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  • Australian Coast-to-coast leg
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  • Doldrums Corridor
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  • Emily Woodason
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  • Equator Crossing
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  • Erik Hellstrom
  • Estimated Arrival Times
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  • ETAs
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  • garmin challenge
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  • Gerry Roufs Trophy
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  • Golden Globe Race
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  • GREAT Britain campaign
  • GREAT Britain summary
  • GREAT Brtiain
  • GREAT campaign
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  • Ha Long Bay Vietnam
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  • Hamilton Island Race Week
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  • Han van Roosmalen
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  • Heart of the Great Barrier Reef Race
  • Heather Broadbent
  • Heavy weather
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  • Helming
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  • Henri Lloyd Hobart to Airlie Beach
  • Henri Lloyd Hobart to Whitsundays race
  • Highlights
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  • Hobart to Whitsundays
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  • International Women's Day
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  • Invictus Games 2018 Game On
  • Invictus Games Sydney 2018 GAME ON
  • Invictus Sydney Hobart
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  • Janette Potgieter
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  • Jeronimo
  • Jeronimo Santos Gonzalaz
  • Jeronimo Santos Gonzalez
  • Jeronimo Santos-Gonzalez
  • Jerry Stokes
  • Jilly St John
  • Jim Prendergast
  • Joanna Mann
  • job
  • Jobs
  • John Charles
  • John Dawson
  • join the race
  • Jonathan Levy
  • Jonathan Retirement
  • Jose Aldo
  • Josh Stickland
  • Junior Crew Supporters
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  • Justin Taylor
  • Kate Holling
  • Kiki Kettunan
  • King Neptune
  • Kit
  • Knockdown
  • Knox-Johnston cup
  • Korea
  • Korean New Year
  • Kristi Wilson
  • Lakewood Hill
  • Lakewood Hills
  • Lance Shepherd
  • Larry Garner
  • last ocean crossing
  • Laura Hampton
  • Laura Mark Jensen
  • Lauren Blunt
  • Le Mans
  • Le Mans start
  • leaderboard
  • Leadership
  • Learn to sail
  • Lebalang Molobele
  • lebanon
  • Led 5
  • Lee Callaghan
  • Lef 4
  • Leg 1
  • Leg 1 Arrivals
  • Leg 2
  • Leg 3
  • Leg 3 day 6
  • leg 4
  • Leg 4 Wrap
  • Leg 4: Australian Coast-to-Coast leg
  • Leg 5
  • Leg 6
  • Leg 7
  • Leg 8
  • Leg1
  • Legend
  • LegendDerry Finale
  • LegenDerry
  • LegenDerry finale
  • LegenDerry Maritime Festival
  • LegenDerry Race
  • Les Perry
  • Level 4
  • Level 4 Training
  • Liberty Landing Marina
  • Life Jacket
  • Lifejacket
  • Lifejackets
  • light parade
  • Lightning
  • Linda McDavitt
  • Line Honours
  • Lisa Blair
  • Lisa Pover
  • Live Stream
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  • Liverpool 2018
  • Liverpool Delivery
  • Liverpool Economic Impact
  • Liverpool Vice Mayor
  • Liyaba Rainbow Foundation
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  • LMAX Exchange - Race of the Americas
  • Lockdown
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  • London's Royal Docks
  • londonderry
  • Lovie Awards
  • Lucia Feltz
  • Lunar new year
  • Maéva Bardy
  • Maintainance
  • Maintanance
  • Maintenance Team
  • Maisie Bristow
  • man overboard
  • Mandatory Gate
  • Marie Greer
  • Marie O'Riley
  • Marina de Portimão
  • Marinas
  • Marine Travel
  • Mark
