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  • GREAT Brtiain
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  • Heart of the Great Barrier Reef Race
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  • Henri Lloyd Hobart to Whitsundays race
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  • International Women's Day
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  • Jeronimo Santos Gonzalaz
  • Jeronimo Santos Gonzalez
  • Jeronimo Santos-Gonzalez
  • Jerry Stokes
  • Jilly St John
  • Jim Prendergast
  • Joanna Mann
  • job
  • Jobs
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  • John Dawson
  • join the race
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  • Jonathan Retirement
  • Jose Aldo
  • Josh Stickland
  • Junior Crew Supporters
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  • King Neptune
  • Kit
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  • Korean New Year
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  • Lakewood Hills
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  • last ocean crossing
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  • Laura Mark Jensen
  • Lauren Blunt
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  • Le Mans start
  • leaderboard
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  • lebanon
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  • Leg 1 Arrivals
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  • Leg 3 day 6
  • leg 4
  • Leg 4 Wrap
  • Leg 4: Australian Coast-to-Coast leg
  • Leg 5
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  • Leg1
  • Legend
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  • LegenDerry
  • LegenDerry finale
  • LegenDerry Maritime Festival
  • LegenDerry Race
  • Les Perry
  • Level 4
  • Level 4 Training
  • Liberty Landing Marina
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  • Lifejacket
  • Lifejackets
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  • Lightning
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  • Line Honours
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  • Lisa Pover
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  • Liverpool Vice Mayor
  • Liyaba Rainbow Foundation
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  • man overboard
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  • Marie O'Riley
  • Marina de Portimão
  • Marinas
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  • Mark
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  • Mark Light
  • Mark Pollard
  • marketing
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  • Marlow Ropes
  • Marlow Ropes Southern Ocean Sleigh Ride
  • Marlow Southern Ocean Sleigh Ride
  • Marta Michalska
  • Martin Clough
  • Martin Frey
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  • Mast
  • Mates
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  • Matthew Ogg
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  • MaxSea
  • mayor
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  • meetthecrew
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  • Meteorology
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  • Mia Showell-Woodsmith
  • Michael berry
  • Michael Richman
  • Mick Pattni
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  • Mighty Pacific
  • Mighty Pacific Leg
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  • Mike Petrie
  • Mike Shoulder
  • Mike Surridge
  • Minh An
  • Mirabaud Sailing Awards
  • Mirabaud Sailing Video Award
  • Mirabaud Sailing Video Awards
  • Mission Peformance
  • Mission Performance
  • MOB
  • Mother's Day
  • motoring
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  • Music
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  • MyStory
  • Naming ceremony
  • Nasdaq
  • Nasdaq Race
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  • National Yacht Club
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  • New Yorkers
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  • news
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  • Nicola Henderson
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  • Nobeltec
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  • North Pacific Heart
  • North Pacific Ocean
  • North Pacific Race
  • northern hemisphere
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  • Northern Ireland Tourism NITA Awards
  • Notice of Race
  • Number 10
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  • OBR Blogs
  • OBRs
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  • Ocean crossing
  • Ocean emotions
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  • Ocean Sprint Results
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  • Official Sail Partner
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  • Ollie Phillips
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  • olympians
  • Olympics
  • on board reporter
  • On board reporters
  • one year on
  • OneDLL
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  • Open Boat Tour
  • Open Boat Tours
  • Open boats
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  • opening ceremony
  • Our Isles and Oceans
  • Outstanding seamanship award
  • Overall winner
  • Pacific
  • Pacific Ocean
  • Pampero wind
  • Panama
  • Panama Canal
  • Panama Cup
  • Panama to New York
  • Papua New Guinea
  • parade of sail
  • Paralympian
  • Partner
  • partners
  • Partnership
  • Partnerships
  • pathways
  • Paul Bidwell
  • Penalties
  • Penalty
  • penalty points
  • Perseverance
  • Peter Thornton
  • phenomenal sea state
  • Philippines
  • Phillipines
  • Photo
  • Photo competition
  • Photo Competiton
  • Photo Finish
  • Photography
  • photos
  • Piriapolis
  • Podium
  • podium finish
  • podium winners
  • Poem
  • Pollywogs
  • Port of Seattle
  • Portimão
  • Portsmouth
  • Portsmouth-Puerto Sherry
  • Portugal
  • PR
  • Prashant De
  • PRAXES Medical
  • prep day
  • Prep week
  • Presentation
  • Preview
  • Prime Minister
  • Private charter
  • Prize Giving
  • Prize-giving
  • Prizegiving
  • professional sailor
  • PSP
  • PSP Logisitics
  • PSP Logistcs
  • PSP Logistics
  • PSP Logistics Panama Cup
  • Public Vote
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  • Punta del Este
  • PuntaDelEste
  • Punte del Este
  • Qingdao
  • Qingdao Ambassador
  • Qingdao Arrivals
  • Qingdao Prize Giving
  • Qingdao Sailing City
  • Qingdao Stopover
  • Qingdao to Seattle
  • Qinhungdao
  • Quebec
  • Quebec Sailing Federation
  • Queenie Wang
  • Race 1
  • Race 10
  • Race 10 Day 10
  • Race 10 Day 11
  • Race 10 Day 12
  • Race 10 Day 13
  • Race 10 Day 14
  • Race 10 Day 4
  • Race 10 Day 6
  • Race 10 Day 7
  • Race 10 Day 8
  • Race 10: The Garmin Atlantic Challenge
  • Race 11
  • Race 11 Finish
  • Race 11 Seattle Pacific
  • Race 12
  • Race 12 Come See DC Cup
  • Race 12 Day 10
  • Race 12 Day 15
  • Race 12 LegenDerry Race
  • Race 12 start
  • Race 12: GoToBermuda
  • Race 13
  • Race 14
  • Race 15
  • Race 2
  • Race 2 arrivals
  • Race 2 Day 10
  • Race 2 Day 13
  • Race 2 Day 15
  • Race 2 day 19
  • Race 2 Day 20
  • Race 2 day 21
  • Race 2 Day 23
  • Race 2 Day 5
  • Race 2 day 9
  • Race 2 Preview
  • Race 2: Hundred Years Cup
  • Race 2: Stormhoek Race to Cape of Storms
  • Race 2: The Commodore's Cup
  • Race 3
  • Race 3 day 12
  • Race 3 day 17
  • Race 3 Day 2
  • Race 3 Day 3
  • Race 3 Day 4
  • Race 3 Day 5
  • Race 3 Day 6
  • Race 3 Finish
  • Race 3: The Elliot Brown Timekeeper Cup
  • Race 3: The Wardan Whip
  • Race 3: The Warden Whip
  • Race 3: TIMEZERO South Atlantic Showdown
  • Race 4
  • Race 4 Day 10
  • Race 4 Day 12
  • Race 4 Day 15
  • Race 4 Day 19
  • Race 4 Day 25
  • Race 4 Day 3
  • Race 4 Day 6
  • Race 4 Day 8
  • Race 4 Day 9
  • Race 4: Elliot Brown Timekeeper Cup
  • Race 4: The Elliot Brown Timekeeper Cup
  • Race 5
  • Race 5 Day 2
  • Race 5 Day 7
  • Race 5 Day 8
  • Race 5 Day 9
  • Race 5: Sta Lok Endurance Test
  • Race 6
  • Race 6 Day 10
  • Race 6 Day 5
  • Race 6 Day 9
  • Race 6: The Wondrous Whitsundays Race
  • Race 7
  • Race 7 Day 0
  • Race 7 Day 1
  • Race 7 Day 10
  • Race 7 Day 13
  • Race 7 day 2
  • Race 7 Day 3
  • Race 7 Day 4
  • Race 7 Day 6
  • Race 7 Day 7
  • Race 7 Finish
  • Race 8
  • Race 8: The Sailing City • Qingdao Cup
  • Race 9
  • Race 9 Day 10
  • Race 9 Day 11
  • Race 9 Day 16
  • Race 9 Day 17
  • Race 9 Day 18
  • Race 9 Day 6
  • Race Committee
  • Race Conditions
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  • Race Crew Supporters
  • race dates
  • Race Departure
  • Race Director
  • Race Director Report
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  • Race Fleet
  • Race highlights
  • Race milestone
  • Race of the Americas
  • Race of Their Lives
  • Race of Their Lives 2
  • Race of Their Lives 3
  • Race of your life
  • Race of Your Lives 2
  • race office
  • Race prep
  • Race Prep Week
  • Race Preview
  • Race Re-start
  • Race Recap
  • Race Reflections
  • Race Report
  • race restart
  • Race Sart
  • Race Skipper
  • race standings
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  • Race Teams
  • Race to the Cape of Storms
  • Race to the Emerald City
  • Race tracker
  • Race Update
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  • Leg 1: Race 1 - Portsmouth, United Kingdom - Puerto Sherry, Spain
  • Leg 1: Race 2 - Puerto Sherry, Spain - Punta del Este, Portugal
  • Leg 2: Race 3 - Punta del Este, Uruguay - Cape Town, South Africa
  • Leg 3: Race 4 - Cape Town, South Africa - Fremantle, Australia
  • Leg 4: Race 5 - Fremantle, Australia - Newcastle, Australia
  • Leg 5: Race 6 - Newcastle, Australia - Whitsundays, Australia
  • Leg 5: Race 7 - Whitsundays, Australia - Ha Long Bay, Viet Nam
  • Leg 5: Race 8 - Ha Long Bay, Viet Nam - Zhuhai, China
  • Leg 6: Race 9 - Zhuhai, China - Qingdao, China
  • Leg 6: Race 10 - Qingdao, China - Seattle, USA
  • Leg 7: Race 11 - Seattle, USA - Panama
  • Leg 7: Race 12 - Panama - Washington DC, USA
  • Leg 8: Race 13 - Washington DC, USA - Oban, Scotland
  • Leg 8: Race 14 - Oban, Scotland - Portsmouth, United Kingdom
  • Leg 8: Race 15 - SPARE RACE

