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  • Australian Coast-to-coast leg
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  • garmin challenge
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  • Gerry Roufs Trophy
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  • Golden Globe Race
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  • GREAT Britain campaign
  • GREAT Britain summary
  • GREAT Brtiain
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  • Ha Long Bay Vietnam
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  • Hamilton Island Race Week
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  • Heart of the Great Barrier Reef Race
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  • Helming
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  • Henri Lloyd Hobart to Airlie Beach
  • Henri Lloyd Hobart to Whitsundays race
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  • International Women's Day
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  • Invictus Games Sydney 2018 GAME ON
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  • Janette Potgieter
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  • Jeronimo
  • Jeronimo Santos Gonzalaz
  • Jeronimo Santos Gonzalez
  • Jeronimo Santos-Gonzalez
  • Jerry Stokes
  • Jilly St John
  • Jim Prendergast
  • Joanna Mann
  • job
  • Jobs
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  • John Dawson
  • join the race
  • Jonathan Levy
  • Jonathan Retirement
  • Jose Aldo
  • Josh Stickland
  • Junior Crew Supporters
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  • Justin Taylor
  • Kate Holling
  • Kiki Kettunan
  • King Neptune
  • Kit
  • Knockdown
  • Knox-Johnston cup
  • Korea
  • Korean New Year
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  • Lakewood Hill
  • Lakewood Hills
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  • Larry Garner
  • last ocean crossing
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  • Laura Mark Jensen
  • Lauren Blunt
  • Le Mans
  • Le Mans start
  • leaderboard
  • Leadership
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  • lebanon
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  • Lef 4
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  • Leg 1 Arrivals
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  • Leg 3 day 6
  • leg 4
  • Leg 4 Wrap
  • Leg 4: Australian Coast-to-Coast leg
  • Leg 5
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  • Leg 7
  • Leg 8
  • Leg1
  • Legend
  • LegendDerry Finale
  • LegenDerry
  • LegenDerry finale
  • LegenDerry Maritime Festival
  • LegenDerry Race
  • Les Perry
  • Level 4
  • Level 4 Training
  • Liberty Landing Marina
  • Life Jacket
  • Lifejacket
  • Lifejackets
  • light parade
  • Lightning
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  • Line Honours
  • Lisa Blair
  • Lisa Pover
  • Live Stream
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  • Liverpool 2018
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  • Liverpool Vice Mayor
  • Liyaba Rainbow Foundation
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  • LMAX Exchange - Race of the Americas
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  • London's Royal Docks
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  • Lunar new year
  • Maéva Bardy
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  • Maintanance
  • Maintenance Team
  • Maisie Bristow
  • man overboard
  • Mandatory Gate
  • Marie Greer
  • Marie O'Riley
  • Marina de Portimão
  • Marinas
  • Marine Travel
  • Mark
  • Mark Burkes
  • Mark Light
  • Mark Pollard
  • marketing
  • MarketSite
  • Marlow
  • Marlow Ropes
  • Marlow Ropes Southern Ocean Sleigh Ride
  • Marlow Southern Ocean Sleigh Ride
  • Marta Michalska
  • Martin Clough
  • Martin Frey
  • Mary King
  • Mast
  • Mates
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  • Matthew Ogg
  • Max Stunell
  • MaxSea
  • mayor
  • Medevac
  • Media
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  • Medical
  • Meet Ocean Racer
  • meet our crew
  • Meet the ambassador
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  • meetthecrew
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  • Merchandise
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  • Meteorology
  • Mexico
  • Mia Hartwell
  • Mia Showell-Woodsmith
  • Michael berry
  • Michael Richman
  • Mick Pattni
  • Might Pacific
  • Mighty Pacific
  • Mighty Pacific Leg
  • Mike Miller
  • Mike Petrie
  • Mike Shoulder
  • Mike Surridge
  • Minh An
  • Mirabaud Sailing Awards
  • Mirabaud Sailing Video Award
  • Mirabaud Sailing Video Awards
  • Mission Peformance
  • Mission Performance
  • MOB
  • Mother's Day
  • motoring
  • MTA7 Global Alliance
  • Music
  • Musto
  • MyStory
  • Naming ceremony
  • Nasdaq
  • Nasdaq Race
  • Nashan
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  • Nathan Robertson
  • National Maritime Museum Cornwall
  • National Yacht Club
  • nature
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  • New Year's Eve
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  • New York to Derry Londonderry
  • New Yorkers
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  • news
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  • Nicola Harford
  • Nicola Henderson
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  • Nobeltec
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  • North Atlantic Ocean
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  • North Pacific Heart
  • North Pacific Ocean
  • North Pacific Race
  • northern hemisphere
  • Northern Ireland
  • Northern Ireland Tourism NITA Awards
  • Notice of Race
  • Number 10
  • Oban
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  • OBR Blogs
  • OBRs
  • Ocean Acidification
  • Ocean crossing
  • Ocean emotions
  • Ocean Health
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  • Ocean Sailing
  • Ocean Sprint
  • Ocean Sprint Results
  • Official Antifoul Supplier
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  • Official Race Charity
  • Official Sail Partner
  • Official Standing Rigging Partner
  • Official Supplier
  • Official Suppliers
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  • Official Wine Partner
  • Old Pulteney
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  • Ollie Phillips
  • Olympian
  • olympians
  • Olympics
  • on board reporter
  • On board reporters
  • one year on
  • OneDLL
  • Open Boat
  • Open Boat Tour
  • Open Boat Tours
  • Open boats
  • Opening Bell
  • opening ceremony
  • Our Isles and Oceans
  • Outstanding seamanship award
  • Overall winner
  • Pacific
  • Pacific Ocean
  • Pampero wind
  • Panama
  • Panama Canal
  • Panama Cup
  • Panama to New York
  • Papua New Guinea
  • parade of sail
  • Paralympian
  • Partner
  • partners
  • Partnership
  • Partnerships
  • pathways
  • Paul Bidwell
  • Penalties
  • Penalty
  • penalty points
  • Perseverance
  • Peter Thornton
  • phenomenal sea state
  • Philippines
  • Phillipines
  • Photo
  • Photo competition
  • Photo Competiton
  • Photo Finish
  • Photography
  • photos
  • Piriapolis
  • Podium
  • podium finish
  • podium winners
  • Poem
  • Pollywogs
  • Port of Seattle
  • Portimão
  • Portsmouth
  • Portsmouth-Puerto Sherry
  • Portugal
  • PR
  • Prashant De
  • PRAXES Medical
  • prep day
  • Prep week
  • Presentation
  • Preview
  • Prime Minister
  • Private charter
  • Prize Giving
  • Prize-giving
  • Prizegiving
  • professional sailor
  • PSP
  • PSP Logisitics
  • PSP Logistcs
  • PSP Logistics
  • PSP Logistics Panama Cup
  • Public Vote
  • Puerto Sherry
  • Punta del Este
  • PuntaDelEste
  • Punte del Este
  • Qingdao
  • Qingdao Ambassador
  • Qingdao Arrivals
  • Qingdao Prize Giving
  • Qingdao Sailing City
  • Qingdao Stopover
  • Qingdao to Seattle
  • Qinhungdao
  • Quebec
  • Quebec Sailing Federation
  • Queenie Wang
  • Race 1
  • Race 10
  • Race 10 Day 10
  • Race 10 Day 11
  • Race 10 Day 12
  • Race 10 Day 13
  • Race 10 Day 14
  • Race 10 Day 4
  • Race 10 Day 6
  • Race 10 Day 7
  • Race 10 Day 8
  • Race 10: The Garmin Atlantic Challenge
  • Race 11
  • Race 11 Finish
  • Race 11 Seattle Pacific
  • Race 12
  • Race 12 Come See DC Cup
  • Race 12 Day 10
  • Race 12 Day 15
  • Race 12 LegenDerry Race
  • Race 12 start
  • Race 12: GoToBermuda
  • Race 13
  • Race 14
  • Race 15
  • Race 2
  • Race 2 arrivals
  • Race 2 Day 10
  • Race 2 Day 13
  • Race 2 Day 15
  • Race 2 day 19
  • Race 2 Day 20
  • Race 2 day 21
  • Race 2 Day 23
  • Race 2 Day 5
  • Race 2 day 9
  • Race 2 Preview
  • Race 2: Hundred Years Cup
  • Race 2: Stormhoek Race to Cape of Storms
  • Race 2: The Commodore's Cup
  • Race 3
  • Race 3 day 12
  • Race 3 day 17
  • Race 3 Day 2
  • Race 3 Day 3
  • Race 3 Day 4
  • Race 3 Day 5
  • Race 3 Day 6
  • Race 3 Finish
  • Race 3: The Elliot Brown Timekeeper Cup
  • Race 3: The Wardan Whip
  • Race 3: The Warden Whip
  • Race 3: TIMEZERO South Atlantic Showdown
  • Race 4
  • Race 4 Day 10
  • Race 4 Day 12
  • Race 4 Day 15
  • Race 4 Day 19
  • Race 4 Day 25
  • Race 4 Day 3
  • Race 4 Day 6
  • Race 4 Day 8
  • Race 4 Day 9
  • Race 4: Elliot Brown Timekeeper Cup
  • Race 4: The Elliot Brown Timekeeper Cup
  • Race 5
  • Race 5 Day 2
  • Race 5 Day 7
  • Race 5 Day 8
  • Race 5 Day 9
  • Race 5: Sta Lok Endurance Test
  • Race 6
  • Race 6 Day 10
  • Race 6 Day 5
  • Race 6 Day 9
  • Race 6: The Wondrous Whitsundays Race
  • Race 7
  • Race 7 Day 0
  • Race 7 Day 1
  • Race 7 Day 10
  • Race 7 Day 13
  • Race 7 day 2
  • Race 7 Day 3
  • Race 7 Day 4
  • Race 7 Day 6
  • Race 7 Day 7
  • Race 7 Finish
  • Race 8
  • Race 8: The Sailing City • Qingdao Cup
  • Race 9
  • Race 9 Day 10
  • Race 9 Day 11
  • Race 9 Day 16
  • Race 9 Day 17
  • Race 9 Day 18
  • Race 9 Day 6
  • Race Committee
  • Race Conditions
  • Race Crew
  • Race Crew Supporters
  • race dates
  • Race Departure
  • Race Director
  • Race Director Report
  • Race finish
  • Race Fleet
  • Race highlights
  • Race milestone
  • Race of the Americas
  • Race of Their Lives
  • Race of Their Lives 2
  • Race of Their Lives 3
  • Race of your life
  • Race of Your Lives 2
  • race office
  • Race prep
  • Race Prep Week
  • Race Preview
  • Race Re-start
  • Race Recap
  • Race Reflections
  • Race Report
  • race restart
  • Race Sart
  • Race Skipper
  • race standings
  • Race Start
  • Race Teams
  • Race to the Cape of Storms
  • Race to the Emerald City
  • Race tracker
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  • Leg 1: Race 1 - Portsmouth, United Kingdom - Puerto Sherry, Spain
  • Leg 1: Race 2 - Puerto Sherry, Spain - Punta del Este, Portugal
  • Leg 2: Race 3 - Punta del Este, Uruguay - Cape Town, South Africa
  • Leg 3: Race 4 - Cape Town, South Africa - Fremantle, Australia
  • Leg 4: Race 5 - Fremantle, Australia - Newcastle, Australia
  • Leg 5: Race 6 - Newcastle, Australia - Whitsundays, Australia
  • Leg 5: Race 7 - Whitsundays, Australia - Ha Long Bay, Viet Nam
  • Leg 5: Race 8 - Ha Long Bay, Viet Nam - Zhuhai, China
  • Leg 6: Race 9 - Zhuhai, China - Qingdao, China
  • Leg 6: Race 10 - Qingdao, China - Seattle, USA
  • Leg 7: Race 11 - Seattle, USA - Panama
  • Leg 7: Race 12 - Panama - Washington DC, USA
  • Leg 8: Race 13 - Washington DC, USA - Oban, Scotland
  • Leg 8: Race 14 - Oban, Scotland - Portsmouth, United Kingdom
  • Leg 8: Race 15 - SPARE RACE

26 Jul 2024

Instant reactions to the closing of the Clipper 2023-24 Race

And just like that... 326 days, 40,000nm, six oceans and six continents later... Race 14, and the Clipper 2023-24 Race is complete. What an incredible eleven months. Here's what our Skippers and AQP's had to say from the Finish Line... Second placed Perseverance Skipper, Ineke van der Weijden, said: "This was easily the most intense race I have done as…

26 Jul 2024

​The Clipper 2023-24 Race Champion is…

The Clipper 2023-24 Race Champion is... With over 40,000nm of racing, six ocean crossings, fourteen races and eleven months away on the ocean race track, the winner of the Clipper…

26 Jul 2024

UNICEF takes the win on Race 14!

It's a huge congratulations to Dan, Laura and the UNICEF team as they take the top spot on Race 14 - the final race of the 2023-24 edition! This is…

26 Jul 2024

Important update for the finish of Race 14

The Clipper Race Office has been closely monitoring the predicted weather on the Race 14 course and there is an easing wind from midnight onwards. This would impede the progress…

24 Jul 2024


The Clipper Race Committee has finalised the list of penalty points that will be deducted from the teams following the assessment of damages and repairs needed for Leg 8 – Washington DC to Oban in the Clipper 2023-24 Race. It is very difficult to assess any equipment damage and losses, or sail repairs, on the final Race 14, from Oban…

24 Jul 2024

Race 14 Update: We have a split in the fleet

We have a split in the fleet. As the light winds off the Irish coast are replaced by the low pressure's southerly breeze, the first tactical options of Race 14…

23 Jul 2024

Race 14 Update: The Barometer is rising

The barometer is rising and not only in the nav station. Race 14, the final race in this 40, 000 nautical mile epic around the world challenge, is well underway and there's an unfamiliar look to the ranking as the fleet navigate around the north coast of Ireland. UNICEF lead, having put in a shift that has given the team…

21 Jul 2024

Race 14: Start Line report

Under a dramatic sky and within the stunning scenic backdrop around Ardmucknish Bay, the eleven strong Clipper Race fleet hoisted sails and prepared its approach to the final Race Start…

21 Jul 2024

Oban bids the Clipper Race a fond farewell after first Scottish stopover

The weather didn’t dampen spirits as crowds lined the streets of Oban for the Clipper Race’s departure from its inaugural Scottish stopover. Image: Crowds line the walls of North Pier…

21 Jul 2024

All eyes on Race 14

All eyes on Race 14 After thirteen races, over 40,000nm of ocean racing and six ocean crossings, it’s time for the eleven Clipper Race teams to focus on the final…

17 Jul 2024

Clipper Race Grand Finale Suhaili Experience

Want to experience the Clipper 2023-24 Race Grand Finale with the first man to sail solo around the world, Sir Robin Knox-Johnston? In a Clipper Race first, we are auctioning…

17 Jul 2024

​Race 13 Ocean Sprint Results

During each stage of the Clipper Race, teams can accrue extra bonus points above and beyond leader board position points, through a series of tactical elements. One of these is…

17 Jul 2024

Penultimate Prizegiving in Oban

Taking over Corran Halls, Oban, it was a bonny Scottish Prizegiving for Leg 8 Race Crew, as bagpipers guided the way for Race 13: Oban Atlantic Homecoming celebrations. Some 200…

14 Jul 2024

Clipper Race fleet arrives in Oban for first time in race history

This weekend saw the arrival of the Clipper Race fleet in Oban, Scotland, for the first time in race history. Locals, friends and families of the sailors lined the walls…

12 Jul 2024

Oban ETAs

Updated ETAs for the fleet's arrival in Oban: Correct as of 0900 LT on 11 July. Please note that these are best estimates based on the latest weather and the…

10 Jul 2024

Race 13 update: ​It’s north versus south

It's north versus south. Simple as that. If you want to know what's happening on the racecourse mid Atlantic, don't look at the Race 13: Oban Atlantic Homecoming leaderboard. A…

10 Jul 2024

Clipper Race Recruitment Director, meet your new Clipper Race Crew Recruitment Director! 

After over 15 amazing years as part of the Clipper Race family, Della Parsons, Recruitment Director, is standing down from her role to “catch her dreams”, as she plans to…

9 Jul 2024

Oban: What’s on during the inaugural Scottish stopover?

Whilst Oban may be the final stopover destination of the global Clipper 2023-24 Race route before returning to Portsmouth, it is certainly set to be a stopover to remember as…

6 Jul 2024

The Scoring Gate results for Race 13: Oban Atlantic Homecoming are in… 

For this race from Washington, DC to Oban, the Scoring Gate was positioned roughly half-way on the North Atlantic crossing, approx. 80nm due southeast of the rhumb line (great circle)…

28 Jun 2024

Update regarding Washington, DC team

UPDATE 2000 UTC: After making contact with Washington, DC , the US Coastguard successfully lifted crew member Catherine Lister at around 1630 LT (2030 UTC) today and is now en…

27 Jun 2024

Race 13 is on!

The last ocean crossing and Race 13 is on! The Le Mans Start took place approximately 50 nautical miles out to sea from Chesapeake Bay at 10:00 East Coast Time…

26 Jun 2024

​Race conditions rundown of Race 13: Oban Atlantic Homecoming

After a truly awesome stopover in the US capital, attention has turned to the final stages of the Clipper Race, and the imminent Race 13 across the North Atlantic to…

26 Jun 2024

​Monumental send off for Clipper Race crew as they depart DC

The first ever Washington, DC stopover and Clipper Race Fleet Week in the US capital was sensational. Clipper Race crew certainly made the most of this brand-new stopover and everything…

25 Jun 2024

​Hear from the sailing pros ahead of Race 13: Oban Atlantic Homecoming

It's the final day here in Washington, DC, and after an incredible stopover in the US capital, all eyes are on the final ocean crossing of the circumnavigation and the…

25 Jun 2024

First Clipper China Training Academy to open in Qingdao

Clipper China is set to open its first Training Academy after signing a joint venture with Qingdao Zhenghai Watersports Management Co. Ltd. After almost four decades of sailing instruction in…

22 Jun 2024

Double DC Prizegiving

District Pier at The Wharf in Washington, DC was alive with celebration as Race Crew, Officials, Supporters and Team and Host Port Partner Events DC gathered for the Clipper Race…

17 Jun 2024

Kickstart of DC’s Fleet Week as Clipper Race arrives in city

After a short, sharp and punchy 1,560nm race up from Panama, the eagerly anticipated Washington, DC stopover has finally begun. Race 12 arrivals day started with the Woodrow Wilson Memorial…

17 Jun 2024

Sunny side up for Washington, DC’s homecoming

“Today we made history” were the words that greeted the Washington, DC team as it arrived at a sun-soaked The Wharf early this morning (17 June). As first light broke,…

16 Jun 2024

Battle to the end for second place Zhuhai and third place UNICEF on Race 12

Securing its eighth podium place of the Clipper 2023-24 Race, it was Zhuhai who scooped up second on Race 12: Come Sea DC Cup. The team can now boast that…

15 Jun 2024

View from the top! Qingdao secures first place in Race 12: Come Sea DC Cup

After seven days, and over 1,500nm of racing, Qingdao has crossed the Race 12: Come Sea DC Cup Finish Line in first place, taking home its second winners title in…

14 Jun 2024

Get ready to #RaceLikeALegend in this year’s Knox-Johnston Cup

The highly anticipated Knox-Johnston Cup , hosted by Clipper Events, is returning to the Solent on 28-29 September 2024 and team registration is now open! Image: Race on board Clipper…

14 Jun 2024

Washington, DC ETAs

The latest ETAs for the fleet's arrival at The Wharf in Washington, DC are in. (Correct as of 0600 LT/1000 UTC on 13 June 2024) Please note that these are…

11 Jun 2024

The Scoring Gate results are in for Race 12: Come Sea DC Cup

For Race 12: Come Sea DC Cup, a short and punchy race from Panama to Washington, DC, the Scoring Gate was positioned about half-way into the 1,500nm course, approx. 40nm…

7 Jun 2024

Capital start for Race 12: Come Sea DC Cup

Race 12: Come Sea DC Cup got underway today, 7 June, at 1700 UTC. Commencing offshore by means of a Le Mans Start, the starting procedure was managed by nominated…

7 Jun 2024

Race 12: Come Sea DC Cup Preview

Transiting the Panama Canal has brought the Clipper Race fleet back to the Atlantic Ocean, a momentous occasion for all on board and for the circumnavigation. The last time the…

6 Jun 2024

The Sailing Professionals on Race 12: A race of two halves

Whilst in Panama for the canal transit the Clipper Race’s professional sailing staff, made up of Race Skippers and AQPs, looked ahead to Race 12: Come Sea DC Cup and…

5 Jun 2024

​Clipper Race fleet transits Panama Canal

The Panama Canal, a bucket list tick for many sailors, is one of the most famous waterways in the world. For the intrepid Clipper Race crew sailing on Leg 7…

1 Jun 2024

Day 3 Panama Arrivals

Washington, DC and Bekezela motored into a sunny Flamenco Island Marina on Saturday afternoon and completed the arrival of the fleet in Panama following Race 11. Due to the nature…

31 May 2024

A winner’s welcome! 

The Race 11: #SailConnected with SENA winners, the Qingdao team, arrived in Panama full of smiles with another victory under its belt and ready to rest, relax and enjoy the…

31 May 2024

Arrivals into Panama: Day one

After 27 days at sea, the Clipper Race fleet began to arrive in Flamenco Marina, Panama, during the afternoon of 30 May after the conclusion of Race 11: #SailConnected with…

31 May 2024

Panama ETAs

The latest ETAs for the fleet's arrival at the Flamenco Marina in Panama are in. (Correct as of 0800 LT / 1300 UTC on 31 May 2024) Please note that…

26 May 2024

Race 11 Review - Tactical, testing, untamed first stage of Leg 7

Popular for so many reasons, but also often underestimated, Leg 7, one of the longest of the circumnavigation, is made up of two races. The first is down the West…

24 May 2024


Ocean Sprint results are traditionally announced at Prizegiving, with teams eagerly awaiting the results which are kept secret by the Race Office until the event. However, Prizegiving for Races 11…

23 May 2024

Fickle winds make for Race 11 finish theatrics

Bekezela accepts eleventh place on Race 11 Once tenth placed boat Washington, DC had crossed the Finish Line for Race 11: #SailConnected with SENA, Bekezela declared it would accept eleventh…

23 May 2024

Podium complete for Race 11 after a nail-biting finish

Finishing just over three hours behind Race 11 winner Qingdao , it’s another strong finish and podium in the bag for the Ha Long Bay, Viet Nam team. The Vietnamese…

22 May 2024

Another podium for Qingdao - winner of Race 11: #SailConnected with SENA

After 19 days of racing and 2,800nm, today at 16:06:24 UTC, Qingdao crossed the finish line to win Race 11: #SailConnected with SENA by the narrowest of margins. After a…

22 May 2024

Race 11: #SailConnected with SENA - Day 18 Update

With the announcement that Mandatory Finishing Gate 2 will be where this race from Seattle to Panama will come to a close, it’s not just the air temperature that will…

22 May 2024

Father and son go head to head in Leg 7

As Race 11: #SailConnected with SENA nears its conclusion, it seems like the perfect time to introduce Niel and Ben Holt, a father-and-son duo from Maulden, Bedfordshire, who are going…

22 May 2024

​The battle is on: Race 11 to finish at Mandatory Finish Gate 2

After almost 4,000nm of racing, the decision has been made by the Clipper Race Committee that Race 11: #SailConnected with SENA, will end at Mandatory Finish Gate 2. With the…

17 May 2024

Penalty Points announced for Leg 6  

The Clipper Race Committee has finalised the list of penalty points that will be deducted from certain teams following the assessment of damages and repairs needed for Leg 6 (Zhuhai to…

10 May 2024

​Meet the Crew: Laura Mark Jensen

Laura Mark Jenson signed up to Legs 5 and 6 of the Clipper 2023-24 Race and sailed from the Whitsundays, Australia to Seattle, China, on board Perseverance. The 36-year-old from…

9 May 2024

Meet the Clipper 2023-24 Race Crew: Guido Rispoli

Name: Guido Rispoli Age: 70 Occupation: Retired Financial advisor Legs: 7 and 8 Nationality: Italian Lives: Turin Whilst the Clipper 2023-24 Race has been underway since last July, for the…

8 May 2024

​The Scoring Gate results - Race 11: #SailConnected with SENA.

The Scoring Gate results are in for Race 11: #SailConnected with SENA. For this race from Seattle to Panama, the Scoring Gate was positioned about 600nm into the course, approx.…

7 May 2024

​A Le Mans Start, orcas and a touch of the green monster: Race 11 gets underway

After bidding farewell to Seattle, USA, on Friday May, the eleven-strong fleet made its way to the start line for Race 11: #StayConnected with SENA. The 4,000nm race down the…

4 May 2024

Update regarding Qingdao

A crew member on board CV27 Qingdao requires medical assessment on shore after becoming unwell during the fleet’s motor to the Race 11 Start Line. At approximately 0600 UTC on…

4 May 2024

See ya Seattle, next stop Panama

Seattle bids farewell to the Clipper Race fleet as it departs for the start of Race 11: #StayConnected with SENA. With 4,200nm of racing ahead down the west coast of…

3 May 2024

​The Sailing Professionals on Race 11: Tricky, frustrating, hot

“It’s a gloriously sunny day here in Seattle and we are about to set off on probably my favourite and the most interesting race of the Clipper Race. It is…

3 May 2024

​Race 11 Conditions

Race 11: #SailConnected with SENA is one of two races that forms the seventh leg of the global route, and will see the eleven-strong fleet race over 4,000 nautical miles…

28 Apr 2024

Leaderboard shake up at Race 10 Prizegiving in Seattle

Celebrations continued yesterday in Seattle as Race Crew and supporters came together to recognise the achievements of all who sailed the North Pacific Ocean in Race 10: Ultimate Test of…

28 Apr 2024

Ocean Sprint results for Race 10: The Ultimate Test of Perseverance

The Ocean Sprint results for Race 10: The Ultimate Test of Perseverance were revealed at the prizegiving in Seattle. The Ocean Sprint for Race 10 was between 146°W and 136°W…

25 Apr 2024

​Seattle by night: Back-to-back arrivals into Bell Harbour Marina

Whilst the sun had set, the vibrant city lights came to life as Seattle's skyline was the backdrop for most of the fleet arrivals. After finishing Race 10 in such…

25 Apr 2024

​Photo finish for Clipper Race fleet after 5,500nm race across Pacific

After a night of intense racing, it all boiled down to just 42 minutes of action for the bulk of the fleet still fighting it out for the Race 10:…

25 Apr 2024

Zhuhai secures third in race to Seattle

After 27 days at sea, there was only 5 minutes between Zhuhai and its closest competitors at the finish of Race 10: Ultimate test of Perserverance. With most of the…

24 Apr 2024

​Qingdao sails into Seattle in second place

It’s another podium finish for Qingdao, after a race from the team’s home port across the North Pacific to Seattle. The team arrived at the cities emerald shores this morning…

24 Apr 2024

Professional sailing staff update

Due to an ongoing medical condition, Josh Stickland will not be returning as Skipper of Ha Long Bay, Viet Nam . Current Skipper, Bob Beggs will continue leading the team…

23 Apr 2024

Sunny Seattle welcomes Race 10 winners

Arriving early this morning into a bluebird Bell Harbor Marina was the Race 10: Ultimate Test of Perseverance winners, Ha Long Bay, Viet Nam . Image: Ha Long Bay, Viet…

23 Apr 2024

Qingdao scoops second place in Race 10

Crossing the Finish Line at 19:26:11 UTC, Qingdao has proudly claimed another podium finish, bringing its total up to three top-3 spots so far. The team will no doubt be…

23 Apr 2024

Seattle ETAs

The latest ETAs for the fleet's arrival in Seattle are in. These are correct as of 23 April at 1300 UTC, 2000 UTC. Unfortunately, only Race Officials will be allowed…

22 Apr 2024

​Ha Long Bay, Viet Nam bags North Pacific victory

Ha Long Bay, Viet Nam has claimed its fourth win on the Clipper 2023-24 Race, proudly sailing across the Finish Line in first place after the longest and toughest race…

22 Apr 2024

55-year Anniversary of Sir Robin’s circumnavigation

On this day 55 years ago, legendary sailor and founder of the Clipper Race, Sir Robin Knox-Johnston won the Sunday Times Golden Globe Race and became the the first person…

21 Apr 2024

Race 10 Day 25 Update

It’s all cloak and daggers as we start the beginning of the end of Race 10: The Ultimate test of Perseverance. On Sunday at 10:00 UTC, which is the middle…

18 Apr 2024

​Next stop Seattle: Americans sail home across mighty North Pacific Ocean

25 Americans are battling the elements in the North Pacific Ocean as they sail over 5,500nm from Qingdao, China to Seattle, USA on the Clipper 2023-24 Round the World Yacht…

18 Apr 2024

​Meet the Crew: Steve Depew

Steve Depew, a 63 year-old Engineer from Burien, Washington, is taking part in Legs 6 and 7, sailing the North Pacific and around North America on board Zhuhai . Whilst…

15 Apr 2024

​Déjà vu: Clipper Race fleet crosses the International Date Line

If you could live one day again, what day would it be? It’s a question most people will only ever fantasise about, however this weekend Clipper Race crew reached a…

15 Apr 2024

Clipper Race Alumni sets out on solo row round Britain

“Be stronger than the reason to go home”. Inspirational words from Clipper Race Alumni Craig Forsyth who is embarking on his latest challenge, to become the first person to row…

13 Apr 2024

Day 17 Race Update

Does Ha Long Bay, Viet Nam have Race 10 all wrapped up? With a commanding lead of close to 300 miles you’d think, barring any mishaps, the Vietnamese boat will…

12 Apr 2024

Meet the Crew: Han van Roosmalen

“It’s an exceptional way to reach a destination.” Han van Roosmalen, a 62 year old Software Architect from the Netherlands, has fulfilled a 25 year aspiration to sail into Ha…

11 Apr 2024

Scoring Gate results - Race 10: The Ultimate Test of Perseverance

The Scoring Gate results for Race 10: The Ultimate Test of Perseverance are in. Situated approximately one-third of the way across the vast North Pacific Ocean, the Scoring Gate was…

10 Apr 2024

​Penalty points for Leg 5 issued

The Clipper Race Committee has finalised the list of penalty points that will be deducted from the teams following the assessment of damages and repairs needed for Leg 5 –…

28 Mar 2024

​Le Mans start kicks off Race 10: The Ultimate Test of Perseverance

The race that will see the eleven-strong Clipper Race fleet cross the North Pacific Ocean has officially begun. Due to very light winds and low visibility, the Le Mans start…

27 Mar 2024

Next stop North Pacific- Clipper Race fleet departs Qingdao bound for world’s biggest ocean

The Qingdao stopover is not only iconic in that it has a long-standing history with the Clipper Race and is famed for giving the fleet the biggest reception, it’s also…

26 Mar 2024

Skipper thoughts ahead of Race 10:  The Ultimate Test of Perseverance

As the teams make the final preparations for the toughest race of the circumnavigation, we caught up with the Skippers and First Mates ahead of Race 10: The Ultimate Test…

25 Mar 2024

​Show-stopping Qingdao Prizegiving ceremony

Following a memorable arrival ceremony to welcome each of the eleven Clipper Race teams to Qingdao, the prestigious celebrations continued with the Race 9: Sailing City – Qingdao Cup Prizegiving…

24 Mar 2024

The fleet is complete in Qingdao!