  • Mark Burkes
  • Mark Light
  • Mark Pollard
  • marketing
  • MarketSite
  • Marlow
  • Marlow Ropes
  • Marlow Ropes Southern Ocean Sleigh Ride
  • Marlow Southern Ocean Sleigh Ride
  • Marta Michalska
  • Martin Clough
  • Martin Frey
  • Mary King
  • Mast
  • Mates
  • Matt Mitchell
  • Matthew Ogg
  • Max Stunell
  • MaxSea
  • mayor
  • Medevac
  • Media
  • Media prize
  • Medic
  • Medical
  • Meet Ocean Racer
  • meet our crew
  • Meet the ambassador
  • meet the crew
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  • meetthecrew
  • Melanie Morris
  • Merchandise
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  • Meteorology
  • Mexico
  • Mia Hartwell
  • Mia Showell-Woodsmith
  • Michael berry
  • Michael Richman
  • Mick Pattni
  • Might Pacific
  • Mighty Pacific
  • Mighty Pacific Leg
  • Mike Miller
  • Mike Petrie
  • Mike Shoulder
  • Mike Surridge
  • Minh An
  • Mirabaud Sailing Awards
  • Mirabaud Sailing Video Award
  • Mirabaud Sailing Video Awards
  • Mission Peformance
  • Mission Performance
  • MOB
  • Mother's Day
  • motoring
  • MTA7 Global Alliance
  • Music
  • Musto
  • MyStory
  • Naming ceremony
  • Nasdaq
  • Nasdaq Race
  • Nashan
  • Nassor El Mahruki
  • Nathan Robertson
  • National Maritime Museum Cornwall
  • National Yacht Club
  • nature
  • Nautical Channel
  • Neptune Ceremony
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  • new starter
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  • New Year's Eve
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  • New York Arrivals
  • New York to Derry Londonderry
  • New Yorkers
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  • news
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  • Nicky Miller
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  • Nicola Harford
  • Nicola Henderson
  • Nigel Gale
  • Nigel Holcombe
  • Nikki
  • Nikki Henderson
  • Nobeltec
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  • North Atlantic Ocean
  • North Pacific
  • North Pacific Heart
  • North Pacific Ocean
  • North Pacific Race
  • northern hemisphere
  • Northern Ireland
  • Northern Ireland Tourism NITA Awards
  • Notice of Race
  • Number 10
  • Oban
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  • OBR Blogs
  • OBRs
  • Ocean Acidification
  • Ocean crossing
  • Ocean emotions
  • Ocean Health
  • Ocean Race
  • Ocean Racing
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  • Ocean Sailing
  • Ocean Sprint
  • Ocean Sprint Results
  • Official Antifoul Supplier
  • Official Branding Partner
  • Official Race Charity
  • Official Sail Partner
  • Official Standing Rigging Partner
  • Official Supplier
  • Official Suppliers
  • Official Timekeeper
  • Official Wine Partner
  • Old Pulteney
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  • Ollie Phillips
  • Olympian
  • olympians
  • Olympics
  • on board reporter
  • On board reporters
  • one year on
  • OneDLL
  • Open Boat
  • Open Boat Tour
  • Open Boat Tours
  • Open boats
  • Opening Bell
  • opening ceremony
  • Our Isles and Oceans
  • Outstanding seamanship award
  • Overall winner
  • Pacific
  • Pacific Ocean
  • Pampero wind
  • Panama
  • Panama Canal
  • Panama Cup
  • Panama to New York
  • Papua New Guinea
  • parade of sail
  • Paralympian
  • Partner
  • partners
  • Partnership
  • Partnerships
  • pathways
  • Paul Bidwell
  • Penalties
  • Penalty
  • penalty points
  • Perseverance
  • Peter Thornton
  • phenomenal sea state
  • Philippines
  • Phillipines
  • Photo
  • Photo competition
  • Photo Competiton
  • Photo Finish
  • Photography
  • photos
  • Piriapolis
  • Podium
  • podium finish
  • podium winners
  • Poem
  • Pollywogs
  • Port of Seattle
  • Portimão
  • Portsmouth
  • Portsmouth-Puerto Sherry
  • Portugal
  • PR
  • Prashant De
  • PRAXES Medical
  • prep day
  • Prep week
  • Presentation
  • Preview