2 Jun 2020

​What I want to be when I grow up: Reflections on a circumnavigation

“It doesn't feel like two years ago! The race was such an affecting experience that it still feels quite fresh.” Bill Lyons circumnavigated the world in the Clipper 2017-18 Race, signing up after she said ‘I ran out of reasons not to’. Following a successful career in marketing, Bill wanted a physically and tangible challenge that would test her stamina…

5 Feb 2020

Meet the Clipper 2019-20 Race AQPs: Ryan Barkey

Name: Ryan Barkey Age: 27 Occupation: AQP/First Mate on Punta del Este . Nationality: Canadian Hometown: Airlie Beach The Clipper Race certainly isn’t Ryan Barkey’s first rodeo when it comes…

21 Mar 2018

Clipper Race Crew Catch-Up: Seumas Kellock

It’s a long way from home for Cumbrian man, Seumas Kellock, aged 25, and after travelling over halfway around the world he has been embracing different cultures whilst on his…

21 Dec 2017


Gender is never an issue on the Clipper Race – everyone does their bit to get the boats 40,000 nautical miles around the world. But when approached by Australian group…

8 Dec 2017

Meet the Clipper 2017-18 Race Crew: Jackie Patton

Name: Jackie Patton Age: 56 Nationality: British Legs: The All-Australian Leg 4 Team: Nasdaq The first few days of any new leg of the Clipper Race are interesting, as all the new faces find their feet on board. It's a process Jackie Patton, 56 from Donaghadee, Northern Ireland, knows all too well. This is the second Clipper Race for Jackie,…

25 Nov 2017

​Meet the Clipper 2017-18 Race Crew: Trevor Taylor

Name: Trevor Taylor Age: 64 Nationality: Australian Home Town: Rockingham, Western Australia Occupation: Retired Drainage Contractor Legs: Full Circumnavigation Team: PSP Logistics As the Clipper Race fleet enters the final…

24 Nov 2017

​Meet the Clipper 2017-18 Race Crew: Dianne Andary

Name: Dianne Andary Age: 65 Nationality: Australian Legs: All-Australian Leg 4 Team: PSP Logistics The Fremantle Stopover has been one that Di Andary has been waiting for for some time, as it will be where she starts her Clipper Race journey for the All-Australian Leg 4 aboard PSP Logistics . And whilst the ocean will be the backdrop to Di’s…

10 Nov 2017


The Clipper Race family, including all Race Skippers, have pulled together following the news that the Greenings yacht, formally registered as CV24, would be taking no further part in the…

9 Nov 2017

Meet the Clipper 2017-18 Race crew: Ann Marie Davis and Michael Fahy

NAME: Ann Marie Davis and Michael Fahy AGE: 54 and 50 OCCUPATION: MD Global Financial Operations and IT Director NATIONALITY: American and British LEGS: 1,2, 8 and 1,2 TEAM:…

29 Sep 2017

Meet the Clipper 2017-18 Race Crew: Nathan Harrow

Name: Nathan Harrow Age: 43 Occupation: Healthcare Worker Nationality: British Legs: Full Circumnavigation Team: Unicef Nathan Harrow is finally back on dry land, after spending the last five weeks at…

11 Aug 2017

Meet the Clipper 2017-18 Race Crew: Nessa Maloney

NAME : Nessa Maloney AGE : 39 OCCUPATION : Naval Service Executive Branch Officer, Irish Defence Force NATIONALITY : Irish LEGS : The Southern Ocean Leg 3 TEAM: Visit Seattle…

4 Aug 2017

Meet the Clipper 2017-18 Crew: Justin Heiner

Name: Justin Heiner Age: 37 Nationality: USA Hometown: Kemah, Texas Occupation: Engineer Legs: Full Circumnavigation Team: Dare To Lead When Justin Heiner, 37 from Texas, USA, came across the Clipper…

14 Jul 2017

Meet the Clipper 2017-18 Race crew: Gerardo Injoque

Name: Gerardo ‘Jerry’ Injoque Age: 40 Nationality: Peruvian Occupation: Executive Legs: Full circumnavigation Team: Team Gaëtan A first for the Clipper Race, crew member Gerardo Injoque will make history this…

1 Jul 2017

Clipper Events lines up for start of Round the Island Race

It’s an early start today for sister company Clipper Events and some 1342 fellow competitors, as they prepare to cross the start line in what is dubbed as one of…

18 Jun 2017

Meet the Clipper 2017-18 Crew: David Wilson

NAME: David Wilson AGE: 56 NATIONALITY USA OCCUPATION: Retired Air Traffic Controller TEAM: Team Roy LEGS: full circumnavigation The Clipper Race is an adventure of a lifetime but it does…

14 Jun 2017

Meet the Clipper 2017-18 Race Crew: Rachel Penny

NAME: Rachel Penny AGE: 45 NATIONALITY: UK OCCUPATION: Administrator LEGS: All Australian Leg 4 and The Asia-Pacific Leg 5 TEAM: Visit Seattle To take on the challenge of the Clipper…

9 Jun 2017

Dan Hardy’s Plan for Clipper Race Success

Being physically fit is all in a day’s work for former Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC) fighter Dan Hardy, but he had to adapt his training for a very different challenge…

9 Jun 2017

Meet the Clipper 2017-18 Race crew: Roseann McGlinchey

NAME: Roseann McGlinchey AGE: 23 NATIONALITY: Irish OCCUPATION: Marketing Officer LEGS: Full circumnavigation TEAM: Team Conall For Roseann McGlinchey, her love affair with the Clipper Race began six years ago…

5 Jun 2017

Meet the Clipper 2017-18 Race Crew: Shannon Dean

NAME: Shannon Dean AGE: 53 NATIONALITY: American OCCUPATION: Nurse LEGS: full circumnavigation TEAM: Visit Seattle A brief moments break during a busy night shift led to Shannon Dean, a 53…

20 May 2017

The World Comes to Portsmouth for Crew Allocation

The Clipper Race is truly a global event and that was only reinforced by the turnout on Crew Allocation Day. It was the biggest Crew Allocation attendance in the 21-year…

20 May 2017

This weekend: Open boats in Portsmouth

This weekend in celebration of Crew Allocation, the first major event in the racing calendar that sees more than 400 crew members from more than 40 nationalities across the globe…

19 May 2017

Meet the Clipper 2017-18 Race Crew: Tessa Hicks

NAME: Tessa Hicks AGE: 59 OCCUPATION: Doctor NATIONALITY: British LEGS: Full circumnavigation TEAM: Team Andy There’s just one more sleep until Crew Allocation, and it will be a nervous one…

18 May 2017

Visit Seattle skipper revealed

“I'm thrilled to be appointed as the Visit Seattle Skipper for the 2017-18 race edition,” says Nikki Henderson after being confirmed as the leader of the Seattle entry in the…

16 May 2017

Meet the Clipper 2017-18 Race Crew: Emily Woodason

NAME : Emily Woodason AGE : 31 OCCUPATION : Landscape Architect NATIONALITY : British LEGS : One to Four: The Atlantic Trade Winds Leg, The South Atlantic Challenge Leg, The…

8 May 2017

Meet the Clipper 2017-18 Race Crew: Pip O’Sullivan

NAME: Pip O’Sullivan AGE: 28 OCCUPATION: Advertising NATIONALITY: British LEGS: full circumnavigation TEAM: Team Andy After spending eight years living in London, firstly to study a Classics degree at Kings…

24 Apr 2017

Meet the Clipper 2017-18 Race crew: Zuzana Vybiralova

NAME: Zuzana Vybiralova AGE: 38 OCCUPATION: Business Manager NATIONALITY: Czech LEGS: The Southern Ocean Leg 3 and the Mighty North Pacific Leg 6 TEAM: Qingdao A first for the Clipper…

19 Apr 2017

One year on: Our Seattle journey

“I was eating dinner with my parents at a restaurant right on the marina when I heard a big round of applause,” says 25 year-old Nicole Stull from Seattle. “I…

17 Apr 2017

22 April: Calling all women! Join us at the Women’s Expo, Bristol

This week on Saturday 22 April, the Women’s Expo (WAExpo) in Bristol is taking to the water to talk all things adventure. The first travel and adventure exposition in the…

14 Apr 2017

​Meet the Clipper 2017-18 Race Crew: Shona Davies

NAME: Shona Davies AGE: 39 OCCUPATION: Medical website manager HOMETOWN: Cape Town, South Africa (now lives in London Colney, Hertfordshire, UK). LEGS: The Southern Ocean Leg 3, The All Australia…

7 Apr 2017

Meet the Clipper 2017-18 Crew: Adam and Ian Cristol

NAME: Adam Cristol AGE: 31 OCCUPATION: world traveller NATIONALITY: UK LEGS: The Atlantic Trade Winds Leg 1 and The South Atlantic Leg 2 TEAM: Team Conall NAME: Ian Cristol AGE:…

26 Mar 2017

Happy Mother’s Day

Taking part in the Clipper Race is no small undertaking; each leg brings a mix of testing conditions that will see crew pit their physical and mental strength against the…

10 Mar 2017

Meet the 2017-18 Crew: Jane and Graham Coutts

NAME: Jane Coutts AGE: 65 OCCUPATION: Retired NATIONALITY: Australia LEGS: The Asia Pacific Leg 5 TEAM: Team Gaëten NAME: Graham Coutts AGE: 62 OCCUPATION: Development Consultant NATIONALITY: Australia LEGS: The…

8 Mar 2017

International Women’s Day 2017: Be Bold For Change

International Women’s Day is the global celebration of the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women. The day marks a call to action for increasing gender equality. Over a…

6 Mar 2017

Clipper Race Alumni launches new water challenge

Clipper Race crew usually use the Clipper Race as a break from their everyday work, but alumni member Tom Salt is now turning his experiences in extreme endurance into a…

3 Mar 2017

World Wildlife Day: Listen to the Young Voices

There is so much more to the Clipper Race than sailing, and one of the major experiences the crew relish is seeing the majesty of the wildlife across the world’s…

1 Mar 2017

Chris Drummond’s Race Against Time

There are many inspirational people who take part in the Clipper Race, and one of them is 2015-16 crew member Chris Drummond. Chris, 63, from High Wycombe in Buckinghamshire, has…

21 Feb 2017

Meet the 2017-18 Crew: Greg Schey

NAME: Greg Schey AGE: 27 OCCUPATION: Doctor NATIONALITY: UK LEGS: Round the World TEAM: Qingdao “I’ve always wanted to sail around the world. Since I was knee high to a…

14 Feb 2017

For the Love of Sailing

They say never go back to your ex, but for a certain section of the Clipper 2017-18 Race crew, they just can’t stay away. There will be few familiar faces…

10 Feb 2017

16-19 February: Join us at the Telegraph Outdoor Adventure and Camping Show

Looking to test yourself in the great outdoors and have a great day out in London? Then the Clipper Race stand at the Telegraph Outdoor Adventure and Camping Show is…

8 Feb 2017

Clipper Connect celebrates 1,000th member

Less than two years since it was formed, Clipper Connect , the business networking group for former Clipper Race crew and partners, is celebrating its 1,000 th member joining. Clipper…

6 Feb 2017

Happy Waitangi Day!

