All Dates
- All Dates
- Last 7 Days
- Last 14 Days
- Last 30 Days
- Last 90 Days
Race 5 Day 8
- All Tags
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- #OfficialSupplier
- #PartnerAnnouncement
- #prizegiving #airliebeach
- #QingdaoAmbassadors
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- #YachtClubPuntaDelEste
- #yachtracingimageawards
- 1080
- 1080 Media
- 1080 Media TV
- 2017-18
- 2019-20
- 2019-20 Crew
- 2019-20 edition
- 2019-20 Race
- 2020-21
- 2021-22
- 2022
- 2023-24
- 20th anniversary
- 25th Anniversary
- 360 Magazine
- 50 Year Anniversary
- 50th Anniversary
- 7 summits 7 seas
- A Passion For Oceans
- Abdelhamid Abouyoussef
- Abell Point Marina
- about the crew
- Achievement
- Activation
- Additional Qualified Person
- Additionally Qualified Person
- Adventure
- Adventure for good
- Airlie
- Airlie Beach
- Albany
- Albert Dock
- Alessando Lombardo
- Alex Thompson
- Alex Thomson
- Algarve
- All Australian Leg
- All-Australian Leg
- Alumni
- Alumni Photo Competition
- Ambassador
- Ambassador applications
- Ambassador Crew
- Ambassador Programme
- Ambassadors
- america
- America's Cup
- Andrew Burns
- Andrew Simpson Sailing Foundation
- Andrew Taylor
- andrewchristian
- Andy Ashman
- Andy Burns
- Ann Adams
- anna siraut
- Anne Hough
- Anniversary
- anniversary ball
- announcement
- antifoul
- Antifouling
- Apply
- appointment
- Arctic
- Arctic sailing
- Arrival
- arrival times
- arrival window
- Arrivals
- Arshia Mahmood
- Ashley Skett
- Asia
- Asia Pacific Leg
- Asia-Pacific Challenge
- Asia-Pacific Leg
- AST Systems
- athlete
- athletes
- Atlantic
- Atlantic Homecoming
- Atlantic Homecoming Leg
- Atlantic Ocean
- Atlantic Trade Winds Leg 1
- ATPI Sports Events
- Auction
- Aulmni
- Australasia
- Australia
- Australia Coast to Coast
- Australia coast-to-coast leg
- Australia Day
- Australia Leg
- Australian Coas-to-Coast leg
- Australian Coast to Coast Leg
- Australian Coast-to-Coast
- Australian Coast-to-coast leg
- Award
- Awards
- badminton
- Bank of China
- barts bash
- Bass Strait
- bay of biscay
- Becky Broudie
- Behind the scenes
- Beijing
- Bekezela
- Belfast
- Bell Harbor
- Bell Harbor Marina
- Ben Ainslie
- Ben Deifel
- Benoit Ansart
- Bermuda
- Bermuda Day
- Berthon International
- Bex Sims
- Beyond the race
- Bible
- Big waves
- Bill Lucas
- Bill Rowntree
- Binlang
- Bio Dyneema
- Birthday
- Blogs
- Bloomberg
- Blue Flag
- Blue Ocean Dockline
- Blue Ocean Range
- Bluewater Classic
- Boat Show
- Boat Songs
- Boat tour
- Bob Beggs
- Bodega Garzon
- Bonus Points
- Book launch
- boot
- Boot Dusseldorf
- Boris Johnson
- Boxing Day
- brand
- Brand Ambassador
- Brazi
- Brazil
- Brendan esposito
- British Embassy Beijing
- broadcast
- Broadstone Adventurer
- Brownies
- Burns Night
- bursary
- bursary scheme
- Business
- California
- Cam McCracken
- Canada
- Canary Islands
- Cape of Storms
- Cape Town
- Cape Verde
- Career
- Career change
- career pathways
- Careers
- Caribbean
- Caribbean Sea
- Carola Göhlich
- Celebration
- celebrations
- Celebrity
- challege
- challenge
- Change Your World
- Changing Tack
- Channel Islands
- Charity
- Charity Partner
- Charlie Garrett
- Charlotte Evans
- Charlotte Garratt
- Charlotte Willis
- Chart
- Chart Co
- ChartCo
- charts
- Cherie Bridges
- China
- China Yachting Association
- Chinese Consulate
- Chinese New Year
- Chris Brooks
- Chris Drummond
- Chris Goodwin
- Chris Harris