After a demanding ten-day race through the bustling shipping channels and fishing fleets of the China Sea, and covering over 1,350 nautical miles, all eleven teams have triumphantly reached Qingdao,…

22 Mar 2024

​Podium place for Qingdao on team’s homecoming race

Sailing into its home port for the first time since 2018, the Qingdao team proudly arrived in the city with a Race 9 podium place making for an extra special…

22 Mar 2024

First win for Our Isles and Oceans on race into Qingdao

The Our Isles and Oceans team has achieved its best result of the circumnavigation, proudly sailing into Qingdao in first place after a gruelling race from Zhuhai. The team, led…

21 Mar 2024

Qingdao ETAs

Please see below the latest ETAs for the fleet's arrival in Qingdao (correct as of 0100UTC on 21/03/24) Please note that these are best estimates based on the latest weather…

20 Mar 2024

Meet the Clipper Race Officials: Sean Liu

With the Clipper Race fleet docking in two stops in China, Zhuhai and Qingdao, what better time to introduce Clipper Race’s Liaison in China, Sean Liu. Sean has been a…

12 Mar 2024

Goodbye Zhuhai!

As the fleet departs Zhuhai, the lively departure ceremony saw the marina walls lined with hundreds of spectators, including Jiuzhou Zhuhai officials, Race Crew supporters and newly recruited Clipper Race…

11 Mar 2024

​Race Conditions and Skipper thoughts- Race 9: Sailing City – Qingdao Cup

The Zhuhai stopover has drawn to a close, with teams spending time exploring the city and surrounds, and preparing for some tough races ahead. With final briefings now complete, the…

9 Mar 2024

Zhuhai Prizegiving

The Zhuhai Prizegiving was long awaited and did not disappoint. A packed banquet hall of Race Crew, supporters, Race Officials and dignitaries from the Zhuhai Organising Committee celebrated the achievements…

8 Mar 2024

Welcome to China- Zhuhai receives heroes homecoming! 

Race 8: Sprint to the City of a Hundred Islands saw the Zhuhai team proudly sail into its home port for the first ever time on the Clipper Race. The…

7 Mar 2024

IWD2024: Celebrating women in sailing

When Race Crew step on board to join their team they soon discover gender does not matter. Not one bit. All crew have to undergo and pass the four levels…

7 Mar 2024

Sailing staff update

Ha Long Bay, Viet Nam S kipper, Josh Stickland, will be taking a break on Leg 6 for personal reasons. Bob Beggs will lead the team from Zhuhai to Qingdao…

6 Mar 2024

​Ha Long Bay, Viet Nam winners of Race 8: Sprint to the City of a Hundred Islands

It’s third times a charm for Ha Long Bay, Viet Nam as it is named winner of Race 8: Sprint to the City of a Hundred Islands and marking its…

5 Mar 2024

​Clipper 2023-24 Race circumnavigation reaches halfway mark

Having faced some of Mother Nature’s most testing weather conditions, in some of the most remote areas of the planet, the Clipper Race has passed the halfway point of the…

5 Mar 2024

Race 8 course shortening

The Clipper Race Committee has been closely monitoring the fleet’s progress and the weather forecast and has taken the decision to shorten Race 8. This is due to a large…

4 Mar 2024

Zhuhai ETAs

Please see below the latest ETAs for the fleet's arrival in Zhuhai (correct as of 05/03/24 0200UTC) Please note there is a depth restriction on the 6 mile approach channel.…

2 Mar 2024

​Le Mans Start for Race 8: Sprint to the City of a Hundred Islands

After a fantastic stopover in Ha Long Bay, Viet Nam it was time to for Race Crew to hit the high seas once again as Race 8: Sprint to the…

2 Mar 2024

So long, Ha Long Bay

After an unforgettable two weeks in the beautiful Ha Long Bay, Viet Nam, the Clipper Race fleet has embarked on its next race, setting sail towards Zhuhai, China in a…

2 Mar 2024

​Prep day thoughts from the Skippers ahead of Race 8: Sprint to the City of a Hundred Islands

Race 8: Sprint to the City of a Hundred Islands marks the second and final race on Leg 5: The Asia-Pacific Challenge. With prep day complete, Race Crew have enjoyed…

1 Mar 2024

​Prestigious Prizegiving in Ha Long Bay

Red carpet, glittering chandeliers, a banquet of local delicacy… it must be the Race 7: Endless Discovery in Ha Long Bay Prizegiving! An event fit for the stars; the prestigious…

27 Feb 2024

Clipper Race deploys drifter buoys in world’s oceans for key meteorological research

The fourth stage of the Clipper 2023-24 Race, the Australian Coast-to-Coast Leg, supported scientific research through the deployment of drifter buoys from its ocean racing yachts. This built on a…

27 Feb 2024

​Embracing Ha Long Bay: Race Crew experience best of Quang Ninh Province

As part of the Clipper Race’s stopover in Ha Long Bay, the Quang Ninh Online News offered Race Crew the chance to visit the pride of Ha Long Bay’s tourist…

23 Feb 2024

Teams receive a heroes welcome in Ha Long Bay

Set against the breathtaking backdrop of Ha Long Bay's majestic landscapes, Quang Ninh People’s Committee and Quang Ninh Tourism Department hosted a special Welcome Ceremony for the Clipper Race Crew.…

22 Feb 2024

Ha Long Bay, Viet Nam team secures fifth place in homecoming

The majestic islands of Ha Long Bay welcomed home its namesake yacht as it sailed into the port in fifth place during the latest leg of the Clipper Round the…

19 Feb 2024

Arrivals continue into ​Ha Long Bay

The rest of the fleet have arrived in Ha Long Bay, following a gruelling 4,000nm race from Airlie Beach in Australia. PERSEVERANCE - 4th PLACE Next to cross the Finish…

18 Feb 2024

UNICEF places third in Race 7

Day 1 of the fleet’s arrival into Ha Long Bay, Viet Nam continued with UNICEF taking third place and securing its second podium finish of the circumnavigation. The big blue…

18 Feb 2024

Zhuhai keeps aiming high as it scoops second place spot on Race 7

A late trick of tactics saw Zhuhai sail into second place after an early morning pip past UNICEF and jostle with Race 7 winners Qingdao . The team crossed the…

18 Feb 2024

Qingdao takes first victory of Clipper 2023-24 Race

After a nail-biting end to a race where it really was anyone’s for the taking right up to the Finish Line, it is Qingdao that has taken the top spot…

18 Feb 2024

Ha Long Bay, Viet Nam ETAs

Please see below the latest ETAs for the fleet's arrival in Ha Long Bay, Viet Nam (correct as of 18/02/24 1100UTC). Please note that these are best estimates based on…

13 Feb 2024

Dare To Lead update

Update 0100UTC 14/02/24 Dare To Lead successfully berthed in San Vicente at 2247UTC 13 February / 0647LT 14 February. Race Crew Antoine Arveiller has been taken to a local medical…

7 Feb 2024

Fond farewell to Southern Hemisphere as fleet crosses the equator

A momentous occasion in any sailors’ career, the Clipper Race fleet has officially crossed the equator, for the second and final time of the circumnavigation, crossing from the Southern Hemisphere…

5 Feb 2024

​UNICEF and Perseverance win bonus points in Race 7 Scoring Gate

The Scoring Gate results for Race 7: Endless Discovery in Ha Long Bay are in, with only two yachts taking the gamble and pocketing some bonus points. The first team…

1 Feb 2024

Doldrums Corridor update- PSP Logistics awarded redress for assistance

UPDATE 7 FEBRUARY 2024 PSP Logistics awarded redress for assistance The Clipper Race Committee has agreed upon an award of redress for PSP Logistics after rendering assistance for two unrelated…

29 Jan 2024

​Race 7: Endless Discovery in Ha Long Bay, sets sail with a thrilling Le Mans Start

Leg 5 of the Clipper 2023-24 Race got underway at midnight UTC on 28 January by way of a Le Mans Start to kick off Race 7. A Le Mans…

28 Jan 2024

Race 7: Endless Discovery in Ha Long Bay – Race Conditions

The Clipper Race fleet prepared to embark on Leg 5, the Asia Pacific Leg. This leg is renowned as the most fast paced of the entire circumnavigation, promising a rollercoaster…

27 Jan 2024

​Skipper and AQP thoughts ahead of Race 7 to Ha Long Bay, Viet Nam

Race 7 is the first instalment of Leg 5:Asia Pacific Challenge which sees the eleven Clipper Race teams embark on a4,515-nautical-mile marathon to Ha Long Bay, Vietnam. This race will…

26 Jan 2024

Yacht Club Punta del Este Plays Joker in Race 7: Endless Discovery in Ha Long Bay

In a bold move that could potentially change the trajectory of their Clipper Race adventure, Yacht Club Punta del Este has decided to play its Joker in Race 7. This…

26 Jan 2024

Goodbye Coral Sea Marina its been a blast

It’s goodbye Coral Sea Marina and back to the Coral Sea proper as the Clipper Race fleet bids farewell to a picture-perfect stopover in Airlie Beach and heads for Race…

22 Jan 2024

​Clipper Race crew cruise out to Great Barrier Reef

Clipper Race crew got to switch racing for cruising, with the opportunity to soak up the best of the Whitsundays on a trip to the Great Barrier Reef as part…

22 Jan 2024

Race 7 departure update

The Clipper Race is currently monitoring an imminent tropical low-pressure system which is likely to develop into a cyclone. The timing of this depression will impact the departure for Race…

17 Jan 2024

​Meet the Perseverance Ambassadors!

Meet Natalie, Sonja, Tom, Marleen and Annick, the first five Perseverance Ambassadors who will be joining Ineke, Joss and the team from Leg 5 onwards as they take on a…

17 Jan 2024

​Put another Prizegiving on the barbie!

With the whole fleet of Clipper Race yachts alongside in the Coral Sea Marina, and the tropical lushness of the Whitsundays in the background, it was time to celebrate Race…

17 Jan 2024

Celebrating Resilience and Strength in the Clipper Race with Sta-Lok Terminals

Race 5, aptly named the Sta-Lok Endurance Test, saw the Clipper Race teams encounter formidable conditions and unpredictable weather patterns. This epic journey traversed the Southern Indian Ocean, dipped into…

16 Jan 2024

Bekezela Accepts 11th Position for Race 6

Bekezela has contacted the Clipper Race Office to request eleventh place in Race 6, Newcastle to Airlie Beach. This was a team decision and will help Bekezela maximise its time…

16 Jan 2024

Clipper Race teams arrive in Airlie Beach

It’s been a busy night and morning of arrivals in Airlie Beach as Clipper Race teams continued to arrive thick and fast. Following the podium places, it was Qingdao that…

15 Jan 2024

​First podiums for Washington DC and Our Isles and Oceans

It was beaming smiles on arrival for second-placed Washington DC and third-placed Our Isles and Oceans teams as they each got their first taste of a podium finish. The two…

15 Jan 2024

​A sprint to success: Zhuhai bags top spot in Race 6

Zhuhai has won Race 6 from Newcastle to Airlie Beach, adding not just a fourth consecutive podium place to its run, but the first win for the team on the…

15 Jan 2024

Airlie Beach ETAs

Please see below the latest ETAs for the fleet's arrival in Airlie Beach following Race 6. Please note these are subject to change. Keep up with the latest on the…

14 Jan 2024

Race 6: Time Penalty for PSP Logistics

PSP Logistics will receive a 2-hour time penalty for the Race Start infringement in Newcastle on 10 January 2024. CV29 PSP Logistics was On Course Side (OCS) from the 1-minute…

10 Jan 2024

Race 6 Conditions – Newcastle to Airlie Beach

Race 6, from Newcastle to Airlie Beach, started today, with the fire of a cannon off the city’s Fort Scratchley. The 950nm sprint is one of the shortest stages in…

10 Jan 2024

​Thank you, Newcastle!

And just like that, after an incredible week at Newcastle Cruising Yacht Club, the lines have slipped, the team songs have been sung and the Clipper Race fleet is on…

10 Jan 2024

​The sprint is on: Clipper Race fleet heads for Airlie Beach in short, tactical offshore race

A cannon blast on Fort Scratchley, Newcastle, marked the start of the sixth stage of the Clipper 2023-24 Race. With an OCS (on course side) from PSP Logistics , it…

9 Jan 2024

​Skipper and AQP thoughts ahead of Race 6 to Airlie Beach

It’s prep day at Newcastle Cruising Yacht Club, and the mood across the Clipper Race crew has definitely turned to less about the beach and more about the race ahead.…

5 Jan 2024

Another Prizegiving down-under: Race 5: Sta-Lok Endurance Test results celebrated at NCYC

As the sun set on Newcastle Cruising Yacht Club (NCYC) celebrations for the Race 5: Sta-Lok Endurance Test Prizegiving begins! With the last of the fleet arriving in the early…

4 Jan 2024

Newcastle Arrivals - 4 January

The next and final batch of arrivals into Newcastle saw warm welcomes all around for the crew as they completed Race 5: Sta-Lok Endurance Test- a race that has been…

3 Jan 2024

Newcastle Arrivals – 3 January

With the sun shining onto a glistening harbour at Newcastle Cruising Yacht Club (NCYC), it’s another day of Clipper Race arrivals here in Australia. With Ha Long Bay, Viet Nam…

3 Jan 2024

Fleet ETAS: Newcastle

Please see below the latest ETAs for the fleet's arrival in Newcastle following Race 5: Sta-Lok Endurance Test. Please note these are subject to change. Keep up with the latest…

2 Jan 2024

Dare To Lead scoops second place, adding third podium to its results haul

Arriving in Newcastle Cruising Yacht Club on a breezy Tuesday afternoon, Dare To Lead has taken second place on Race 5: Sta-Lok Endurance Test. The team crossed the Finish Line…

1 Jan 2024

​A double down under: Ha Long Bay, Viet Nam takes top spot

Race 5: Sta-Lok Endurance Test has proved to be just that, as the fleet faced a cocktail of challenging conditions as the teams made their 2,500nm voyage from Fremantle, Western…

25 Dec 2023

​Feeling festive in the Roaring Forties- a Christmas to remember

This year, 200+ Clipper Race crew will be swapping a Christmas dinner and gathering with family for Christmas Day on board a 70-foot yacht, as they race 2,500 nautical miles…

19 Dec 2023

Don’t forget us Santa! Next stop Newcastle for Clipper Race as teams depart to spend Christmas at sea

It’s onwards to Newcastle, NSW as the Clipper Race fleet today (December 19) embarked on the first race of Leg 4: the Australian Coast-to-Coast Leg. As family, friends and loved…

19 Dec 2023

​Skipper thoughts ahead of Race 5: Sta-Lok Endurance Test  

The eleven Clipper Race teams are now underway. Following a final briefing, tinsel stowed away and final goodbyes on the pontoon in Fremantle, it’s time for Race 5: Sta-Lok Endurance…

18 Dec 2023

Clipper Race teams get ready for Race 5: Sta-Lok Endurance Test

Following a scorching stopover in Fremantle, Skippers, AQPs and Clipper Race crew are making the final preparations ahead of the fourth leg of the circumnavigation. Leg 4 kicks off with…

18 Dec 2023

Qingdao professional sailing staff update

We are pleased to announce Philip Quinn as the new Skipper of Qingdao . Philip will be joining the Clipper Race from Airlie Beach back to Portsmouth (Legs 5-8). As…

17 Dec 2023

​Time penalty applied to Qingdao for Race 4

During the final stages of Race 4, Qingdao inadvertently broke the 3nm Exclusion Zone from land (clearly laid out in the Course Instructions) when passing to the north of Rottnest…

15 Dec 2023

An epic prizegiving down under

A balmy Perth summers evening was the perfect backdrop to celebrate the achievements of Leg 3 Race Crew and the epic crossing of the Roaring Forties at the Race 4:…

13 Dec 2023

​Clipper Race teams arrive in Fremantle

It’s another day of arrivals in Fremantle, Australia, as the remaining eight Clipper Race teams have given it their all as they complete Race 4: Marlow Roaring Forties Challenge. After…

13 Dec 2023

Fleet ETAs: Fremantle

Please see below the latest ETAs for the fleet's arrival in Fremantle following Race 4: Marlow Roaring Forties Challenge. Please note these are subject to change. Keep up with the…

11 Dec 2023

Another podium for Dare To Lead

Crossing the Finish Line at 13:32:52UTC on 10 December, Dare To Lead claimed its second consecutive podium of the Clipper 2023-24 Race, placing third on the Race 4: Marlow Roaring…

10 Dec 2023

Podium for Zhuhai as it sails into Fremantle in second place

It’s day one of arrivals, and second to arrive in Fremantle was Zhuhai , securing its second consecutive podium position of the Clipper 2023-24 Race. The team topped its current…

10 Dec 2023

First win for Ha Long Bay, Viet Nam

After an arduous 22 days at sea, Ha Long Bay, Viet Nam arrived first into Fremantle, taking the win on Race 4: Marlow Roaring Forties Challenge. Image: Ha Long Bay,…

6 Dec 2023

Clipper Race heading to Fremantle, WA

The Clipper Round the World Yacht race and its intrepid crew members are set to arrive in Fremantle from 9 December following an epic race from Cape Town, South Africa,…

6 Dec 2023

​Penalty points issued for Legs 1 and 2

The Clipper Race Committee has finalised the list of penalty points that will be deducted from the teams. This is following the assessment of damages and repairs needed since leaving…

29 Nov 2023

Race 4 Day 11: Scoring Gate Results are in!

It's Day 11 of Race 4: Marlow Roaring Forties Challenge, and the Scoring Gate Results are in! Could it be said that Dare To Lead stealthed to perfection? Skipper Ryan…

23 Nov 2023

Happy Thanksgiving from the Roaring Forties!

Despite racing through one of the most remote oceans on the planet, intrepid, non-professional sailors, including 32 Americans, still enjoyed their turkey (or ham) and sweet potatoes for Thanksgiving. The…

18 Nov 2023

Next stop Australia: Clipper Race teams embark on huge race across the Roaring Forties

The Clipper 2023-24 Race has passed its quarter-way mark as teams embarked today (18 November) on the 4,750nm Roaring Forties stage of the race from Cape Town, South Africa to…

18 Nov 2023

Race 4: Marlow Roaring Forties Challenge - thoughts from the fleet

The eleven Clipper Race Skippers have had their final briefing ahead of Race 4: Marlow Roaring Forties Challenge from Cape Town, South Africa to Fremantle, Australia. Following a busy week…

15 Nov 2023

Update on Clipper 2023-24 Race professional sailing team

Update on Qingdao Race Skipper Skipper Greg Hunt is unable to rejoin his Qingdao team on the Clipper 2023-24 Race due to an ongoing medical condition. Unfortunately, the condition is…

15 Nov 2023

​Dare To Lead announces Ambassadors to join Clipper Round the World Yacht Race

At a launch event hosted during the Clipper Race stopover in Cape Town, four young Africans were announced as the latest Ambassadors to take part in Dare To Lead’s social…

13 Nov 2023

SKIRR Adventures 2024 expedition now on sale

SKIRR Adventures will once again be offering those in search of a proper adventure the chance to sail on a 4,470 nautical mile long high latitude expedition next summer, departing…

13 Nov 2023

The final showdown: Race 3 Prizegiving

Overlooking Table Bay, Race Crew gathered to celebrate the achievements of Race 3 and the South Atlantic Ocean crossing. Set within the V&A Waterfront, Sevruga Restaurant hosted the Prizegiving for…

13 Nov 2023

Race 3: TIMEZERO South Atlantic Showdown Ocean Sprint – Top points for Perseverance! 

The Ocean Sprint results for Race 3: The TIMEZERO South Atlantic Showdown were revealed at the prizegiving in Cape Town on Saturday night. For Race 3, the Ocean Sprint was…

10 Nov 2023

More Clipper Race teams arrive in Cape Town

It was a wonderfully warm welcome to the big blue boat UNICEF as it sailed into port at Cape Town on day two of arrivals. The team took seventh place…

10 Nov 2023

Yacht Club Punta del Este, Bekezela and Qingdao arrive in Cape Town after South Atlantic race

It’s Day 2 of arrivals and after over 3,500 miles of ocean racing, the remaining Clipper Race teams are arriving in Cape Town to warm hospitality, cold beverages and some…

10 Nov 2023

Cape Town, South Africa, ETAs

Please note that these are the best estimates based on the latest weather and average speeds of the fleet. Weather and tidal conditions will cause these times to change. For…

9 Nov 2023

Zhuhai sails into Cape Town in third place

Sailing into into the Mother City in third place was Zhuhai , gaining the team its first podium result of the Clipper 2023-24 Race. The team, representing the Chinese city…

9 Nov 2023

Perseverance scoops another podium spot

It’s Day 1 of the fleet’s arrival into Cape Town. After Dare To Lead took the victory, closely behind the team was Perseverance finishing in second place, securing yet another…

9 Nov 2023

Dare To WIN!

After a gruelling 3,500nm crossing of the South Atlantic from Punta del Este, Uruguay, Dare To Lead has arrived in Cape Town, South Africa as the winner of Race 3:…

7 Nov 2023

Qingdao Skipper update

Due to an ongoing medical condition, Greg Hunt is not currently able to return to be the Skipper of Qingdao . Jeronimo Santos Gonzalez will be taking over as the…

3 Nov 2023

The Clipper Race is returning to Cape Town, bringing home two South African Skippers and multiple South African crew

Image: The epic Table Mountain that overlooks Cape Town After the action-packed stopover in Punta del Este, Uruguay, the fleet is now closing in on Cape Town, taking on the…

3 Nov 2023

Gyeongnam Province, Tongyeong City, and Gyeongnam Sailing Federation plan to become a Host Port and Team Partner in Clipper 2025-26 Race

Today, at the Yinsunsin Cup International Yacht Race in Korea, a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) was formally signed between Clipper Ventures and Gyeongnam Province, Tong-yeong City, and Gyeongnam Sailing Federation.…

3 Nov 2023

CV21 and CV31 boat-to-boat transfer

UPDATE: 3 November 1300 UTC The Clipper Race Committee has approved a request for redress from CV21, Our Isles and Oceans after the team was instructed to go to the…

30 Oct 2023

Race 3 Day 9: Scoring Gate results are in

It's Day 9 of Race 3: TIMEZERO South Atlantic Showdown and the Scoring Gate results are in. The closely fought battle for the Scoring Gate between Perseverance and Dare To…

26 Oct 2023

Race 3 update: Stop go, stop go

Stop go, stop go. That's been the theme of this race to Cape Town so far, but could that be about to change? On day five of Race 3: TIMEZERO…

25 Oct 2023

Weather update: A challenging 24 hours for the Clipper Race fleet

The South Atlantic is living up to its expectations of unpredictable weather. Over the first few days of Race 3: TIMEZERO South Atlantic Showdown the fleet has had to manage…

25 Oct 2023

Punta del Este beach clean // Eco Kermesse in aid of UNICEF

Beach cleans are always an important event in the Clipper Race stopover calendar, and the recent beach clean in Punta del Este saw a large number of Race Crew join…

24 Oct 2023

Making old sails ‘Oarsome’ again

Sailing into the Clipper 2023-24 Race merchandise collection are the incredibly unique tote bag, wash bag and laptop sleeves which are being sold in aid of UNICEF and making use…

22 Oct 2023

An electric send off from Punta del Este

It’s been an emotional day in Punta del Este, Uruguay, as eleven teams docked out to embark on Leg 2, and third race of the circumnavigation, heading to Cape Town,…

21 Oct 2023

Looking ahead to Race 3: TIMEZERO South Atlantic Showdown

Following an incredible stopover in Punta del Este, filled with true Uruguayan hospitality, celebration and a jam-packed programme of activities, all focus is now on the third race of the…

18 Oct 2023

Qingdao Update

Qingdao Race Skipper, Greg Hunt, is unable to sail on Leg 2, Race 3, from Punta del Este to Cape Town, due to a muscular lower back condition. Deputy Race…

17 Oct 2023

A true fiesta for Punta del Este prizegiving

A Punta del Este prizegiving extravaganza celebrated Race 2: Hundred Years Cup. The highly anticipated event brought together Clipper Race crew, supporters, Yacht Club Punta del Este members and Clipper…

17 Oct 2023

Ocean Sprint results are IN! 

