The race is on for the finish and we are neck and neck with Liverpool 2018 as I imagine you already know. What you don’t know is, we are trucking along in fog, all eyes peeled, fog horn at the ready, but for once we have no fishing boats creating mischief.

Last night we had some rudder issues - things got caught round one that had no business to be there, so another trip over the side for a bit of abseiling… all clear now, so all good.

We are racing against a wind hole as the wind is forecast to die out right near the finish. This yacht racing malarkey is tough sometimes, no pretty much all the time, but that’s what makes it so interesting. Keep your fingers and everything else crossed for us folks - we need every bit of push we can get.

So, this upwind race has been a non-upwind race except for about 48 hours, if only we had a crystal ball.

I had the best news ever yesterday, the hotel I will be staying in has a giant tub, so I have a date with a bottle of wine, tub and a movie all at the same time.

I’m about to send off my last req's list to stores. Top on the list is bits for me, as I need to replace a few tired and worn out bits.

We are all looking forward to that cold arrival beer (wine for me).

I think maybe in the interests of looking after the crew we should do what the local fishermen do here, fish all night, drop the pick and sleep during the day. Think that would work a treat.

Anyways, thanks for reading and supporting us and catch you on the other side.If we are still out here tomorrow in a wind hole, I will write tomorrow’s blog now: “We are still out here in a wind hole…”

The serenity is a bit foggy here.

Love youse all.