We have had some coverage issues with our sat-comms the last two days and
it has just come back online (knowing the Clipper Race Office, they probably sent Tim and Blake into
space to fix it!).
It's been interesting racing with no idea of other boats
locations and also no up to date weather but in a way quite nice to be sailing
"old school" and just focused on good boat performance and logical
While we have been gone, we went through our Elliot Brown Ocean Sprint so who knows
what those results will be as i think we all went through some kind of weather
transition during it. Not far at all to Derry-Londonderry now and it seems hard to believe
that our final ocean crossing is almost over.
It's hard to explain with the
obvious excitement of seeing family and the comforts of home that there is
almost an air of sadness on board, a sadness perhaps that we will re-domesticate
ourselves and leave these wild watery wastes for a while and once again become
land creatures.