- Chris Ingram
- Chris Kobusch
- Chris Rushton
- Chrissie Jackson
- Christmas
- Christmas at sea
- Circumnaviagtor
- Circumnavigater
- Circumnavigaters
- Circumnavigating
- circumnavigation
- Circumnavigator
- Circumnavigator Stories
- circumnavigators
- Clean Ocean
- Clipper 17-18 Race
- Clipper 1998 Race
- Clipper 2011-12 Race
- Clipper 2013-14 Race
- Clipper 2015-16 Race
- Clipper 2017-18 Race
- Clipper 2017-18 Race crew
- Clipper 2017-18 Race Finish
- Clipper 2017-18 Race Skippers
- Clipper 2017-18 Race Start
- Clipper 2017-18 Race Win
- Clipper 201718 Race
- Clipper 2019-20 Crew
- Clipper 2019-20 Race
- Clipper 2019-20 Race Crew
- Clipper 2019-20 Race Restart
- Clipper 2019-20 Race Skipper
- Clipper 2019-20 Race Skippers
- Clipper 2021-22 Race
- Clipper 2023-24
- Clipper 2023-24 Crew
- Clipper 2023-24 Race
- Clipper 2025-26 Race
- Clipper 2027-28 Race
- Clipper 68
- Clipper 7
- Clipper 70
- Clipper 70s
- clipper 96
- Clipper China
- clipper connect
- Clipper Dome
- Clipper Events
- Clipper Race
- clipper race 2023-24
- Clipper Race Alumni
- Clipper Race AQP
- Clipper Race Arrival
- Clipper Race Carnival
- Clipper Race Class
- Clipper Race Coxswain Certificate
- Clipper Race Coxswain Training
- Clipper Race Crew
- Clipper Race Crew Supporters
- Clipper Race Director of Sponsorship
- Clipper Race Finish
- Clipper Race Fleet
- Clipper Race Highlights
- Clipper Race History
- Clipper Race Kitchens
- Clipper Race New Year
- Clipper Race OBR
- Clipper Race Partnerships
- Clipper Race Recruitment
- Clipper Race Skipper
- Clipper Race Skipper line up
- Clipper Race Skippers
- Clipper Race Sponsorship
- Clipper Race Stopover
- Clipper Race Team Partner
- Clipper Race Trophy
- Clipper Race Watch
- Clipper Round the World Yacht Race
- Clipper Telemed+ Tasman Test
- clipper ventures
- Clipper Ventures Australia
- Clipper70
- clipperrace
- ClipperTelemed
- ClipperTelemed+ by PRAXES Medical
- ClipperTelemed+ Tasman Test
- Club
- Coaching
- collision
- Come Sea DC Cup
- Commodores Cup
- Communication
- competition
- Conall Morrison
- Cooking
- Coppercoat
- Coral Sea Marina
- Coral Sea Marina|Resort
- Cork
- Corporate Sail
- Course Amendment
- course extension
- Craig Forsyth
- Crew
- Crew Allocation
- crew blog
- Crew brief
- crew catch up
- crew catchup
- Crew Changeover
- Crew Day
- crew diary
- Crew members
- Crew party
- crew recruitment
- crew reflections
- Crew Stories
- crew story
- Crew Supporters
- crewstory
- Cruising Club of America
- Cultural Experience
- Culture
- Culture Liverpool
- CV26
- Da Nang
- Da Nang - Viet Nam
- Da Nang New Discocvery of Asia Race
- Da Nang New Discovery of Asia Race
- Da Nang Viet Nam
- Da Nang-Viet Nam
- Daily Update
- Daily Updatee
- Daily Updates
- DailyUpdate
- Dale Smyth
- Dan Bodey
- Dan Hardy
- Dan Smith
- Daniel Smith
- Dare To Lead
- Dario Schwendener
- Darren Ladd
- date line
- Dates
- Dave Hartshorn
- David Hartshorn
- David Immelman
- David Laufer
- David Shoulder
- David Wilson
- Day 0
- Day 1
- Day 10
- Day 11
- Day 14
- Day 15
- Day 16
- Day 17
- Day 18
- Day 19
- Day 2
- Day 20
- Day 22
- Day 23
- Day 24
- Day 25
- Day 26
- Day 27
- Day 28
- Day 3
- Day 4
- Day 5
- Day 6
- day 7
- Day 9
- De
- Deckvest VITO
- delivery
- Dell
- Dell Latitude Ocean Sprint
- Dell Latitude Rugged
- Dell Latitude Rugged Ocean Sprint
- Dell Latitude Rugged Race
- Dell Rugged
- Dell Rugged Latitiude
- Dell showcase
- Della
