Well, it's fast and furious out here right now. Last night just before it got dark we decided to play it a bit safe by just sailing under yankee and not a kite. We lost a bit of ground but we are all intact and we were still trucking aliong not just getting those top speeds as if we had a kite up.

Today as soon as it was light we hoisted the Code 3, it's been great fun with lots of surfing, right now the swell is picking up again and it's getting a bit tricky again so we only have a few who can drive in these conditions, we are still deciding how long to carry it…

The east scoring gate looks like it's been done and dusted so it's a matter of seeing if anyone more west of us decides to go for it, who knows?

We know we only have this stronger breeze in till about tomorrow morning our time, so trying to hold on for as long as possible, then it becomes a bit ‘all over the shop’ as we head down the coast of the Philippines again, at least it doesn't look to much like the great paddle-athon like our way up and down was previously.

That sounds like the lead into a netflix serial, ‘previously in the Palawan Strait’ - we had boats moving, some boats not moving and some boats seeming to be doing both at the same time. We are now on first name terms with some of the fishermen so it will be good to hear how the wife and kids are, how did little Johnny's ballet lessons go and Tiffany's football match, remember we are on Kevin who is gender neutral.

This has been a great leg, most of the lifers on board have said it’s their favourite race so far, amazing what a bit of wind and different conditions do to everybody's way of thinking.

The next big question is; where next? As it seems the virus is getting worse all over the place, could it be we chuck a u-ey and head back the way we came, or could it be the great south pacific route to the panama canal, a quick dip back down to the southern hemisphere so it’s not headwinds the whole way?

Anyway, time to go surfing on a 70 foot surfboard, whoop whoop! I have a grudge to bear as James just beat my top speed, it hasn't been verified by the speed judge on board i.e. me, but I will give him his moment of glory, I think he was just trying to blow dry his hair personally.

The romance is right here on the ocean now, everybody is loving it.

Love youse all,

Wendo, ‘I’m faster than you James’, and the crew