingers crossed everybody!

All the best from the crew, Mike and myself