- Della Parsons
- Den Helder
- Den Helder Northern Seas Challenge
- Denis Nikolaytsev
- Departure
- departure day
- Departures
- Deputy Race Director
- Derek Hatfield
- Derry
- Derry City and strabane district council
- Derry City Council
- Derry Londonderry
- Derry Lononderry
- Derry-Londonderry
- Derry~Londonderry
- Derry~Londonderry~Doire
- Development
- Dex
- Diane Reid
- Dilip Donde
- Diversion
- Dmitry Papulin
- Documentary
- dodrums corridor
- Doldrum Corridor
- Doldrums
- Doldrums Corridor
- dolphins
- dome
- Dominic Littlewood
- Donna Von Tunk
- Drag Race
- Draw
- Drifter Buoy
- Dublin
- Duffy Drum
- Dumplings
- Dun Laoghaoire
- Dynamic Dozen
- Dyneema
- Easter
- Economic Impact
- Economics
- Elena Lee
- Ellen O'Brien
- Elliot Brown
- Elliot Brown Ocean Sprint
- Elliot Brown Timekeeper Cup
- Emily Dixon
- Emily Woodason
- endurance
- Environment
- episode
- Episode 5
- Equator
- equator cossing
- Equator Crossing
- Eric Holden
- Erik Hellstrom
- Estimated Arrival Times
- ETAs
- Ethan Stowell
- event
- Eventing
- Events
- Exclusion Zone
- Exercise Program
- Expedition sailing
- Experiential Events
- extreme
- Family
- Fan
- Fastnet
- Fastnet Race
- Father and Son
- Female Skippers
- fifth place
- filming
- Final Race
- Finale
- Finish line
- Finisterre
- Fiona Bond
- First Mate
- first place
- Fleet arrivals
- Fleet Etas
- Fleet Partner
- Fog
- Food
- Forecasting
- forever tropical paradise
- Forever Tropical Paradise Race
- Forever Tropical Paridise Race
- Fortune Magazine
- Fox Sports
- Foyle Maritime Festival
- France
- Fremantle
- Fremantle Sailing Club
- French Release
- friends and family
- Fundraising
- Fundrasing
- Future crew
- Future Crew Friday
- Gabrielle Barthelemy
- Gaëtan Thomas
- Galway
- Game
- Garmin
- Garmin American Challenge
- garmin challenge
- Garmin VIRB
- Garry Millar
- Garzon
- Gavin Reid
- Geneva Boat Show
- George Dawson
- Gerardo Injoque
- Germany
- Gerry Glover
- Gerry Roufs Trophy
- Gillian Donald
- givergy
- Global
- Global Audience
- Global Medical Emergency Support Partner
- Go To Bermuda
- Gold
- Gold Coast Australia
- Golden Globe
- Golden Globe Race
- gosport
- GoToBermuda
- GoToBurmuda
- Graham Hill
- Grahame Robb Associates
- GREAT Britain
- GREAT Britain campaign
- GREAT Britain summary
- GREAT Brtiain
- GREAT campaign
- greencastle
- Greenings
- Greenwich
- Greg Miller
- Grey Power
- Guernesey
- Guido Rispoli
- Gulf Stream
- Gunwharf Quays
- Guy Waites
- Guylaine Chapdelaine
- Ha Long Bay
- Ha Long Bay Viet Nam
- Ha Long Bay Vietnam
- Hamble School of Yachting
- Hamilton Island Race Week
- Han Kim
- Han van Roosmalen
- Harken
- Heart of the Great Barrier Reef
- Heart of the Great Barrier Reef Race
- Heather Broadbent
- Heavy weather
- Helm
- Helming
- Henri Lloyd
- Henri Lloyd Hobart to Airlie Beach
- Henri Lloyd Hobart to Whitsundays race
- Highlights
- Hill Dickinson
- History
- Hobart
- Hobart arrivals
- Hobart to Whitsundays
- Hockey
- Holland
- Home Port
- Homecoming
- Homecoming Leg
- hometeam
- Host Port
- Host Port Partner
- Hotel Planner
- Hugo Picard
- Hull Wrap
- Hundred Years Cup
- Hungary
- Hungry
- Huw Fernie
- hyatt
- Hyde
- Hyde Sails
- Ian Wang
- Ian Wiggin
- IchorCoal
- Iconic Races
- igor gotlibovych
- Imagine your korea
- In Pictures
- Ina Baum
- India
- Industry News
- Ineke
- Ineke Van Der Weijden
- Ineos Team UK
- Injury
- insights
- Inspiration
- inspirational women