The Race 2: Hundred Years Cup Ocean Sprint results were revealed at Prizegiving in Punta del Este last night, after a highly anticipated wait from Clipper Race crew. The first…

14 Oct 2023

Final teams arrive in Punta del Este

After a tricky run into Punta del Este, with the second half of the fleet getting stuck in a troublesome wind hole just off the coast of Uruguay, the final…

13 Oct 2023

Race 2: Hundred Years Cup - welcoming Zhuhai and Our Isles and Oceans

Two further teams have arrived into Punta del Este after a 28-day ocean crossing, the first on the Circumnavigation. Under a moonlit sky, with the harbour water bright with bioluminescence,…

13 Oct 2023

Race 2: Hundred Years Cup – PSP Logistics and Dare To Lead arrive into port

There was plenty of sunshine and smiles in Punta del Este as two more teams arrived into port on Thursday. Following the arrivals of the winning team Yacht Club Punta…

13 Oct 2023

​UNICEF set the bar high as first team to achieve £30,000 charity fundraising target

The first team of the Clipper 2023-24 Race to achieve its fundraising target of £30,000 for UNICEF UK is non-other than the UNICEF team. UNICEF UK, the Clipper Race Charity…

13 Oct 2023

Punta del Este, Uruguay ETAs

Please note that these are the best estimates based on the latest weather and average speeds of the fleet. Weather and tidal conditions will cause these times to change. For…

12 Oct 2023

Perseverance scoops second place on Race 2: Hundred Years Cup

After an epic battle to the finish line, Perseverance has taken second place on the Race 2: Hundred Years Cup – making it the team’s second podium appearance on the…

12 Oct 2023

Yacht Club Punta del Este wins race into home port

Yacht Club Punta del Este has been crowned the winning team of Race 2: Hundred Years Cup. The Uruguayan team entry representing the Yacht Club Punta del Este triumphantly sailed…

10 Oct 2023

Race Office insight on Race 2 Day 26

As the fleet makes its final run towards Punta Del Este, the excitement continues and the racing becomes even more riveting! The Yacht Club Punta del Este team is pushing…

10 Oct 2023

Race reflections: Helming at night

Race 2: Hundred Years Cup has provided some of the best downwind spinnaker runs that Race Crew can experience. Having the yacht surfing down cresting waves and hearing the wake…

9 Oct 2023

Weather update: the fleet face the Sudestada

It’s been quite the 24 hours for the Clipper Race fleet as a climatic weather front known as a Sudestada has washed over it, causing heavy rain, strong wind shifts…

8 Oct 2023

Meet the Crew: Maya Vohrah

Meet the Crew: Maya Vohrah Nationality: British Hometown: Coventry Age: 27 Occupation: Primary school teacher Meet Maya, a primary school teacher from Coventry who is set to embark on the…

7 Oct 2023

Boat-to-Boat transfer

This evening, at approximately 19:30 UTC, UNICEF and Qingdao conducted a boat-to-boat transfer of medical supplies that are required on board UNICEF .  Every yacht in the fleet carries an…

6 Oct 2023


“One thing is for sure… the racing is not done yet, and there may be many more twists and turns to come in Race 2: Hundred Years Cup.” In the…

5 Oct 2023


With the teams now over halfway on their passage towards Punta Del Este, Deputy Race Director, Dale Smyth gives an update on what's to be expected over the next few…

4 Oct 2023


For over 40 years, Spinlock, the Life Jacket Supplier of the Clipper 2023-24 Race has been designing and manufacturing personal protective gear for the marine sector and is known for…

2 Oct 2023

A warm welcome to the Southern Hemisphere Shellbacks! 

A momentous occasion in any sailors’ career, the Clipper Race fleet has officially crossed the equator. The equator is a 24,901-mile-long line that is equidistant from the North and South…

29 Sep 2023

Clipper Race Office Insight – Race 2: Hundred Years Cup – day 15

Deputy Race Director, Dale Smyth, gives us his insight into the conditions ahead for the fleet as the teams head towards the Equator: As the fleet exits the huge hurdle…

26 Sep 2023

Down in the doldrums…

Teams are now starting to hit the doldrums (official name is the Inter Tropical Convergence Zone or ITCZ) – a low pressure trough where there is minimal wind due to…

26 Sep 2023

Puerto Sherry proves to be the perfect stopover

As the fleet settles into Race 2: Hundred Years Cup, the Puerto Sherry stopover will no doubt seem a distant memory to many as daily life on board resumes. However,…

24 Sep 2023

CV22 diversion

13:00 UTC 24 September 2023 update At approximately 1200 UTC (1100 Local Time), the Bekezela yacht arrived alongside at Mindelo Marina in the Cape Verde islands. The local marina team…

23 Sep 2023

CV28 UNICEF Update

UPDATE: 1850 UTC At 18:00 UTC, the UNICEF yacht berthed at Mindelo Marina in the Cape Verde islands. The local marina team will assist with immigration clearance for crew member…

22 Sep 2023

Race 2: Hundred Years Cup Scoring Gate results are in!

The Scoring Gate results are in for Race 2: Hundred Years Cup, and in a close battle the points were all to play for right up until the very end.…

20 Sep 2023

​Race 2: Hundred Years Cup - Day 6 report

From the start, Race 2: Hundred Years Cup was set to be a highly competitive race. Now six days into the almost month-long battle and first ocean crossing of the…

15 Sep 2023

Race 2: Hundred Years Cup is ON

Race 2: Hundred Years Cup is on. Image: Race Start in Puerto Sherry After some rest and recuperation in Puerto Sherry, it was time for the fleet to embark on…

15 Sep 2023

Skipper and AQP thoughts ahead of Race 2: Hundred Years Cup

After a tough Race 1 and some well-earned rest in Puerto Sherry, Race 2: Hundred Years Cup is now underway. A 5,300nm battle across the Atlantic ocean to Punta del…

15 Sep 2023

​Race 2: Hundred Years Cup- what lies ahead on the first ocean crossing

After a sun (and sherry) soaked stopover in Puerto Sherry, it’s time for the focus to turn to the first ocean crossing of the Clipper 2023-24 Race. Race 2: Hundred…

12 Sep 2023

Perseverance crowned Race 1 winners at Puerto Sherry Prizegiving Ceremony

The first Prizegiving ceremony of the 2023-24 edition took place at the Puerto Sherry Marina, with a stunning Spanish sunset and plenty of the local aperitifs to celebrate the achievements…

12 Sep 2023

​Puerto Sherry Arrivals- Day 2

Day 2 of arrivals into Puerto Sherry was a busy one, with the remaining teams arriving into port to a big welcome and sunny skies, ready to relax after a…

11 Sep 2023

Day 1 arrivals- Puerto Sherry

This evening saw the first flurry of teams to arrive into Puerto Sherry following Race 1 from Portsmouth, UK. Perseverance , the winning team of Race 1, was first to…

11 Sep 2023

Winning Race 1 team arrives in Puerto Sherry

Race 1 of the circumnavigation is complete, and first to arrive in port was Race 1’s winning team Perseverance . The team was welcomed in by supporters who had flown…

11 Sep 2023

Puerto Sherry ETAs

Latest ETAs into Puerto Sherry: Please note that these are the best estimates based on the latest weather and average speeds of the fleet. Weather and tidal conditions will cause…

9 Sep 2023

Perseverance pays off!

Race 1 has finished with the first podium positions taken in the Clipper 2023-24 Race. After the epic Race Start from Portsmouth, UK on 3 September and the fleet bound…

9 Sep 2023

Race 1 Update: Shortened course

The Clipper Race Office has been monitoring the fleet's progress and weather forecast and potential arrival times into Puerto Sherry. Unfortunately, the fleet has been hampered due to adverse headwinds…

6 Sep 2023

Race 1 Scoring Gate results

The Scoring Gate results are in for Race 1 – Portsmouth to Puerto Sherry. A unique feature of the Clipper Race, Scoring Gates are virtual marks where the first yacht…

6 Sep 2023

Race 1 update –6 September

Race Viewer addiction is real. The Clipper Race Office team has been glued to the tracker and has shared insight into what has happened over the past 48 hours of…

6 Sep 2023

​Marlow Ropes announce new Brand Ambassador for the Clipper 2023-24 Race

Marlow Ropes have announced Dr Dianne McGrath as their new Clipper Race Brand Ambassador onboard the Clipper Round the World Yacht Race. This will be the third race edition which…

3 Sep 2023

The Clipper 2023-24 Race has begun!

Following final goodbyes on the pontoon and a spectacular Parade of Sail, the eleven-strong fleet mustered at the start line ready for the cannon blast to start the Clipper 2023-24…

3 Sep 2023

Race Start Day: Welcoming the Clipper Race Teams

An amazing, colourful and very loud Race Start day down at Gunwharf Quays. Clipper Race Teams were paraded to the mainstage to the sounds of Batala Portsmouth, before they joined…

2 Sep 2023


Another sunshine filled day down at Gunwharf Quays as the fourth day of the Clipper Race Start celebrations draws to a close. Image: Race Supporters at Gunwharf Quays It was…

1 Sep 2023

Race Start at Gunwharf Quays Day 3: wrap on the day’s action

The sun returned for day three of the Clipper Race Start celebrations – and it was a day filled with plenty more excitement, World Street Food, and on the water…

1 Sep 2023


It may have been a rainy day, but that didn’t stop Clipper Race supporters heading out to soak up the atmosphere on day two of Race Start festivities! There were…

31 Aug 2023

Welcoming communications specialist Sena as Fleet Partner for the Clipper 2023-24 Race

A welcome to Clipper Race Fleet Partner Sena as it makes its debut on the 2023-24 edition.  Communications specialist Sena will be providing Bluetooth headsets for each Clipper 70, supporting…

30 Aug 2023

​Clipper 2023-24 Race Start: Day 1 action

It’s Day 1 of the Race Start celebrations in Gunwharf Quays, Portsmouth and the Race Village is officially open! Image: Clipper Race fleet berthed in Gunwharf Quays ahead of the…

22 Aug 2023

Dare To Lead returns as a Team Partner for third consecutive edition

Team Partner Dare To Lead returns to the Clipper Round the World Yacht Race. Formed over ten years ago, and partnering with the Clipper Race since its 2013-14 edition, Dare…

21 Aug 2023

​Washington, DC confirmed as Clipper Race Team Partner and Host Port – marking the event’s first ever visit to the city  

Washington, DC confirmed as Clipper Race Team Partner and Host Port – marking the event’s first ever visit to the city   Washington, DC debuts on the Clipper Round the World…

18 Aug 2023

A spotlight on Australia: Airlie Beach, Whitsundays returns as a Host Port on the 2023-24 global race route  

Making its fourth appearance on the global race route, the tropical paradise of Airlie Beach in The Whitsundays will once again welcome the eleven-strong fleet of Clipper Race yachts in…

18 Aug 2023

​A spotlight on Australia: Welcoming Newcastle, New South Wales, to the Clipper Race circuit

A spotlight on Australia: Welcoming Newcastle, New South Wales, to the Clipper Race circuit Making its debut on the Clipper 2023-24 Race, Newcastle, New South Wales will welcome the intrepid…

17 Aug 2023

A spotlight on Australia: Fremantle to be first stop in trio of Australian Host Port stopovers

A spotlight on Australia: Fremantle to be first stop in trio of Australian Host Port stopovers The Clipper Round the World Yacht Race will be sailing into the Fremantle Sailing…

16 Aug 2023

Yacht Club Punta del Este team announced, with Uruguayan Skipper at helm

Following a second-place finish in the Clipper 2019-20 Race, the Yacht Club Punta del Este (YCPE) team is back for another circumnavigation. The Yacht Club Punta del Este team will…

15 Aug 2023

Clipper Race to visit trio of Australian Host Ports on upcoming edition

The Clipper 2023-24 Race will be visiting three Australian ports during its global race route, with the addition of newcomer Newcastle, New South Wales: a vibrant city on the East…

10 Aug 2023

PSP Logistics makes its return to the Clipper 2023-24 Race as a Team Partner

PSP Logistics makes its return to the Clipper 2023-24 Race as a Team Partner The Global freight forwarder and international boat transportation company, PSP Logistics returns as Team Partner in…

8 Aug 2023

Bekezela Community Foundation debuts as Team Partner for 2023-24 Race

South African Charitable Organisation, Bekezela Community Foundation debuts as a Team Partner for the Clipper 2023-24 Race, with David Hartshorn as its appointed Race Skipper. Maisie Bristow will be joining…

3 Aug 2023

Meet the Clipper Race Crew: Alfie Butler

Climbing aboard Zhuhai to take on Leg 1 of the race this September, Race Crew Alfie Butler said he can’t wait to be part of this once-in-a-lifetime adventure. Alfie, 22,…

1 Aug 2023

Clipper Race fleet to sail into Cape Town for eleventh time

The Clipper Round the World Yacht Race will be visiting the iconic V&A Waterfront in the city of Cape Town for the eleventh time as part of their global race…

26 Jul 2023

Clipper Race confirms Puerto Sherry as stopover on its global route – its first ever visit to Spain

The Clipper Round the World Yacht Race will be visiting Puerto Sherry in the Bay of Cádiz. It will be the first stop on its circumnavigation and also the first…

23 Jun 2023

Punta del Este to host its third Clipper Race stopover

The Clipper Race fleet will be sailing into Punta del Este this October, as the finishing port for the first leg of the global yacht race. The fleet is expected…

19 Jun 2023

Portsmouth to host Race Start and Finish of Clipper Round the World Yacht Race

The Clipper Race has revealed Portsmouth will be the location for the Race Start and Finish of its 2023-24 edition. Five days of festivities, beginning 30 August 2023, are planned…

15 Jun 2023

UNICEF Team and Skipper announced for the Clipper 2023-24 Race

The Clipper Race and the Official Charity Partner UNICEF UK, have announced that UNICEF will be a Team Partner for the Clipper 2023-24 Race, with Dan Bodey as Race Skipper…

9 Jun 2023

The countdown to the adventure is on: Level 4 training in full swing

The build up to the Clipper 2023-24 Race is well underway with the first of five Level 4 courses ticked off. This past week saw over 100 Race Crew sail…

2 Jun 2023

In photos: First Level 4 Training underway

Yesterday, over 100 Race Crew set sail for the first time with their Skipper, First Mate and fellow teammates on the first of five Level 4 Training Courses. Level 4…

20 May 2023

Crew Allocation!

Over 450 adventurers, from 48 nations, filled the Portsmouth Guildhall for their Race Crew Allocation, one of the biggest and most highly anticipated events in the Clipper Race calendar. Image:…

19 May 2023

Both Zhuhai and Qingdao announce Ambassadors

Returning Clipper Race Host Port and Team Partners, Qingdao and Zhuhai , have revealed the Ambassador Crew selected to represent their two Chinese cities as they sail around the world.…

18 May 2023

Four Team Partners announced for Race Skippers

The first four Clipper Race Skippers have been allocated their respective teams for the upcoming 2023-24 edition. Assigning a Race Skipper to a team is a detailed process that requires…

16 May 2023

ATPI Sports Events returns as the Official Travel Supplier of the Clipper 2023-24 Race.

ATPI Sports Events is returning as the Official Travel Supplier of the upcoming edition of the Clipper Race. This will be the world-leading corporate travel company's second edition of partnership…

16 May 2023

Qingdao signs two-race partnership with the Clipper Race, marking historic 20-year relationship

Following Qingdao’s victory in the 2019-20 edition, the Chinese Sailing City is set to return as a Host Port and Team Partner for the next two editions of the Clipper…

3 May 2023

Kirsten Neuschäfer wins Golden Globe Race

When Kirsten Neuschäfer crossed the Golden Globe Race finish line she became the first woman to win the event, or any solo, non-stop, round the world yacht race for that…

26 Apr 2023

Clipper Race confirms AQP lineup

Eleven exceptional professional sailors have been announced for the highly regarded AQP role and are set to assist the Clipper 2023-24 Race Skippers in leading over 700 Race Crew around…

13 Apr 2023

Sta-Lok to rig the eleven-strong Clipper Race fleet for third consecutive edition

Sta-Lok Terminals Ltd. is returning as the Official Standing Rigging Supplier for the upcoming edition of the Clipper Race. This will be the Essex-based company’s third edition of partnership with…

31 Mar 2023

Grahame Robb Associates delivers successful programme for newly appointed Clipper Race Skippers

Grahame Robb Associates (GRA), the Official Learning and Development Supplier for the Clipper 2023-24 Race, recently delivered a bespoke leadership training programme for the eleven Race Skippers. Based at Grahame…

21 Mar 2023

Hamble School of Yachting announce David Robson as Principal and Chief Instructor

Hamble School of Yachting has announced David Robson as its Principal and Chief Instructor, with David starting with the South Coast RYA sailing school last week. David had an accomplished…

15 Mar 2023

Introducing the Clipper 2023-24 Race Skippers

The full line up of Clipper Race Skippers for the upcoming 2023-24 edition has been revealed. Following an exceptionally rigorous selection process, the eleven skippers are set to lead teams…

27 Feb 2023

​Spotlight: Leg 2 - The South Atlantic Challenge

Race length : Approx 4,000nm Air temperature : 10-30 c One individual race Days racing: 15-23 days (port dependent) Where? South America to South Africa The South Atlantic Challenge, otherwise…

23 Feb 2023

TIMEZERO returns to provide cutting-edge navigation software for the Clipper Race

TIMEZERO has renewed its partnership with the Clipper Race, returning for a fourth consecutive edition as the Official Navigation Software Supplier for the global yacht race. Image: TIMEZERO software can…

10 Feb 2023

Watch: #MyStory

Experiencing the exhilaration of ocean racing and accessing parts of the world few people have the opportunity to see, the Clipper Race offers life-changing opportunities for its courageous crew. Multinational…

3 Feb 2023

Spotlight: Leg 5 - The Asia-Pacific Challenge

Total distance raced: approximately 6,000nm, over a number of individual races Days racing: 30-40 days Where: Australia to Asia When: January- March 2024 An equator crossing, intense weather patterns, a…

27 Jan 2023

Voyage to the Arctic Circle in 2023 with SKIRR Adventures

Following an incredible inaugural expedition last year, booking is now live for the 2023 SKIRR Adventures High Latitudes voyage. Designed for the curious, the restless and those adventurous by nature,…

23 Jan 2023

​Clipper Race fleet moves to sustainable running rigging as it extends partnership with Marlow Ropes

Marlow Ropes will be supplying innovative, sustainably made and recyclable running rigging for the eleven-strong fleet in the upcoming Clipper 2023-24 Race. Made with 73% recycled or sustainably manufactured raw…

12 Jan 2023

​Seven wonders of the ocean racing world-  Race Crew reflections on weeks spent in the wilderness

It’s hard to put into words the incredible moments that intrepid Clipper Race Crew experience when at sea. Skies painted with brightly lit stars, the sheer power of towering waves,…

23 Dec 2022

Meet the Clipper 2023-24 Race Crew: Gabriele Vogel

Nationality : German Hometown : Munich, Germany Occupation : Architect Age : 61 Legs : 2 and 7 Gabriele Vogel, an architect from Munich, Germany, is looking to build on…

29 Nov 2022

Meet the Clipper 2023-24 Race Crew: Anton and Pavel- two good friends taking on the North Atlantic

Meet the Clipper 2023-24 Race Crew Names: Anton Baturin and Pavel Nesvedov Ages: 43 Occupations: Lawyer and Auditor Hometown: Luxembourg Leg: 8 Two Luxembourgers who have sailed together for years…

24 Nov 2022

Get on board for an iconic Rolex Fastnet Race with Clipper Events in 2023

Clipper Events has opened up individual crew places to complete an exhilarating campaign in the 50th edition of the Rolex Fastnet Race , on board a Clipper 68 racing yacht.…

21 Nov 2022

​#ChangingTack: From making music to making waves in the sailing industry: Jilly St John’s journey to Clipper Race Crew Recruitment Coordinator

#ChangingTack is a series on how ocean sailing and time spent at sea in the most raw and wild environments changes us, and can inspire a life or career change.…

16 Nov 2022

​Meet the Clipper 2023-24 Race Crew: Chee Wah Lum

Nationality: Malaysian Hometown: Selangor, Malaysia Occupation: Recently retired- Banking Age: 56 Chee Wah Lum is setting his sights on joining a small cohort of Malaysian nationals who have circumnavigated the…

9 Nov 2022

Meet the Clipper 2023-24 Race Crew: Liz Galloway

Name: Liz Galloway From: Salt Lake City, Utah, now living in Seattle, USA and Baja, Sur, Mexico Nationality: USA Leg: Leg 5 Clipper 2023-24 Race Occupation: PR and Marketing professional…

3 Nov 2022

#ChangingTack: From Fitness Coach to First Mate on the world’s toughest ocean adventure

#ChangingTack is a series on how ocean sailing and time spent at sea in the rawest and wildest environments changes us, and can inspire a life or career change. In…

24 Oct 2022

#ChangingTack: Dex’s pathway from musician to First Mate at Clipper Ventures

#ChangingTack is a series on how ocean sailing and time spent at sea in the rawest and wildest environments changes us, and can inspire a life or career change. When…

5 Oct 2022

​Where are they now? Catch up with Callum Leach, Clipper 2019-20 Race Crew

Seven years ago, following some difficult twists and turns, Callum Leach was a teenager living in a hostel faced with unemployment. Fast forward a few years and, at age 21,…

21 Sep 2022


The inaugural Clipper Events Knox-Johnston Cup took place at the weekend with some incredible conditions and an atmosphere to match. The flagship event saw fifteen yachts race around the Isle…

8 Sep 2022

HM Queen Elizabeth II, 1926-2022

Sir Robin, William and the staff of Clipper Ventures express their deepest sympathy at the passing of HM Queen Elizabeth. As Britain’s longest-reigning monarch, Queen Elizabeth II served her country…

5 Sep 2022

Q&A: Former Clipper Race Skipper takes on Golden Globe Race

Former Clipper Race Skipper Guy Waites is taking on one of the most remarkable sailing challenges on the planet - the Golden Globe Race. It’s a challenge that is close…

5 Sep 2022

Skipper Reflections: The Clipper 2019-20 Race

A month has already gone by since the epic finale of the Clipper 2019-20 Race in London’s Royal Docks. Having safely returned the fleet of Clipper 70 racing yachts to…

26 Aug 2022

Behind the scenes: Clipper 70 fleet refit

After completing the twelfth edition of the Clipper Round the World Yacht Race, the eleven-strong fleet of Clipper 70 racing yachts are finally back at HQ in Portsmouth Harbour, UK…

10 Aug 2022

​Sailing City Qingdao celebrates the 14th Qingdao International Sailing Week

For Clipper Race Partner Qingdao, the jubilant celebrations following its team winning the Clipper 2019-20 Race continue with the 14th Qingdao International Sailing Week 2022 Qingdao International Marine Festival. The…

8 Aug 2022

​Inspirational women return after completing global yacht race

A summer of success for women in sport continues with 65 non-professional female sailors returning to London last weekend after enduring everything Mother Nature served up during the Clipper 2019-20…

30 Jul 2022

​Clipper 2019-20 Race Finish in London’s Royal Docks

After racing over 40,000 nautical miles around the world, the Clipper Race fleet and some 180 intrepid Race Crew have arrived back in London, UK, completing the epic circumnavigation. After…

29 Jul 2022

And the Clipper 2019-20 Race Winner is…..

After over 40,000nm sailed, six ocean crossings and eight legs completed, the Clipper Race has announced its champion! And the Clipper 2019-20 Race Winner is Qingdao ! Qingdao , skippered…

29 Jul 2022

​It’s a wrap on Race 15

The final race of the Clipper 2019-20 Race is complete. Due to the slow progress of the fleet after it faced adverse race conditions, the Race 15 Course was shortened…

28 Jul 2022


The Clipper Race Committee has announced that the Race 15 course will be shortened and that racing will end at 0000 UTC on 29 July (0100 BST). This is due…

28 Jul 2022

Imagine your Korea accepts eleventh place in Race15

Due to the time needed to get to Race Finish in London on 30 July, Imagine your Korea has been offered and has accepted eleventh position in Race 15 and…

25 Jul 2022

Huge finale to be held at London’s Royal Docks to celebrate Clipper Race Finish

A huge celebration is in store for Race Finish at London’s historic Royal Docks on Saturday 30 July in honour of the teams competing in the Clipper 2019-20 Race. The…

25 Jul 2022

​A LegenDerry departure day

After an incredible two weeks in the walled city, on Sunday afternoon the Clipper Race yachts slipped their lines and departed Derry~Londonderry for the finale of the 2019-20 edition -…

24 Jul 2022

Final race of 2019-20 edition underway

The rain gave way to blue skies and a good breeze for the start of Race 15 - the final race in the Clipper Race circumnavigation, taking the teams from…

24 Jul 2022

Race 15 conditions: The final sprint to London

The Clipper Race fleet officially started their final Race 15 from Greencastle at 1800 LT on Sunday 24 July 2022, following a rainy but wonderful departure from Foyle Marina. Race…

24 Jul 2022

​The final sprint: Skipper thoughts ahead of Race 15 to London

The Clipper 2019-20 Race is so close to its finale, with just one more race to go in its circumnavigation of the globe. This morning the yachts departed Foyle Marina,…

23 Jul 2022

Clipper Race fleet lights up the Foyle Maritime Festival

On Friday evening as the sun went down, the Foyle Maritime Festival ‘What Lies Beneath’ showcase got underway, providing a spectacle of light. Image: Dare To Lead Image: Unicef Image:…

21 Jul 2022

Clipper Race reveals new South African Race Partner for future editions which will focus on empowering rural communities

The Clipper Race has announced that the Bekezela Community Foundation (BCF) has become the newest Host Port and Team Partner to its 2023-24 and 2025-26 editions. This new partnership means…

19 Jul 2022

​Reflecting on a decade in partnership with Derry~Londonderry

With the final ocean crossing of the Clipper 2019-20 Race now complete, its courageous teams are now enjoying the legendary stopover in Host Port Derry~Londonderry and the Foyle Maritime Festival…

13 Jul 2022

Clipper Race fleet receives a warm welcome in Derry~Londonderry

Foyle Marina, Derry~Londonderry is welcoming the Clipper Race fleet with open arms, after Race 14: LegenDerry finale, a fast race of over 3000nm from New York to Derry~Londonderry concluded with…

12 Jul 2022

​GoToBermuda take victory in epic North Atlantic race

Following a super fast race across the North Atlantic with some stellar conditions, GoToBermuda has won Race 14: LegenDerry finale, crossing the Finish Line at 18:50:25 UTC. The team, led…

12 Jul 2022

Derry~Londonderry ETAs

Please see below the latest Derry~Londonderry ETAs.Please note that these are the best estimates based on the latest weather and average speeds of the fleet. Weather and tidal conditions will…

11 Jul 2022

​Major milestone in global yacht race reached

Non-professional Circumnavigators sailing in The Clipper Race have crossed every line of longitude on the planet With under 1500 nautical miles remaining of the Clipper Round the World Yacht Race,…

8 Jul 2022

Clipper 2019-20 Race Penalty Points- update

The Clipper Race Committee has finalised the penalty points that will be deducted from specific teams following the assessment of damages and repairs needed since the Clipper 2019-20 Race Restart…

7 Jul 2022

Course extension announced for Race 14

The Clipper Race Committee has announced there will be a course extension in Race 14. Due to the fast progress the fleet has been making since its departure from New…

7 Jul 2022

A LegenDerry race to the Scoring Gate results in victory for GoToBermuda

The Race 14: LegenDerry Finale Scoring Gate results are in. As the temperature drops for the fleet sailing across the North Atlantic in the penultimate race of the global circuit,…

3 Jul 2022

​A Bermudaful stopover to remember

Whilst the Clipper Race fleet is back in race mode, Clipper Race Crew, Skippers and Officials are remembering the stunning debut week-long stopover in Bermuda. The first-time Host Port truly…

1 Jul 2022

SKIRR Adventures commences debut Arctic sailing expedition

SKIRR Adventures ’ debut expedition, a unique 4,802 nautical mile long high latitude expedition to some of the most remarkable and remote places on the planet, has departed from Gosport,…

1 Jul 2022

Race Conditions - Race 14: LegenDerry Finale

After its Le Mans Start, Race 14: LegenDerry Finale is on! This North Atlantic stage is the last ocean crossing of the Clipper Race circumnavigation and is expected to take…

30 Jun 2022

​Le Mans Start - Race 14: LegenDerry Finale

The Le Mans Start for Race 14: LegenDerry Finale began this morning at 0800LT. The line up was organised by Dan Jones, Skipper of WTC Logistics who set the sail…

29 Jun 2022

North Atlantic crossing - Skipper and AQP thoughts ahead of Race 14

This morning, the eleven-strong fleet of Clipper 70s slipped lines from Liberty Landing Marina bound for Derry~Londonderry. The yachts motored past the iconic skyline of downtown Manhattan and then filed…

25 Jun 2022

​Sun-drenched Race 13 Prizegiving

The Race 13 Prizegiving ceremony took place on the sun-soaked waterside terrace of Surf City, Jersey City, looking out over the marina and Manhattan skyline. Race 13 was a short,…

25 Jun 2022

Clipper Race arrives in the Big Apple

Following a challenging 700nm sprint from Bermuda to New York, all of the Clipper Race teams have safely docked in Liberty Landing Marina, New Jersey. All of the Clipper Race…

23 Jun 2022

Sprint from Bermuda - Qingdao take the Race 13 win

The 700nm mile Race 13 from Bermuda to New York had an upwind start. This four to five day race then quickly became a tactical battle to navigate the light…

23 Jun 2022

New York ETAs

Below are the estimated Line Finish times and arrival times to Liberty Landing Marina. Please be advised the arrival timings reflect the tidal restrictions on the Hudson River. The fleet…

20 Jun 2022

​Final leg of the Clipper 2019-20 Race off to a start

Leg 8: The Atlantic Homecoming leg, which is the final stage of the Clipper 2019-20 Race, began at 1800 Local Time (2100 UTC) by way of a Le Mans Start.…

19 Jun 2022

Fitting finale for Bermudaful stopover

The Bermuda stopover came to a close today, following a week of sunshine and island life for Clipper Race Crew. From the moment the crew stepped onto land at Royal…

19 Jun 2022

​Skipper thoughts ahead of Race 13

Earlier today, the yachts slipped lines from the Royal Bermuda Yacht Club ready for the start of Race 13 from Bermuda to New York. We caught up with the Skippers…

19 Jun 2022

​Race 13 Conditions - A tactical sprint from Bermuda to New York

Kicking off the start of the final leg of the Clipper 2019-20 Race is Race 13, a short sprint from the island paradise of Bermuda to New York, where crew…

18 Jun 2022

Sir Robin’s knots launch new Dare To Lead bursary fundraiser in Bermuda

Long-time Clipper Race supporter, and former crew member, Dirk van Daele, has launched the next phase of his Dare To Lead partnership at a special event in Bermuda. It includes…

15 Jun 2022

​An island-style prizegiving in Bermuda

The Bermuda Tourism Authority hosted the much-anticipated Leg 7 Clipper Race Prizegiving Ceremony at the Royal Bermuda Yacht Club. It was a dual event with Leg 8 joining crew also…

14 Jun 2022

Clipper Race: Team Update

From Race 13 onwards there will be a few movements of AQPs between teams. Angela Brandsma will move from Ha Long Bay, Viet Nam to Dare To Lead Al Jay…

13 Jun 2022

​Sun-soaked Bermudaful Team Arrivals

It was an action-packed day full of sun, smiles and Rum Swizzles as teams arrived into the Royal Bermuda Yacht Club after Race 12: Go To Bermuda. First to dock…

13 Jun 2022

Race 12 Finish: update

Dare To Lead crossed the finish line at 20:59:14 UTC, finishing in 8 th place, receiving four points for Race 12. Earlier today, Dare To Lead stopped racing and accepted…

13 Jun 2022

​GoToBermuda Scoops Second Place in Race to Home Port

There were celebrations all-round as home team GoToBermuda scooped second place racing into its home port today. Aptly named Race 12: GoToBermuda, the race started with an offshore Le Mans…

12 Jun 2022

Close-matched race sees Visit Sanya, China take victory in Race 12: Go To Bermuda

After a short but intense race, the Race 12 results are starting to roll in, with Visit Sanya, China crossing the Finish Line in first, claiming the victory into Bermuda.…

12 Jun 2022

Bermuda ETAs

Please note that these are best estimates based on the latest weather and the average speeds of the fleet. Weather and tidal conditions will cause these times to change. Keep…

10 Jun 2022

A close race for points sees Scoring Gate victory for WTC Logistics

Whilst battling frustrating wind conditions during tactical Race 12: Go To Bermuda, there has been another, intense competition for Scoring Gate points. Scoring Gates are virtual gates where the first…

8 Jun 2022

Six weeks to go: the Derry~Londonderry countdown is on!