Kia ora and happy Waitangi Day! The Clipper Race has always been warmly embraced by New Zealanders, and after seeing race after race, how well our many Kiwi crew handle…

25 Jan 2017

Happy ‘Straya Day!

The Clipper 2017-18 Race will be the seventh edition featuring Australia, with the race previously visiting eight different ports around the country. And it’s no wonder why we keep coming…

23 Jan 2017

Crew show support for every child in danger with Unicef

“I have chosen Unicef as my principle charity. Its cause for children around the world is particularly relevant at the moment given the wars and trauma kids are being caught…

19 Jan 2017

Qingdao Ambassadors Selected After Trial in China

Following a tough selection trial, we are proud to welcome the crew members who will represent Qingdao, China’s ‘Sailing City’, in the Clipper 2017-18 Race. Qingdao has a rich history…

16 Jan 2017

Meet the 2017-18 Crew: Samantha Harper

NAME: Samantha Harper AGE: 36 OCCUPATION: Doctor NATIONALITY: Canada LEGS: full circumnavigation TEAM: Team Rick There are many reasons why people want to do the Clipper Race, with adventure high…

12 Jan 2017

Meet Ruth – our new Crew Supporters Coordinator

There’s no doubt the Clipper Race is one big family of adventurers, and what makes the experience extra special is the support of the crew members’ own families, friends and…

11 Jan 2017

Race Receives Royal Stamp of Approval at London Boat Show

It’s a day to remember for our adventurous crew as the Princess Royal joined visitors and exhibitors alike at the London Boat Show, ExCeL today. Her Royal Highness met with…

10 Jan 2017

Clipper Race Crewman Clinches Top Award

An extraordinary act of bravery and seamanship has resulted in Clipper 2015-16 Race crew member Gavin Reid being named as the 2016 YJA Yachtsman of the Year. The 28-year-old…

6 Jan 2017

Marlow Ropes Ties Up Deal For a Sixteenth Year With The Clipper Race

There will be no need to show Marlow the ropes for the Clipper 2017-18 Race, as the UK based global manufacturer is signing on for the eighth time as our…

5 Jan 2017

Hyde Sails to Power Clipper 2017-18 Round The World Yacht Race

One of the world’s largest volume sail producers, Hyde Sails, will once again be powering the Clipper Race fleet, after signing on as the Official Sail Partner for the 2017-18…

5 Jan 2017

6 -15 January: Join us at the London Boat Show!

Looking for the ultimate experience for 2017? Join us at the London Boat Show, ExCeL Centre, starting this week and running between January 6 – 15, and meet our intrepid…

4 Jan 2017

Marine Travel Extends Partnership with World’s Largest Ocean Race

Moving some 700 crew members, from more than 40 countries, to six different continents across eleven months, in timing with the race schedule, is a task that requires expert handling.…

31 Dec 2016

New Year, New Challenge: Meet Laura Kearley

NAME: Laura Kearley AGE: 27 OCCUPATION: Teacher NATIONALITY: Australia LEGS: The Asia Pacific Leg 5, The Mighty Pacific Leg 6, The USA Coast-To-Coast Leg 7, and The Atlantic Homecoming Leg…

23 Dec 2016

Meet the Crew: Catherine North

NAME: Catherine North AGE: 53 OCCUPATION: Payroll Specialist NATIONALITY: American / Australian LEGS: Full circumnavigation TEAM: Sanya Serenity Coast The Clipper Race is one of the world’s most unique adventures.…

23 Dec 2016

Clipper Events team ready to take on Rolex Sydney Hobart Yacht Race 2016

For many of us Boxing Day brings the enjoyment of turkey leftovers and shopping sales but for almost one hundred entries, including Clipper Events’ CV5 , it brings one of…

22 Dec 2016

Celebrating Clipper Race to start a New Year of adventure with Official Wine Partner Stormhoek

Following its successful partnership in the Clipper 2015-16 Race, South African wine brand Stormhoek will celebrate a New Year of adventure as Official Wine Partner for the 2017-18 edition. Based…

16 Dec 2016

Swiss Sailing Awards recognition for Clipper Race circumnavigator

More than four months since LMAX Exchange was crowned the overall winner of the Clipper 2015-16 Race, the team continues to celebrate its success and hard work with skipper, Olivier…

15 Dec 2016

Race of Their Lives 2 – out now on DVD!

Have you ever wondered what it’s like to race the world’s oceans? Well now you can relive all the action of the last race as our highly anticipated TV series…

9 Dec 2016

Meet the 2017-18 Crew: Daniel Clifton

Growing up in the country in Forbes, NSW, Australia, Computer Operator Daniel Clifton never dreamed he would one day be a part of the Clipper Race. “I think the closest…

8 Dec 2016

From tackling the world’s oceans to tackling illiteracy in Africa

Twenty-two-year-old Mency Madolo could never have imagined she would be stepping onto a 70-foot yacht to sail from San Francisco to New York as part of the crew for the…

6 Dec 2016

Olivier Cardin given special honour at French Sailing Awards

Clipper 2015-16 Race winning skipper Olivier Cardin was recognised with a special award at last night’s French Sailing Federation’s flagship award ceremony, the Soiree des Champions. The awards, held in…

30 Nov 2016

Meet the 2017-18 Crew: Mike Kidwell

“It’s nine months before the start of the race so I suppose it’s not dissimilar to waiting for a baby – both can be wet, cold and miserable, but equally…

25 Nov 2016

Qingdao Ambassador Selection Underway

Qingdao’s search for Chinese crew members to participate in the Clipper 2017-18 Race is officially underway, with selection trials set to take place in January 2017. The call for applicants…

22 Nov 2016

Could this be you?

The Clipper Race is a diverse family of adventurers that’s for sure, and no two races are ever the same as our crew, made up of people from all walks…

18 Nov 2016

Meet the 2017-18 race crew: Jeremy Hilton

The Clipper Race is an infectious affair, there is no doubt about it. If you’ve had a brother, sister, parent, friend or work colleague take part in a previous edition,…

14 Nov 2016

Meet the 2017-18 Race Crew: Dina Stolcere

Our crew members come from all walks of life with a variety of previous sailing experience. From having never stepping on board a boat before signing up, to being competitive…

7 Nov 2016

Will crosses fundraising start line for Unicef

At the Clipper Race we love a challenge, especially when it is for a good cause. Following our partnership with Unicef during the Clipper 2015-16 Race, which to date has…

4 Nov 2016

Join us at the Geneva Boat Show: 11-13 November

“I fulfilled a dream and it was awesome,” says Swiss circumnavigating crew member Dominique Hausser as he reflects on his Clipper Race adventure. Next week, Dominique will be among 25…

31 Oct 2016

Meet the 2017-18 Race Crew - Andy Sutherland

“I live in Johannesburg so I am not really a sailor at all, this is a stepping stone in the right direction,” says 2017-18 race crew member, Andy Sutherland who…

19 Oct 2016

“They all thought I was mad”: Wendy Bird on joining Clipper ‘96

“Because the Clipper Race was new, no one had heard of it and they all thought I was mad!” Wendy Bird was one of the first people to sign up…

14 Oct 2016

Clipper Race 20th Anniversary Ball: Sailing Stars line up to offer congratulations

This week we are celebrating 20 years since the first Clipper Race set sail and opened up the challenge of ocean racing to everyday people seeking a global adventure. On…

14 Oct 2016

20th Anniversary Ball – the finer details

On Saturday 15 October we are celebrating twenty years of the Clipper Round the World Yacht Race. Like the race itself, Saturday night promises to be one to remember as…

12 Oct 2016

From the World’s Waters to Waterloo Station

Commuters across the UK will be coming face to face with Clipper 2015-16 Race crew at over 600 London Underground and national railway stations over the coming fortnight following the…

10 Oct 2016

Race generations unite at Red Socks Regatta

Former Clipper Race crew returned to our Gosport HQ over the weekend to compete in the seventh annual Red Socks Regatta, organised by the Clipper Race Yacht Club (CRYC), with…

7 Oct 2016

Back to the start: Ras reflects on Clipper ‘96 win

This time twenty years ago, the inaugural Clipper Race teams were making final preparations to race around the world. The fleet of eight 60 foot yachts took eleven months to…

4 Oct 2016

Skipper Trials underway for 2017-18

“A potential Race Skipper who doesn’t feel nervous stepping on board a Clipper 70 for their trial doesn’t know what they’re in for!” The words of one of the twelve…

26 Sep 2016

One Year On: Flying the Flag for East Timor

Over a year ago in Gosport we met Alex Couto, 40, from Lisbon, Portugal, who had just finished his Level 4 training and was preparing to race in the opening…

22 Sep 2016

Clipper 2017-18 Race Crew Catch Up: Meet Rose Todd

“It is the knocks you get in the process of living that make you the person you are – that and determination I think in my case!” says Rose Todd,…

15 Sep 2016

1 month to 20th Anniversary Ball: Meet Cath Roberts

Today marks the one month countdown to our 20th Anniversary Ball , which takes place on 15 October at the Grosvenor House Hotel’s Grand Ballroom, in aid of Unicef. With…