- International
- International Business Festival
- International Date Line
- International Woman's Day
- International Women's Day
- Invest Africa
- Invictus
- Invictus Games
- Invictus Games 2018 Down Under
- Invictus Games 2018 Game On
- Invictus Games Sydney 2018 GAME ON
- Invictus Sydney Hobart
- Ireland
- Irish Sailor of the Year
- Irish Sea
- Isibindi Safe Park
- It's More Fun in the Philippines
- IWD2021
- IWD2024
- Jamaica
- Jan Banfield
- Janette Potgieter
- Japan
- Jasmine Morris
- Jean-Christophe Novelli
- Jenny Hall
- Jermonimo
- Jerome Riga
- Jeronimo
- Jeronimo Santos Gonzalaz
- Jeronimo Santos Gonzalez
- Jeronimo Santos-Gonzalez
- Jerry Stokes
- Jilly St John
- Jim Prendergast
- Joanna Mann
- job
- Jobs
- John Charles
- John Dawson
- join the race
- Jonathan Levy
- Jonathan Retirement
- Jose Aldo
- Josh Stickland
- Junior Crew Supporters
- Justin Heiner
- Justin Taylor
- Kate Holling
- Kiki Kettunan
- King Neptune
- Kit
- Knockdown
- Knox-Johnston cup
- Korea
- Korean New Year
- Kristi Wilson
- Lakewood Hill
- Lakewood Hills
- Lance Shepherd
- Larry Garner
- last ocean crossing
- Laura Hampton
- Laura Mark Jensen
- Lauren Blunt
- Le Mans
- Le Mans start
- leaderboard
- Leadership
- Learn to sail
- Lebalang Molobele
- lebanon
- Led 5
- Lee Callaghan
- Lef 4
- Leg 1
- Leg 1 Arrivals
- Leg 2
- Leg 3
- Leg 3 day 6
- leg 4
- Leg 4 Wrap
- Leg 4: Australian Coast-to-Coast leg
- Leg 5
- Leg 6
- Leg 7
- Leg 8
- Leg1
- Legend
- LegendDerry Finale
- LegenDerry
- LegenDerry finale
- LegenDerry Maritime Festival
- LegenDerry Race
- Les Perry
- Level 4
- Level 4 Training
- Liberty Landing Marina
- Life Jacket
- Lifejacket
- Lifejackets
- light parade
- Lightning
- Linda McDavitt
- Line Honours
- Lisa Blair
- Lisa Pover
- Live Stream
- Liverpool
- Liverpool 2018
- Liverpool Delivery
- Liverpool Economic Impact
- Liverpool Vice Mayor
- Liyaba Rainbow Foundation
- LMAX Exchange
- LMAX Exchange - Race of the Americas
- Lockdown
- Logistics
- London
- London Boat Show
- London's Royal Docks
- londonderry
- Lovie Awards
- Lucia Feltz
- Lunar new year
- Maéva Bardy
- Maintainance
- Maintanance
- Maintenance Team
- Maisie Bristow
- man overboard
- Mandatory Gate
- Marie Greer
- Marie O'Riley
- Marina de Portimão
- Marinas
- Marine Travel
- Mark
- Mark Burkes
- Mark Light
- Mark Pollard
- marketing
- MarketSite
- Marlow
- Marlow Ropes
- Marlow Ropes Southern Ocean Sleigh Ride
- Marlow Southern Ocean Sleigh Ride
- Marta Michalska
- Martin Clough
- Martin Frey
- Mary King
- Mast
- Mates
- Matt Mitchell
- Matthew Ogg
- Max Stunell
- MaxSea
- mayor
- Medevac
- Media
- Media prize
- Medic
- Medical
- Meet Ocean Racer
- meet our crew
- Meet the ambassador
- meet the crew
- Meet the Supporters
- Meet the Team
- meetthecrew
- Melanie Morris
- Merchandise
- Meteorologist
- Meteorology
- Mexico
- Mia Hartwell
- Mia Showell-Woodsmith
- Michael berry
- Michael Richman
- Mick Pattni
- Might Pacific
- Mighty Pacific
- Mighty Pacific Leg
- Mike Miller
- Mike Petrie
- Mike Shoulder
- Mike Surridge
- Minh An
- Mirabaud Sailing Awards
- Mirabaud Sailing Video Award
- Mirabaud Sailing Video Awards
- Mission Peformance
- Mission Performance
- Mother's Day
- motoring
- MTA7 Global Alliance
- Music
- Musto
- My Story
- MyStory
- Naming ceremony
- Nasdaq
- Nasdaq Race
- Nashan
- Nassor El Mahruki
- Nathan Robertson
- National Maritime Museum Cornwall
- National Yacht Club
- nature