It’s just six weeks to go until the Clipper Race fleet returns to Derry~Londonderry for one of the most anticipated stopovers of the race. A firm favourite for the Clipper…

8 Jun 2022

​Race 12 so far: Stealth Mode and shifting winds

Following a smooth Le Mans start, the fleet is making decent progress, despite the ever-changing winds, through the Caribbean Sea during the first stage of Race 12: Go To Bermuda.…

8 Jun 2022

​Sailing programme provides a post-pandemic boost to young people

A sailing programme which has given 39 young people from many different walks of life, who have suffered as a result of the global pandemic, development opportunities through life-changing experiences…

4 Jun 2022

What to expect on ​Race 12: Go To Bermuda

The aptly named Race 12: Go To Bermuda, is a 1410nm slalom with multiple exciting elements packed into a relatively short race. This second stage of Leg 7 will see…

4 Jun 2022

​Le Mans Start - Race 12: Go To Bermuda is on!

The next stage of the Clipper Race got underway at midday local time (1700 UTC) today, after an offshore Le Mans Start. The second part of Leg 7: The USA…

2 Jun 2022

A bucket list tick for any sailor: transiting the Panama Canal

For the crew competing in the Clipper Round the World Yacht Race, the transit through the Panama Canal is a sure highlight on the circumnavigation. Over the past few days…

2 Jun 2022

Qingdao arrive in Panama and will join fleet for Race 12 Start

In the early hours of Wednesday 1 June, Qingdao arrived at Flamenco Island Marina with a backdrop of a beautiful sunrise. Crew on board the Clipper Race yachts en route…

1 Jun 2022

Seattle and Imagine your Korea arrive at Flamenco Island Marina, Panama

On Monday, two more Clipper Race yachts arrived in Panama after Race 11: Seattle Pacific Challenge. Seattle and Imagine your Korea motored into Flamenco Island Marina in the afternoon of…

31 May 2022

Panama Canal transit and Race 12 start - what’s coming up

The first group of Clipper Race yachts has begun the transit through the Panama Canal, a true feat of engineering, a bucket list tick for any sailor and a highlight…

30 May 2022

Panama ETAs

Please note that these are best estimates based on the latest weather and the average speeds of the fleet. Weather and tidal conditions will cause these times to change. Keep…

29 May 2022

Zhuhai and Dare To Lead arrive in Panama

Sunday saw more of the Clipper Race fleet arriving into Flamenco Island Marina, to join their competitors for a short rest, relaxation and preparation, before transiting the Panama Canal in…

28 May 2022

Clipper Race fleet arrives in Panama

The Clipper Race fleet has started to arrive at Flamenco Island Marina, Panama after racing just over 4,000nm in Race 11: Seattle Pacific Challenge. Since departing Seattle, the teams have…

26 May 2022

​Race 11: Seattle Pacific Challenge results are in

Race 11 has been an exceptionally close contest, with a nail biting wait over the past few days for the final results. This elapsed time race saw the fleet frontrunners…

26 May 2022

Wildlife Watch on Race 11

The Clipper Race offers so many unforgettable moments for its Race Crew. Topping the wishlist for many who embark on the journey of a lifetime is the opportunity to see…

23 May 2022

Former AQP duo team up for double handed race

Former Clipper 2019-20 Race Additional Qualified Persons (AQPs), Hugo Picard (AKA the Sailing Frenchman ) and Ryan Barkey were competing on Ha Long Bay, Viet Nam and Punta del Este…

23 May 2022

Race 11 Finish

The Clipper Race Committee has announced that Race 11: Seattle Pacific Challenge will end at Finish Gate 3. The race results will be based on the crossing times of this…

19 May 2022

Introducing: The Knox-Johnston Cup

Clipper Events, sister company to Clipper Round the World Yacht Race, has revealed plans for its inaugural Knox-Johnston Cup, a new addition to its racing schedule, taking place on 17-18…

19 May 2022

​Race 11 Day 20: The heat continues in more ways than one!

For the Clipper Race fleet, Race 11 conditions have been hot, sticky and the winds fickle. However, the last 24 hours saw the competition heat up and get a notch…

18 May 2022

Scoring Gate Results for Race 11: Seattle Pacific Challenge

The Scoring Gate results are in for Race 11: Seattle Pacific Challenge. For this race, the Scoring Gate was positioned approximately 50nm east of the most direct track (rhumb line).…

17 May 2022

Medical diversion on Qingdao

Latest update as of 02:00 17 May 2022 Diane Morrison has been safely and successfully transferred to the naval vessel. Qingdao will return to the position it started its engine…

14 May 2022

Dell Latitude Rugged Ocean Sprint results for Race 11: Seattle Pacific Challenge

Qingdao has completed the Dell Latitude Rugged Ocean Sprint section so the final results can now be revealed. The sprint was between 30°N and 27°N and the distance on the…

9 May 2022

Qingdao set to join Race 11

On 10 May, Qingdao will depart Schoonmaker Point Marina in Sausalito, bound for Mandatory Start Gate 1 in Race 11. Due to the team’s delay in finishing its North Pacific…

7 May 2022

Qingdao finishes mighty North Pacific Ocean crossing

After crossing the mighty North Pacific Ocean, Qingdao has completed Race 10: Sailing City Qingdao Cup and arrived at Schoonmaker Point Marina in the San Francisco Bay Area. The team,…

6 May 2022

New AQP for Qingdao

Bruce Anderson will be stepping down from his role of AQP on board Qingdao for personal reasons. It has been announced that the new AQP of Qingdao will be Maisie…

4 May 2022

Qingdao ETA

Qingdao is making good progress towards San Francisco. The teams arrival into Schoonmaker Point Marina is as follows: 06/05/2022 1500 to 1800 Local Time / 06-07/05/2022 2200 to 0100 UTC

3 May 2022

​Race 10 Dell Latitude Rugged Ocean Sprint victory for Qingdao

Now that Qingdao has completed the Ocean Sprint section of Race 10: Sailing City - Qingdao cup, the final results are in. Qingdao put in an impressive time to take…

3 May 2022

​Race 11 now underway after Le Mans start

The Le Mans Start of Race 11: Seattle Pacific Challenge began at 12:00 local time on 2 May, 30 nautical miles southwest of Tatoosh Island. The Lead Skipper was David…

28 Apr 2022

​Finish line feelings: Race Crew reflect on their North Pacific achievement

After a mammoth journey across the North Pacific spending 36 days at sea, the longest race in Clipper Race history, crew arrived in Bell Harbor Marina, Seattle on Sunday. The…

28 Apr 2022

Cleaning up in Seattle

Fundamental to the race and integral to the crew, the Clipper Race aims to create a greater link between communities and the ocean, and with partnerships at the forefront, the…

28 Apr 2022

A Warm Welcome for the Leg 7 Race Crew

As celebrations continue for the Leg 6 crew who arrived in Seattle after 36 days at sea, enduring the testing conditions of The North Pacific, the Leg 7 crew have…

28 Apr 2022

Sailing the North Pacific - a Poem by Pip Cledwyn

While on the 'race of their lives' the crew paint a picture of life on board for their very important supporters and fans of the race through diaries, photos, videos…

27 Apr 2022

​Capturing life crossing The North Pacific: The Hyatt Photo Competition

Hyatt and The Clipper Race have worked together to offer a photo competition for crew to enter for a chance to win a Hyatt hotel stay - the ultimate in…

25 Apr 2022

Double celebrations at the Leg 6 Prizegiving Ceremony

Clipper Race Crew, Skippers, AQPs, Race Office and Race Crew Supporters came together for a double celebration; the highly-anticipated Prizegiving Ceremony to honour the achievements made during both Race 9…

24 Apr 2022

Clipper Race Director Mark Light reflects on Leg 6

What an incredible race from Subic Bay, Philippines, across the North Pacific to Seattle, USA! After departing Subic Bay on 20 March, the Clipper Race fleet spent four days working…

23 Apr 2022

​Close finale sees WTC Logistics take victory in race across the mighty North Pacific

After over a month at sea, and an exceptionally close finish, WTC Logistics has claimed the win in Race 10: Sailing City - Qingdao Cup, crossing the finish line at…

23 Apr 2022

Teams battle it out on final push to Seattle in Race 10: Sailing City - Qingdao Cup

Ten* of the Clipper Race teams are racing on the final stretch of Race 10: Sailing City Qingdao Cup into Seattle, after a long and enduring voyage across the North…

23 Apr 2022

Seattle ETAs

Updated: 1600 UTC / 0900 LT - 22/04/2022 Please note that these are best estimates based on the latest weather and the average speeds of the fleet. Weather and tidal…

19 Apr 2022

Time Penalty for Zhuhai and Dare To Lead on Race 10

The Clipper Race Committee has announced that Dare To Lead and Zhuhai have each been given a six-hour time penalty as a result of breaching part of the Clipper Race…

15 Apr 2022

The Qingdao team is set to leave Japan tomorrow

The Qingdao team is ready to leave Japan and will depart tomorrow (16 April) at 0900 local time (0000 UTC). Once the team has departed, Qingdao will motorsail out approximately…

13 Apr 2022

Crossing the International Date Line- which day would you relive twice?

The Clipper Race fleet has started to cross the International Date Line, a big race milestone in Race 10: Sailing City - Qingdao Cup. On 12 April, Punta del Este…

13 Apr 2022

Qingdao Update

Update 1100 13 April Following the completion of the repairs, the delay to Qingdao departing from Japan was due to the approaching typhoon and it was a decision taken after…

11 Apr 2022

​Crossing the International Date Line

In the coming days, the Clipper Race fleet is set to tick off the next big Race 10 milestone - crossing the International Date Line. Whilst it has no technical…

11 Apr 2022

Breeze on! Unicef battles the North Pacific Ocean

The weekend was wet and wild for many of our teams as they sailed into the North Pacific proper. Now the weather has calmed (hello wind holes), we’ve been receiving…

7 Apr 2022

Scoring Gate scramble with victory for Unicef on Race 10 - Sailing City · Qingdao Cup

It has been a thrilling few days for the fleet, and for those glued to the Race Viewer , as three teams hustled for the first Scoring Gate since Race…

5 Apr 2022

Into the wilderness: teams enter the North Pacific Ocean

Having cemented its reputation for being ‘the big one’ since its introduction to the Clipper Race in 2005, Leg 6, the Mighty North Pacific Leg, is an epic 6,100 nautical…

2 Apr 2022

Medical evacuation required on Imagine your Korea

2 April - 0730 UTC At 0440 UTC, approximately 90nm off the coast of Japanese island Hachijōjima, Nick Whittle was safely transferred from CV20 Imagine your Korea to a Japanese…

29 Mar 2022

The Mighty North Pacific - reflections from the Clipper Race on an incredible ocean crossing

The North Pacific, the world’s largest and most remote ocean, is home to some of the most challenging conditions sailors can face. Clipper Race Crew making this crossing can expect…

24 Mar 2022

Clipper Race officially underway after a spectacular Le Mans start

After a two year wait, the Clipper 2019-20 Race officially restarted at 1200 Local Time (0400 UTC). Race 10, the Sailing City - Qingdao Cup, got underway today by way…

21 Mar 2022

Racing for Chrissie: Susan takes on the mighty North Pacific in memory of former Clipper Race Crew member

Susan Went, a Management Consultant from Surrey, has embarked on the challenge of racing the North Pacific Ocean in memory of her good friend and former Clipper Race Crew member…

20 Mar 2022

​Looking ahead to Race 10: Sailing City Qingdao Cup

The Clipper 2019-20 Race restarted from the Philippines today with the eleven yachts, crewed by non-professional sailors, departing for the North Pacific crossing to Seattle. Race 10 is the first…

20 Mar 2022

​A fond farewell to the Philippines as the Clipper Race restarts

The Clipper 2019-20 Race is back underway as the fleet departed from Subic Bay in the Philippines. Some 150 Race Crew arrived onto the pontoons at Subic Bay Yacht Club…

19 Mar 2022

Skipper thoughts ahead of ‘the big one’

After a two year wait, the Clipper 2019-20 Race is restarting tomorrow, Sunday 20 March 2022. As energy builds on the ground in Subic Bay, we caught up with each…

19 Mar 2022

Sir Robin Knox-Johnston on what lies ahead on the Mighty Pacific Leg

The atmosphere on the pontoons at the Subic Bay Yacht Club as the crews, and their eleven Clipper yachts, prepare to set sail more than 6,000 nautical miles across the…

19 Mar 2022

Coppercoat withstands the test of time

The Clipper Race is one of the toughest endurance tests on the planet for both crew and the eleven-strong fleet of Clipper 70 racing yachts, as they cover some 40,000…

14 Mar 2022

Clipper Race fleet returns to Subic Bay after a successful Training Week

On Sunday 13 March, the Clipper Race fleet returned to Subic Bay Yacht Club following sail and safety training. All eleven race teams departed a week ago, and following Parade…

13 Mar 2022

Training Week: Le Mans start practice

On the penultimate day of Training Week, the eleven strong fleet and its crew practiced a Le Mans start. This type of race start is used when the yachts are…

13 Mar 2022

​Skipper Blogs, Training Week

Skipper Blogs 13 March 2022 Rob Graham Imagine your Korea Imagine your Korea is heading back home to Subic Bay Yacht Club after a very productive training week. Old and…

8 Mar 2022

Celebrating International Women’s Day 2022

Over the past eleven editions of the Clipper Race, thousands of women from all over the world have been introduced to sailing and trained to be ocean racers. The 2019-20…

7 Mar 2022

In photos: Refresher Training gets underway in Subic Bay, Philippines

Monday 7 March 2022 After a busy few weeks of preparation, maintenance and Race Crew arrivals here in Subic Bay, all team yachts are getting ready to hoist their sails…

7 Mar 2022

The sails are up! Skippers and First Mates take to the water in preparation for crew training

The sails are up! Skippers and First Matestake to the water in preparation for crew training Ahead of Refresher/Level 4 training with Race Crew, starting today, the Clipper Race Skippers…

4 Mar 2022

Interview with Qingdao Skipper, Chris Brooks

We caught up with Qingdao Skipper, Chris Brooks, here in Subic Bay. Listen to him telling us about the race so far, incredible weather conditions and wildlife experienced whilst on…

2 Mar 2022

Sea trials successful in Subic Bay with fleet signed off and ready to sail

The final stages of the Clipper Race fleet recommissioning saw each of the eleven identical Clipper 70 race yachts take to water in Subic Bay, Philippines, for the first time…

27 Feb 2022

Crew arrive in Subic Bay ready for Race Restart

Almost 90 new and returning crew members from 21 countries across the globe stepped on board their team yachts today for the first time in two years, greeted by their…

17 Feb 2022

Clipper Race Set to Restart After Two Year Wait Caused by Pandemic

The Clipper Round the World Yacht Race is set to resume its 2019-20 edition after an almost two year delay caused by the pandemic. The sailing event, which trains people…

14 Feb 2022

In photos: Race Restart preparations in Subic Bay

After a lengthy pause due to the global pandemic, Clipper Race officials, skippers, additional qualified persons (AQPs) and crew members are gearing up to resume racing from Subic Bay in…

7 Feb 2022

Introducing Nicky Miller, the New Race Crew Supporters Coordinator

The support of family and friends is priceless for our Race Crew as they spend up to a year away from home racing around the world through some of the…

21 Dec 2021


The Clipper Race has confirmed its lineup of AQPs (Additional Qualified Persons), also known as ‘First Mates’, who will support the Race Skippers in leading the eleven teams competing in…

13 Dec 2021

Skippers confirmed for Clipper 2019-20 Race Restart

We are pleased to announce the lineup of Race Skippers who will compete in the Clipper 2019-20 Race when it restarts next year. Unfortunately, due to other commitments, not all…

12 Nov 2021

Clipper Race to restart in 2022 as it receives Special Event Permit from the Philippines

The Clipper Round the World Yacht Race has announced it will be resuming its 2019-20 edition in March next year after receiving a Special Event Permit from the Philippines. After…

18 Oct 2021

The Ocean is our Race Track

16 Oct 2021

Celebrating 25 Years of the Clipper Race

Today, 16 October, marks 25 years since eight 60 foot yachts and 182 Race Crew left Plymouth to embark on the very first Clipper Round the World Yacht Race. With…

16 Oct 2021


Clipper '96 On Wednesday 16 October 1996, the matched fleet of eight 60 foot yachts left Plymouth taking a westwards route around the globe. Stopping at fourteen ports, the inaugural…

24 Sep 2021

Clipper Race First Mate Takes on Mini Transat

Whilst the Clipper Race is renowned for training people with no previous sailing experience to become ocean racers, the event also provides challenges and new skills to more experienced sailors;…

21 Sep 2021

‘Life changing’ sailing adventure restores confidence of young people after lockdown

An organisation providing funded sailing training programmes off the West Coast of Scotland has been described as a ‘life changing experience’ by participants. The Our Isles and Oceans project launched…

30 Jul 2021

Our Isles and Oceans sets sail to help young people recover from the effects of pandemic

A new scheme for young people affected by the pandemic begins in Oban, Scotland today and the first participants include a cabaret singer, intensive care doctor and a student. The…

11 Jun 2021

New Team Partner for Clipper 2023-24 Race initiates funded programme for young people affected by lockdown

Our Isles and Oceans, a new campaign, which will offer inspiring opportunities for young people, is today announced as a Team Partner for the Clipper 2023-24 Round the World Yacht…

27 May 2021

​Reach for the Sky: Climbing the rig of a Clipper 70

One of the tasks on board that may polarise Clipper Race Crew, is the need to ascend the lofty heights of the mast. Some thrill seekers on board will jump…

1 May 2021

Meet the Crew: Carola Göhlich

A Clipper Race poster on the London Underground was the inspiration for Carola Göhlich, who hails from Switzerland, to sign up for Leg 1: The Atlantic Trade Winds Leg. When…

16 Apr 2021

Clipper Race Crew remember their Duke of Edinburgh’s Awards

Clipper Race Crew are adventure seekers to their very core. Sailing across some of the world's toughest oceans takes preparation, courage and determination. Often this drive to challenge themselves started…

16 Apr 2021

Clipper 2019-20 Race to restart in February 2022

We have made the difficult decision to postpone the restart of the Clipper 2019-20 Race. When we issued the proposed schedule back in October 2020, we believed, to the best…

16 Mar 2021

One Year On - Race 9: The WTC Logistics Tri-Race

Race 9: The WTC Logistics Tri-Race marked the start of Leg 6 in the Clipper 2019-20 Race. With many new faces joining the eleven race teams, the 750nm triangular sprint…

11 Mar 2021

One Year On - Race 7: The Lakewood Hills, Zhuhai Race

The final two stages of Leg 5: The Asia-Pacific Leg, during the Clipper 2019-20 Race, were combined to form one longer race. This was a result of the global coronavirus…

9 Mar 2021

When the fog rolls in

For those lucky enough to know, sailing offshore can be challenging yet beautiful. The freedom that sailing affords takes you to different places, both geographically and mentally. There are many…

8 Mar 2021

International Women’s Day 2021 - #Choosetochallenge

Over the last 25 years and twelve editions of the Clipper Race, thousands of everyday people, from all walks of life, have become ocean racers. Pushing themselves outside of the…

3 Mar 2021

Meet the Clipper Race Crew - Denis Nikolaytsev

Despite having no previous sailing experience, Denis Nikolaytsev, 35, signed up to cross the Atlantic Ocean during the Clipper 2019-20 Race. Denis from Moscow, Russia, who works in reinsurance, was…

25 Feb 2021

Clipper Race raises £1million for UNICEF

The Clipper Round the World Yacht Race reached an important milestone today. It has announced that £1million has been raised for its Charity Partner , the UK Committee for UNICEF…

14 Feb 2021

One Year On: The Sanya Tropical Paradise Race

The first stage of the Asia-Pacific Challenge during the Clipper 2019-20 Race saw the fleet depart the Whitsundays and head back across the equator, leaving the Southern Hemisphere behind for…

10 Feb 2021

Crew Perspective: ‘Four hours should be plenty of time for four crew to cook dinner right?’

Race Crew: Liz Copeland Team: Visit Sanya, China Leg 5: The Asia-Pacific Challenge Day 15: 06/02/20 On Visit Sanya, China we run a three watch system. The various support watches…

29 Jan 2021

Knox-Johnston’s Vendée View

With the Vendée Globe 2020-21 underway, Clipper Race Founder and Chairman, Sir Robin Knox-Johnston is sharing his views on each day's racing and what lies ahead for the solo sailors…

22 Jan 2021

​One Year On: The Whitsundays Clipper Race Carnival

A year ago, the Clipper Race fleet was welcomed by the azure warm waters and white sandy shores of the Whitsundays after spending 19 tough days at sea racing around…

6 Jan 2021

Crew Perspective: “It is supposed to make me uncomfortable!”

Race Crew: Queenie Wang Team: Seattle Leg 4: The Australian Coast-To-Coast Day 13: 03/01/20 As someone who had never sailed before the four weeks training, I cannot believe that I…

4 Jan 2021

Navigating the nerve centre of a Clipper 70

If you care to venture down below deck on a state-of-the-art Clipper 70 racing yacht, follow the narrow corridor aft to either port or starboard. You will come to a…

24 Dec 2020

Christmas At Sea

Over the past twelve editions, Clipper Race Crew have experienced Christmas whilst circumnavigating the world and some have even spent it racing across oceans. Far from home, with crew mates…

23 Dec 2020

​One Year On: An early Christmas in Fremantle

The Fremantle stopover is always cause for celebration as it marks the end of the Southern Ocean Leg. After weeks of being battered by Mother Nature’s best party tricks, crew…

11 Dec 2020

Four time Clipper Race crew member embarks on next adventure

Adventurer doesn’t seem to be enough to describe 50-year-old Clipper Race Alumni Craig Forsyth. Craig, a bricklayer and former professional Rugby League player from York, UK holds the title for…

9 Dec 2020

Southern Ocean Sleigh Ride

With the Vendée Globe fleet battling the Southern Ocean we thought we'd share more of what was captured as the Clipper Race faced its mighty force last year. This footage…

7 Dec 2020

One Year On: Top Three Teams arrive into Fremantle after challenging race across Southern Ocean

The 4,750 nautical mile Southern Ocean stage of the Clipper 2019-20 Race is a true test of physical and mental fortitude. Marking the quarter-way point of the circumnavigation, the race…

4 Dec 2020

Race Crew Reflections: Helming in the Southern Ocean

Clipper Race Crew are encouraged to blog about their on the race experiences so followers back at home can live vicariously through their adventures. One such blog was sent back…

3 Dec 2020

Skipper Snapshot: Cape Town to Fremantle

On day 12 of the race from Cape Town to Fremantle, Skipper Josh Stickland, on board Ha Long Bay, Viet Nam reported on the team's racing action. Skipper Blog: Josh…

23 Nov 2020

Crew Perspective: She’s arrived, reflections on Southern Ocean

Blog: She's Arrived Race Crew: Callum Brown Team: GoToBermuda Leg: The Southern Ocean Leg, from Cape Town to Fremantle Date: November 2019 So she was treating us kindly, trying to…

18 Nov 2020

One year on: Cape Town Stopover Captures Race Crew Hearts

After a gruelling South Atlantic crossing, seeing Cape Town’s iconic Table Mountain on the horizon was a welcome sight for the Clipper 2019-20 Race Crew. At the end of Leg…

13 Nov 2020

Crew Perspective - Battling the Waves On Race to Cape Town

For New Zealander Susie Blair, a round-the-world crew member on WTC Logistics , her race down to Cape Town saw big sea states and high wind speeds. During the Spinlock…

10 Nov 2020

‘International Sailor of the Decade’ shortlist announced

The shortlist for the YJA and MS Amlin ‘International Sailor of the Decade’ has been announced, with the line up including Sir Robin Knox-Johnston. The award recognises the achievements of…

9 Nov 2020

Leg 2 - The South Atlantic Challenge

The second leg of the Clipper Race circumnavigation, the South Atlantic crossing from South America to South Africa, is known for being an exhilarating and closely fought leg. Stormy conditions…

7 Nov 2020

Sir Robin Rooting for Alex Thomson

With the Vendée Globe 2020-21 set to begin, Clipper Race Founder and Chairman, Sir Robin Knox-Johnston, sends a message of good luck to the Clipper 1998 Race winning Skipper Alex…

4 Nov 2020


It’s been over 20 years since British sailor Alex Thomson became the youngest Skipper to win the Clipper Race when, aged just 25, he led the Ariel team to victory…

28 Oct 2020

Vote for the Clipper Race: two ocean crossing videos up for prestigious award

The public vote, in the Mirabaud Sailing Video of the Century Awards 2000-2020, is now open with two videos shot on the Clipper Race up for the prestigious award. ‘…

28 Oct 2020

​Weather at Sea - New Book from Clipper Race Meteorologist Simon Rowell

Utilising his years of experience as a skipper, instructor, meteorologist and forecaster, Simon Rowell has written a guide to ‘Weather at Sea’. His debut book explains the basic principles that…

27 Oct 2020

Meet the Crew: Lee Callaghan

A consultant within the renewable energy sector, wind power has always been central to Lee Callaghan’s career. But taking part in the Clipper Race, Lee, who hails from Scotland, experienced…

23 Oct 2020

My heart now belongs to Punta - Jeronimo Santos Gonzalez

Jeronimo Santos Gonzalez, Skipper of Punta del Este , pens an open letter sharing his personal highlights from Punta del Este stopover Experiencing the arrival at Punta del Este was…

23 Oct 2020

One Year On: Punta del Este Stopover Showcased Uruguayan Culture

Yacht Club Punta del Este hosted a stopover to remember. From the moment the Clipper Race Crew landed ashore, crowds of local supporters turned out to welcome them and celebrate…

21 Oct 2020

Clipper 2019-20 Race Update

Update from Sir Robin Knox-Johnston The Clipper Race Organising Team has been busy behind the scenes looking at the future options available to us, for the rescheduled Clipper 2019-20 Race.…