12 Sep 2016

Meet the 2017-18 race crew – Richard and Mike Petrie

The 2015-16 edition of the race may have only just ended, meaning almost twelve months until the 2017-18 race gets underway but crew training is already in full swing. 455…

7 Sep 2016

One Month Later: Mia Hartwell Blog

Over a month has now passed since the end of the Clipper 2015-16 Race. For some that will feel like a lifetime ago, and for others mere moments. While armchair…

1 Sep 2016

THROWBACK THURSDAY: ‘Mermeritus: A new disease and case studies’

As we edge ever closer to the 20 th anniversary celebrations on 15 October in London, we will be sharing memories from the last twenty years of the Clipper Race.…

31 Aug 2016

Calling all Adventurers Down Under: Crew Recruitment Tour

Over the next couple of weeks Della Parsons, our Crew Recruitment Manager and circumnavigator extraordinaire, is touring Australia and New Zealand searching for the next generation of adventurers to take…

30 Aug 2016

This day last year…

Around St Katharine Docks, the air was full of nervous energy and a sense of anticipation as the Clipper 2015-16 Race crew said goodbye to the thousands of well-wishers that…

26 Aug 2016

Crew Catch Up - Meet Dhruv Boruah

After crew members have completed their global ocean adventure, some go back to their previous lives and occupations, some decide on a future in the marine industry, some take time…

22 Aug 2016

Derry~Londonderry~Doire Clipper 2015-16 Race Highlights

“Powered by fairy dust, crewed by legends” is the tag line on the stern of Derry~Londonderry~Doire which finished as runner up in the Clipper 2015-16 Race, a mere four points…

19 Aug 2016

The Clipper Race turns 20!

Throughout the race, tales of Clipper Race crew celebrating their birthdays on board filter back and they are always a special occasion, likely to remain a completely unique event in…

18 Aug 2016

​Garmin Clipper 2015-16 Race Highlights

Intense rivalry, podium places and near misses sum up Garmin’s circumnavigation from a racing perspective, but there was much more to the team which claimed fourth place as the ‘Garminions’…

16 Aug 2016

Mission Performance Clipper 2015-16 Race Highlights

Today we move into the top half of the table where Mission Performance finished a solid sixth in the overall rankings with a total of 78 points. Naming themselves the…

11 Aug 2016

ClipperTelemed+ Clipper 2015-16 Race Highlights

The fourth team we are profiling this week is ClipperTelemed+, which finished ninth in Clipper 2015-16 Race. Under Skipper Matt Mitchell, a two-time Race Skipper, ClipperTelemed+ found its form in…

10 Aug 2016

Unicef Clipper 2015-16 Race Highlights

After almost eight months of racing around the world, the Unicef team came into its own when crossing the biggest and arguably toughest ocean on the planet, the North Pacific.…

9 Aug 2016

IchorCoal Clipper 2015-16 Race Highlights

On day two of showcasing each Clipper Race team’s highlights we feature IchorCoal. The strength of spirit and sense of togetherness displayed by the IchorCoal crew throughout the Clipper 2015-16…

1 Aug 2016

Round the World Crew Celebrate Circumnavigation

On Saturday, 103 members of our Clipper 2015-16 Race crew joined an elite club of people who have sailed around the world when they returned to London after their 41,135…

29 Jul 2016

Clipper Race trophy revamped for 20th year

All teams completing the Clipper 2015-16 Race will proudly take to the stage at the London Race Finish this Saturday, aware they have achieved a feat that very few people…

29 Jul 2016

Clipper Race finale this weekend in London

As the Clipper Race fleet prepares to race the final miles of its eleven month-long adventure, preparations for the London’s St Katharine Docks celebrations on Saturday 30 July are well…

26 Jul 2016

Last chance to win Stormhoek Social Spirit Award

In two days’ time the 14th and final stage of the Clipper 2015-16 Race gets underway from Den Helder to London with all positions still to be decided in the…

20 Jul 2016

22-24 July: Join us at America’s Cup World Series, Portsmouth

With a week to go until the Clipper Race fleet and its non-professional crew complete its circumnavigation of the world, we are at the Louis Vuitton America’s Cup World Series…

19 Jul 2016

Henri Lloyd Seamanship Award Shortlist Announced

The shortlist of eight nominees for the Henri Lloyd Seamanship Award is now in and race fans are encouraged to register their support and ‘Like’ their favourite candidate on the…

15 Jul 2016

​Like mother like daughter: Meet the Crockers

It’s not every day that you race against your family, but for mother and daughter duo Linda and Sophie Crocker, the past 10 months have been extremely competitive as they…

13 Jul 2016

City provides LegenDerry reception at Race 12 Prize-Giving event

Derry-Londonderry’s Guildhall Square turned purple tonight as city residents came out to support the LegenDerry Finale Prize Giving. From the Playhouse, the Clipper Race crew created a rainbow in their…

13 Jul 2016

Get on board our open boats in Derry-Londonderry

Join us today at Foyle Marina and step on board the Clipper 70 yachts to receive a free personal yacht tour from crew members who have competed in this unique…

13 Jul 2016

Meet the crew: Pippa Moore

Nineteen years in the making, Da Nang – Viet Nam crew member, Pippa Moore has accomplished her lifetime dream of crossing an ocean and she has done it in style…

11 Jul 2016


It was one of the most nail-biting challenges of the entire Clipper 2015-16 Race as Derry~Londonderry~Doire fought to hold off LMAX Exchange for a home win into Northern Ireland in…

11 Jul 2016

Crew Catch Up – Han Kim

The 700 crew competing in the Clipper 2015-16 Race represent 44 nationalities, including just one South Korean. Han Kim is the first person from his country to sail around the…

10 Jul 2016

Visitors flock to the 2016 Foyle Maritime Festival on opening weekend

Thousands of people have been descending on the banks of the River Foyle to mark the opening of the Foyle Maritime Festival which runs until 17 July, with the colourful…

9 Jul 2016

“I’ve found me again.” Meet Derry Londonderry resident/crew member Sinead Diver

Name: Sinead Diver Home: Culmore Point, Derry-Londonderry Age: 33 Occupation: Call Centre Associate Team: Derry~Londonderry~Doire, Leg 8 Sinead (pictured in main image being greeted by the Mayor of Derry in…

4 Jul 2016

“I have learnt a lot about responsibility”

After ten months of anticipation and having never sailed before training for the race, South Africans Siphamandla ‘Superman’ Ngcobo (23) and Sakhile ‘King’ Makhanya (22) are now racing more than…

30 Jun 2016

Party Time for Team with Most Social Spirit

With three races left to complete it means there are three more chances for teams to win the Stormhoek Social Spirit Award and our Official Wine Partner is offering a…

23 Jun 2016

Youth worker sailing home retraces route of ancestors

Among those crew sailing home to Derry-Londonderry after a long wait for the Atlantic Homecoming Leg to start from New York is 40 year old Danny Bryce. Having dedicated his…

22 Jun 2016

Crew Catchup: Meet St Katharine Docks Neighbours and Teammates Tom and Marta

As the teams compete in this final, Atlantic Homecoming Leg of the race, some crew be headed a little closer to home than others. Once back in London, many will…

18 Jun 2016

Globetrotter’s Circumnavigation by Rail and Sail

As our round the world crew members prepare to join a very elite club upon completion of their global challenge in six weeks’ time, the achievements of all of our…

17 Jun 2016

​Local Alumni crew welcome teams in New York

“I love that the race keeps coming to New York. Every year I go down to the marina to see the boats and meet some of the crew and I…

17 Jun 2016

Crew Changeover: Meet Tony Griffiths

As the Leg 8 crew prepare for their challenge across the Atlantic towards Derry-Londonderry, Den Helder and the glory of the race finale in London today, we caught up with…

16 Jun 2016

​Firemen’s lift for IchorCoal victuallers

The story behind the picture gives a whole new meaning to the phrase ‘fireman’s lift’. For IchorCoal crew members Lizzie Tricks and Davina Watson, what was meant to be a…

15 Jun 2016

Voting open: The Henri Lloyd Seamanship Award

An honour every team hopes to win, nominations for the Henri Lloyd Clipper Race Seamanship Award open today. In recognition of the extreme challenges faced by the crew, both as…

14 Jun 2016

Crew Catchup: Dominique Hausser

LMAX Exchange Swiss round the world crew member Dominique Hausser has been sailing all his life having grown up near Lake Geneva, Switzerland. As he nears the end of the…

12 Jun 2016

Crew catch up: Drake Forney

For twenty-five year old Texan Drake Forney the American Coast-to-Coast Leg was particularly special because it has allowed him the chance to sail into and around his home country. Now…

8 Jun 2016

Bike VS Boat across USA: The Final Test

As the Clipper Race fleet covers the remaining nail biting miles of the US Coast to Coast Leg, it is not just the crew at sea who are giving it…

28 May 2016

“I want to grow and have an impact on someone’s life” Meet Lerato Masombuka

Lerato ‘Bridgette’ Masombuka grew up in a small township of Zithobeni situated in Gauteng Province, South Africa. Brought up by her grandmother and then later her aunt, Lerato was raised…

24 May 2016

Crew gets creative with PSP Logistics photo competition

As the Clipper Race fleet motors to and through the Panama Canal, the Race 10 sponsor PSP Logistics has set the teams a task to test their creativity with a…

23 May 2016

​Next stop Panama

It’s full steam ahead to Panama for four of the Clipper Race fleet after a successful pit stop in Banana Bay Marina, Costa Rica, to refuel ahead of the canal…

18 May 2016

British sailors unite to support Sailing is GREAT for Unicef

It is no secret, at the Clipper Race we really, really love sailing and British ocean racing legends Sir Robin Knox-Johnston, Dee Caffari MBE and Ian Walker are all throwing…

13 May 2016

“Becoming a crew member helped me come alive again” - Meet Jack Chidley

Stood on the pontoon at Bell Harbor Marina in Seattle, USA, at the end of the Pacific Ocean leg of the current race, the beaming face of British man Jack…