  • Prime Minister
  • Private charter
  • Prize Giving
  • Prize-giving
  • Prizegiving
  • professional sailor
  • PSP
  • PSP Logisitics
  • PSP Logistcs
  • PSP Logistics
  • PSP Logistics Panama Cup
  • Public Vote
  • Puerto Sherry
  • Punta del Este
  • PuntaDelEste
  • Punte del Este
  • Qingdao
  • Qingdao Ambassador
  • Qingdao Arrivals
  • Qingdao Prize Giving
  • Qingdao Sailing City
  • Qingdao Stopover
  • Qingdao to Seattle
  • Qinhungdao
  • Quebec
  • Quebec Sailing Federation
  • Queenie Wang
  • Race 1
  • Race 10
  • Race 10 Day 10
  • Race 10 Day 11
  • Race 10 Day 12
  • Race 10 Day 13
  • Race 10 Day 14
  • Race 10 Day 4
  • Race 10 Day 6
  • Race 10 Day 7
  • Race 10 Day 8
  • Race 10: The Garmin Atlantic Challenge
  • Race 11
  • Race 11 Finish
  • Race 11 Seattle Pacific
  • Race 12
  • Race 12 Come See DC Cup
  • Race 12 Day 10
  • Race 12 Day 15
  • Race 12 LegenDerry Race
  • Race 12 start
  • Race 12: GoToBermuda
  • Race 13
  • Race 14
  • Race 15
  • Race 2
  • Race 2 arrivals
  • Race 2 Day 10
  • Race 2 Day 13
  • Race 2 Day 15
  • Race 2 day 19
  • Race 2 Day 20
  • Race 2 day 21
  • Race 2 Day 23
  • Race 2 Day 5
  • Race 2 day 9
  • Race 2 Preview
  • Race 2: Hundred Years Cup
  • Race 2: Stormhoek Race to Cape of Storms
  • Race 2: The Commodore's Cup
  • Race 3
  • Race 3 day 12
  • Race 3 day 17
  • Race 3 Day 2
  • Race 3 Day 3
  • Race 3 Day 4
  • Race 3 Day 5
  • Race 3 Day 6
  • Race 3 Finish
  • Race 3: The Elliot Brown Timekeeper Cup
  • Race 3: The Wardan Whip
  • Race 3: The Warden Whip
  • Race 3: TIMEZERO South Atlantic Showdown
  • Race 4
  • Race 4 Day 10
  • Race 4 Day 12
  • Race 4 Day 15
  • Race 4 Day 19
  • Race 4 Day 25
  • Race 4 Day 3
  • Race 4 Day 6
  • Race 4 Day 8
  • Race 4 Day 9
  • Race 4: Elliot Brown Timekeeper Cup
  • Race 4: The Elliot Brown Timekeeper Cup
  • Race 5
  • Race 5 Day 2
  • Race 5 Day 7
  • Race 5 Day 8
  • Race 5 Day 9
  • Race 5: Sta Lok Endurance Test
  • Race 6
  • Race 6 Day 10
  • Race 6 Day 5
  • Race 6 Day 9
  • Race 6: The Wondrous Whitsundays Race
  • Race 7
  • Race 7 Day 0
  • Race 7 Day 1
  • Race 7 Day 10
  • Race 7 Day 13
  • Race 7 day 2
  • Race 7 Day 3
  • Race 7 Day 4
  • Race 7 Day 6
  • Race 7 Day 7
  • Race 7 Finish
  • Race 8
  • Race 8: The Sailing City • Qingdao Cup
  • Race 9
  • Race 9 Day 10
  • Race 9 Day 11
  • Race 9 Day 16
  • Race 9 Day 17
  • Race 9 Day 18
  • Race 9 Day 6
  • Race Committee
  • Race Conditions
  • Race Crew
  • Race Crew Supporters
  • race dates
  • Race Departure
  • Race Director
  • Race Director Report
  • Race finish
  • Race Fleet
  • Race highlights
  • Race milestone
  • Race of the Americas
  • Race of Their Lives
  • Race of Their Lives 2
  • Race of Their Lives 3
  • Race of your life
  • Race of Your Lives 2
  • race office
  • Race prep
  • Race Prep Week
  • Race Preview
  • Race Re-start
  • Race Recap
  • Race Reflections
  • Race Report
  • race restart
  • Race Sart
  • Race Skipper
  • race standings
  • Race Start
  • Race Teams
  • Race to the Cape of Storms
  • Race to the Emerald City
  • Race tracker
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  • Leg 2: Race 3 - Punta del Este, Uruguay - Cape Town, South Africa
  • Leg 3: Race 4 - Cape Town, South Africa - Fremantle, Australia
  • Leg 4: Race 5 - Fremantle, Australia - Newcastle, Australia
  • Leg 5: Race 6 - Newcastle, Australia - Whitsundays, Australia
  • Leg 5: Race 7 - Whitsundays, Australia - Ha Long Bay, Viet Nam
  • Leg 5: Race 8 - Ha Long Bay, Viet Nam - Zhuhai, China
  • Leg 6: Race 9 - Zhuhai, China - Qingdao, China
  • Leg 6: Race 10 - Qingdao, China - Seattle, USA
  • Leg 7: Race 11 - Seattle, USA - Panama
  • Leg 7: Race 12 - Panama - Washington DC, USA
  • Leg 8: Race 13 - Washington DC, USA - Oban, Scotland
  • Leg 8: Race 14 - Oban, Scotland - Portsmouth, United Kingdom
  • Leg 8: Race 15 - SPARE RACE