20 Oct 2020

Awe-inspiring video nominated for multiple awards

This awe-inspiring video of the Clipper 2019-20 Race was shot and edited by the talented 1080 Media TV team and has been shortlisted for a Sportel Award 2020. 'Ocean Emotions'…

19 Oct 2020

Race 2: Action | Sailing across the Atlantic

14 Oct 2020

One Year On: Memories of Punta del Este arriving into home port

This time last year, despite the cold evening and late hour, hundreds of local spectators, supporters and Yacht Club Punta Del Este representatives, lined the marina to welcome the Punta…

12 Oct 2020

One Year On: Qingdao Skipper reflects on team’s first win of Clipper 2019-20 Race

A year ago, the Clipper Race fleet had started to arrive into Punta del Este. After 26 days of racing around the clock and covering over 5,000 nautical miles, Qingdao…

9 Oct 2020


A year ago this week, after a hard fought and challenging 5,200 nautical miles across the Atlantic, the Clipper Race fleet faced one more hurdle in the last 48 hours…

6 Oct 2020

​Spotlight on Sta-Lok: Standing Rigging

Sta-Lok regularly shines a light on Clipper Race Crew, sharing their crew diaries weekly across its social channels when the race is underway with the #StaLokSpotlight series. However, it’s time…

29 Sep 2020

The Dreaded Doldrums

For many when they think of ocean racing it is all about the big waves, big winds and difficult sea states, but light wind sailing can be just as tough.…

26 Sep 2020

Meet the Crew: Ian Wang

“This is probably the most extreme thing I will ever do in my entire life!” Says Ian Wang a 43-year-old, Software architect, from Cardiff, who traded computers for sailing spending…

25 Sep 2020

Clipper Race Director and Race Alumni take on 280 mile charity bike ride

Clipper Race Director, Mark Light, is no stranger to endurance challenges. From skippering the Derry~Londonderry team round the world in the Clipper 2011-12 Race to now managing and organising the…

24 Sep 2020

Quick fire questions with Skipper Jeronimo Santos Gonzalez

24 Sep 2020

​Increase in demand for on the water activities

2020 has been a year that no-one expected. With the global spread of Covid-19 restricting all regular activities and people being encouraged to stay home, or close to home, daily…

21 Sep 2020

​GREAT Britain team entry named as one of the GREAT Campaign’s most iconic moments during birthday celebrations

Having developed a strong pedigree over the past twenty-four years as a powerful and effective platform for the international promotion of tourism and trade, the GREAT Britain campaign has selected…

17 Sep 2020

Bio Dyneema® next move in Marlow Ropes sustainability drive

Marlow Ropes, Official Cordage Supplier to the Clipper 2019-20 Race, continues its drive towards greener practices with its latest change to using Bio Dyneema® in all of its products. Having…

12 Sep 2020

Meet the Crew: Dario Schwendener

For 27-year-old Dario Schwendener, circumnavigating was the ultimate sabbatical. With the Clipper Race providing a chance to travel the world, compete in a sport he loves as well as hands…

9 Sep 2020

​One Year On: Portimão debut a success - First Clipper 2019-20 Race Stopover

Portimão was a stopover of firsts for the crew during the 2019-20 edition; first finish line, first Host Port, first arrival, first prize giving and first time the Clipper Race…

5 Sep 2020

Children’s charity using radios to dial up connectivity in lockdown

International Day of Charity, is marked each year on 5 September and is an event established by the United Nations to help mobilise people and to promote volunteer and philanthropic…

5 Sep 2020

Meet the Crew: Ben Deifel

By chance Ben Deifel, a 32-year-old COO from Munich, Germany, happened across a feature about the Clipper Race in a travel magazine he picked up from an airport in Oman.…

1 Sep 2020

Meet the Clipper Race Crew - George and John Dawson

1 Sep 2020

A year to the day that the Clipper 2019-20 Race departed London

On 1 September 2019 the Clipper 2019-20 Race fleet departed St. Katharine Docks, London for the start of the twelfth edition of the round the world yacht race. Let's take…

28 Aug 2020

Meet the Crew: Kiki Kettunen

Finnish born Kiki Kettunen first heard about the Clipper Race 12 years ago but it took life and work to align and the sight of a billboard ad on the…

21 Aug 2020

Why I signed up to the Clipper Race

Find out why these crew members signed up for the Clipper Round the World Yacht Race. Afshin Ahmadian, Business Analyst, Iran, RTW, Visit Sanya, China "Adventure has led us humans…

8 Aug 2020

​On the waterfront: Royal Albert Dock

The Royal Albert Dock in East London would have been awash with team colours this weekend. Crowds of supporters, Race Crew and fans lining its marina, eagerly awaiting the return…

8 Aug 2020

Race Finish Reflections

Race Finish, the day that can seem an age away, after an exhausting watch in the Southern Ocean, or seem to be zooming up far too quickly when there’s just…

6 Aug 2020

A return to sailing: China gets back on the water

Sporting events around the world have been affected by the global outbreak of Covid-19. Sailing has not been immune to the impact from the pandemic with both major international events…

1 Aug 2020

Toasting Garzón on Albariño Day

One of the most frequently asked questions of Clipper Race Crew is, what are you dreaming of enjoying when you get to shore? And up there with a beer (and…

30 Jul 2020

Reflections on the Derry-Londonderry Stopover and Foyle Maritime Festival

One of the last stops before Race Finish, Host Port Derry~Londonderry has built a solid reputation for putting on a party to remember. The Clipper Race has a strong legacy…

28 Jul 2020

Breaking Records and Barriers

Becoming a trailblazer was not Wendy Tuck’s intention when she signed up to be a Skipper in the Clipper 2018-17 Race - the Australian simply wanted to go sailing. But…

27 Jul 2020

Sir Robin Knox-Johnston learns to fly on Britannia

I am not sure whether my burning face is due to the sun, the wind, or the high pressure blasts of water over the gunwale as the foil went down…

24 Jul 2020

​Meet the Crew: Abdelhamid Abouyoussef

“I found the answer to a long unanswered question.” Said Abdelhamid Abouyoussef about taking part in the Clipper Race. Like many who apply Abdelhamid, a Managing Director, from Egypt, has…

22 Jul 2020

Reflections on the final ocean crossing

The final leg of the Clipper Race comes with tremendous highs but also lows as it means the global journey is coming to an end. At a time when the…

20 Jul 2020

Zhuhai Ambassador Crew reflections one year on from completing training

A year on from completing their Clipper Race training programme, the Zhuhai Ambassador Crew members share their memories, photos and videos. They reflect on what they have already achieved and…

16 Jul 2020

Meet Qingdao Ambassador Zhang Shan

The legacy of the Qingdao Ambassador programme continues to inspire new sailors into the sport. Having never sailed before, Zhang Shan, a ESL Teacher from Qingdao, China is testament to…

14 Jul 2020

Beyond the Race - Where are they now?

What happens to the Clipper Race crew when their adventure comes to an end? Well, for many, what they experienced at sea will change their life on land forever. Here…

9 Jul 2020

Double Act: Family Connections

The Clipper Race forges incredible bonds between complete strangers from all different walks of life and from all around the world. But sometimes the bond is already there before the…

7 Jul 2020

Shirley Robertson’s Sailing Podcast: Sir Robin Knox-Johnston Part 2

7 Jul 2020

Shirley Robertson’s Sailing Podcast: Sir Robin Knox-Johnston Part 1

3 Jul 2020

​Wish We Were There: One Year Till Clipper Race Visits Bermuda

This week should have seen the fleet arriving into Bermuda, the Clipper Race’s first visit to this vibrant island destination. With the race now rescheduled to visit in summer 2021,…

2 Jul 2020

Marina de Portimão recognised for two decades of environmental protection

As the first stopover in the Clipper 2019-20 Race, Marina de Portimão was a welcome respite, with its sparkling, clean waters and care and attention made to its natural surroundings.…

26 Jun 2020

Meet the Crew: Terri Fisher

Terri lives in the Northern Irish city of Derry-Londonderry and is affectionately known to her teammates as ‘Terri From Derry’. Her road to joining the Clipper Race was a short…

26 Jun 2020

Ha Long Bay, Viet Nam Crew member visits natural wonder her team represents

One Race Crew member got a sneak preview of what future Host Port Partner Ha Long Bay, Vietnam has in store for when the Clipper Race visits the city in…

19 Jun 2020

Anything but plain sailing through the Caribbean

The race from Panama through the Caribbean Sea is a far stretch from a holiday on the relaxed paced, tropical islands the Clipper Race teams will traverse. A definite gear…

15 Jun 2020

Harnessing the wind

Hyde Sails has powered the Clipper Race fleet for over a decade and on Global Wind Day we are celebrating with some of our favourite images of the sailmaker's craftmanship…

10 Jun 2020

A message from Jeronimo Santos Gonzalez in Subic Bay

Punta del Este Skipper, Jeronimo Santos Gonzalez continues to do a fantastic job of looking after the fleet in Subic Bay, Philippines. He has been maintaining the yachts and keeping…

9 Jun 2020

Unicef Fundraising nears £1million

Unicef UK has been the Charity Partner of the Clipper Race since the 2015-16 edition. Through the amazing fundraising of Race Crew, Race Crew Supporters, Partners and Clipper Race HQ…

4 Jun 2020

Tropical Squall - pot of trouble or welcome relief?

During the Clipper Race Circumnavigation, temperatures can soar as the route sees crew racing through the tropics and across the equator. With little to no break from the intense sun…

2 Jun 2020

​What I want to be when I grow up: Reflections on a circumnavigation

“It doesn't feel like two years ago! The race was such an affecting experience that it still feels quite fresh.” Bill Lyons circumnavigated the world in the Clipper 2017-18 Race,…

28 May 2020

Experience an engineering marvel: The Panama Canal

For everyone taking part in the Clipper Round The World Yacht Race, the passage through the Panama Canal is a bucket list highlight. “To be travelling through such an iconic…

22 May 2020

​Test your mixology skills for Bermuda Day

Marking the start of summer, Bermuda Day will be observed on 29 May 2020. Held annually, this Bermudian national holiday is a fun-filled celebration of its culture, marking over 400…

21 May 2020

Reflections on calm days at sea

The best insights into life on board can be found in the musing of the Clipper Race crew who are encouraged to blog about their experiences at sea. From poems…

14 May 2020

New Beginnings: Reflections on Crew Allocation

One of the biggest and most highly anticipated events in the Clipper Race calendar is Crew Allocation; a major gathering welcoming all Race Crew during the pre-race build-up. The event…

12 May 2020

Life looking after the fleet in The Philippines

Punta del Este Skipper, Jeronimo Santos Gonzalez, and Ha Long Bay, Viet Nam First Mate, Hugo Picard, have been looking after the Clipper Race fleet at Subic Bay Yacht Club…

5 May 2020

The Big One: Reflections on the North Pacific Ocean

During this time of isolation, many alumni Race Crew have been reflecting back on their incredible experiences of their month long crossing of the mighty North Pacific Ocean. Memories span…

28 Apr 2020

A Life-changing Story: New video showcasing the story of Qingdao Ambassador Zheng Yi

The Clipper Race has long been a fixture in Zheng Yi’s life. Zheng Yi, otherwise known as Frankie, just turned 24 years old and is from Qingdao, China. This Chinese…

22 Apr 2020

Earth Day 2020: A spotlight on sustainable practices of Clipper Race Partners

In celebration of Earth Day 2020, we are shining a spotlight on Clipper Race Partners who remain committed to implementing sustainable practices throughout their businesses. Fundamental to the race and…

22 Apr 2020

Earth Day 2020: A look at how Clipper Race Crew engage in global scientific research

Climate action is the theme for today’s Earth Day 2020. The environmental movement is celebrating its 50th anniversary this year and this encourages the public to “seize all the tools…

16 Apr 2020

Insights from Sir Robin, a person who chose extreme isolation

Clipper Race Founder and Chairman, Sir Robin Knox-Johnston, shares his insights on how to make the most of being in isolation: “Isolation can be incredibly frustrating. But it does not…

9 Apr 2020

Let adventure be your backdrop

There isn’t much about the extreme challenge of the Clipper Race that can be considered ‘wallpaper’. Stepping outside of comfort zones, facing Mother Nature and all that she throws at…

7 Apr 2020

Unicef: A Time To Stand Together

During this truly unprecedented and difficult time, Clipper Race Charity Partner, Unicef UK and its entire global family, offer all of their support to Clipper Race Crew, Supporters and Partners.…

19 Mar 2020


The Clipper 2019-20 Race is currently on hold for now, however, we have a battle for points to celebrate. In the highly tactical few days of Race 9: The WTC…

18 Mar 2020

​Update from Clipper Race Organising Committee

We are pleased to announce that the quarantine on our crew in Subic Bay has now been lifted and they are able to leave the marina. All crew have travel…

17 Mar 2020

Clipper 2019-20 Race Postponed

From the Clipper Race Organising Committee: With the ongoing global outbreak of Covid-19 and the enormous impact it has created on world travel, the Clipper 2019-20 Race has been postponed…

16 Mar 2020

Clipper Race Update

16 MARCH 2020 12:15UTC From Clipper Race Organising Committee: The Philippines Government has announced an enhanced community quarantine which has been put in place for the island of Luzon, where…

15 Mar 2020

Race 9: The WTC Logistics Tri-Race concludes

After the top three positions on the podium for Race 9 were taken by Ha Long Bay, Viet Nam , Punta del Este and Visit Sanya, China respectively, the remaining…

15 Mar 2020

Ha Long Bay, Viet Nam tops Race 9 podium

Ha Long Bay, Viet Nam has topped the podium for the second time in the 2019-20 edition. Winning Race 9: The WTC Logistics Tri-Race, the first race of the Mighty…

15 Mar 2020

Race 10 Update

Due to the Covid-19 outbreak worldwide, there have been some significant restrictions made in Subic Bay, Philippines where Race 9 finishes. Therefore, the Clipper Race Organising Committee is aiming to…

14 Mar 2020

Race 9 Day 4: The end is in sight

Race 9: The WTC Logistics Tri-Race has been a short but fast challenge for the Clipper Race teams and the racing fleet has remained incredibly close throughout. As the fleet…

13 Mar 2020

Race 9 Day 3: Getting the Drift

On Day 3 of Race 9: The WTC Logistics Tri-Race, the fleet are nearing the third section of the short triangular course. The teams remain in close proximity, as patience…

13 Mar 2020

Subic Bay ETAs

UPDATED 12-03-20 at 0400 LT (2000 UTC) Please note that these are best estimates based on the latest weather and the average speeds of the fleet. Weather and tidal conditions…

12 Mar 2020

Clipper Race Update

Message from Clipper Race Organising Committee: In light of the new US travel restrictions from the Schengen area within Europe, we are monitoring any potential implications for Race Crew on…

12 Mar 2020

Race 9, Day 2: Feel the Heel

On the second day of Race 9: The WTC Logistics Tri-Race, it is all to play for as less than 25 nautical miles (nm) separates the entire fleet. Having already…

11 Mar 2020

​Race 9 Day 1: And they’re off!

Race 9: The WTC Logistics Tri-Race commenced yesterday following the first Clipper Race Le Mans start to be initiated in the dark at 1900 LT. The teams embarked on the…

10 Mar 2020

Skipper Thoughts on Le Mans Race Start

WTC Logistics Skipper, Rich Gould led the Le Mans start for Race 9: The WTC Logistics Tri-Race. Here are his thoughts. We are off! After a bit of delayed start,…

10 Mar 2020

Race 9: The WTC Logistics Tri-Race gets Underway

The fleet departed for the Leg 6 of the Clipper 2019-20 Round the World Yacht Race today from Subic Bay, Philippines. Race 9, the first of two races to make…

9 Mar 2020

Race 9 Preview: Race 9: The WTC Logistics Tri-Race

Following rest, relaxation and regular maintenance to the crew’s 70-foot homes, the fleet is preparing to depart Subic Bay for Race 9: The WTC Logistics Tri-Race, complete with new crew…

8 Mar 2020

Melanie and Jasmine Morris: A formidable female team

The Clipper 2019-20 Race has seen the strongest level of applications from female crew to date. In celebration of this, and to mark International Women’s Day, we’re revisiting the story…

6 Mar 2020

Leg 6 Update

The Clipper Round the World Yacht Race was scheduled to return to Qingdao for an eighth consecutive stopover, during Leg 6 of the 2019-20 edition. Since the outbreak of coronavirus…

6 Mar 2020


The Clipper Round the World Yacht Race was scheduled to return to Qingdao for an eighth consecutive stopover, during Leg 6 of the 2019-20 edition. Since the outbreak of coronavirus…

6 Mar 2020

Award Winning Crew Diary: Hotting Up by Danny Lee, Unicef

Crew blog submitted by Danny Lee, Unicef Race Crew The Leg 5 Media Prize was awarded to Danny after he summed up in his blog what it was like to…

5 Mar 2020

Race 7: The Lakewood Hills, Zhuhai Race Concludes

Race 7: The Lakewood Hills, Zhuhai Race has reached its conclusion and the four remaining teams GoToBermuda, Ha Long Bay, Viet Nam, Seattle and WTC Logistics have arrived in the…

5 Mar 2020

Points Mean Prizes: The Race 7: Lakewood Hills, Zhuhai Race Prizegiving Cermony

Following a fantastic celebration to mark the successes on Race 6, the Subic Bay Yacht Club came alive once more to recognise the achievements of Race 7: The Lakewood Hills,…

4 Mar 2020

Race 7: The Lakewood Hills, Zhuhai Race - Arrivals Continue

After the sought-after positions on the podium were taken by Qingdao, Unicef and Imagine your Korea respectively, the remaining positions have been announced. Punta del Este scooped fourth position, crossing…

4 Mar 2020

​First Teams Complete Race 7: The Lakewood Hills, Zhuhai Race

Qingdao retains its place at the top of the overall leaderboard with its fourth win of the Clipper 2019-20 Race so far. The team will also collect an impressive six…

4 Mar 2020

Race 7: The Lakewood Hills, Zhuhai Race Results

Following an exciting and tactical ten days, the results of The Lakewood Hills, Zhuhai Race have been announced. It’s another first place for Qingdao (its fourth so far), congratulations to…

3 Mar 2020

World Wildlife Day

On this World Wildlife Day, we celebrate the incredible marine and bird life that embellish the Clipper Race experience during the 40,000nm race around the world. Life at sea is…

3 Mar 2020

Race 7 Day 9: Sailing towards glory

The past 24 hours of Race 7 has produced some stunning tactical team successes with victories won across the pack leaders. The opportunity to collect additional Scoring Gate points spurred…

3 Mar 2020

Race 7 - Course Amendment

From Mark Light, Clipper Race Director: The Clipper Race Office constantly monitors the fleet’s progress and current and forecast weather conditions. As a result of the slower progress made by…

2 Mar 2020

Race 7 Day 8: Getting to the Point(s)

Summing up the final stages of Race 7: The Lakewood Hills, Zhuhai Race, Skipper Guy Waites of Dare To Lead said: “It's clearly that stage of the race where the…

1 Mar 2020

Race 7 Day 7: A Fleet Reshuffle?

Now that all eleven Clipper Race teams have rounded the Japanese Ryukyu Islands, concentration is firmly focussed on the second half of the race, with the Dell Latitude Rugged Ocean…

29 Feb 2020

Race 7 Day 6: How’s the weather where you are?

The race is most definitely on as the fleet sails around the western most cluster of the Japanese Ryukyu Islands with a view to race back to Subic Bay in…

28 Feb 2020

Race 7 Day 5: Headsails, tactics and hard work

The teams are hard at work striving to attain those all important points as they enter the fifth day of Race 7: The Lakewood Hills, Zhuhai Race. Qingdao is currently…

27 Feb 2020

Race 7 Day 4: Back in action

It’s been some time since the Race Viewer has depicted the combined Clipper Race fleet as achieving a speed over ground of more than five knots, but the fourth day…

26 Feb 2020

Race 7 Day 3: Upwind but still upbeat

Three days into Race 7: The Lakewood Hills, Zhuhai Race, the fleet has been beating upwind and heading north towards Virtual Mark Massey, named after Qingdao’s First Mate Rhiannon. It’s…

25 Feb 2020

Race 7 Day 2: In the Lee of the Land

“The last few days have been some of the closest and most interesting fleet racing since leaving London.” Says Unicef Skipper Ian Wiggin. The second day of Race 7: The…

24 Feb 2020

Race 7 Day 1: Varied Start to Race 7

Following the spectacle and ceremony of the fleet’s departure from the Subic Bay Yacht Club in the Philippines, Race 7: The Lakewood Hills, Zhuhai Race is underway! Punta del Este…

23 Feb 2020

Race 7: The Lakewood Hills, Zhuhai Race Commences

Race 7: The Lakewood Hills, Zhuhai Race is underway. The eleven strong fleet of 70ft racing yachts lined up in the sunshine to slip lines, leaving the Subic Bay Yacht…

22 Feb 2020

Race 7 Preview: The Lakewood Hills, Zhuhai Race

Subic Bay has given the hard working Race Crew an opportunity to relax, take time away from their 70ft homes and enjoy some of the Filipino culture and culinary delicacies.…

21 Feb 2020

Lakewood Hills and the Bank of China revealed as new Team Supporters for Zhuhai

The Clipper Race is delighted that Zhuhai has announced Lakewood Hills and the Bank of China as new Team Supporters for Zhuhai’s team entry in the Clipper 2019-20 Race. The…

19 Feb 2020

Dare To Lead Update

Experienced First Mate, Al Jay, will take over as the Clipper Race AQP of Dare To Lead , supporting the team from Leg 6 and for the remainder of the…

17 Feb 2020

​First Prizegiving Ceremony of the Asia-Pacific Challenge

With the mountainous landscape and the tranquil water of the marina lit by the sunset glow as the backdrop, the Leg 5 crew gathered at the Subic Bay Yacht Club…

16 Feb 2020

Clipper Race Update

Race update from the Clipper Race Organising Team: Due to the ongoing coronavirus (Covid-19) outbreak in China and quarantine imposed on travel from China, it has been announced that the…

15 Feb 2020

Arrivals into Subic Bay Complete

Unicef complete arrivals into Subic Bay after a tough, hot race After a patience-testing race, the finale of the Clipper 70s’ arrival into Subic Bay has taken place in the…

14 Feb 2020

Visit Sanya, China take fourth place in the race named in their honour

Visit Sanya, China completes the Sanya Tropical Paradise Race, after a tightly-fought race, finishing in fourth place. After a race of conditions ranging from glorious to frustrating, the Sanya Tropical…

14 Feb 2020

WTC Logistics scoops top spot and first podium of the Clipper 2019-20 Race

WTC Logistics has won its first podium after finishing Race 6: The Sanya Tropical Paradise in dramatic fashion. Skippered by Rich Gould, alongside first mate Dan Jones, the crew of…

12 Feb 2020

Race 6: Seize the day

The path to success is never smooth. The eventual champion of Race 6 will need to navigate through the difficult, fickle weather conditions and seize any advantage thrown at them…

11 Feb 2020

Race 6: It’s not over until it’s over

The front runners are closing in on the home straight in Race 6 but all teams remain resolutely motivated in the challenge ahead and aren’t relenting in their quest to…

10 Feb 2020

​Race 6: Decisions, Decisions

Many of the teams have now completed the Dell Latitude Rugged Ocean Sprint, following the crossing most skippers have been pondering on their tactical decision making. Whether they opted for…

10 Feb 2020

Update regarding coronavirus outbreak in China

This section will be updated when further information is available 10/02/20 - 16:00 Members of the Clipper Race team are on route to meet the fleet ahead of its arrival…

9 Feb 2020

Race 6: Let the games begin

The increased wind speed has seen the fleet charge towards the Dell Latitude Rugged Ocean Sprint. Across the board, the teams have reported increased boat speeds and the varied change…

8 Feb 2020

Race 6: Groundhog Day

As the current leaderboard positions remain unchanged it has some of the teams feeling like it is Groundhog Day on board. With Ha Long Bay, Viet Nam, Visit Sanya, China…

7 Feb 2020

Race 6: Trading Places

The fleet has travelled some 3,000 nautical miles since leaving the Whitsundays, many of the teams are still racing remarkably close, enjoying a spot of competitive match racing amongst one…

5 Feb 2020

Meet the Clipper 2019-20 Race AQPs: Ryan Barkey

Name: Ryan Barkey Age: 27 Occupation: AQP/First Mate on Punta del Este . Nationality: Canadian Hometown: Airlie Beach The Clipper Race certainly isn’t Ryan Barkey’s first rodeo when it comes…

5 Feb 2020

Race 6: Winds of Change

The competition remains tight as the trade winds bring relief and average knot speed of 11 for the majority of the teams. The lulls the fleet have been experiencing have…

4 Feb 2020

​Race 6: Hunting for Trade Winds

With the entire fleet back in the Northern Hemisphere, the hunt for the steady northeasterly trade winds is on. Ha Long Bay, Viet Nam leads the fleet for seventh consecutive…

3 Feb 2020

00º 00’ 0000”: Crossing The Line

The eleven-strong fleet have completed their final equator crossing at a latitude of 00º 00' 0000”, returning to the Northern Hemisphere, which means one important thing; the teams have all…

2 Feb 2020

Race 6: King Neptune and Scoring Gate Success

It’s been a busy day for the fleet. King Neptune has been dashing between the teams to test the equator crossing newbies and then bestowing them with shellback status, a…

1 Feb 2020

Race 6 - Welcome to the Northern Hemisphere and Long Live the King!