5 May 2016

Life as an ocean racer

On the Mighty Pacific leg we hosted two Andrew Simpson Sailing Foundation (ASSF) youth ambassadors. The opportunity was donated by Clipper Race founder and chairman, Sir Robin Knox-Johnston to ASSF,…

26 Apr 2016

“My challenge will reach its pinnacle racing to New York”

Picking up the Derry~Londonderry~Doire bursary baton in Seattle is Jilly St John, a singer and writer from the Northern Irish city who was awarded her Clipper Race berth through the…

25 Apr 2016

Crew Changeover: Meet Charlotte Willis

As the Leg 7 crew prepare to start their challenge to New York and beyond, we caught up with Charlotte Willis, who has until this point been a patient Garminion…

24 Apr 2016

From South Africa to Seattle in the battle against HIV/AIDS

“It is great to be here and have the opportunity to tell my story,” says 23-year-old Boitumelo ‘Charlotte’ Malia, an orphan who lost her parents when she was a child.…

24 Apr 2016


Leg 6 crew members are handing over the baton to new ‘leggers’ joining their teams here in Seattle to take on the US Coast-to-Coast leg, which includes transiting the seventh…

23 Apr 2016

Crew Catch Up: Dana Nichols

American Dana Nichols is a round the world crew member on board Visit Seattle . Before starting the Clipper Race, she was a tax accountant based in California who had…

23 Apr 2016

Visit Seattle explores the city

The Emerald City has extended a warm welcome to our intrepid race crews, providing an eclectic mix of hospitality and entertainment to celebrate the fleet’s arrival, having completed the crossing…

22 Apr 2016

Get on board our open boats in Seattle today

The Clipper Race fleet has arrived at Bell Harbor Marina, Seattle, WA having completed the Seattle Pacific Challenge from Qingdao, China. Join us at today at Pier 66 and step…

17 Apr 2016

Visit Seattle sails home

On a sunny Sunday morning in Seattle against the majestic backdrop of Mount Rainier and the downtown city skyline, home port entry Visit Seattle arrived into Bell Harbor Marina, Pier…

15 Apr 2016

​Seattle Alumni crew welcome fleet to city

“As the Clipper Race fleet makes its way to Seattle across the gruelling North Pacific, it gives me a chance to re-live the glory days of circumnavigating and winning the…

14 Apr 2016

And the Race 9 Stormhoek Social Spirit Award Goes to…

YOU, the Clipper Race family! Usually the winner of the Stormhoek Social Spirit Award is kept under wraps until the Official Prize-Giving Ceremony at the end of each race in…

13 Apr 2016

Next stop Seattle: City hosts exciting programme of events for its race debut

The countdown has begun in Seattle which will make its debut as a Host Port to the Clipper Race for the first time in its 19 year history this week.…

7 Apr 2016

Strictly Sail Pacific Boat Show starts today

Not your average adventure, the Clipper Race will be at the 2016 Strictly Sail Pacific Boat Show today until Sunday 10 April at Craneway Pavilion, San Francisco. Join us at…

31 Mar 2016

100 Days till Derry-Londonderry

When the Clipper Race teams set sail for the Pacific Ocean, for many crew members they finally felt they were heading for home, and waiting for them at the end…

29 Mar 2016

Join us at the Strictly Sail Pacific Show: 7-10 April, San Francisco

Want to join our intrepid crews and race the world’s oceans? The Clipper Race will be at the 2016 Strictly Sail Pacific Boat Show from Thursday 7 to Sunday 10…

24 Mar 2016

The Clipper Race Supporters Club: Meet Tracey Charles

We usually focus on getting to know the Clipper Race crew better but after getting more than half way through the circumnavigation, we have now got to know quite a…

24 Mar 2016

Meet the Crew – Kristof Bostoen

A lover of sailing long distances, crew member Kristof Bostoen is returning to the high seas once more with his team to experience the world’s largest and deepest ocean. Ever…

23 Mar 2016

Aspiring young sailors take on challenging North Pacific

“I am really hoping to learn as much as I can about ocean racing and see if I could get into it as a professional career,” says Heather Thomas, 19,…

22 Mar 2016

Sailing to Seattle: Meet Yuko Kikuchi

Seattle resident Yuko Kikuchi says she cannot wait to see the familiar sight of downtown coming into Bell Harbor as she sets off on the Seattle Pacific Challenge race from…

21 Mar 2016

Seattle Pacific Challenge Begins

At 0100 UTC today, the Clipper Race fleet began the ninth of 14 races as it heads across the Pacific Ocean to Seattle, USA from Qingdao, China. The Seattle Pacific…

17 Mar 2016

Crew taste victory in international football match

Clipper Race Crew 2 - 1 Qingdao Media Team In a hotly contested battle at the Tian Tin Stadium in Qingdao, the Clipper Race crew took on the Qingdao media…

16 Mar 2016

Chinese community embraces crew

Having been entertained by youngsters yesterday during a school visit, today it was the turn of the ‘young at heart’ to share elements of Chinese culture with the Clipper Race…

16 Mar 2016

Meet the Crew: Cheryl Campbell

Today, crew members taking part in the race across the mighty Pacific to Seattle, USA will join their teams to prepare for one of the toughest races of the series.…

16 Mar 2016

The adventurers return

As the teams soak up the amazing hospitality and culture of our six-time Host Port, Qingdao, we hear from some familiar faces of Alumni crew members who have returned to…

14 Mar 2016

The Sailing City • Qingdao Cup Prize-Giving

The Sailing City • Qingdao Cup officially drew to a close with an extravagant prize-giving ceremony hosted by the Qingdao Organizing Committee. Over three hundred crew, supporters and officials gathered…

8 Mar 2016


With more than a third of Clipper Race crew being women from all walks of life, ages and nationalities, it seems fitting to pay tribute to our female crew members…

26 Feb 2016

Clipper Race crew visit Unicef supported day care centre in Da Nang for children with disabilities

Clipper Race CEO William Ward along with crew members who are raising money for Official Race Charity Unicef were invited to The DAVA Centre in the Hoa Vang District of…

23 Feb 2016

Crew Catchup: Janet Chatzis

“Quite simply, I saw a picture in a magazine of a female crew member from a previous race and underneath it said 'No Experience Required'. Suddenly, it just grabbed me…

23 Feb 2016

‘Home team’ treated to tour of their city

Since arriving in Da Nang, Vietnam Skipper Wendy Tuck and her crew have been treated like superstars, as the people of the city embrace the team sailing around the world…

22 Feb 2016

Crew Catchup: Phil Orford - Life of the CEO turned ‘belated gap yearer’

Phil Orford is a round the world crew member on board GREAT Britain . Before starting the Clipper Race, he was the leader of the Forum of Private Business in…

10 Feb 2016


Looking for the adventure of a lifetime? This week we’re celebrating our thirst for all things action at the 2016 Telegraph Outdoor Adventure and Travel Show. Running tomorrow until Sunday…

4 Feb 2016

Making waves at the Seattle Boat Show this week

This week, we have been making waves at the West Coast’s largest boat show in Seattle, USA. During our debut at the Seattle Boat Show which runs until Saturday 6…

4 Feb 2016

11-14 February: Join us at the 2016 Telegraph Outdoor Adventure & Travel Show

Looking for the adventure of a lifetime? Next week, we’re celebrating our thirst for all things action at the 2016 Telegraph Outdoor Adventure and Travel Show. Running from Thursday 11…

26 Jan 2016

The Clipper Race is calling! Visit us at the Seattle Boat Show: 29 Jan – 6 Feb

Still looking for the ultimate New Year’s resolution? We are on the search for the next generation of Clipper Race crew to take on the challenge of racing the world’s…

19 Jan 2016

​Meet the Crew: Ann Adams

When the Clipper Race fleet sailed along the River Thames and past her pub in Canvey Island, Ann Adams couldn’t bring herself to watch because she knew the lure of…

16 Jan 2016

Meet the Crew: Helen Hancorn

When Qingdao crew member Helen Hancorn saw the Clipper Race on the news last summer and learnt that anyone could take part, she went online and applied straight away. Now,…

14 Jan 2016

Meet the crew – Jennifer Burgis

After more than a year of preparation, Garmin crew member Jennifer Burgis is soaking up the sun in the idyllic setting of Airlie Beach in the Whitsundays in anticipation of…

14 Jan 2016

​Ambassadors bid emotional farewell after life-changing journey

Taking themselves out of their comfort zone is a trait shared by all Clipper Race crew, and many find that the mental and physical challenge provided through ocean racing helps…

13 Jan 2016

Round the World Crew Catch Up: Ruth Charles

As we've reached the midway point in terms of Clipper Race legs, we caught up with Derry~Londonderry~Doire round the world crew member Ruth Charles, 30, Wymondham-born youth worker (pictured front…

12 Jan 2016

Mayor of Whitsundays Welcomes Clipper Race Crew to Airlie Beach

Clipper Race crew were given the warmest of tropical welcomes to Airlie Beach this evening by the Mayor of the Whitsundays, Abell Point Marina and members of the local sailing…

20 Dec 2015

Crew star in Sydney Hobart Race media day

With just six days to go to the long awaited Rolex Sydney Hobart Yacht Race (RSHYR), international media are arriving in Sydney ready to report on the 71 st edition…

9 Dec 2015

Local resident to race home on Da Nang-Viet Nam team

When the fleet visits Da Nang in February 2016, Nguyen Tran Minh An from Cẩm Lệ District, will make a proud return home as the city’s first ever resident to…

28 Nov 2015

Meet the Crew - Marta Michalska

Polish crew member Marta, now living in London, is due to begin the race of her life when Leg 4 starts from Albany, Western Australia on Tuesday 1 December. Find…

27 Nov 2015

Meet the Crew - Paul Wrightson

Today, Leg 3 crew members hand over the baton to the Leg 4 crew joining their teams to take part in the All-Australian Leg which includes the race from Albany…

17 Nov 2015

Come and visit us Up North!