- Nautical Channel
- Nav Station
- Navigation
- Navigation Software
- Neptune Ceremony
- Netherlands
- Networking
- new director
- New Jersey
- new kit
- new starter
- New Year
- New Year's Eve
- New York
- New York Arrivals
- New York to Derry Londonderry
- New Yorkers
- New Zealand
- Newcastle
- news
- Nick Leggatt
- Nicky Miller
- Nicola Edwards
- Nicola Harford
- Nicola Henderson
- Nigel Gale
- Nigel Holcombe
- Nikki
- Nikki Henderson
- Nobeltec
- North America
- North Atlantic
- North Atlantic Ocean
- North Pacific
- North Pacific Heart
- North Pacific Ocean
- North Pacific Race
- northern hemisphere
- Northern Ireland
- Northern Ireland Tourism NITA Awards
- Notice of Race
- Number 10
- Oban
- OBR Blogs
- OBRs
- Ocean Acidification
- Ocean crossing
- Ocean emotions
- Ocean Health
- Ocean Race
- Ocean Racing
- Ocean Safety
- Ocean Sailing
- Ocean Sprint
- Ocean Sprint Results
- Official Antifoul Supplier
- Official Branding Partner
- Official Race Charity
- Official Sail Partner
- Official Standing Rigging Partner
- Official Supplier
- Official Suppliers
- Official Timekeeper
- Official Wine Partner
- Old Pulteney
- Olivier Cardin
- Ollie Phillips
- Olympian
- olympians
- Olympics
- on board reporter
- On board reporters
- one year on
- OneDLL
- Open Boat
- Open Boat Tour
- Open Boat Tours
- Open boats
- Opening Bell
- opening ceremony
- Our Isles and Oceans
- Outstanding seamanship award
- Overall winner
- Pacific
- Pacific Ocean
- Pampero wind
- Panama
- Panama Canal
- Panama Cup
- Panama to New York
- Papua New Guinea
- parade of sail
- Paralympian
- Partner
- partners
- Partnership
- Partnerships
- pathways
- Paul Bidwell
- Penalties
- Penalty
- penalty points
- Perseverance
- Peter Thornton
- phenomenal sea state
- Philippines
- Phillipines
- Photo
- Photo competition
- Photo Competiton
- Photo Finish
- Photography
- photos
- Piriapolis
- Podium
- podium finish
- podium winners
- Poem
- Pollywogs
- Port of Seattle
- Portimão
- Portsmouth
- Portsmouth-Puerto Sherry
- Portugal
- PR
- Prashant De
- PRAXES Medical
- prep day
- Prep week
- Presentation
- Preview
- Prime Minister
- Private charter
- Prize Giving
- Prize-giving
- Prizegiving
- professional sailor
- PSP Logisitics
- PSP Logistcs
- PSP Logistics
- PSP Logistics Panama Cup
- Public Vote
- Puerto Sherry
- Punta del Este
- PuntaDelEste
- Punte del Este
- Qingdao
- Qingdao Ambassador
- Qingdao Arrivals
- Qingdao Prize Giving
- Qingdao Sailing City
- Qingdao Stopover
- Qingdao to Seattle
- Qinhungdao
- Quebec
- Quebec Sailing Federation
- Queenie Wang
- Race 1
- Race 10
- Race 10 Day 10
- Race 10 Day 11
- Race 10 Day 12
- Race 10 Day 13
- Race 10 Day 14
- Race 10 Day 4
- Race 10 Day 6
- Race 10 Day 7
- Race 10 Day 8
- Race 10: The Garmin Atlantic Challenge
- Race 11
- Race 11 Finish
- Race 11 Seattle Pacific
- Race 12
- Race 12 Come See DC Cup
- Race 12 Day 10
- Race 12 Day 15
- Race 12 LegenDerry Race
- Race 12 start
- Race 12: GoToBermuda
- Race 13
- Race 14
- Race 15
- Race 2
- Race 2 arrivals
- Race 2 Day 10
- Race 2 Day 13
- Race 2 Day 15
- Race 2 day 19
- Race 2 Day 20
- Race 2 day 21
- Race 2 Day 23
- Race 2 Day 5
- Race 2 day 9
- Race 2 Preview
- Race 2: Hundred Years Cup
- Race 2: Stormhoek Race to Cape of Storms
- Race 2: The Commodore's Cup
- Race 3
- Race 3 day 12
- Race 3 day 17
- Race 3 Day 2
- Race 3 Day 3
- Race 3 Day 4
- Race 3 Day 5
- Race 3 Day 6
- Race 3 Finish