As the rest of the fleet enter the Northern Hemisphere, the teams are continuing to implement the best strategy to continuously improve their performance. However, the significance of this achievement…

31 Jan 2020

Race 6: Rinse and Repeat

Another day, another windhole. Life at sea had ground to a halt for the majority of the fleet over the course of the past 24 hours. And with the light…

30 Jan 2020

​Busiest boot to date for Clipper Ventures in Düsseldorf

Whilst the action continued in The Whitsundays, in Europe the Clipper Race team headed to boot Düsseldorf last week to meet with those attending the world’s biggest boat show and…

30 Jan 2020

Race 6: Out of the Doldrums and onto the Scoring Gate

After a day at the races that saw a total shake up in the current overall race standings, the teams are striving to assert themselves in Race 6: The Sanya…

29 Jan 2020

​Race 6: Getting up to Speed

The light at the end of the long Doldrums Corridor is starting to shine, with some teams having already gained freedom as they escape the calm and unpredictable conditions the…

29 Jan 2020

​Meet the Clipper 2019-20 Race Crew: Candela Guo

Name: Candela Guo Age: 24 Occupation: Graduate Student Hometown: Irvine, Orange County, USA Leg: Full circumnavigation Team: GoToBermuda “It is like nothing I’ve experienced in my life - you really…

28 Jan 2020

Race 6: Dodge-Squall

The Doldrums Corridor: the calmer part of the race with windless waters. Or is it? As the fleet approach north of the Doldrums Corridor, the teams reflect on the decision…

25 Jan 2020

​New Year Celebrated On The Way to First Chinese Stopover

The start of the lunar new year will be observed across Asia this weekend and is a time for family. For the crew on board the yachts representing destinations in…

24 Jan 2020

Race 6: Storm Clouds, Squalls and Sunshine

The steady weather conditions have continued to affect the fleet as they sail in The Sanya Tropical Paradise Race. For now, the tussle at the top of the leaderboard continues…

23 Jan 2020

Race 6: Wind Lottery

It has been a slow and tricky beginning to Race 6: The Sanya Tropical Paradise following the Le Mans start yesterday. A familiar sight at the top of the leaderboard…

23 Jan 2020

​Clipper Race Talks Ocean Health at Boot Düsseldorf

The Clipper 2019-20 Race has brought its important and innovative research collaborations to the forefront at boot Düsseldorf, the world’s biggest boat show. The Clipper Race has been deploying a…

23 Jan 2020

​Meet the Youngest Clipper 2019-20 Race Crew: Ellen O’Brien

Name: Ellen O’Brien Age: 18 Occupation: A Level Student Hometown: Tunbridge Wells, UK Leg: 4: The Australian Coast-to-Coast Leg Team: GoToBermuda For some teenagers, the perfect school Christmas holiday might…

22 Jan 2020

Race 6: Le Mans Race Start and Finding the Wind

The Clipper Race fleet has made its way through the beautiful Great Barrier Reef as they navigate away from Australia and start their route to China with the first stop…

21 Jan 2020

Race 6 Update

21 January 1030 UTC Due to lack of wind, the fleet has continued to motor-sail before they start Race 6: The Sanya Tropical Paradise Race, with a Le Mans Race…

20 Jan 2020

​Meet the Crew: Trevor Orman

Team: Imagine your Korea Leg: 4 Hometown: Barton-le-clay, Bedfordshire Nationality: British Businessman Trevor Orman swapped the boardroom for life on board as a break between jobs. On why he took…

20 Jan 2020

Race 6: Sanya Tropical Paradise Race Preview

The Whitsundays has delivered a feast for the senses, from the azure blue waters to the stunning natural landscapes of coast and islands, dotted with secluded beaches. Away from yacht…

20 Jan 2020

Zhuhai Update

UPDATE Monday 20 January 2020 It has been confirmed that Wendy Tuck will be skippering the Zhuhai team for all three races of Leg 5 and the first race of…

19 Jan 2020

Watch Now: The Unstoppable Journey

Exactly a year ago, Ina Baum, a 52 year old business consultant from Köln, Germany, visited boot Dusseldorf, the world's biggest boat show. After discovering the Clipper Race at the…

17 Jan 2020

​Meet the Crew: Joanna Mann

Team: Punta del Este Leg: 4 Hometown: Cheltenham Nationality: British Occupation: Lighting Designer “In our normal lives you get quite comfortable and this will be a real experience of being…

16 Jan 2020

Meet the Crew: Rajani Karaturi

Name: Rajani Karaturi Age: 52 Occupation: Software engineer Nationality: Indian (currently living in New Jersey, USA) Leg: 4 Team: Punta del Este New Jersey resident Rajani Karuturi has fulfilled her…

16 Jan 2020

Wondrous Whitsundays

Clipper Race stopovers are an important time for yacht maintenance, race briefings, training and partner activations to take place but also for Race Crew to explore the incredible destinations on…

14 Jan 2020

Meet the Crew: Mark Pollard

Name: Mark Pollard Age: 30 Occupation: Engineer Nationality: Australian Leg: 1 and 3 Team: Ha Long Bay, Viet Nam An innate sense of adventure and discovery was always present for…

13 Jan 2020

​Clipper Race heads to boot Düsseldorf

Clipper Ventures is set to return to boot Düsseldorf , the worlds biggest boat show, this weekend. Running between 18-26 January 2020, boot attendees will have the opportunity to get…

13 Jan 2020

​Unicef secures third place in gripping finale as Race 5 positions confirmed

After a gripping race and intense two day wait for both those which had arrived and the crew on board, Unicef crossed the finish line of Race 5 on 12/01/20…

13 Jan 2020

Visit Sanya, China completes arrivals

Visit Sanya, China was welcomed into the Whitsundays with a beautiful sunrise. When lack of wind hampered progress to the point where it would significantly affect the team's arrival time…

12 Jan 2020

​Whitsundays Welcome and Race 5 Prizegiving

The Airlie Beach foreshore came alive for the Whitsundays Clipper Race Carnival Welcome Event and Race 5 Prizegiving. As the seven Clipper Race teams which have arrived into the Whitsundays…

12 Jan 2020

The Whitsundays ETAs

Updated at 1050 UTC: 12/01/2020 Please note that these are best estimates based on the latest weather and the average speeds of the fleet. Weather and tidal conditions will cause…

11 Jan 2020

Arrivals continue into the Whitsundays

Dare To Lead - 12 January 03:26:13 UTC Dare To Lead was the seventh team to cross the Race 5 finish line at 03:26:13 UTC on 12 January. After a…

11 Jan 2020

Zhuhai Arrives into the Whitsundays, the Heart of the Great Barrier Reef

Zhuhai crossed the finish line at 10:54:19UTC on 12 January 2020 and became the eighth team to join the fleet in the Coral Sea Marina Resort, Airlie Beach. It was…

10 Jan 2020

​Imagine your Korea complete Race 5 aiming for best result to date

Crossing the finish line of Race 5: The Whitsundays, Heart of the Great Barrier Reef, at 15:14:19 UTC the Imagine your Korea team is aiming for its best finish to…

10 Jan 2020

Ha Long Bay, Viet Nam secures line honours in race to the Whitsundays

After 19 tough days at sea racing around the coast of Australia, the Ha Long Bay, Viet Nam team, skippered by Josh Stickland, has secured line honours in the fifth…

10 Jan 2020

Race 5 Day 19: Reflections and Results

The first boat has now crossed the finish line of Race 5: The Heart of the Whitsundays and what a race it has been! Eating up the last of the…

10 Jan 2020

Update on Visit Sanya, China

Given slow progress over the last few days and its likely future progress and potentially later ETA into the Whitsundays, Visit Sanya, China has officially accepted 11th position and the…

9 Jan 2020

Race 5 Day 18: Poker Faces on for Final Stretch

It’s the final few days of Race 5: The Heart of The Whitsundays, and the heat is on for the teams as they desperately attempt to make gains for the…

8 Jan 2020

Sir Robin Knox-Johnston on ‘What Makes Us Human’

Today, BBC Radio 2’s Jeremy Vine Show hosted Sir Robin Knox-Johnston for the series named 'What Makes us Human'. Sir Robin delivered his thoughts on the essence of human existence,…

8 Jan 2020

Race 5 Day 17: Just Keep Racing

With just around 400 nautical miles to go until the first yacht crosses the line of Race 5: The Heart Of The Whitsundays, it's an intense time for the fleet.…

7 Jan 2020

Race 5 Day 16: Any Way the Wind Blows: Inshore, offshore or down the line, which tactic will see success?

With just over three days to go until the first boats are expected to cross the finish line of Race 5: The Heart of the Whitsundays , it’s currently anyone’s…

6 Jan 2020

Race 5 Day 15: Decisions, decisions

On Day 15 of Race 5: The Heart of The Whitsundays, it's a time for tactical decisions as the race develops with currently just around 730 nautical miles to go…

5 Jan 2020

​Race 5 Day 14: The Race Against Nature

The experience onboard during Race 5: The Whitsundays, Heart of the Great Barrier Reef will be one the crews will remember. On Day 14 of the race, the teams have…

4 Jan 2020

Race 5 Day 13: Life at an angle

Life at an angle has resumed across the fleet as the teams beat up the coast of Australia towards the Whitsundays . With all teams having less than 1500nm to…

3 Jan 2020

​Race 5 Day 12: Snakes and Ladders

“Well we are a lot happier on board, there is finally wind!” exclaimed Josh Stickland, Skipper of Ha Long Bay, Viet Nam on the twelfth day of the 3,400nm Race…

2 Jan 2020

Fond memories of a Festive Fremantle

From a warm welcome to fond Freo farewells, it's fair to say that the Clipper 2019-20 Race Crew enjoyed a festive period to remember in the charming West Australian port…

2 Jan 2020

Race 5 Day 11:New Year, New…?

GoToBermuda, Ha Long Bay, Viet Nam and Zhuhai continue the tussle for the lead in Race 5: The Whitsundays, Heart of the Great Barrier Reef. The light winds off the…

1 Jan 2020

Race 5 Day 10: Fleet Rings in a new decade

It’s been an edgy 24 hours for current race leaders Ha Long Bay, Viet Nam and GoToBermuda . Stuck in light winds, the two teams have been hoping the New…

31 Dec 2019

​Race 5 Day 9: A New Year’s Eve of Firsts and Lasts

New Year's Eve 2019 has proved to be a milestone event for the Clipper Race Skippers, AQPs and Race Crew; in addition to taking a moment to reflect on the…

30 Dec 2019

Race 5 Day 8: Bracing for change

“Somewhere very close by, in the grey murk, a cold front is creeping up on us” says Zhuhai Skipper Nick Leggatt. After eight days of racing around the clock, change…

29 Dec 2019

​Race 5 Day 7: Scoring Gate results are in!

On the seventh day of Race 5, GoToBermuda and H a Long Bay, Viet Nam continue to lead the charge as the fleet begins to converge ahead of rounding the…

28 Dec 2019

​Race 5 Day 6: A Close Race East

Race 5: The Whitsundays, Heart of the Great Barrier Reef, is unfolding as a close race, with the majority of the fleet surfing their way east, towards Tasmania within close…

27 Dec 2019

Race 5 Day 5: Back to business

With the seasonal celebrations behind them, the Clipper Race teams are returning to a more typical standard of life on the ocean. Most teams have experienced the change in predicted…

26 Dec 2019

Race 5 Day 4: Boxing Day Sails

On the fourth day of Race 5: The Whitsundays, Heart of the Great Barrier Reef, spirits are high as the fleet reflects on the unique festive celebrations on board. Normal…

25 Dec 2019

Race 5: Day 3: Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas! On day three of Race 5: The Whitsundays, Heart of the Great Barrier Reef race, the Clipper 2019-20 Crew have been celebrating Christmas at sea. Each team has…

24 Dec 2019

Race 5 Day 2: Together for Christmas

All Clipper Race teams are racing again and making their way to Airlie Beach meaning Race 5: The Whitsundays, Heart of the Great Barrier Reef, is officially on. The remaining…

24 Dec 2019

Festive Fremantle Race Start for Remaining Three Teams

Three festive Clipper Race teams departed Fremantle Sailing Club today. Wearing Christmas hats and big smiles, Visit Sanya, China , Punta del Este and Unicef are off and ready to…

23 Dec 2019

Race 5 Day 1: ​A Baptism of Fire

The fourth of eight stages that forms the global Clipper Race route got underway from Fremantle, Western Australia, yesterday. Bound for Airlie Beach in the Whitsundays on the east coast,…

22 Dec 2019

The Australian Coast-to-Coast Leg Begins

The fourth stage of the Clipper 2019-20 Round the World Yacht Race, the 3,400 nautical mile long Australian Coast-to-Coast Leg, has got underway from Fremantle today (Sunday 22 December). The…

21 Dec 2019

Prizegiving: Part Two

A ceremony took place today to mark the incredible achievements made by the final three teams that arrived into Fremantle over the last few days. Mark Light, Race Director kicked…

21 Dec 2019

Race 5: The Whitsundays, Heart of the Great Barrier Reef

Following a fantastic stay in the eclectic town of Fremantle where the crew have experienced everything from gorgeous beaches, selfies with Quokkas and excellent hospitality from the Fremantle Sailing Club,…

20 Dec 2019

Chinese Consulate Visits Clipper Race Fleet in Fremantle

With Chinese representation in the Clipper Race higher than ever before and three Chinese team entries showcasing the destinations of Qingdao, Sanya and Zhuhai, a visit from the Chinese Consulate…

20 Dec 2019

​Final three start their arrival into Fremantle

Unicef completes the fleet into Fremantle Unicef has arrived into Fremantle this evening, crossing the finish line at 12:24:46UTC. This race has been a rollercoaster ride which took just 30…

20 Dec 2019

Fremantle ETAs

Updated: 0230 UTC - 20/12/2019 Please note that these are best estimates based on the latest weather and the average speeds of the fleet. Weather and tidal conditions will cause…

18 Dec 2019

Race 4 Day 31: Planning ahead

The three remaining Clipper Race teams are in the final days of the Marlow Southern Ocean Sleigh Ride, the distance now to finish is under 500nm to Fremantle for each.…

17 Dec 2019

Race 4 Day 30: Southern (Ocean) Hospitality

The final few days of the Marlow Southern Ocean Sleigh Ride are upon the three remaining teams and thoughts are firmly on preparations for the next race, with welcome smooth…

17 Dec 2019

Winner of Roaring Forties Match Race Announced

After making fast progress from Cape Town, Punta del Este has been declared the winner of Roaring Forties Match Race. This follows the news that, due to light winds overnight,…

16 Dec 2019

Race 4 Day 29: Reflecting On The Race

The yellow, blue and orange colours represent the three remaining Clipper Race teams on the Race Viewer, as they sail to Fremantle. Punta del Este, Unicef and Visit Sanya, China…

15 Dec 2019

​Race 4 Day 28: 1000 nautical miles to Fremantle

The eight Clipper Race teams in Fremantle celebrated at the Race 4: Marlow Southern Ocean Sleigh Ride Prizegiving. During the event, the results of the Dell Latitude Rugged Ocean sprint…

14 Dec 2019

​Golden Hour Honours

On a balmy summer’s evening, the Clipper Race teams who have arrived into Western Australia and a large number of supporters came together on Fremantle Sailing Club’s Sunset Deck to…

14 Dec 2019

Race 4 Day 27: Dell Latitude Rugged Ocean Sprint concludes

“The crew has been loving this intense sailing against time, looking at the weather forecast, our progression in the routing systems, trimming the sails every five minutes and keeping the…

14 Dec 2019

Leg 2 Penalty Points

The Clipper Race Committee has finalised the list of penalty points that will be deducted from the teams following the assessment of damages and repairs needed after the Leg 2.…

14 Dec 2019

Clipper Race Update

Punta del Este and Visit Sanya, China are currently match racing each other for the Roaring Forties Match Race trophy and the former is also making good progress in the…

13 Dec 2019

Race 4 Day 26: High Winds and High Spirits

Race 4: The Marlow Southern Ocean Sleigh Ride continues for the trio of teams who are eagerly anticipating being reunited with the rest of the fleet in Fremantle. The experience…

13 Dec 2019

Update on Unicef

Due to light winds, flogging sails and the need to arrive into Fremantle in good time, Unicef has now accepted ninth place and switched on its engine. Unicef will most…

12 Dec 2019

​Olympian Mary King swaps saddles for sails

“There was a joke on the boat about me wearing my pearls, but you have to keep up standards!” said British Champion and Olympian-turned-Ocean-Racer Mary King. Mary, 58, who has…

12 Dec 2019

Race 4 Day 25: One last match race

Following the arrival of Seattle into Fremantle overnight, just three Clipper Race teams remain at sea, navigating their way towards Western Australia. Unicef, Punta del Este and Visit Sanya, China…

12 Dec 2019


Update: 11 December 22:30 UTC Seattle completed Race 4, arriving into Fremantle on Wednesday 11 December, after 24 days at sea, crossing the finish line at 06:26:50UTC in eighth place.…

12 Dec 2019

​Meet the Crew: Kate Holling

Meet the Clipper 2019-20 Race Crew Name: Kate Holling Occupation: Head of Procurement Hometown: Perth Leg: 3 Team: Imagine your Korea Adventure-seeker Kate, from Perth in Australia, had always imagined…

11 Dec 2019

​Race 4 Day 24: Milestones achieved and a new arrival into Fremantle

Dare To Lead has crossed the finish line into Fremantle this morning at 10:07 UTC and the team to claim seventh place in Race 4: Marlow Southern Ocean Sleigh Ride.…

10 Dec 2019

Race 4 Day 23: Great minds think alike

Another day brings another new arrival into Fremantle, Australia. This morning it was Zhuhai’s turn to feel the exhilarating rush of crossing the finish line. Completing Race 4 in sixth…

10 Dec 2019

WTC Logistics Update

Highly experienced sailor Rich Gould will take over as Clipper Race Skipper of WTC Logistics , to lead the team from Leg 4 and the remainder of Clipper 2019-20 Race…

9 Dec 2019

Race 4 Day 22: Race within a Race

And then there were six! Following the nail-biting race for Race 4 podium positions over the weekend, arrivals continued into Fremantle overnight with GoToBermuda taking fourth place and WTC Logistics…

8 Dec 2019

Race 4 Day 21: The Race to Fremantle continues

The Clipper Race has seen its first three arrivals into Fremantle but eight teams continue to navigate their way through their localised battles to the finish line. Each in a…

8 Dec 2019

Nail-biting finale sees Qingdao clinch narrow victory in fourth race

After a three-week game of cat and mouse across the Southern Ocean, between the two leading Clipper Race teams, it was Qingdao which clinched a narrow victory. The team, flying…

7 Dec 2019

Race 4 Day 20: The Sleighs fly towards Fremantle

Day 20 of Race 4: The Marlow Southern Ocean Sleigh Ride has thrown the fleet a mixed bag of conditions as they push forwards in the marathon to Fremantle. The…

6 Dec 2019

Race 4 Day 19: Whether the weather will decide?

The finale for the frontrunners of the Marlow Southern Ocean Sleigh Ride is close and with only three nautical miles separating Ha Long Bay, Viet Nam and Qingdao, much of…

4 Dec 2019

Race 4 Day 17: Stealth, the name of the game?

Front runner Ha Long Bay, Viet Nam, in its quest to win The Marlow Southern Ocean Sleigh Ride has today gone into Stealth Mode*. This follows the trend set by…

4 Dec 2019

​Royal Albert Dock confirmed as Race Finish for Unforgettable Finale

The Clipper Round the World Yacht Race has announced the Clipper 2019-20 Race Finish will be held at Royal Albert Dock (RAD) in the heart of the capital's Royal Docks.…

3 Dec 2019

Clipper Ventures paves the way for sailing in Qinhuangdao

Clipper Ventures, the parent company of Clipper Round the World Yacht Race, Hamble School of Yachting, Clipper China and Clipper Events, has welcomed a delegation from Qinhuangdao, China, the main…

3 Dec 2019

Race 4 Day 16: Eyes on the rear view mirror

The competition among the fleet is heating up as it’s not just the front runners who are jostling on the race track. Over the last 24 hours, Zhuhai has been…

2 Dec 2019

Race 4 Day 15: In Pictures

Ha Long Bay, Viet Nam has relinquished its windward position, and the lead, to Qingdao after completing the Dell Latitude Rugged Ocean Sprint. The chasing pack prepares to enter the…

1 Dec 2019

Race 4 Day 14: A New Leader

After two weeks at sea, Ha Long Bay, Viet Nam has retaken the lead from close rival Qingdao in Race 4: the Marlow Southern Ocean Sleigh Ride. 18 nautical mile…

30 Nov 2019

Race 4 Day 13: Sprint or a stroll in the sunshine?

Lighter winds and sunshine greeted the teams towards the front of the pack on the thirteenth day of racing in The Marlow Southern Ocean Sleigh Ride. It is time to…

29 Nov 2019


“I’d really enjoy the warmth of a crackling wood fire right now,” Seattle-born crew member Mitchell Sundt exclaimed as he wrote his daily blog, thousands of miles from home. Mitchell…

29 Nov 2019

Race 4 Day 12: 50 Shades of Grey

“The sky is grey, the sea is grey, the squalls are grey.” Reports Ha Long Bay, Viet Nam Skipper Josh Stickland, on the twelfth day of racing from Cape Town…

28 Nov 2019

Race 4 Day 11: Happy Thanksgiving

The Clipper Race teams have many things to be thankful for this Thanksgiving, on the racing front; a slight break in the tough squally conditions that they have been facing…

28 Nov 2019

Update on Punta del Este and Visit Sanya, China

UPDATE: 11:30 28/11/2019 All repairs have now been completed on Punta del Este and Visit Sanya, China and both yachts will be departing from Cape Town today. Visit Sanya, China…

27 Nov 2019

Race 4 Day 10: Squalls, sails and hail

The leading teams are reaching the midway point of Leg 3, and with Clipper Race Meteorologist, Simon Rowell, calling the weather ‘fruity’, there were lots of individual sail battles for…

26 Nov 2019

Race 4 Day 9: What’s the Score?

The Scoring Gate results are in on Day 9 of Race 4: The Marlow Southern Ocean Sleigh Ride. The Scoring Gate, which is positioned approximately 135 nm due north of…

26 Nov 2019

Unicef heading to Durban for Medevac

Update 17:15 26/11/2019 Unicef crew member, Andrew Toms, continues to be in a stable condition. The Unicef team is currently entering Durban harbour with an NSRI (National Sea Rescue Institute)…

25 Nov 2019

​Race 4 Day 8: Bonus Points

Leading the charge to Fremantle, for a fourth consecutive day, Qingdao held off Ha Long Bay, Viet Nam to cross the Scoring Gate first and stake a claim on the…

24 Nov 2019

Race 4 Day 7: Sunshine and Anticipation

One week into the Marlow Southern Ocean Sleigh Ride and the racing fleet has experienced a slight lull as a high pressure system moves over the fleet. It is bringing…

23 Nov 2019

Race 4 Day 6: Joining the ‘Roaring’ Forties Club

On the sixth day of Race 4: The Marlow Southern Ocean Sleigh Ride, the racing teams are all within 280 nautical miles of each other as they power up towards…

22 Nov 2019

​Race 4 Day 5: Teams feel the effects as they approach the Roaring Forties

On the fifth day of Race 4: The Marlow Southern Ocean Sleigh Ride, Qingdao has taken over the role of frontrunner from Ha Long Bay, Viet Nam , as the…

21 Nov 2019

Race 4 Day 4: Close Racing at the Top of the Leaderboard

“I feel we have poked the angry red dragon, Qingdao, and now I can feel them breathing down our necks!” This is what Josh Stickland, Skipper of Ha Long Bay,…

20 Nov 2019

Race 4 Day 3: Conditions Liven up as the Race Remains Tight

On the third day of Race 4: The Marlow Southern Ocean Sleigh Ride, the upwind slam has subsided for most of the Clipper Race Crews, but whilst the fleet is…

20 Nov 2019

Celebrating World Children’s Day 2019 - The Isibindi Safe Park

During the Cape Town stopover, a group of 20 crew, from across the fleet, visited the Isibindi Safe Park, a very special programme supported by Clipper Race Charity Partner Unicef.…

19 Nov 2019

​Ocean health school trip aims to engage and empower local school children

Children from Prestwich Street Primary, a school in the heart of Cape Town, were recently invited to participate in a morning of fun, learning and exploration at the Two Oceans…

19 Nov 2019

Race 4 Day 2: Early Pressure for Leading Team

“All lined up like little tin soldiers” is how the fleet has been described. Check out the Race Viewer and you’ll see that a neat formation on Clipper 70s in…

18 Nov 2019

Race 4 Day 1: The Marlow Southern Ocean Sleigh Ride gets Underway

Race 4: The Marlow Southern Ocean Sleigh Ride, a 4,750 nautical mile ocean crossing from Cape Town, South Africa to Fremantle, Australia is underway. Yesterday the fleet left the V&A…

17 Nov 2019


The highly-anticipated 4,750 nautical mile Southern Ocean stage of Clipper 2019-20 Race started in Cape Town today as the only global sailing race for non-professionals passes its quarter-way mark. Race…

16 Nov 2019

Penalty Points for Leg 1

The Clipper Race Committee has finalised the list of penalty points that will be deducted from the teams following the assessment of damages and repairs needed after the Atlantic Trade…

16 Nov 2019

Race 4: Marlow Southern Ocean Sleigh Ride

Basking in the shadow of Table Mountain, the Clipper Race fleet makes its final preparations ahead of Race 4; a 4,750 nautical mile ocean crossing from Cape Town, South Africa…

15 Nov 2019


It has been a day of emotional reunions and introductions in Cape Town today as former young black South African Clipper Race crew came together to celebrate their ‘Dare To…

12 Nov 2019

​And then there were eleven - Zhuhai arrives into Cape Town

And then there were eleven. Zhuhai is the final team to arrive into Cape Town, meaning the fleet is now complete at the V&A Waterfront. Huge applause broke out as…

12 Nov 2019

Imagine your Korea Update

Experienced sailor Rob Graham will take over as Clipper Race Skipper of Imagine your Korea , leading the team from Fremantle, Australia and for the remainder of the circumnavigation. This…

11 Nov 2019

Race 3 Prizegiving

Following a tough 3,555 nautical mile race across the South Atlantic, the teams came together at the Shimmy Beach Club to celebrate the successes and achievements made during Race 3:…

11 Nov 2019

Crowds line waterfront to cheer in Dare To Lead

Dare To Lead crossed the finish line of Race 3: The Spinlock South Atlantic Showdown at 16:59:07 UTC on Monday 11 November following what has been a tough leg for…

11 Nov 2019

Cape Town ETAs

Zhuhai is the last team to arrive into the V&A Waterfront Cape Town, South Africa. Here is the latest estimated arrival time for the team. Please note that these are…

10 Nov 2019

​Time penalty for CV25

The Clipper Race Committee is announcing that CV25, Punta del Este , has been given a six-hour time penalty as a result of breaching part of the Clipper Race Course…

9 Nov 2019

Arrivals continue into Cape Town

Updated 09/11/2019 20:15 A beautiful sunset welcomed in local boy David ‘Wavy’ Immelman and his team GoToBermuda as they crossed the finish line at 17:26:58 in ninth place. In honour…

8 Nov 2019

Punta del Este Scoops Second Place into Cape Town as Unicef Takes Third

Punta del Este secured second place in the nail biting closing stages of Race 3 as the team held off Unicef and Ha Long Bay, Viet Nam in the tussle…

8 Nov 2019

Race 3 Day 16: Wind hole to slow finish?

It is day 16 of racing the second stage of the Clipper 2019-20 Race, and the aptly named Spinlock South Atlantic Showdown is drawing to a close. Qingdao has taken…

8 Nov 2019

Qingdao Wins Standoff in South Atlantic Showdown

The Spinlock South Atlantic Showdown delivered what it promised as a close fought standoff between the eleven identical Clipper Race teams played out along the entire 3,555 mile racecourse before…

7 Nov 2019

Race 3 Day 15: The Dell Latitude Rugged Ocean Sprint Results Announced!

On Day 15 of Race 3: The Spinlock South Atlantic Showdown, the results of the fleet’s efforts to cover the 335 nautical mile Dell Latitude Rugged Ocean Sprint in the…

7 Nov 2019

Update on Zhuhai team

07 November at 15:25 As Zhuhai is currently in a band of lighter winds, the decision has been taken for the team to stop racing and motor-sail towards Cape Town.…

6 Nov 2019

Race 3 Day 14: Hide and Seek in the South Atlantic

The fourteenth day of racing to Cape Town on Race 3: The Spinlock South Atlantic Showdown is providing great sailing conditions with Qingdao currently leading, followed by Punta del Este…

5 Nov 2019

Race 3 Day 13: Surfing through the Dell Latitude Rugged Ocean Sprint

The majority of the fleet in The Spinlock South Atlantic Showdown, is speeding through the Dell Latitude Rugged Ocean Sprint. It’s a closely fought bonus point battle and with still…

4 Nov 2019

Race 3 Day 12: The Dell Latitude Rugged Ocean Sprint Begins

On Day 12 of The Spinlock South Atlantic Showdown, the fleet are recovering from intense weather conditions as they gear up for a chance to gain extra points in the…

3 Nov 2019

​Race 3 Day 11: Hang onto your Hat

On Day 11 of Race 3: The Spinlock South Atlantic Showdown, Mother Nature is treating the fleet to a multitude of challenging weather conditions as the teams battle their way…

2 Nov 2019

​Race 3 Day 10: Highlights in pictures

With one storm down, and another approaching on the horizon, the Clipper Race fleet has been tackling eight metre high waves - that’s taller than an average two-storey house! The…

1 Nov 2019

Race 3 Day 9: White Knuckle Ride as Teams Reach Halfway Point to Cape Town

“Man, this isn’t a wave, it’s a ski slope.” This observation, from a crew member on board Seattle , sums up the last 24 hours hours for the majority of…

31 Oct 2019

Race 3 Day 8: South Atlantic Low

On Day 8 of Race 3: The Spinlock South Atlantic Showdown the fleet is in the throws of a South Atlantic low as it races towards Cape Town. Seumas Kellock,…

30 Oct 2019

Vote for Clipper Race!