28 Nov 2015

Open boats and full programme of events in Albany this weekend

A busy programme of events for the public and crew is happening this weekend in Albany, Western Australia. Today (Saturday) and tomorrow there are opportunities to see on board the Clipper 70 ocean racing yachts and meet the crew embarking on the Race of Their Lives during the stopover. One boats is open for public viewing between 10am and 4pm…

27 Nov 2015

​Derry~Londonderry~ Doire moves to top of Race Standings

Following a very successful race for Derry~Londonderry~Doire in the Wardan Whip from Cape Town, South Africa to Albany, Australia, Skipper Daniel Smith and his crew have moved to the top…

27 Nov 2015


The Unicef team crossed the finish line in Albany at 0411 UTC (1211 local time) Friday 27 November in eleventh place in Race 3, the Wardan Whip: a 4850 nautical…

26 Nov 2015

​Race 3 Day 26: Finish line beckons for final two teams

The Wardan Whip produced the tightest finish of the Clipper 2015-16 Race so far, when after twenty-five days and 4,850 nautical miles of racing Mission Performance and IchorCoal were neck…

25 Nov 2015

Race 3 Day 25: Battle continues for final positions in the Wardan Whip

The fight for sixth place could go down to a photo finish for IchorCoal and Mission Performance , with just 0.35 nautical miles separating the pair at 1000 UTC, and just over 2 nautical miles from the Race 3 finish line. Greg Miller, Skipper of Mission Performance who has the slight advantage over its rival, says: “The miles are falling…

24 Nov 2015

Garmin finishes Race 3, the Wardan Whip, in fourth place

Garmin has finished Race 3, the Wardan Whip, in fourth place. The team crossed the finish line in front of Albany Waterfront Marina at 0814 local time/0014UTC. The team managed…

23 Nov 2015

Qingdao finishes in third, claims second podium of series

The Qingdao team has crossed the Race 3 finish line into Albany, Western Australia, claiming third position, its second podium place out of three races. The team crossed the finish line in third place, behind Derry~Londonderry~Doire, at Albany, Western Australia at 1226 UTC/2026 local time on Monday 23 November. After a close-fought duel for a long part of the race,…

23 Nov 2015

Race 3 Day 23: Plenty left to play for as stakes heat up for remaining teams

With podium places secured for LMAX Exchange and Derry~Londonderry~Doire (crossed finish line at 0932 UTC/ 1732 local) with Qingdao estimated to cross finish in approximately two hours, the competition continues…

23 Nov 2015

​Derry~Londonderry~ Doire clinches second place into Albany

Derry~Londonderry ~Doire has clinched second place into Albany, Western Australia, at the end of Race 3 across the Southern Ocean from Cape Town, South Africa, in the Wardan Whip. It…

23 Nov 2015


LMAX Exchange has claimed victory on Race 3, the Wardan Whip, crossing the finish line first in Albany, Western Australia at 2143 UTC November 22, (0543 local time, November 23).…

22 Nov 2015

​Race 3 Day 22: LMAX Exchange on course to win Wardan Whip today

After 22 days of racing, LMAX Exchange is within 55 nautical miles of the Wardan Whip finish line and, with approximately 120 nautical miles separating it from second placed Qingdao…

21 Nov 2015

​Race 3 Day 21: Varying team tactics make for exciting closing stages

While the front of the fleet is hoping to have cleared the last of the very light winds, the boats further back are averaging 10 to 12 knots as they…

20 Nov 2015

Race 3 Day 20: Final approach gets complicated as leaders enter Stealth Mode

Competition is hotting up as the teams make their way out of the Southern Ocean chill and get ever closer to the warmth of Western Australia. Front three teams, LMAX…

19 Nov 2015

Race 3 day 19: Light winds frustrate front runners in approach to Albany

In complete contrast to the conditions the western half of the fleet faced 48 hours ago, the boats further east are now toying with tactics as pockets of light winds…

18 Nov 2015

Race 3 Day 18: Teams brace against Southern Ocean Storm as Changeable Conditions set in