- Race 3: The Elliot Brown Timekeeper Cup
- Race 3: The Wardan Whip
- Race 3: The Warden Whip
- Race 3: TIMEZERO South Atlantic Showdown
- Race 4
- Race 4 Day 10
- Race 4 Day 12
- Race 4 Day 15
- Race 4 Day 19
- Race 4 Day 25
- Race 4 Day 3
- Race 4 Day 6
- Race 4 Day 8
- Race 4 Day 9
- Race 4: Elliot Brown Timekeeper Cup
- Race 4: The Elliot Brown Timekeeper Cup
- Race 5
- Race 5 Day 2
- Race 5 Day 7
- Race 5 Day 8
- Race 5 Day 9
- Race 5: Sta Lok Endurance Test
- Race 6
- Race 6 Day 10
- Race 6 Day 5
- Race 6 Day 9
- Race 6: The Wondrous Whitsundays Race
- Race 7
- Race 7 Day 0
- Race 7 Day 1
- Race 7 Day 10
- Race 7 Day 13
- Race 7 day 2
- Race 7 Day 3
- Race 7 Day 4
- Race 7 Day 6
- Race 7 Day 7
- Race 7 Finish
- Race 8
- Race 8: The Sailing City • Qingdao Cup
- Race 9
- Race 9 Day 10
- Race 9 Day 11
- Race 9 Day 16
- Race 9 Day 17
- Race 9 Day 18
- Race 9 Day 6
- Race Committee
- Race Conditions
- Race Crew
- Race Crew Supporters
- race dates
- Race Departure
- Race Director
- Race Director Report
- Race finish
- Race Fleet
- Race highlights
- Race milestone
- Race of the Americas
- Race of Their Lives
- Race of Their Lives 2
- Race of Their Lives 3
- Race of your life
- Race of Your Lives 2
- race office
- Race prep
- Race Prep Week
- Race Preview
- Race Re-start
- Race Recap
- Race Reflections
- Race Report
- race restart
- Race Sart
- Race Skipper
- race standings
- Race Start
- Race Teams
- Race to the Cape of Storms
- Race to the Emerald City
- Race tracker
- Race Update
- Race Updates
- Race viewer
- Race Village
- Race win
- Race winner
- Race Winners
- race wrap up
- race1
- Race3 Day 7
- Race4
- Race: Stormhoek Race to Cape of Storms
- races
- raceviewer
- Racing
- Racing for Chrissie
- Rainbow Foundation
- Reason to race
- record
- Record Breaking
- recruitment
- Red Socks
- Redress
- Refit
- Reflections
- Regatta
- Regina Lee
- rescue
- Restart
- Results
- Rich Edwards
- Rich Gould
- Richard Petrie
- Rick Powell
- Rigging
- Rio
- Rio de Janeiro
- Rio start
- Roaring forties
- Rob Graham
- Robin Knox-Johnston
- Rod Stephens Trophy
- Roger Daltrey
- Roles
- Rolex Fastnet Race
- Rolex Sailor of the Year
- Rolex Sydney Hobart Race
- Rolex Sydney Hobart Yacht Race
- Rolex Sydney-Hobart Race
- Rolex World Sailor of the Year
- Root Sports
- Ropes
- Roseann McGlinchey
- Ross Ham
- Round the Island
- Round the Island Race
- Round the worder
- round the world
- Round the World Crew
- Round the worlders
- Route du Rhum
- rowing
- Roy Taylor
- Royal Albert Dock
- Royal Albert Dock Liverpool
- Royal Albert Docks
- Royal Docks
- Royal Naval Reserve
- Royal Navy
- RTW crew
- Rudder Damage
- Ruth Charles
- RYA Scotland
- Ryan
- Ryan Gibson
- Sabbatical
- Safety
- Sail
- Sail Canada
- Sail Training
- sailconnected
- Sailing
- Sailing Adventure
- Sailing Award
- sailing career
- Sailing Careers
- Sailing City
- Sailing City • Qingdao Cup
- Sailing Industry
- Sailing Instructions
- Sailing School
- Sailing Today
- Sails
- Saint Malo
- San Francisco
- San Francisoo
- Santa
- Santander
- Sanya
- Sanya Ambassador
- Sanya Ambassadors
- Sanya Arrivals
- Sanya highlights
- Sanya Serenity Coast
- Sanya Serenity Coast highlights
- Sanya Serenity Coast Marina
- Sanya Stopover
- Sanya Tropical Paradise Race
- sapinda
- Sapinda Rainbow
- Sapinda Rainbow Foundation
- Sara McBride
- Sarah Addison
- Sarah Young
- SarahWorby
- satellite communications