Clipper Race On Board Reporter (OBR) Cherie Bridges is spending eleven months on board with each of the eleven team years as they race around the world. Her mission is…

30 Oct 2019

​Race 3 Day 7: Scoring Gate Results Confirmed

Scoring Gate results for Race 3: The Spinlock South Atlantic Showdown are in as pressure readings on barometers drop and wind speeds increase with the arrival of the forecasted low…

29 Oct 2019

​Race 3 Day 6: Charge for the Scoring Gate

The battle to claim the first points of Race 3: The Spinlock South Atlantic Showdown is raging with six of the eleven teams making their way to the scoring gate.…

28 Oct 2019

Race 3 Day 5: The calm before the storm

As forecast, the Clipper Race fleet is experiencing much lighter conditions on the fifth day of Race 3:The Spinlock South Atlantic Showdown. The leaderboard continues to fluctuate and sees V…

27 Oct 2019

Race 3 Day 4: North South Divide

The early stages of Race 3: The Spinlock South Atlantic Showdown have been dominated by the decision of which route to take to Cape Town; the most direct, via the…

26 Oct 2019

​Race 3 Day 3: Snakes and ladders

On the third day of Race 3: The Spinlock South Atlantic Showdown, it is all change at the top of the leaderboard as the fleet continues to gybe its way…

25 Oct 2019

Race 3 Day 2: Surf’s up

The fleet has been ticking of the miles in the first 48 hours of Race 3: Spinlock South Atlantic Showdown, with the two South African skippers leading the charge to…

24 Oct 2019

​Race 3 Day 1: East or south east, that is the question

Race 3: The Spinlock South Atlantic Showdown from the Uruguayan resort of Punta del Este to Cape Town, South Africa, is in its opening stages and already it is clear…

23 Oct 2019

The Spinlock South Atlantic Showdown Has Begun

A day charged with emotion and pride has been witnessed in Punta del Este today as the crew of non-professional sailors set off for the second leg of the Clipper…

23 Oct 2019

Race 3: The Spinlock South Atlantic Showdown

After an incredible stopover in Punta del Este , crew are making their final preparations ahead of Race 3. The teams will depart Yacht Club Punta del Este today (Wednesday…

22 Oct 2019

Skipper thoughts ahead of Race 3

The eleven Clipper Race Skippers have had their penultimate briefing ahead of Race 3 from Punta del Este, Uruguay to Cape Town, South Africa. Following a busy week of celebrations…

21 Oct 2019

​Local School Children Give Clipper Race Crew the VIP Treatment

On a sunny morning in Punta del Este, Uruguay, three of the Qingdao team arrived at a local school to meet with some children. Little did they know the effort…

21 Oct 2019

Meteorological phenomenon and lightning storm captured as Clipper 2019-20 Race approached Punta del Este, Uruguay

After a hard fought and challenging 5,200 nautical miles across the Atlantic, the Clipper Race fleet faced one more hurdle in the last 48 hours as they started to get…

19 Oct 2019

H.E Ambassador of the People’s Republic of China to Uruguay Visits Clipper Race

China came to visit the Clipper Race in Punta del Este today. Wang Gang, H.E Ambassador of the People's Republic of China to Uruguay and a Government delegation from the…

16 Oct 2019

​Yacht Club Punta del Este puts on Prizegiving Extravaganza

After arriving safely and swiftly into the Uruguayan resort of Punta del Este, following a 5,200 nautical mile-long marathon across the Atlantic Ocean, a fantastic evening of celebrations and formal…

15 Oct 2019

​Seattle Update

Experienced sailor David Hartshorn will take over as Clipper Race Skipper of Seattle , to lead the team for the remainder of its circumnavigation. This follows the departure of Skipper…

14 Oct 2019

​The fleet completes Race 2: The Commodore’s Cup

All eleven yachts have now completed the 5,195 nautical mile race from Portimão, Portugal to Punta del Este, Uruguay, which will be home to the yachts and the crew for…

14 Oct 2019

​Local Heroes: Punta del Este welcomed into its home port

Despite the cold evening and late hour, hundreds of local spectators, supporters and Yacht Club Punta Del Este representatives, lined the marina to welcome the Punta del Este team into…

13 Oct 2019

Podium Finish for Ha Long Bay, Viet Nam

Vietnamese team Ha Long Bay, Viet Nam , led by Josh Stickland, has secured its first podium win taking third place in Race 2: The Commodore’s Cup; the second of…

13 Oct 2019

​Race 2 Day 28: Thunderstorms and Lightning

As Race 2: The Commodore’s Cup to Punta del Este, Uruguay, continues, huge squalls brought powerful wind, driving rain, hail, thunderstorms, and put on a spectacular lightning show for the…

13 Oct 2019

Punta del Este ETAs

The arrival window into Punta del Este has been updated as of 13-10-19 at 1400 Local Time// 1700 UTC Please note that these are best estimates based on the latest…

12 Oct 2019

​Race 2 Day 27: Windholes Create Leaderboard Upheaval

Qingdao and Visit Sanya, China are both celebrating in Punta del Este , but for the rest of the Clipper Race fleet, Race 2: The Commodore’s Cup isn’t over just…

11 Oct 2019

Chinese teams take line honours into Punta del Este

Two of the three Chinese teams, Visit Sanya, China and Qingdao , who are competing in the Clipper Round the World Yacht Race, have taken the two top spots in…

11 Oct 2019

​Race 2 Day 26: Finish line within grasp of leaders

After 26 days and over 5,000 nautical miles of racing, the winner of Race 2: The Commodore’s Cup to Punta del Este, Uruguay, is expected to be decided today. But…

10 Oct 2019

​Race 2 Day 25: Neck-and-Neck in Battle for First

Leaders Qingdao and Visit Sanya, China remain neck-and-neck as the two teams enter into the final 300nautical miles of Race 2: The Commodore’s Cup to Punta del Este, Uruguay. Although…

9 Oct 2019

A guided tour of a Clipper 70 with Unicef Skipper Ian Wiggin

Ever wondered what the Clipper Race yachts were actually like? Thanks to Unicef Skipper Ian Wiggin, here's your chance to tour a Clipper 70 without even having to leave the…

9 Oct 2019

​Race 2 Day 24: Final Push Begins

The countdown clock on Race 2: The Commodore’s Cup is definitely ticking, with potentially less than 36 hours of racing to go before a winner is crowned in Punta del…

8 Oct 2019

Race 2 Day 23: Qingdao takes the lead

On Day 23 of Race 2: The Commodore’s Cup to Punta del Este, Uruguay, Qingdao has taken the lead from close rival Visit Sanya, China following an interesting and squally…

7 Oct 2019

​Race 2 Day 22: Visit Sanya’s Stealthy Move

After dominating the rest of the Clipper Race fleet for the first 4,000 nautical miles of Race 2: The Commodore’s Cup to Punta del Este, Uruguay, Visit Sanya, China has…

6 Oct 2019

​Race 2 Day 21: Wind Gusts and Windholes

After 21 days at sea, there is now only just over a week to go until the winner of Race 2: The Commodore’s Cup to Punta del Este, Uruguay, will…

5 Oct 2019

Closely fought Dell Latitude Rugged Ocean Sprint sees just one second between two teams

The results are in for the Dell Latitude Rugged Ocean Sprint and what a sprint it was. Only three hours and 21 minutes separated all eleven teams and the winner…

4 Oct 2019

Clipper Race Crew Face Court of King Neptune

Sailing across the equator is one of the major milestones of Leg 1 and the circumnavigation. An achievement few get to cross of their bucket list, this landmark event is…

4 Oct 2019

​Meet the Crew: Gerry Glover

Name: Gerry Glover Age: 52 Occupation: Self-employed Nationality: New Zealand Team: GoToBermuda Legs: Leg 1: The Atlantic Trade Winds, and Leg 2: The South Atlantic Challenge Gerry, 52 from Hamilton…

4 Oct 2019

​Race 2 Day 19: Competition Heats Up at the Front

The miles to Punta del Este, Uruguay, continue to fall away on Day 19 of Race 2: The Commodore’s Cup, and there is a serious battle brewing at the front…

3 Oct 2019

Race 2 Day 18: Changeable conditions during Dell Latitude Rugged Ocean Sprint

On the eighteenth day of racing in Race 2: The Commodore’s Cup, the leaderboard remains unchanged at the top, with the leading three teams all having passed the Dell Latitude…

2 Oct 2019

​Race 2 Day 17: The Dell Latitude Rugged Ocean Sprint Begins

With favourable conditions on Day 17 of Race 2: The Commodore’s Cup to Punta del Este, V isit Sanya, China continues to stay ahead of the rest of the fleet,…

1 Oct 2019

Race 2 Day 16: Offerings to King Neptune

At the approximate halfway point of Race 2: The Commodore’s cup, from Portimão to Punta del Este , the teams have been appreciating the exceptional sailing conditions and many, on…

30 Sep 2019

Race 2 Day 15: Sailing into the Southern Hemisphere

The top of the leaderboard remains unchanged with Visit Sanya, China and Qingdao being the first two teams to cross the equator and sail into the Southern Hemisphere, a landmark…

29 Sep 2019

Race 2 Day 14: Racing Resumes

The slow motor-sail through the Doldrums Corridor has become a thing of the past for the majority of the Clipper Race fleet, with racing firmly back on the agenda on…

28 Sep 2019

​Race 2 Day 13: Doldrums Downtime

Another day of the Doldrums and motor-sailing through the corridor meant that the Clipper Race teams needed to get creative in passing the time before they’d be back racing towards…

27 Sep 2019

Race 2 Day 12: Tropical Rain and Squalls in the Doldrums Corridor

Day 12 of Race 2: The Commodore’s Cup has turned out to be a humid, rainy one for the Clipper Race fleet, with all yachts now deep into the Doldrums…

26 Sep 2019

​Race 2 Day 11: Life in the Doldrums

With all eleven Clipper 70s now within the Doldrums Corridor and free of the tropical storm Lorenzo, the fleet is taking the opportunity for essential maintenance and housekeeping, while the…

25 Sep 2019

Race 2 Day 10: Tropical Storm Gives Way to Doldrums

For most of the Clipper Race fleet, Day 10 of Race 2: The Commodore’s Cup to Punta del Este, Uruguay, has been hot, sticky and windless. This can only mean…

25 Sep 2019

The Doldrums Corridor Explained

As those of you who are keeping an eagle eye on the Race Viewer know, the Clipper Race fleet is entering into the Inter Tropical Convergence Zone, or as it…

24 Sep 2019

​Race 2 Day 9: Strange Start To Doldrums

The ninth day of Race 2: The Commodore’s Cup was a tale of two halves. As a tropical storm crosses in front of the fleet, the consistent Trade Winds that…

24 Sep 2019

Meet the Crew: Richard Burchell, Clipper ‘96 Crew Back Racing on Clipper 2019-20 Race

Meet the Clipper 2019-20 Race Crew Name: Richard Burchell Occupation: Chiropodist Hometown: Caterham, Surrey Leg: Circumnavigation Team: Imagine you Korea Twenty-three years after Richard Burchell, 62, took part in Clipper…

23 Sep 2019

Race 2 Day 8: Charging toward the Cape Verde Islands

After the success of crossing the Scoring Gate yesterday first, Visit Sanya, China is currently leading the fleet in Race 2: The Commodore’s Cup. It remains tight at the top…

22 Sep 2019

​Race 2 Day 7: Scoring Gate points up for grabs

On the seventh day of Race 2: The Commodore’s Cup, Visit Sanya, China and Ha Long Bay, Viet Nam lead the charge to the Scoring Gate but until Qingdao reappears…

21 Sep 2019

Race 2 Day 6: Competition Heats up with Thrilling Close Racing

Close match racing has been the order of the day on Day 6 of Race 2: The Commodore’s Cup to Punta del Este , Uruguay. Incredibly after around 1,000 nautical…

20 Sep 2019

Portimão Labelled a Huge Success

The verdict is in; the Clipper 2019-20 Race Crew have deemed the inaugural Portimão stopover a huge success! The fleet and more than 200 crew from 35 different countries called…

20 Sep 2019

Race 2 Day 5: The first ‘Stealth Mode’ strategic tactic is played as the teams sail towards Cape Verde

The fifth day of racing south on Race 2, east of Western Sahara towards Cape Verde has brought changeable conditions for the teams; with steady trade winds carrying the fleet…

19 Sep 2019

Race 2 Day 4: The Canary Islands Bring Favourable Sailing Conditions

On the fourth day of the Commodore’s Cup to Punta del Este from Portimão, the Clipper Race teams are unanimous that they have been welcomed by favourable sailing conditions as…

18 Sep 2019

Race 2 Day 3: The Trade Winds Arrive

The wind has finally returned on Day 3 of Race 2: The Commodore’s Cup, meaning the Clipper Race fleet is once again moving towards its goal of Punta del Este…

17 Sep 2019

​Race 2 Day 2: Fleet Splits in Search for Wind

The Clipper Race fleet is experiencing dramatically different conditions in the first couple of days of Race 2: The Commodore’s Cup compared to those faced in the first race; very…

16 Sep 2019

Race 2 Day 1: A Slow Wind Start Tests Fleet

After the bold, fast start to Race 2 , the Commodore’s Cup, a 5,200nm race from Portimão, Portugal, to Punta del Este, Uruguay, a sharp drop in wind speed has…

15 Sep 2019

Bold and Fast Start by Punta del Este in Race 2

Punta del Este has had a brilliant start to the race to its home port, with Skipper Jeronimo Santos Gonzalez and his crew showing early signs that the decision to…

15 Sep 2019

Skipper thoughts ahead of Race 2: The Commordore’s Cup

After an extremely tough first race, it is time to focus on Race 2: The Commodore’s Cup and the first ocean crossing of the 2019-20 circumnavigation. GoToBermuda Skipper David ‘Wavy’…

14 Sep 2019

​Race 2: Two Jokers Played in Commodore’s Cup

Clipper Race crew have enjoyed a magical week in the Portuguese sun but now it’s time to get back on the water and race! Race 2, has been named the…

14 Sep 2019

Uruguayan Ambassador visits Punta del Este Team in Portimão

There may be 5,185 nautical miles between Clipper Race Host Ports Portimão and Punta del Este, but the two cities have been brought closer than ever after the Uruguayan Ambassador…

12 Sep 2019

Clipper Race Teams Impress During Portimão Rally

With Portimão putting on yet another perfect day, it was time for some of the teams to test out the excellent sailing conditions the Algarve is known for. A mixture…

12 Sep 2019

​Crew Explore the Sights and Tastes of the Beautiful Algarve

The Marina de Portimão continues to outdo itself, with the Host Port dedicating itself to showcasing the very best that this stunning region has to offer. On top of the…

11 Sep 2019

Meet the Crew: Ina Baum

Meet the Clipper 2019-20 Race Crew Name: Ina Baum Age: 53 Occupation: Business Consultant Hometown: Koln Leg: Circumnavigation Team: Zhuhai It’s been over six months since we first met Ina…

10 Sep 2019

Punta del Este Crowned Winners of First Race at Sunset Prizegiving

The first Prizegiving of the Clipper 2019-20 Race took place at the stunning Host Port of Marina de Portimão. Crew gathered to celebrate their achievements against an incredible backdrop of…

9 Sep 2019

Fleet arrives into Marina de Portimão after tough first race

Race 1 has been a first test of what is to come during the Clipper 2019-20 Round the World Yacht Race. With a wide spectrum of conditions from a tough…

9 Sep 2019

Punta del Este Wins Race to Portimão

Punta del Este will be racing to its home port on a huge high after claiming a win in the opening race to Portimão in Portugal. Despite being as low…

8 Sep 2019

Race Director on Race 1

There are just a few hours to go until we find out which team will claim the opening win of the Clipper 2019-20 Race! And while the teams fight it…

8 Sep 2019

Race 1 Day 6: Ocean Sprint results are in!

On the sixth day of racing the big winds and surfing conditions continued into the first Ocean Sprint of the 2019-20 edition. Skippers reported boat speed records being broken with…

7 Sep 2019

​Race 1 Day 5: Thrill ride conditions as Ocean Sprint gets underway

“The surfing at constant 25 knots for some time was some of the best sailing I've done, ever…” Chris Books, Skipper of Qingdao Image: Ha Long Bay Viet Nam surfing…

6 Sep 2019

Race 1 Day 4: Chinese Teams Claim First Scoring Gate Points

Teams talk tactics as they approach the Bay of Biscay Scoring Gate on the fourth day of racing and it was great news for the Chinese team which claimed the…

5 Sep 2019

RACE 1 DAY 3: The Fleet Waves Goodbye to UK Waters for 11 Months and Enters Calmer Conditions

The third day of racing has brought new sailing conditions, the wind has backed and the teams have left the challenging upwind conditions behind them for now. Spinnaker sailing once…

4 Sep 2019

Race 1 Day 2: The Upwind Battle Continues

The realities of ocean racing are quickly becoming apparent to the Clipper Race crew as the fleet battles upwind on day two of the opening race from London to Portimão…

3 Sep 2019

Spinnakers soar for the start of the Clipper 2019-20 Race

Following the spectacle and ceremony of the fleet’s departure from St. Katharine Docks, London, the first stage of the Clipper 2019-20 Round the World Yacht Race officially started on Monday…

1 Sep 2019

The Clipper 2019-20 Race fleet departs London

1 Sep 2019

​Tower Bridge lifts for the Clipper 2019-20 Race departure

The sun shone on the thousands of supporters who lined the banks of St. Katharine Docks and the River Thames to witness the Clipper 2019-20 Race departure. Tower Bridge was…

1 Sep 2019

Race 1: London to Portimão

After months and months of preparation, the Clipper 2019-20 Race is finally about to begin. The first of 15 races will be from London to Portimão in Portugal. While the…

31 Aug 2019

Skipper Thoughts ahead of Race 1

The Clipper 2019-20 Race Skippers have had their penultimate meeting ahead of the Race Departure ceremony from St. Katharine Docks, London tomorrow afternoon. After a busy week of naming ceremonies,…

31 Aug 2019

Seattle, Visit Sanya and Punta del Este celebrate and reveal team supporters

The Seattle team entry in the Clipper 2019-20 Race has been christened by Clipper Race Founder and Chairman, Sir Robin Knox-Johnston at the official naming ceremony at St. Katharine Docks,…

31 Aug 2019

Qingdao and Zhuhai Complete Naming Ceremonies

It's now time to race, with the final two Naming Ceremonies held on Qingdao and Zhuhai on the eve of Race Start. The Qingdao Naming Ceremony at London's St. Katharine…

31 Aug 2019


This week, an intrigued crowd gathered in a vibrant St.Katharine Docks, sheltered from the sweltering London sunshine to hear from the Visit Sanya, China team as they launch the book…

29 Aug 2019

Imagine your Korea, Unicef and Ha Long Bay, Viet Nam Enjoy the Limelight

A high point for the teams as they get ready for the adventure of a lifetime is the time which is dedicated to them; their official naming ceremonies. The audience…

29 Aug 2019

The Clipper Race and Marlow Ropes Partnership Strives for a Greener Future

The sixteenth year of partnership between the Clipper Race and Marlow Ropes will be marked with a shift towards a greener future. The world's first mooring line to be made…

28 Aug 2019

GoToBermuda, WTC Logistics and Dare To Lead Ready To Race

As the clock continues to countdown to the start of the Clipper 2019-20 Race on 1 September, the action at the Fan Zone at London's St Katharine Docks is in…

23 Aug 2019

Clipper Race Prep Day at St Katharine Docks

23 Aug 2019

Get Ready For Some Gripping Viewing

Forget binge-watching the latest Netflix series. The Clipper Race Viewer is back and set to take over your lives, bringing all of the drama and making for some very gripping…

22 Aug 2019

Hundreds of Clipper Race Crew Arrive in London

22 Aug 2019

Crew Member turns 18!

Name: Sophie Cross Age: 18 - just! Nationality: British Team: Zhuhai Thursday 22 August is a big day for Sophie Cross. Not only will she be arriving with her Zhuhai…

20 Aug 2019

​Departure Day - fleet leaves Clipper Race HQ for London

Clipper Race HQ was a hive of activity this morning as the eleven strong fleet of identical 70 foot yachts prepared to depart for London. Almost 175 crew signed up…

16 Aug 2019

​Meet the Clipper 2019-20 Race Crew: Christian Andrew

Name: Christian Andrew Age: 49 Occupation: Police Officer Hometown: Hertfordshire Legs: 5 and 6 Team: Unicef Race Crew member, Christian Andrew is swapping detecting crimes for detecting weather patterns as…

15 Aug 2019

Meet the Clipper 2019-20 Race Crew: Sarah Worby

Name: Sarah Worby Age: 26 Occupation: Travel Consultant Hometown: Epping Green, Essex Leg: 8 Team: UNICEF Stepping into her Father’s footsteps, who raced in the previous two editions of the…

14 Aug 2019

Prep Week in Full Swing

The Clipper Race HQ in Gosport, UK, is a hive of activity, with Prep Week well underway. Hundreds of Clipper 2019-20 Race crew are busily getting the fleet ready; doing…

14 Aug 2019

A Passion For Oceans: new book launched by Vicky Song

This week sees the launch of a book by a former Clipper Race Crew member, telling the story of how the global event gave them the thirst for adventure and…

8 Aug 2019


Imagine your Korea has been revealed as the newest team entry for the Clipper 2019-20 Race and will be led by skipper Mike Surridge. The partnership is supported by the…

5 Aug 2019

Ha Long Bay, Viet Nam, announced as new team entry in Clipper 2019-20 Race

Following a high profile signing ceremony this morning, it has been revealed that the Quang Ninh Province, in northeast Vietnam, has signed a two edition deal with the Clipper Race.…

31 Jul 2019

Garmin Returns As Official Supplier

The Clipper Race fleet is set to be more competitive, safe and efficient than ever before, following the news global brand Garmin is returning as an Official Supplier in the…

28 Jul 2019

​Meet the Clipper 2019-20 Race Crew: Stuart Mace and Marie O’Riley

Name: Marie O’Riley Age: 54 Hometown: Leamington Spa, UK Nationality: British Occupation: Sales and Marketing Consultant Team: Dare To Lead Legs: Leg 8, the Atlantic Homecoming Leg Name: Stuart Mace…

24 Jul 2019


The Clipper Round the World Yacht Race is pleased to announce Dare To Lead will be returning as a Team Partner in the 2019-20 edition of the race. It has…

12 Jul 2019

The Legen~Derry Stopover

This week we were excited to confirm the Clipper 2019-20 Race will be returning to the dynamic city of Derry~Londonderry in July 2020. The fleet is due to arrive between…

11 Jul 2019

​Bermuda on Board for World’s Toughest Endurance Test

We have revealed this week that Bermuda is the newest Host Port and Team Partner to the upcoming 2019–20 edition which starts from London, UK, on 1 September 2019. During…

10 Jul 2019

The Clipper Race Welcomes Back the Emerald City

The Clipper Round the World Yacht Race has announced it will be bringing its event back to Seattle in spring 2020. This follows Seattle’s second place victory in the previous…

10 Jul 2019

MaxSea deliver training on TIMEZERO v4 navigation software

The Clipper Race fleet will be equipped with the latest version of TIMEZERO by MaxSea navigation software for the 2019-20 edition. The Official Navigational Software Supplier to the Clipper Race,…

9 Jul 2019


Host Port destinations that will form the penultimate ‘US Coast-to-Coast’ leg of the Clipper 2019-20 Race along with its momentous ‘Atlantic Homecoming’ Leg have been revealed today. Firm race route…

4 Jul 2019

First Stop Portimão!

The Clipper Race is pleased to announce that the beautiful Portuguese city of Portimão will be the first stop of its 40,000 nautical mile global ocean adventure. The Clipper 2019-20…

4 Jul 2019

Meet the Clipper Race Crew: Nnenna Samuila

Name: Nnenna Samuila Occupation: Entrepreneur Nationality: Nigerian Legs: 3, Southern Ocean Leg, and 8, The Atlantic Homecoming Leg Team: GoToBermuda Sir Robin Knox-Johnston first set out to create the Clipper…

3 Jul 2019

Seattle ‘ocean health’ themed branding revealed

The Seattle yacht entry for the Clipper 2019-20 Race has been revealed. This will be the third consecutive edition Seattle has been a Team Partner in the Clipper Race. And…

28 Jun 2019

​Full Clipper Race fleet lines up for Round the Island Race

This weekend, the full Clipper Race fleet, plus three of the Clipper 68 yachts, will be lined up on the Solent to battle it out in the 88th edition of…

28 Jun 2019


Clipper Round the World Yacht Race has today revealed two British brands that will be partnering with its 2019-20 edition; WTC Logistics will be making its debut as Logistics Partner…

25 Jun 2019

Graduating to Gold

As Race Crew embark on their final level of training, they will be kitted out by the world’s leading sailing brand, Musto. After using the red BR2 kit during the…

24 Jun 2019

Behind the scenes at Spinlock

We went behind the scenes with Official Lifejacket Supplier, Spinlock, to take a look at what goes into producing the Deckvest VITO lifejackets which will be worn on the Clipper…

23 Jun 2019

Race Start Spectator Boats

Want to be at the heart of the action for the Clipper 2019-20 Race Start? You can wave off the eleven strong fleet of ocean racing yachts as teams depart…

22 Jun 2019

​Punta del Este branding revealed

Punta del Este is returning as a Host Port for the 2019-20 Race and is also making a splash with a striking bright yellow debut team entry which will fly…

20 Jun 2019

Clipper Ventures Statement on MAIB Report

The Marine Accident Investigation Branch (MAIB) report on the fatality onboard CV30 in the Clipper 2017-18 Race has been issued today. In addition a press statement has been issued by…

21 May 2019

​China Yachting Association Visits Clipper Race Training Centre

The special relationship between the Clipper Race and China is continuing to strengthen and grow, with the UK training hub playing host to the China Yachting Association. The President of…

13 May 2019

Excitement Grows for Clipper 2019-20 Race Crew

Emotions were running high for Clipper Race crew over the weekend as they finally found out who they will be taking on the ultimate ocean adventure with, when the Clipper…

12 May 2019

London’s St.Katharine Docks confirmed as Race Start Partner for Clipper 2019-20 Race

As part of the Crew Allocation festivities, the all-important details for Clipper 2019-20 Race Start were revealed to the expectant audience of Race Crew. Organisers announced that the event will…

12 May 2019

Punta del Este Returns to Clipper 2019-20 Race

After making its Host Port debut during the Clipper 2017-18 Race, Punta del Este, Uruguay, is set to return bigger and better by adding a debut team entry - led…

11 May 2019


Nearly 700 Clipper Race Crew members have today found out their team and Skipper at Clipper 2019-20 Race Crew Allocation Day. A mixture of excitement and anticipation built as more…

10 May 2019

​Cape Town to Host Global Sailing Race as Seattle Revealed as Team Entry

A trio of announcements have been made by the Clipper Race today regarding its upcoming 2019-20 edition including a new Host Port Partner, as well as a team entry and…

9 May 2019

Wondrous Whitsundays Completes Leg 4

In the first of many exciting announcements planned for this week in the lead up to Crew Allocation on Saturday, we can now reveal that the Australian Coast-to-Coast Leg 4…

7 May 2019

​Meet the Clipper 2019-20 Race AQPs

As excitement builds for almost 700 Clipper 2019-20 Race Crew ahead of Crew Allocation Day on Saturday, we thought it was the perfect time to reveal the professional Mates, otherwise…

2 May 2019

​Meet the Clipper 2019-20 Race Crew: Becky Broudie

Name : Becky Broudie Age : 55 Occupation : Counsellor Hometown : Lives in Barcelona, Spain Legs : Leg 1…for now! Fascination with the ocean and its vast seascapes are…

29 Apr 2019


The Clipper 2019-20 Race is set to be the biggest yet in terms of Chinese involvement and with Crew Allocation just around the corner, it’s time to meet the Skippers…

26 Apr 2019

‘Big blue boat’ to race 40,000 miles around the world for Unicef UK

Unicef UK has been announced as a team entry in the Clipper 2019-20 Race. This will be the third consecutive edition in which a Unicef UK yacht will take to…

26 Apr 2019

Eighteen thrill seekers set to represent the tropical paradise of Sanya in adventure of a lifetime

It has been a busy week in paradise as officials from the Clipper Race and Sanya teamed up to select 18 lucky thrill seekers who will represent the tropical holiday…

22 Apr 2019


A truly impressive flotilla of vessels, including Royal Navy warship HMS Mersey, and over one hundred supporting yachts of all shapes and sizes, joined Sir Robin, and Suhaili in Falmouth…

21 Apr 2019

Sailors Salute Sir Robin on 50 Year Anniversary of Golden Globe Victory

Britain’s leading sailors are paying tribute to Sir Robin Knox-Johnston today on the 50 th anniversary of the date, 22 April 1969, that he entered history books as the first…

20 Apr 2019

Capturing History

Sir Robin and Suhaili have arrived in Falmouth ahead of the 50 th anniversary celebrations planned on April 22 – the date the pair finished their 312 day record circumnavigation…

20 Apr 2019

Watch Now: Sanya’s Debut Documentary

After a triumphant debut entry in the 2017-18 edition, and ahead of selecting the lucky 2019-20 Sanya Ambassadors next week, the Visit Sanya team has released a documentary showcasing the…

18 Apr 2019

Meet the Clipper 2019-20 Race Skipper: Mark Burkes

With all eleven Clipper 2019-20 Race Skippers now revealed, we are bringing you a closer introduction into their background and personalities, and what they might be like to race under…

17 Apr 2019


With all eleven Clipper 2019-20 Race Skippers now revealed, it’s time to find out more about them as individuals. Here’s what you need to know about Seumas Kellock. Becoming a…

16 Apr 2019

​PRAXES to Provide 24/7 Remote Medical Support for Clipper 2019-20 Race

The Clipper Race is continuing its partnership with remote medical specialist PRAXES Medical Group . PRAXES will play a crucial behind-the-scenes role as Global Medical Support Partner to the Clipper…

15 Apr 2019

​Sir Robin: 50 Year Golden Globe Anniversary Plans

22 April, 2019, marks an astounding 50 years since Sir Robin Knox-Johnston, and his yacht, Suhaili , returned to Falmouth after an epic 312 days at sea in the Sunday…

15 Apr 2019

Meet the Clipper 2019-20 Race Skipper: Chris Brooks

“You get out of life what you put into it” Clipper 2019-20 Race Skipper Chris Brooks’ experience, enthusiasm and impressive track record for podium success is certainly testament to his…

12 Apr 2019


With all eleven Clipper 2019-20 Race Skippers now revealed, it’s time to find out more about them as individuals. Here’s what you need to know about Nick Leggatt. Nick will…

11 Apr 2019

Meet the Clipper 2019-20 Race Skippers: Jeronimo Santos Gonzalez

With all eleven Clipper 2019-20 Race Skippers now revealed, it’s time to find out more about them as individuals. Here’s what you need to know about Jeronimo Santos Gonzalez. Jeronimo,…

9 Apr 2019

Meet the Clipper 2019-20 Race Skippers: Josh Stickland

With all eleven Clipper 2019-20 Race Skippers revealed, we have been digging a little deeper behind the scenes to find out more about the soon-to-be familiar faces. Here’s everything we…

8 Apr 2019

Meet the Clipper 2019-20 Race Skippers: David Immelman

With all eleven Clipper 2019-20 Race Skippers now revealed, it’s time to find out more about them as individuals. Here’s what you need to know about David Immelman. The first…

5 Apr 2019

Meet the Clipper 2019-20 Race Skippers: Mike Surridge

With all eleven Clipper 2019-20 Race Skippers now revealed, it’s time to find out more about them as individuals. Here’s what you need to know about Mike Surridge. Sailing around…

4 Apr 2019

Partnership with Hyde Sails enters new decade

Clipper Round the World Yacht Race has renewed its partnership with British sailmaker Hyde Sails. The two race deal will see the partnership enter a new decade as it extends…

3 Apr 2019

Meet the Clipper 2019-20 Race Skippers: Ian Wiggin

With all eleven Clipper 2019-20 Race Skippers now revealed, it’s time to find out more about them as individuals. Here’s what you need to know about Ian Wiggin. Ian ‘Wiggy’…

2 Apr 2019

Qingdao Yacht Inspired by Tradition

Qingdao’s 16 year Clipper Race heritage has inspired the branding for the 2019-20 edition of the global ocean challenge. China’s Sailing City has featured in every race since 2005, making…

2 Apr 2019

​Grahame Robb Associates Appointed Official Learning and Development Supplier to Clipper 2019-20 Race.