After a highly anticipated build up, the western half of the Clipper Race fleet braced against a ferocious Southern Ocean storm in the last 24 hours and has come out…

17 Nov 2015

Race 3 Day 17: Stormforce winds catch up with western teams

Teams in the west are experiencing the toughest conditions today as a stormforce front, expected to gust up to 70 to 80 knots, catches up behind them. Teams in the…

16 Nov 2015

​Race 3 Day 16: Ocean Sprints commence and teams prepare for strong front

The sun is shining and life at sea has been brighter and steadier, however a powerful incoming front, likely the strongest experienced so far in this race with gusts forecast…

15 Nov 2015

Race 3 Day 15: Winds ease to give teams a temporary breather

Steady surfs and large swells eased over the past 24 hours and light, fluffy winds overnight and this morning are now providing a temporary time out from the strenuous Southern…

13 Nov 2015

​Race 3 Day 13: Fast moving front results in busy deck workout for fleet

A fast moving weather front brought wind from all angles and strengths with 60 knot gusts resulting in a busy day of sail manoeuvres as teams were forced to go…

12 Nov 2015

​Race 3 Day 12: Front moves over fleet bringing more exhilarating conditions

The fleet has had another day of exciting downwind sailing, with a front also starting to move over it providing more exhilarating conditions. The prelude to the front will see…

11 Nov 2015

Race 3 Day 11: Mixed wind fortune as sleigh ride continues for lead half of fleet

Lighter winds slowed progress for some yesterday, but depending on their position in the spread out fleet, winds have now built again and the blustery sleigh ride is back on…

10 Nov 2015

Race 3 Day 10: Race leaders claim Scoring Gate rewards

In the Wardan Whip’s first bonus opportunity, LMAX Exchange secured the maximum three points for being first across the Scoring Gate at 1625 UTC yesterday. Derry~Londonderry~Doire picked up two points…

9 Nov 2015

Race 3 Day 9: Excitement for teams as Southern Ocean sleigh ride finally delivers

The wind has finally backed around and is allowing the Clipper Race fleet to get its first real taste of the Southern Ocean sleigh ride that teams have been craving…

8 Nov 2015

Race 3 Day 8: Front brings 50-knot gusts and short, sharp seas

An anticipated frontal system has brought strong gusting winds and building sea states, making for bouncy, wet living conditions yet a positive 12-hour run progress of more than 110 nautical…

7 Nov 2015

Race 3 Day 7: Purring Roaring Forties starts to waken as winds pick up

The ‘big purring cat’ of the Roaring Forties is starting to waken gently. Barometers are rising and increasingly wet, windy cold conditions have teams believing they really are now in…

6 Nov 2015

Race 3 Day 6: Progress slows as Roaring Forties purrs

Passing the 40S line which marks the official start of the Southern Ocean’s ‘Roaring Forties’ brings expectations of big surfs and accelerated boat speeds, however that is not always the…

5 Nov 2015

​Race 3 Day 5: Life at an upwind angle as teams knock off miles to Albany

The Clipper Race fleet is living life at an angle as teams continue to push upwind, still seeking out the more favourable westerlies that the Southern Ocean is so famous…

4 Nov 2015

​Race 3 Day 4: Teams seek Southern Ocean reward

After a slow start, teams are relieved to be making better direction south towards the notoriously strong currents of the Southern Ocean and the Roaring Forties as they bid to…

3 Nov 2015

​Race 3 Day 3: Fickle winds, squalls and Agulhas current make progress difficult

The fleet has been struggling to make decent progress in the light conditions, with fickle winds, squalls and the Agulhas current making sail selection a tricky process. Over the next…

2 Nov 2015

Race 3 Day 2: Storm passes, wind and sea state reduces

The worst of the storm is over with wind and sea state reducing overnight, and the teams are making some progress east at the start of the Wardan Whip race.…

1 Nov 2015

​Race 3 Day 1: Strong winds and big waves provide testing conditions

The start of the Wardan Whip, from Cape Town, South Africa, to Albany, Western Australia, saw strong south easterly winds of 20 knots and gusts of 35 knots on the…

29 Oct 2015

​Race 3, The Wardan Whip, starts on Saturday

Race 3 - Cape Town, South Africa, to Albany, Western Australia - will be called the Wardan Whip. Wardan means ‘ocean’ in Noongar, a dialect spoken by the Noongar people,…