As the fleet races across the Southern Ocean towards the west of Australia, our intrepid Recruitment Team here at Clipper Race HQ is travelling to the north of England in…

1 Nov 2015

Alumni crew show their support in Cape Town

As we celebrate the tenth edition race and its departure from Cape Town yesterday for the start of Race 3: The Wardan Whip to Albany, Western Australia, the spirit of…

7 Oct 2015

Meet the Race 2 crew: Colleen Carstens

South African crew member Colleen Carstens had no previous sailing experience before signing up to take part in Leg 2 and race into her home country this year. Colleen was…

6 Oct 2015

Meet the Race 2 crew: Felipe Urrutia

For the first time in the race’s history, two Colombians will take part in the tenth edition race this year. Business owner Felipe Urrutia from Bogota is one of them…

5 Oct 2015

9 – 11 October: Visit us at the Scotland Boat Show

With more than 100 intrepid adventurers signed up for the 2017-18 edition of the race preparing to take on the experience of a lifetime, we are on the search for…

5 Oct 2015

Meet the Race 2 crew: Stefan Ammann

Stafan Ammann is preparing to take on the might of the Southern Ocean, a dream he has been waiting five years to live. Stefan was due to take part in…

4 Oct 2015

Meet the Race 2 crew: Catherine Anderson

As the crew arrive into Rio to start the next race of the series, this time could not have come quicker for one race crew member. Catherine Anderson has had…

3 Oct 2015

Meet the Race 2 crew: Clement Lee

Today, Race 1 crew members hand over the baton to Race 2 crew joining their teams to take part in the South Atlantic Challenge to Cape Town, South Africa. Joining…

30 Sep 2015

Meet Ocean Racer Sarah Thompson

Sarah Thompson grew up by the sea in Northern Ireland and now works as a solicitor in London. It was during a visit from her mum that she came across…

25 Sep 2015

Final Call for Stormhoek Social Spirit Nominations

As the Clipper Race teams begin to arrive into Marina da Gloria to celebrate the completion of Race 1 across the Atlantic Ocean and the Equator, this is a final…

21 Sep 2015

Clipper Race Yacht Club paints Solent red with annual regatta

This weekend saw more than 70 Clipper Race Alumni take to the Solent to celebrate the sixth edition of the Clipper Race Yacht Club (CRYC) Red Socks Regatta, named in…

31 Aug 2015

Follow the Race

And they’re off! As the fleet of twelve racing teams made up of international crew members makes its way down the River Thames to the start line of Race 1,…

29 Aug 2015

Stormhoek get Social Spirit flowing with new Crew Prize

The Clipper Race is as much as about team spirit and the people you share this experience with as it is about sailing, and this is something that our Official…

28 Aug 2015

​PSP Logistics Official Naming Ceremony

This afternoon it was the turn of returning Team Sponsor PSP Logistics to officially name their yacht in the Race Village at Katharine Docks ahead of Race Start on Sunday.…

28 Aug 2015

IchorCoal Officially Named Ahead of Race Start

The Race Village burst into life this morning during the IchorCoal boat naming ceremony when the Sapinda Rainbow Ambassadors treated their fellow crew to an impromptu singing performance in honour…

26 Aug 2015

The run that took Kristi round the world

In early June 2012, Kristi Wilson was running near her New Jersey home in the USA. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary but little did she know that this run,…

24 Aug 2015

Meet the Crew: Ken Brown

Ken Brown grew up in Fyvie near Aberdeen and after a lifetime dedicated to his family and engineering career, he has decided that it is time to do something for…

22 Aug 2015

Alumni crew join in tenth edition race preparations in London

After their global adventure some crew go back to their previous lives and occupations, some decide on a future in the marine industry, and some take time out to assess…

21 Aug 2015

Meet the Crew: Anu Aggarwal

Anu Aggarwal is of our many crew who had never sailed before signing up to join the Clipper Race. Now the 37-year-old Business Analyst has completed all of her training,…

20 Aug 2015

Fleet arrives in London today

The Clipper 2015-16 Race fleet arrives at St Katharine Docks this afternoon at approximately 1645 local time (1545 UTC), parading up the Thames and entering central London’s only marina in…

20 Aug 2015

Derry~Londonderry~ Doire bursary winners race places revealed

As we count down to Race Start, the long wait is over for our five Derry~Londonderry~Doire bursary candidates, who have been waiting to find out which races they will experience…

18 Aug 2015

Olympic Sprinter joins GREAT Britain team

Sprinter Abi Oyepitan is used to racing fast on the track. She had no experience however in ocean racing until last month when she started sail training at our Gosport…

17 Aug 2015

Meet the Crew: Han Kim aims to be first ever Korean Clipper Race circumnavigator

Han Kim is an amateur sailor from Seoul, South Korea. An adventurer at heart, Han has so far travelled to 150 countries and is aiming to visit all 192 UN…

16 Aug 2015

Clipper Race crew on the Rolex Fastnet Race Start Line

Clipper Race crew are aboard the Clipper Events entry CV7 competing in the 2015 Rolex Fastnet Race which gets underway at 1100 UTC (1200 BST) today with a record-sized fleet…

14 Aug 2015

International crew prepare for the race of their lives

With just 15 days to go until the start of the Clipper 2015-16 Race Start in St Katharine Docks London, international crew members and skippers have been busy at our…

14 Aug 2015

The Boat that Rocks

Roger Daltrey, frontman of the legendary rock band The Who, dropped into Gosport this week to wish Clipper 2015-16 Race crew member Gary Colt, his team and skipper Olivier Cardin…

12 Aug 2015

Meet the crew: UFC’s Dan Hardy on facing his toughest opponent yet

When former Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC) fighter Dan Hardy first arrived for his Clipper Race training in Gosport a couple of months ago he had never been on a yacht…

7 Aug 2015

​Meet the Crew – Gavin Reid

Every Clipper Race crew member signs up knowing they are about to embark on the challenge of a lifetime but for Mission Performance circumnavigator Gavin Reid there is an extra…

4 Aug 2015

Meet the Crew: Lucie Ward

British crew member Lucie Ward of Lymington, Hampshire, needed a new challenge before she turned 30. She had never sailed before, but when she typed ‘challenge’ into Google, the race…

30 Jul 2015

Meet the Crew: Michael Berry

French Anaesthetist and Intensive Care Doctor Michael Berry works in a hospital in London. He had no prior sailing experience before signing up to compete in this year’s Clipper Race.…

30 Jul 2015

Australian ocean adventurers wanted

Fifty Australian crew will compete in the world’s longest ocean race this year, and we are now searching for the next generation of Antipodean ocean racers looking to take on…

29 Jul 2015

Team prepares for Rolex Fastnet Race 2015

There are only 18 days to go until the competitors of the 2015 Rolex Fastnet Race gather at the start line to race in the popular 608 nautical mile offshore…

29 Jul 2015

Olympic and Paralympic athletes join GREAT Britain

Three Olympic and Paralympic British athletes will once again represent their country, this time in a very unfamiliar way - as crew members of the GREAT Britain team in the…

29 Jul 2015

Crew Profile: Bill Lucas

Bill Lucas, 27, began rowing at Dart Totnes Rowing Club and went on to become U23 World Champion in the double scull before making the Team GB squad for the…

29 Jul 2015

Crew Profile: Charlotte Evans

Charlotte Evans made history at the 2014 Sochi Games by winning Britain’s first ever Winter Paralympic gold medal with Kelly Gallagher in the visually impaired Super-G event. Charlotte had been…

29 Jul 2015

Crew Profile: Nathan Robertson

Nathan Robertson, 38, is Britain’s most decorated badminton player and is best known for his formidable mixed doubles partnership with Gail Emms. Together they won Olympic Silver at the Athens…

24 Jul 2015

Meet the Crew - Sunil Prabhakar

Sunil Prabhakar from Chennai (formerly known as Madras), India, will be our first ever Indian round the world crew member when he completes the race next year on board GREAT…

22 Jul 2015

Familiar faces return for Clipper Race adventure round two

More than 3,300 crew members from around the world have taken part in the Clipper Race since the pioneering crew set sail back in 1996. With the 2015-16 race edition…

20 Jul 2015

​Meet the Crew: Linda and Sophie Crocker

Meet the Crew: Linda and Sophie Crocker Mother and daughter duo Linda and Sophie Crocker will be racing against each other on Qingdao and Ichor Coal during the South Atlantic…

20 Jul 2015

Come and visit us at America’s Cup World Series Portsmouth

Anticipation is mounting with the America’s Cup World Series starting in Portsmouth this week, marking the first time the UK has hosted the event since it originated here in 1851.…

16 Jul 2015

Friday Crew Catch-Up: Meet Stephen O’Connor

In this week’s Friday Crew Catch-up we meet round the world Team Olivier crew member Stephen O’Connor, 55, who is a retired Group Commander in the London Fire Brigade. After…

15 Jul 2015

Meet the crew - Boris Dosseh

Frenchman Boris admits he is a competitive person and hopes to win the race on board Team Olivier. Having never sailed before signing up for the race, Boris has now…

14 Jul 2015

Help us support children in danger

Unicef is the official Clipper 2015-16 Race Charity and also has a team entry which will highlight its projects on our race route around the world. There are many ways…

10 Jul 2015

From Recovery to Racing: Meet Ana Downer-Duprey

“It’s my life so it doesn’t seem that interesting to me. When I found out that I was accepted on the race and my injuries would not stand in the…

8 Jul 2015

Meet the crew - Moussa Tawil

Moussa Tawil will be our first ever Lebanese round the world crew member by the time he completes his circumnavigation on board Team Max. Currently based in Doha, Moussa has…

29 Jun 2015

Competitive Match Racing for Clipper Race Skippers in RTI

It was an exhilarating day of racing for the full fleet of twelve Clipper 70s over the weekend in the 84th JP Morgan Round the Island Race (RTI) as the…

27 Jun 2015

Clipper Race fleet full throttle Round the Island

A record-breaking 15 Clipper Race yachts are competing in today’s Round the Island Race (RTI) alongside nearly 1600 entries in the classic mass participation competition around the Isle of Wight…

26 Jun 2015

​Meet the Crew: Emma Dixey

Emma Dixey is a General Practitioner from Newport, Isle of Wight who recently completed her Level 3 training week. She’s been telling us about why she cannot wait to sail…