- School Holidays
- school visit
- Scoring Gate
- Scotland
- Scottish
- sea life
- Seahawks
- Sean McCarter
- Seatle Pacific Challenge
- Seattle
- Seattle Arrivals
- seattle pacific challenge
- seattle sports commission
- seattle stopover
- Seattle to Panama
- Second place
- Sena
- September 2022
- Serenity Marina
- Series
- Seumas Kellock
- Shark
- Sheila Richards
- Shellbacks
- Shona Davis
- showers
- sign up
- Simon DuBois
- Simon Parker
- Simon Rowell
- Simon Speirs
- Simone Talfourd
- Sinead Diver
- Singapore
- Sir Ben Ainslie
- Sir Chris Bonington
- Sir Robin
- Sir Robin Knox Johnston
- Sir Robin Knox-Johnston
- Skiing
- Skipper
- Skipper 2023-24
- Skipper announcement
- Skipper Preview
- skipper recruitment
- Skipper thoughts
- skippers
- Skippers thoughts
- Skirr
- Skirr Adventures
- sky sports show
- Sleigh Ride
- slider
- Slipping Lines
- social spirit
- social spirit award
- solo
- solo race
- Solo Sailing
- Sophia Mueller
- Sophie Cross
- South Africa
- South Altantic
- South American Host Port
- South Atlantic
- South Atlantic Challenge
- South Atlantic Ocean
- South China Sea
- South East Asia
- south korea
- Southend
- Southerly Buster
- Southern Hemisphere
- Southern Ocean
- spain
- Spectator
- Spectator Boat
- Spectator Boats
- Spinlock
- Spinlock South Atlantic Shakedown
- Spinlock South Atlantic Showdowm
- Spinlock South Atlantic Showdown
- Spinnaker Wrap
- Sponsor
- Sponsorship
- Sportel Awards
- SportsPro Live
- Spotify Playlist
- Spring Festival
- Sprint Finish
- Squall
- squalls
- St Katharine Docks
- St Kats
- St.Katharine Docks
- Sta Lok
- Sta-Lok
- Sta-Lok Endurance Test
- Stalock
- Stalok
- Standing Rigging
- StayConnected
- Stealth
- Stealth Mode
- Steve Depew
- Steven Smith
- Stian Tønnesen
- Sticky
- stopover
- Stopover Preview
- Stopover wrap
- stopovers
- Storm
- Stormhoek
- Stormhoek Race to the Cape of Storms
- Stormhoek Social Spirit
- stormhoek social spirit award
- Stormhoek Wine
- Stormhoek Wines
- storms
- Strictly Sail Pacific
- Stuart Mace
- subic bay
- Suhaili
- Sunday Times Golden Globe
- Supplier
- Supporters
- Susan Went
- Sustainability
- Switzerland
- Sydney
- Sydney Harbour
- Sydney Hobart
- Sydney Hobart Race
- Sydney Hobart Yacht Race
- Sydney to Hobart
- tactics
- Talisker Whisky Atlantic Challenge
- Talk
- Talks
- Tall Ships Festival
- Tasmania
- Team
- Team Building
- Team Dan
- team darren
- Team development
- Team Gaetan
- team highlights
- Team Huw
- Team Max
- Team Olivier
- Team Partner
- Team Prtner
- Team Sponsor
- Team Supporter
- teamArchie
- Teams
- Technical Clothing Partner
- Telegraph Outdoor Adventure and Camping Show
- Telegraph Outdoor and Adventure Camping Show
- Television
- Terri Fisher
- Thames
- Thanksgiving
- The All Australian Leg
- The All-Australian Leg
- The Atlantic Trade Winds Leg
- The Australian Coast to Coast Leg
- The Australian Coast-to-Coast
- The Commodore's Cup
- The Da Nang New Discovery of Asia Race
- The Forever Tropical Paradise Race
- The Garmin American Challenge
- The Lakewood Hills Race
- The LMAX Exchange – RACE of THE AMERICAS
- the marine travel company
- The Netherlands
- The Philippines
- The Sailing City • Qingdao Cup
- The Sailing City • Qingdao Cup Prize-Giving
- The Seattle Pacific Challenge
- The Spinlock South Altantic CHallenge
- The Unstoppable Journey
- The Wardan Whip
- The Whitsundays
- The Wondrous Whitsundays Race
- third place
- Thomas Blunt
