Race 4 - Day 6
Skipper Report
23 November

James Finney
James Finney
Team Zhuhai
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Hello everybody!

Well, it’s been another exciting day or so onboard Zhuhai. Yesterday started with us dropping the spinnaker and replacing it with our Yankee 1 as the wind built past a point that it was sensible to have the kite up. Driving it was becoming increasingly like letting the air out of a balloon, which was relaxing to say the least. The kite came down and was immediately given a health check by our fantastic sail repair team, headed up by Chee Wah Lum and Austin Reynolds, who have worked tirelessly and without complaint (at least not to me) to keep our kites in one piece!

For a period of time, it seemed as if the call might have come a bit early as we floundered in a breeze that was varying wildly in strength and direction. Luckily it built and before too long we were crashing along through a building sea state. The crew getting their first small taste of the large sea state and surfs this leg is renowned for, rising to the challenge wonderfully, and showing a very impressive level of helming across the board. The wind built and the boat speed came with it as night fell, sails were changed, and meals were served, and the crew took it all in their stride. The build increased and with gusts into the 50s things were starting to get a little hairy. Then it died! An incredibly frustrating few hours have followed, with the wind being neither here nor there, and not strong enough, but also a little too strong. There’s a reason that wind power is free!

Still, spirits remain high onboard Zhuhai and we'll crack on with what we've got.

All the best from the crew, Mike and myself