23 Jun 2015

Former UFC fighter to join GREAT Britain team

Former UFC® fighter, and current UFC commentator, Dan ‘The Outlaw’ Hardy (33) is to swap the Octagon for the Atlantic ocean as a crew member of the GREAT Britain team…

22 Jun 2015

Team Building Weekend Summary

Clipper Race red jackets were out in force all over the UK and as far as France this past weekend, being spotted in Kent, the Welsh Brecon Beacons, the New…

22 Jun 2015

Team Building Weekend - Skipper Blogs

Team Ash After battling through terrible traffic for hours, 18 members of Team Ash arrived in the middle of the New Forest just in time to get stuck into some…

22 Jun 2015

Local heroes awarded race places on Derry~Londonderry~Doire

Two local heroes from Derry-Londonderry are joining the Derry~Londonderry~Doire crew after being awarded bursary places for their work in the community. Shane Brunker, 56, and Danny Bryce, 39, have both…

19 Jun 2015

​Meet the Clipper 2015-16 Race Crew: Alex Couto

Meet the Clipper 2015-16 Race Crew: Alex Couto Alex Couto, from Lisbon, Portugal, is hoping to take East Timor with him in his luggage as he aims to use his…

17 Jun 2015

​Restaurateur swaps Caribbean cuisine for Clipper Race

Gary Colt, 53, was born in the USA, raised in Southern France and now lives on the West Indian island Nevis, where he runs a high-end beach restaurant with his…

16 Jun 2015

Meet our crew: Esha Mehta

Esha (pictured on left) is originally from India but grew up in Belgium and Israel. She currently lives in Reading, UK where she has just completed a degree in Biomedical…

12 Jun 2015

​Future Crew Friday – Meet Diarmuid O’Donovan

Diarmuid is an engineer from County Kerry, Ireland, who currently lives in Enniskillen, County Fermanagh. He is sailing around the world on board Derry~Londonderry~Doire and will share the media crew…

11 Jun 2015

Crew Complete First Practice Races

With two practice races under their belts and the sun shining on the Solent, the first 188 crew to complete their Level 4 training sailed into Gosport with smiles spread…

6 Jun 2015

Fearless female crew celebrate Women’s Sport Week

If you didn’t know it already, this is Women’s Sport Week and at the Clipper Race we want to dedicate it to all of our fearless female crew, past, present…

5 Jun 2015

​Future Crew Friday – Meet Pavels Saikins

Pavels Saikins, 28, is a former volleyball player who now works as a photographer on cruise ships. Hailing from Daugavpils, he is also our first ever Latvian crew member and…

4 Jun 2015

Sharing Adventures: Competition Winners Announced

Last month, Alumni Clipper Race crew members were invited to share their racing adventures and celebrate their memories as we approach the 20th anniversary year of the race's creation. Thanks…

3 Jun 2015

Sports Minister Reveals GREAT Britain Skipper

Cornish yachtsman Peter Thornton MBE, 37, has been revealed as the skipper of the GREAT Britain yacht which will fly the flag for the UK during the Clipper 2015-16 race.…

29 May 2015

Future Crew Friday – Meet Robert Giuliani

This week we catch up with Minnesota chef Robert, who in less than 93 days’ time will be at the start line to race 40,000 miles across the world’s oceans.…

28 May 2015

Throwback Thursday: Fleet pass through one of the engineering wonders of the world - the Panama Canal

In this week’s Throwback Thursday, we look at the most memorable moments of May during the last edition of the race. In the penultimate leg of the 8-leg series, en-route…

27 May 2015

4 June: Discover the race of your life in Dublin

On Thursday 4 June, former Clipper Race circumnavigator, Conor O’Byrne will be sharing his adventures of the high seas at Howth Yacht Club in County Dublin, Ireland from 7:30pm. Conor,…

26 May 2015

Derry-Londonderry to Nominate Local Heroes for Race Place

Sir Robin Knox-Johnston has announced today that Derry City and Strabane District Council has been gifted a unique opportunity for two community workers or volunteers to win a place on…

22 May 2015

​Future Crew Friday – Meet Marc Hundleby

This week, we catch up with Isle of Man crew member Marc Hundleby who lives in Australia, and first heard about the race when he saw the recruitment poster travelling…

22 May 2015

30 May: Join us in London to discover the race of your life

Interested in taking part in the world’s longest ocean race? On Saturday 30 May, Crew Recruitment Manager Della Parsons will be in London’s Little Ship Club from 0930-1230 to share…

15 May 2015

​Largest ever group of Chinese crew in UK for training

The largest ever contingent of Chinese crew to represent China’s sailing city of Qingdao in a single edition of the race are currently in the UK to complete all four…

8 May 2015

Future Crew Friday – Meet Muchi Lukhezo

This week, we catch up with Zimbabwe born Briton, Muchi Lukhezo from London who was introduced to sailing whilst living in Cape Verde and working a crew under a South…

1 May 2015

Future Crew Friday – Meet Jackie Patton

This week we catch up with former dinghy sailor and retired teacher Jackie Patton from Donaghadee, Northern Ireland on her passion for sailing. Jackie has completed two of the four…

30 Apr 2015

Scottish skipper Daniel Smith to lead Derry~Londonderry~Doire team

At the official Derry~Londonderry~Doire yacht naming ceremony today, attended by the Mayor of Derry City and Strabane District Council, Elisha McCallion, Sir Robin revealed Daniel Smith, the 31 year old…

30 Apr 2015

Stormhoek Bashes get the Party Started

While crew were getting to know their skipper and teams at Crew Allocation last Saturday, our Official Wine Partner Stormhoek was doing its best to make sure family and friends…

25 Apr 2015

Hundreds of Crew Allocated to International Teams

HUNDREDS OF CREW ALLOCATED TO INTERNATIONAL TEAMS More than 500 of our 2015-16 crew assembled in Portsmouth Guildhall today with their family and friends to discover which team and professional…

24 Apr 2015

Crew Allocation – Live Streamed Today

The waiting is almost over for the crew members of the 2015-16 race who will today find out the identity of their skipper and fellow team mates at the highly…

24 Apr 2015

Join us on board the race in Portsmouth and London this weekend

Ever wondered what it’s like to live on board a 70-foot ocean racing yacht? As we countdown to Crew Allocation tomorrow which will see more than 600 international crew members…

23 Apr 2015

Two days to go until Crew Allocation – race teams revealed

In just two days, more than 600 international race crew members, family and friends will gather in Portsmouth, UK for Crew Allocation to discover which skipper will lead them around…

17 Apr 2015

Future Crew Friday – Meet Bridget Keevil

This week, we catch up with Bridget, who is leaving her travel agent business to race across the world’s oceans this summer. Bridget has completed two of the four levels…

13 Apr 2015

​Four people win bursaries aboard Derry~Londonderry~Doire

The lives of four people from Derry-Londonderry are about to be transformed after being selected for the ‘Your Next Chapter’ bursary scheme which will see each of them sail a…

10 Apr 2015

​Future Crew Friday – Meet Jimmy Gannon

In this week’s Future Crew Friday we catch up with round the world crew member, Jimmy Gannon from New South Wales, Australia. Jimmy first heard about the race on his…

20 Mar 2015

Future Crew Catch Up – Meet Steven Tng

In this week’s Future Crew Friday, we catch up with Steven. He first heard about the race many years ago but admits he did not give it much consideration at…

13 Mar 2015

Future Crew Catch Up – Meet the international crew preparing for the adventure of a lifetime

It’s a busy time here at Clipper Race HQ. Just four weeks into training at our UK and Australian training centres since the winter break, and 18 courses have already…

10 Mar 2015

Former Hungarian crew member shares inspirational race experience next week

On Tuesday 17 March, former race crew member, Terezia Koczka is hoping to inspire people to follow in her footsteps in her home town of Budapest, Hungary at the Hungarian…

9 Mar 2015

Sean McCarter receives prestigious award for Outstanding Seamanship

Clipper 2013-14 Race Skipper Sean McCarter has been awarded the Rod Stephens Trophy for Outstanding Seamanship by the Cruising Club of America. The trophy was presented by CCA Commodore Tad…

6 Mar 2015

Future Crew Catch Up – Meet Jason Chan

In this week’s Future Crew Friday, we catch up with Jason. He first heard about the race through a random encounter with a Clipper Race crew member at a wine…

5 Mar 2015

Start dates revealed for Legs 1 - 4

As we edge ever closer to the start of the Clipper 2015-16 Race, we can now reveal the start dates and projected crew changeover days in the host ports, from…

27 Feb 2015

Future Crew Catch Up – Meet Suzanne Tomkinson

Why has Australian-based crew member Suzanne Tomkinson been nicknamed the ‘Duracell Bunny’? In this week’s Future Crew Friday we catch up with Suzanne, who moved from the UK to Brisbane,…

26 Feb 2015

Throwback Thursday:  OneDLL encounters Jaws and teams celebrate second Equator crossing

In this week’s Throwback Thursday, we look at the most memorable moments of February during the last edition of the race. Leg 5 of the 8-leg series en-route to Singapore…

20 Feb 2015

Future Crew Catch Up – Meet Richard Foulkes

This week, Clipper Race crew members around the world dusted off their sailing boots to take to the water for the first two training courses of the New Year. Training…

17 Feb 2015

​Dutch student revealed as winner of international Leg 6 competition

20 year old Dutch student Kiki Bakker has been named as the winner of an international competition to win a berth on Leg 6, in the next edition of the…

13 Feb 2015

Future Crew Catch Up – Meet Ben Randall

Ben Randall first heard about the race after seeing a BBC TV feature about the 2013-14 Race Start preparations in London. Impressed by the Race Village and inspired by the…

9 Feb 2015

Derry City Council launches exciting bursary scheme for Clipper Race training

Derry City Council is offering local people the chance to train alongside the crew taking part in the Clipper 2015-16 Race through a special bursary scheme. The ‘Your Next Chapter’…

6 Feb 2015

Future Crew Catch Up – Meet Nicola Edwards

In November 2013, the Clipper Round the World Yacht Race visited Albany, Western Australia for the first ever time, during Leg 3 from Cape Town, South Africa. As a member…