- Thrill ride
- Throwback Thursday
- Tickets
- Time Penalty
- Timekeeper
- Times Square
- Timothy Morgan
- Tom
- Tom Fisher
- tom way
- Toni Wilson
- Tornado
- Tourism
- Tours
- Tower Bridge
- trade
- Trade Winds
- tradewinds
- Training
- Training academy
- Training programme
- Transatlantic
- Transatlantic Race
- transfer
- Travel
- Travel Supplier
- Tri-Race
- Tristan Brooks
- tropical
- Tropics
- TV
- TV Documentary
- tv series
- tv show
- twentieth anniversary
- Two Oceans Aquarium
- UK
- UK and Ireland
- UK China Sailing Industry
- UK Government
- Ukraine
- Uncief
- Unicef UK
- Upwind Sailing
- Urafarma
- Uruguay
- USA Coast-to-Coast Leg
- V&A Waterfront
- Vendee 2020
- Vendee Globe
- Vendée Globe
- Vice Mayor
- Vicky Song
- Victor Ansart
- Victualler
- Victualling; Behind the scenes
- Video
- Videographer
- Viet Nam
- Vietnam
- Vietnamese New Year
- Virtual Clipper Race
- Virtual Ice Limit
- Virtual Race
- Virtual Regatta
- Visit Sanya
- Visit Sanya China
- visit seatte
- Visit Seattle
- Visits
- visitsanya
- VisitSeattle
- Voice of the community
- Volvo Ocean Race
- Voting
- WAExpo
- Wales
- Wanda Marina
- Wanda Yacht Club
- Wardan Whip
- Warriors
- Washington
- Washington DC
- Watch
- Watch Live
- Watch My Story
- Watch System
- Watches
- watermaker
- Waterproof Festival
- Waves
- weather
- Weather conditons
- Weather Update
- Website
- Welcome
- Wen Shuo Fan
- Wendo
- Wendy Tuck
- West Coast
- Western Australia
- Whale
- What's On
- Whitsundays
- Whitsundays Clipper Race Carnival
- Why sign up
- Wildlife
- Willemsoord
- William Ward
- Win
- wind
- Wind Hole
- windhole
- windholes
- Windward Passage
- Winner
- Winner Story
- Winners
- Winning Skipper
- Women
- women in sailing
- Women in sport
- women racing
- Women's Sport Week
- Wonderous Whitsundays
- Wonderous Whitsundays Race
- Wondrous Whitsundays
- Wondrous Whitsundays Race
- work
- World Oceans Day
- World Sailing
- World Sailor of the year
- World Willdlife Day
- WTC Logistics
- Yacht Arrivals
- Yacht Branding
- Yacht Club Punta del Este
- Yacht Club Punte del Este
- Yacht Logistics
- Yacht Race
- yacht racing forum
- Yacht tour
- Yachting Journalists' Association
- Yachtmaster Offshore
- Yachtsman of the Year
- Youngest Race Crew
- your next chapter
- Youth Development
- Zhang Shan
- Zhuhai
- Zhuhai Ammbassador
- Future Crew Catch Up
All Teams
- All Teams
- Bekezela
- Dare to Lead
- Ha Long Bay Viet Nam
- Our Isles and Oceans
- Perseverance
- PSP Logistics
- Qingdao
- Washington, DC
- Yacht Club Punta del Este
- Zhuhai
All Races
- All Races
- Leg 1: Race 1 - Portsmouth, United Kingdom - Puerto Sherry, Spain
- Leg 1: Race 2 - Puerto Sherry, Spain - Punta del Este, Portugal
- Leg 2: Race 3 - Punta del Este, Uruguay - Cape Town, South Africa
- Leg 3: Race 4 - Cape Town, South Africa - Fremantle, Australia
- Leg 4: Race 5 - Fremantle, Australia - Newcastle, Australia
- Leg 5: Race 6 - Newcastle, Australia - Whitsundays, Australia
- Leg 5: Race 7 - Whitsundays, Australia - Ha Long Bay, Viet Nam
- Leg 5: Race 8 - Ha Long Bay, Viet Nam - Zhuhai, China
- Leg 6: Race 9 - Zhuhai, China - Qingdao, China
- Leg 6: Race 10 - Qingdao, China - Seattle, USA
- Leg 7: Race 11 - Seattle, USA - Panama
- Leg 7: Race 12 - Panama - Washington DC, USA
- Leg 8: Race 13 - Washington DC, USA - Oban, Scotland
- Leg 8: Race 14 - Oban, Scotland - Portsmouth, United Kingdom
- Leg 8: Race 15 - SPARE RACE