4 Feb 2015

International crew recruitment tour for Clipper Race

Are you looking to test your physical and mental limits and achieve something remarkable? Over the coming weeks, international crew talks are taking place in Australia, Hungary, the US and…

1 Feb 2015

Strong Start to Crew Recruitment Tour in Ireland

Our crew recruitment tour of Ireland got off to a flying start at the National Yacht Club in Dun Laoghaire near Dublin over the weekend. Thirty people came along to…

30 Jan 2015

Future Crew Catch Up – Meet Marion Lang

It was whilst out for an early run in Sentosa Island’s One15 Marina, Singapore, that Marion Lang first learned of the Clipper Race as she noticed the race fleet there…

23 Jan 2015

Place Filling Fast for Clipper 2015-16 Race

If your inner adventurer is calling out, now is the time to listen because places are filling fast for the special tenth edition of the Clipper Race. Only 18 round…

23 Jan 2015

Future Crew Catch Up – Meet Peter Fitch

Today, we catch up with Peter Finch who first heard about the race in 2012 when visiting his son in Australia following the win of team Gold Coast Australia in…

16 Jan 2015

Future Crew Catch Up – Meet Deepak Pande

This week, we catch up with 2015-16 crew member Deepak Pande from Mumbai, one of only six Indians to take part in the race since its inception in 1996. More…

7 Jan 2015

Future Crew Catch Up – Meet Daniel Mokran

This week we catch up with 2015-16 race crew member, Daniel Mokran, a Telecom Engineer who moved to Seattle, USA six years ago and has been sailing for the past…

2 Jan 2015

Future crew catch up – meet Cathy Lorho

In today’s edition of Future Crew Friday, we catch up with Cathy Lorho from Sydney, Australia who saw an advert for the race at Sydney train station and is swapping…

1 Jan 2015

Looking for the ultimate New Year’s resolution?

New Year’s Day is the chance to start anew and do something lifechanging for 2015. What better than the ultimate challenge of racing the world’s oceans? This year, we are…

23 Dec 2014

Wishing you a Merry Christmas and a remarkable New Year.

As the end of 2014 approaches, we wish all past and future race crew, sponsors and supporters a very Merry Christmas and a remarkable New Year. Congratulations once again to…

22 Dec 2014

Clipper Race sailors celebrated in 2014 Sail Canada Awards

The 2013-14 race may be long completed but the celebrations continue for winning team Henri Lloyd following the announcement of the 2014 Sail Canada Awards. Vancouver's Eric Holden, the first…

19 Dec 2014

Future Crew Catch Up – Meet Ken Brown

Today, we catch up with Ken Brown from Dubai, UAE, to find out why he dares to do what very few have done before and circumnavigate the world’s oceans next…

18 Dec 2014

Throwback Thursday: Crew centre stage in Rolex Sydney Hobart Yacht Race

This time last year, the world’s media were gathering in Sydney to interview Clipper Race crew as they prepared to take centre stage in the iconic Rolex Sydney Hobart Race…

12 Dec 2014

Future Crew Catch Up – Meet Steve Sonneveld

In today’s edition of Future Crew Friday, we catch up with Steve Sonneveld from Hobart, Tasmania who is swapping his scrubs for wet weather gear to do Leg 5. Steve…

8 Dec 2014

Want to race the world’s oceans?

Adding more miles to her recruitment log book, crew recruitment manager Della Parsons is in Newcastle today in the search for the next generation of ocean racers. Della, alongside former…

5 Dec 2014

Future Crew Catch Up - Alex Laline

This week we catch up with 2015-16 crew member, Alex Laline, a student from Spain who has lived in Bali with his family for the last ten years. Alex recently…

2 Dec 2014

From one ocean challenge to another

After racing across the Pacific Ocean, the planet’s largest expanse of water, Clipper 2013-14 Race crew member Ali Murrell is on a mission to produce a unique range of board…

28 Nov 2014

Future Crew Catch Up – Meet Edwin van Emmerik

Earlier this week, the UK’s final race training course of the year was completed in Gosport, Hampshire. On board was Edwin van Emmerik from the Netherlands, one of 470 crew…

26 Nov 2014

Former crew member Caroline Marrows launches exciting new race division

Fresh from life at sea on the last edition of the race, round the world crew member Caroline Marrows has joined the Clipper Race team in a new role which…

21 Nov 2014

Future Crew Catch Up – Meet Nicolette Horak

This week we caught up with 2015-16 crew member Nicolette Horak from Eimo, Queensland, to find out how her race adventure is developing following the completion of her Level 1…

19 Nov 2014

Don’t miss the boat!

“I was completely buzzing with excitement. The whole idea of the race really excites me, I am really keen to get on board and I am now trying to plan…

14 Nov 2014

Calling all adventurers!

Calling anyone 18 years or older, from all walks of life, colour, creed and gender. No experience necessary; just a spirit of adventure! Don’t miss the opportunity to meet our…

14 Nov 2014

Future Crew Catch Up – John Charles

The UK Training Office may be beginning to batten its hatches for winter, but the training season remains in full swing in the sunny summer shores of Sydney, at our…

12 Nov 2014

Vicky Song celebrated at Fortune’s Most Powerful Women International Summit

Qingdao crew member Vicky Song, who famously became the first Chinese woman to circumnavigate the globe, gave an inspiring address to influential woman from across Asia yesterday when she made…

11 Nov 2014

Qingdao starts search for 2015-16 race ambassadors

In preparation for its sixth consecutive Clipper Race campaign, Qingdao Sailing Association has commenced a nationwide search to find the next Qingdao Ambassador crew who will represent China around the…

7 Nov 2014

Future Crew Catch Up – Trent Bulgin

This week, the final Level 1 training course of the year came to an end in the UK. We met up with Aussie Trent Bulgin to find out how he…

7 Nov 2014

Tackling a different challenge: Ollie Phillips takes on new Clipper Race role

Ollie Phillips, the 2009 IRB Player of the Year, and former England 7’s Captain, was a crew member and watch leader who took part on the GREAT Britain team during…

6 Nov 2014

We’re recruiting!

Looking to test your limits? We are looking for the next crew of adventurous sailors and next week, newly appointed Crew Recruitment Member and circumnavigator Della Parsons, will be hitting…

31 Oct 2014

Future Crew Catch Up – meet Terri Baker

As the first two levels of the four part training course the crews must complete comes to an end at our UK HQ until the New Year, those taking part…

29 Oct 2014

Sir Robin seeks French entry in next race edition

As he prepares for his departure from St Malo this weekend for the Route du Rhum – Destination Guadeloupe, Sir Robin has called for more French people to take on…

24 Oct 2014

Future Crew Catch Up – Meet Lucy O’Connor

So you’ve signed up for the race, what’s next? In order to become an ocean racing athlete and take on Mother Nature full throttle, crew members must complete our compulsory…

17 Oct 2014

Future crew catch up – Meet Nick and Bob Warren

What were we saying last week about the race being one big family? With Level 3 training kickstarting last week, we met up with father and son duo Nick and…

10 Oct 2014

Future Crew Catch Up – Meet Susanna Hetherton

Racing across the world’s oceans is no easy feat, and to prepare for the challenge, crew members must complete a comprehensive training course on board our fleet of ocean racers.…

3 Oct 2014

​Future Crew Catch Up – Meet Fiona Bond

With the next edition of the race currently 70 per cent full, training is well underway for the crew like Fiona, who will race across the world’s oceans next year.…

22 Sep 2014

Aussie adventurer shares 11-month odyssey

To coincide with the launch of our spanking new website, we’ve posted fresh Clipper Race crew faces on posters across the London Underground network. Over two million commuters and tourists…

21 Sep 2014

Irish Garda reflects on circumnavigation challenge

It was November 2012 when Conor O’Bryne first applied to take part in the Clipper Race. Fast forward two years and the Dubliner is now one of the selected crew…

15 Sep 2014

“It was a beautiful moment all round”

The Clipper Round the World Yacht Race produces some unique, memorable and highly exciting moments during the eleven-month adventure. We caught up with some of the crew members fresh from…

15 Sep 2014

‘I’m so happy to have been part of such an incredible event’

GREAT Britain crew member Allison Bradley raced from Brisbane to Qingdao via Singapore during Leg 5 of the Clipper 2013-14 Race. Looking back on her experience Ally details: Best Moment:…

14 Sep 2014

Reflecting on circumnavigation

After crossing four oceans and visiting and twelve countries, Team Garmin race crew Caroline Marrows reflects on her circumnavigation. Most Challenging Moment: Changing from a Yankee 1 to a Yankee…

12 Sep 2014

How to celebrate your 60th Birthday in the Southern Ocean

Terezia Koczka joined a very select group of people when she completed a circumnavigation of the globe during the Clipper 2013-14 Race. This weekend, the 61-year-old Hungarian shares some of…

10 Sep 2014

‘Hurricane strength storms, house sized waves and knock downs’

London-based Web Designer Neil Bennett took on some of the toughest sailing condition on the planet as he raced during Legs 1, 2, 3 and 4 on board GREAT Britain.…

9 Sep 2014

A knockdown, medevac and man overboard

A knockdown, medevac and man overboard, Derry~Londonderry~Doire crew member Michelle Porter, experienced it all during the 40,000-mile circumnavigation as part of the Clipper 2013-14 Race. Best Moment: So many amazing…

8 Sep 2014

Upcoming Crew Recruitment Sessions in Australia

Kirsty Whyte, winning crew member in the Clipper 09-10 Race ( Spirit of Australia ) and Managing Director of Clipper Ventures Australia will be holding presentations in the following locations…

5 Sep 2014

“The team worked tirelessly and without complaint to achieve it”

Nick Mulholland, a Quantity Surveyor from Surrey, completed a circumnavigation during the Clipper 2013-14 Race on board OneDLL. He reflects on his eleven-month adventure… Best Moment: There were so many…

3 Sep 2014

‘Deep down I still felt awesome’

Sascha Bonus raced on board Old Pulteney for over 26,000 miles during the Clipper 2013-14 Race, she shares some of her best moments… Best Moment: Ok I've got two here.…