The Clipper Round the World Yacht Race has announced that Grahame Robb Associates (GRA) has been appointed to deliver a bespoke leadership development programme, specially designed to hone the leadership…

1 Apr 2019


With all eleven Clipper 2019-20 Race Skippers now revealed, we are bringing you a closer introduction into their background and personalities, and what they might be like to live with…

30 Mar 2019

#ReasonToRace: Melanie and Jasmine Morris

In this special Mother’s Day edition of our #ReasonToRace 'Meet the Crew' series, we are getting to know a mother and daughter duo, Melanie and Jasmine Morris, who will be…

30 Mar 2019

Race Returns to Fremantle

Hundreds of people from all over the world are set to experience all the city of Fremantle has to offer when the Clipper Round the World Yacht Race returns to…

28 Mar 2019

Meet the Clipper 2019-20 Race Skippers: Guy Waites

With the full line up of Clipper 2019-20 Race Skippers revealed, we caught up with Guy Waites, who will be one of the eleven professionals leading a team around the…

25 Mar 2019

​Former Clipper Race Circumnavigators Return to Paradise for China’s Biggest Offshore Event

British Clipper 2017-18 Race Circumnavigators, Mike Miller (50, from Windsor) and Glenn Manchett (53, from Cambridge), who raced on board the winning Sanya Serenity Coast team, have returned to China’s…

25 Mar 2019

TIMEZERO by MaxSea announced as Official Navigation Software Supplier

The Clipper Race has renewed its partnership with TIMEZERO by MaxSea, returning for a third consecutive edition as the Official Navigation Software Supplier. The eleven strong fleet of 70 ft…

21 Mar 2019

​Clipper 2019-20 Round the World Yacht Race Skippers Revealed

Following a grueling selection process we are pleased to reveal the eleven professional skippers who, with over a million miles of experience between them, will be leading teams in the…

19 Mar 2019


The Clipper Race is pleased to reveal Spinlock as its new Official Lifejacket Supplier for the next two editions, 2019-20 and 2021-22, of the biennial round the world yacht race.…

17 Mar 2019

Happy 80th Sir Robin!

Today legendary yachtsman and Clipper Race Founder and Chairman, Sir Robin Knox-Johnston, is 80 years young. The milestone birthday begins what will be a big 2019 for Sir Robin. 50…

15 Mar 2019

Ambassadors chosen to represent the city of Zhuhai in global sailing race

Eighteen brave adventurers, including a professor, engineer and student, have been chosen to represent the city of Zhuhai as ocean racers in the Clipper 2019-20 Round the World Yacht Race.…

11 Mar 2019

From the Atlantic Ocean to United Nations: Lebalang’s Remarkable Success Story

We often tell stories of the positive impact that the Clipper Race has on the lives of Race Crew, and there are not many as inspiring as that of Lebalang…

8 Mar 2019

​First boat branding revealed for Clipper 2019-20 Race

It’s hard to hide away a 70ft ocean racing yacht but the team at Clipper Race HQ has been hard at work in a secret location. As preparations for the…

7 Mar 2019

Zhuhai, The City of Islands

Eyes will be turning to the Chinese city of Zhuhai in the spring of 2020, when the Clipper Round the World Yacht Race makes its debut visit. Recently voted one…

7 Mar 2019

Clipper Race Celebrates International Women’s Day

Over the past 23 years and eleven editions of the Clipper Race, thousands of women from all over the world have been introduced to sailing and trained to be ocean…

6 Mar 2019

Clipper 2017-18 Race Skipper Scoops Prestigious YJA Award

Clipper 2017-18 Race Skipper Nikki Henderson has been awarded the prestigious Yachting Journalists’ Association (YJA) Yachtsman of the Year Award after making history when, at 24, she became the youngest…

1 Mar 2019

​Sanya Opens Applications for Ambassador Programme

The tropical paradise of Sanya, China, has today opened applications for its Clipper Race Ambassador Programme . The programme, which is available to residents of Sanya, gives locals the chance…

27 Feb 2019

Robin Talks Tough Tech with Dell

From racing around the world with only a radio (that didn’t even work for the last four and a half months), to seeing the Clipper 2017-18 Round the World Yacht…

21 Feb 2019

Fundraising Begins Again for Unicef

During the Clipper 2017-18 Race, crew, supporters and race partners showed their support and raised more than £374,000. As the fleet raced to different countries around the world, crew visited…

19 Feb 2019

Coppercoat seals two-race Partnership

Following a successful debut in the Clipper 2017-18 Race, Coppercoat has signed a new two-race partnership as the Official Antifoul Supplier for the next two editions of the Clipper Round…

8 Feb 2019

The Ultimate Gap Year

Timothy Morgan, a 19-year-old student from Wellingborough, Northamptonshire, is preparing to take on the ultimate gap year challenge of racing around the world. Struggling to concentrate in class whilst searching…

7 Feb 2019

Sta-Lok Returns to Rig the Clipper 2019-20 Race

Renewing its partnership with the Clipper Round the World Yacht Race, Sta-Lok is returning as the Official Standing Rigging Partner for the 2019-20 edition. Product testing doesn’t come much tougher…

29 Jan 2019

Sir Robin Congratulates Golden Globe Winner

Just months out from the 50th anniversary of his historic voyage, Sir Robin Knox-Johnston has travelled to Les Sables d’Olonne to congratulate the winner of the Golden Globe Race 2018.…

24 Jan 2019

Ten days to circumnavigator at boot Düsseldorf

Ina Baum, a 53-year-old Management Consultant from Köln has made the lifechanging decision to circumnavigate the globe just ten short days after finding out about the Clipper Round the World…

20 Jan 2019

Crew Brief a Huge Success

The countdown to the Clipper 2019-20 Race is officially on with hundreds of Race Crew and Supporters gathering at Lord’s Cricket Ground in London for Crew Brief. The excitement was…

17 Jan 2019


A teacher, motorsport manager, social media whiz, and a scuba instructor are just some of the strong candidates who have been chosen to represent Qingdao in the Clipper 2019-20 Race.…

3 Jan 2019

​Where’s Charlie?

Have you spotted 28-year-old Clipper 2017-18 Race circumnavigator Charlie Garratt who is the latest face on the global sailing event’s London Underground posters? Charlie, from Southampton, UK, signed up to…

2 Jan 2019

Clipper Ventures Buys Hamble School of Yachting

Clipper Ventures, the parent company of the Clipper Round the World Yacht Race, has bought one of the RYA’s leading sailing schools in the UK, Hamble School of Yachting .…

31 Dec 2018

2018: A Year in Review

This year has been one to remember here at the Clipper Race. Records were broken, oceans crossed, and hundreds of people from all over the world completed what is one…

24 Dec 2018

​#ReasonToRace: Nassor El Mahruki

AGE: 51 NATIONALITY: Tanzanian HOMETOWN: Zanzibar PROFESSION: Hotelier LEGS: Full Circumnavigation Nassor El Mahruki, a 50-year-old hotelier from Zanzibar, is set to become the first Tanzanian to circumnavigate the world…

21 Dec 2018

Clipper Race Director of Sponsorship Sets Sail For New Adventures

After spending more than a decade dedicated to the growth and development of the Clipper Race, Sponsorship Director Jonathan Levy has made the decision to begin the new year embarking…

18 Dec 2018

​Hometown Honour for Winning Skipper

The accolades keep coming for history making Clipper Race Skipper Wendy Tuck, who has been awarded an Honorary Fellowship by the University of Western Sydney. The Australian university selected Wendy…

18 Dec 2018

​Clipper Race Crew Member Sets Sailing Record

Former Clipper Race crew member Lisa Blair has rewritten the history books once again, becoming the first woman to circumnavigate Australia solo and unassisted. After 58 days and more than…

12 Dec 2018

Zhuhai seeking adventurers to represent city in global sailing race

The Chinese city of Zhuhai has today announced an Ambassador Crew programme which will enable local people to take part in the Clipper 2019-20 Round the World Yacht Race. Residents…

29 Nov 2018

​Clipper 2019-20 Race Crew #ReasonToRace: Heather Broadbent

NAME: Heather Broadbent AGE: 50 NATIONALITY: UK HOMETOWN: Cheshire, UK LEGS: Full circumnavigation Heather Broadbent, a self-employed gardener and PA from Cheshire, UK, is planning to swap flower beds for…

22 Nov 2018

​Opportunity of a Lifetime to Represent Qingdao to the World

The search is on for intrepid crew to represent China’s Sailing City of Qingdao in the upcoming Clipper 2019-20 Race. For the eighth consecutive edition, Qingdao’s distinctive red and gold…

16 Nov 2018


Quebecan Clipper 2017-18 Race crew member Simon DuBois, who raced around the world on board the Visit Seattle team yacht, has been announced as Québec Sailor of the Year. Image:…

25 Oct 2018

Clipper Race Appoints Dale Smyth as Deputy Race Director

The Clipper Round the World Yacht Race is very pleased to announce that Dale Smyth is set to join its Race Office team after being appointed Deputy Race Director. Dale,…

18 Oct 2018

Clipper Race film makes a splash at Waterproof Festival in Geneva

Ever wondered who captures the footage of our Clipper Race crews as they race across the oceans of the world? A new short film called La Course de Leur Vie…

16 Oct 2018

​Clipper 2019-20 Race Crew #ReasonToRace: Nigel Gale

Name: Nigel Gale Age: 56 Occupation: Builder Nationality: Channel Islander, Guernsey Legs: Full Circumnavigation We often share stories of the 40 per cent of Clipper Race crew members who are…

15 Oct 2018

Voting Open For Rolex World Sailor of the Year

Following the nomination of Clipper 2017-18 Race Skipper Wendy Tuck for Rolex World Sailor of the Year, public voting has officially opened today, Monday 15 September. The public vote, which…

8 Oct 2018

Clipper 2019-20 Race Crew #ReasonToRace: Donna Von Tunk

Continuing the #ReasonToRace series, which was started during the launch of the new Clipper Race and Musto technical clothing partnership last month, we kick off Monday by introducing Donna Von…

4 Oct 2018

Search Underway for Clipper 2019-20 Race Skippers

The Clipper Round the World Yacht Race isn’t just a challenge that allows everyday people to test themselves in the ultimate ocean adventure. It is also a chance for experienced…

3 Oct 2018


It has today been announced that winning Clipper 2017-18 Race Skipper Wendy Tuck from Sydney, Australia, has been nominated for Rolex World Sailor of the Year. Wendy Tuck, Skipper of…

2 Oct 2018

Watch! The Clipper Race TV Series Final on Sky Sports

The Race of Their Lives documentary series will see the final episode being aired on Sky Sports, where the epic adventure sees the crews race across the North Atlantic heading…

1 Oct 2018

​Clipper 2019-20 Race Crew #ReasonToRace: Les Perry

Les Perry, a 59-year-old Roofer from Barnston, Wirral, is gearing up to take part in the Clipper Round the World Yacht Race after watching the 2017-18 edition depart Royal Albert…

25 Sep 2018

​Clipper 2019-20 Race Crew #ReasonToRace: Eve Ashforth

“If you’re going to take a few steps into the unknown you might as well jump and see what happens.” Meet 28-year-old Eve, an A&E Nurse from Yorkshire, UK, who…

24 Sep 2018

A New Look for the Clipper Race

The Clipper Race has today announced Musto, renowned for its high-performance sailing kit, as its new Technical Clothing Partner for the next two event editions, enabling crew to tackle the…

11 Sep 2018

Clipper 2017-18 Race Crew Pass Yachtmaster Offshore Certificate

Hot off the back of completing the Clipper 2017-18 Round the World Yacht Race, ten circumnavigating crew members are celebrating another milestone after successfully completing their RYA Yachtmaster Offshore certifications.…

10 Sep 2018

​Sanya Serenity Coast Clipper 2017-18 Race Highlights

Last but certainly not least, we look back at overall Clipper 2017-18 Race winner Sanya Serenity Coast in the eleventh and final race team highlight post. Sanya Serenity Coast was…

6 Sep 2018

Visit Seattle Clipper 2017-18 Race Highlights

There’s no doubt about it, the second placed Visit Seattle certainly ‘sailed with style’ throughout the Clipper 2017-18 Race. Led by Nikki Henderson, the youngest Skipper in the race’s history,…

5 Sep 2018

​Historic win inspires more women to consider a life at sea

History was made this summer when Wendy Tuck became the first woman to win a round the world yacht race and her sailing success has already inspired more women to…

3 Sep 2018

Qingdao Clipper 2017-18 Race Highlights

This was the seventh consecutive Clipper Race as both a Host Port and Team Partner for China’s Sailing City of Qingdao and the 2017-18 edition proved to be one to…

30 Aug 2018

Garmin Clipper 2017-18 Race Highlights

Garmin was a team that went from strength to strength with every Leg of the Clipper 2017-18 Race, and the hard work was well rewarded with a fourth place overall…

28 Aug 2018

PSP Logistics Clipper 2017-18 Race Highlights

PSP Logistics finished a highly impressive fifth overall in the Clipper 2017-18 Race, making it the best result for the Team Partner in its three editions, an especially impressive effort…

24 Aug 2018

Unicef Clipper 2017-18 Race Highlights

Eleven months ago, a bright blue boat set sail to not only race around the world but to also proudly fly the flag around the world for the Charity Partner…

22 Aug 2018

Dare To Lead Clipper 2017-18 Race Highlights

It’s time to turn the focus on Dare To Lead and its Clipper 2017-18 Race highlights. The team, self-nicknamed ‘The Dark Horses’, was skippered by Dale Smyth and finished seventh…

21 Aug 2018

GREAT Britain Clipper 2017-18 Race Summary

Continuing the Clipper 2017-18 Race team summary, we kick off the second week by looking back at the GREAT Britain team’s remarkable journey over the past eleven months. Making a…

20 Aug 2018

​One Year On: Circumnavigators Reflect on Epic Adventure

One year ago today, the World Heritage Royal Albert Dock Liverpool was a hive of activity as hundreds of Clipper Race crew members were waved off by friends, family, and…

17 Aug 2018

Liverpool 2018 Clipper 2017-18 Race Highlights

As we continue to look back at Clipper 2017-18 Race team highlights, today we are shining the spotlight on Liverpool 2018 which claimed ninth place overall. The bright pink Liverpool…

15 Aug 2018 Clipper 2017-18 Race Highlights made its debut in the Clipper 2017-18 Race and it didn’t take long to see that Skipper Conall Morrison and his team of 57 crew, which included 15 different…

13 Aug 2018

​Nasdaq Clipper 2017-18 Race Highlights

As each of the 712 Clipper Race crew members begin to adjust back to life on land, the memories and successes of the past eleven months are far from forgotten.…

30 Jul 2018

​Zhuhai to debut in Clipper 2019-20 Race

The Clipper Race has revealed that the ‘Islands and Sailing’ city of Zhuhai, China, is to become a Host Port and Team Partner following a multi-million pound three edition deal.…

28 Jul 2018

Clipper Race Makes History in Liverpool

History has been made in Liverpool today when Australian Sailor Wendy Tuck became the first woman to ever win a round the world yacht race after leading her Sanya Serenity…

28 Jul 2018

​What a Race: The Skippers Reflect

Just one last sprint remains before the incredible adventure that has been the Clipper 2017-18 Round the World Yacht Race comes to a close and the party in Liverpool officially…

27 Jul 2018

Sanya Serenity Coast Wins Clipper 2017-18 Race

History has been made as Australian Sailor Wendy Tuck becomes the first woman to ever to lead a team to win a round the world yacht race after clinching the…

27 Jul 2018


Qingdao has secured a spot in overall Clipper Round the World Yacht Race top three after beating out home team Liverpool 2018 and Garmin to win Race 13 from Derry-Londonderry,…

27 Jul 2018

Race 13 Day 5: The Final Countdown

After eleven months and more than 40,000 nautical miles, there is just hours left in the thirteenth and final race of the Clipper 2017-18 Round the World Yacht Race. Qingdao,…

26 Jul 2018

​Race 13 Day 4: Me and My Shadow

The end is in sight and the kites are flying after the Clipper Race fleet rounded Fastnet Rock and began the final surge through the Irish Sea to the Finish…

25 Jul 2018

​Race 13 Day 3: Too Close to Call

The thirteenth and final race of the Clipper 2017-18 Race remains anyone’s, with the fleet still tightly packed as the upwind beat down the western Irish coast continues. And with…

24 Jul 2018

​Race 13 Day 2: The Beat Goes On

The second day of Race 13 has been dominated by a continued tough upwind beat as the fleet races south down the West Coast of Ireland, separated by just 15nm.…

23 Jul 2018

​Race Finish Live Stream

Over 700 everyday people from 41 nations have taken on the toughest oceans on the planet in the 2017-18 edition of the unique Clipper Round the World Yacht Race. After…

23 Jul 2018


Race Finish is almost here. Our boats are five days away from completing their round the world adventure. So it’s now time to open up the nominations for our very…

23 Jul 2018

Race 13 Day 1: Snakes and Ladders Start to Final Race

The final race of the Clipper 2017-18 Round the World Yacht Race got underway yesterday following a spectacular stopover and send off from Derry-Londonderry. The start line, positioned between Greencastle…

22 Jul 2018

The Race for Glory: Final Test for Teams

Since leaving Liverpool almost a year ago, the eleven Clipper 2017-18 Round the World Yacht Race teams have battled each other in twelve races, experiencing everything from frustrating wind holes…

22 Jul 2018

Derry-Londonderry Stopover Hailed as Huge Success for City

The River Foyle was a blaze of colour today as hundreds lined Derry’s Quay to bid farewell to the Clipper Race teams as they slipped lines and set sail for…

21 Jul 2018

Race 13 Preview: The Final Test for Teams

An atmosphere of nervous excitement is building in Derry-Londonderry as Skippers and crew gear up for Race 13, the last test of the circumnavigation, which will return the teams to…

16 Jul 2018

Tight at the Top

The race points on the overall Clipper Race leaderboard have been updated for the final time before Race Finish and the fight for a podium in Liverpool is going to…

15 Jul 2018

Festival Off to a Great Start

The Clipper Race crew sure know how to draw a crowd, with the people of Derry-Londonderry turning out in force to see the fleet on the successful opening day of…

14 Jul 2018

Supporters Steal the Show at LegenDerry Prize Giving

The Clipper Race party in Derry-Londonderry has officially begun, with 600 crew and supporters gathering together at the city’s stunning Guildhall for the Race 12: The LegenDerry Race Prize Giving.…

14 Jul 2018

​The Clipper Race Welcomes the Irish Tánaiste to Derry-Londonderry

The Irish Tánaiste (Deputy Prime Minister) and Foreign Minister Mr Simon Coveney has congratulated the Clipper Race crew on their achievements after visiting the yachts whilst in Derry-Londonderry. After arriving…

13 Jul 2018


A half a world away from the sandy shores of Newcastle, Australia, Peter Hartigan and Louise Costello are celebrating after crossing the mighty North Atlantic Ocean as part of the…

12 Jul 2018

​Full House

The full Clipper Race fleet has arrived in Derry-Londonderry, with the crew now ready to enjoy an action-packed fortnight and the award-winning Foyle Maritime Festival. After what has been a…

11 Jul 2018

Sir Robin Praises Derry-Londonderry

Legendary sailor Sir Robin Knox-Johnston has praised Derry-Londonderry as the Northern Irish city embraces the Clipper Round the World Yacht Race for a fourth consecutive visit. IMAGE: Sir Robin, Ralph…

11 Jul 2018

Race 12 Day 15 Skipper Blogs

The final two teams, GREAT Britain and Liverpool 2018 , are edging closer towards Derry-Londonderry. For GREAT Britain , Race 12 is due to conclude later tonight (Wednesday 11 July)…

10 Jul 2018

​LegenDerry Welcome for

After almost eleven months and 40,000 nautical miles, Derry-Londonderry born Clipper Race Skipper Conall Morrison and Round the World Crew Member Roseann McGlinchey have returned home. The pair and their…

10 Jul 2018

PSP Logistics Kicks Off Second Day of Arrivals

It was a very warm welcome for PSP Logistics as the team arrived into Derry-Londonderry despite the grey skies and light drizzle in the air. The team completed Race 12…

10 Jul 2018

Race 12, Day 14: Battle To Finish

The penultimate stage of the Clipper 2017-18 Race is ongoing this morning for almost half the fleet, and some impressive battles are taking place as teams strive to join the…

10 Jul 2018

The round the world life of a Clipper Race Crew Supporter

With arrivals into Derry-Londonderry this week it only seems fitting that our latest ‘Meet the Race Crew Supporter’ is Patrick Merrick. Patrick’s wife, Mary Frawley, is a ‘round the worlder’…

9 Jul 2018

First day of LegenDerry Arrivals Complete

Qingdao is still in the running to finish on the overall Clipper Race podium after finishing fourth in Race 12 to Derry-Londonderry, Northern Ireland - the penultimate race of the…

9 Jul 2018

Race 12 Day 13: Pressure Remains On

Whilst the battle for the Race 12 podium was settled during the early hours today by victorious Visit Seattle , which crossed the finish line at 00:21UTC, followed by Unicef…

9 Jul 2018

​Unicef Laughing After Playing Joker

Unicef’s decision to play its Joker Card for Race 12 to Derry-Londonderry has certainly proved to be a good one with the team due to shoot up the overall Leaderboard…

9 Jul 2018

Visit Seattle Takes Third Win

Visit Seattle has made it’s claim for the overall Clipper Race victory by winning the penultimate race into Derry-Londonderry. Visit Seattle was given a hero's welcome in Derry-Londonderry, with people…

9 Jul 2018

Estimated Time of Arrivals into Derry-Londonderry

ETAs shown in local time (UTC+1) across the Finish Line for Race 12: The LegenDerry Race. Please note that the ETAs are to the finish line which is off the…

8 Jul 2018

​Race 12, Day 12: Battle To Win

With just over 100 nautical miles remaining for the leaders, Race 12: The Legenderry Finale is playing out for the podium and certainly living up to its name as a…

7 Jul 2018

​Race 12 Day 11: The Sprint Is On

After an intense eleven days of racing across the North Atlantic Ocean, the mood across the fleet is that the sprint is very much on for both the Elliot Brown…

6 Jul 2018


The first few teams have commenced the Elliot Brown Ocean Sprint but with two boats in Stealth Mode and some tricky weather conditions, it’s an edge-of-the-seat kind of sprint for…

5 Jul 2018

​Leg 7 Penalty Points

After no points were issued for any teams for Race 9 (Leg 6), the Clipper Race Committee has finalised the penalty points to be given to teams following the assessment…

5 Jul 2018

Race 12 Day 9: Full Steam Ahead

It’s full steam ahead for the fleet on the ninth day of racing. Boat speeds are back in double figures after a frustrating day and night moving from one high…

4 Jul 2018

Race 12 Day 8: Scoring Gate Gamble

It may be the 4th of July but it’s not so much independence day for the Clipper Race fleet as they are still racing in two fairly tight packs. Five…

3 Jul 2018


As the Clipper Race teams race across the North Atlantic, on their final leg, it's time to open the nominations for the Stormhoek Social Spirit Award for Race 12: LegenDerry…

3 Jul 2018

​Race 12 Day 7: Fleet Splits at Halfway Point

A split is starting to divide the fleet as teams make their Scoring Gate decisions, but with only 20 nautical miles (nm) separating first and fifth, it’s still anyone’s race.…

2 Jul 2018

Get behind the helm for Unicef - new fundraising initiatives announced

With Race Finish fast approaching the Clipper Race is excited to announce a collection of new Unicef fundraising initiatives . They are offering the chance to bid for Clipper Race…

2 Jul 2018

​Race 12 Day 6: To Scoring Gate or not to Scoring Gate?

After nearly a week at sea racing around the clock in Race 12: The LegenDerry Race, the majority of the Clipper Race fleet is separated by just 55 nautical miles…

2 Jul 2018

Liverpool 2018 diverting to Newfoundland, Canada for Medevac

Update 11:40, 04/07/2018 Dominic Littlewood, from Liverpool 2018, is now safely back in the UK and recovering well. His team have set sail from St John’s, Newfoundland and are now…

1 Jul 2018

​Sir Robin Wishes Golden Globe Skippers Good Luck in Round the World Adventure

With a boom of a cannon, Clipper Race Founder and Chairman Sir Robin Knox Johnston has officially begun the Golden Globe Race 2018, a replica of the race which saw…

1 Jul 2018

Race 12 Day 5: Fog Descends

Heavy fog is making visibility tough for the Clipper Race teams in the middle of the North Atlantic, but the racing remains close as the majority of the teams continue…

30 Jun 2018


It’s been a bumpy time for many of the Clipper Race teams as they braced themselves for a second day on the ‘roller coaster’ Gulf Stream. The competition remains tight…

29 Jun 2018

​Race 12 Day 3: Gulf Stream Gamble

With three days and hundreds of nautical miles already under their belts in Race 12: The LegenDerry Race, conditions out on the North Atlantic have picked up, bringing the gentle…

29 Jun 2018

The Mighty Pacific Ocean – Episode 5 of Race of Their Lives

The award-winning Race of Their Lives – the documentary showcasing the incredible achievements of the Clipper 2017-18 Round the World Yacht Race crew – is set to return for the…

28 Jun 2018

​Race 12 Day 2: Racing Remains Tight

There’s been plenty of movement on the leaderboard, but none of the Clipper Race teams have broken away amid the tight racing conditions on Day 2 of Race 12 from…

27 Jun 2018

​Race 12 Day 1: Whale Obstacle Course Complicates Race Start

The Clipper Race fleet has officially begun the penultimate race of the 40,000 nautical mile, eleven month circumnavigation - a two week race across the North Atlantic to Derry-Londonderry, Northern…

26 Jun 2018

​Race 12 Day 0: Countdown to Race Start

After bidding farewell to the Big Apple in style, the Clipper Race fleet has regrouped off Long Island ahead of today’s Le Mans start of Race 12: The LegenDerry Race…

25 Jun 2018

Teams Set off on Homecoming Leg From New York

The Clipper Round the World Yacht Race has commenced the final Leg of its circumnavigation across the North Atlantic from New York, USA, to Liverpool, UK, via Derry-Londonderry in Northern…

24 Jun 2018

Clipper Race Skippers’ Thoughts Ahead of the Final Leg

As crew kit is loaded and provisions are stored away on board each of the eleven Clipper Race team yachts ahead of Race 12: LegenDerry Race from New York to…

24 Jun 2018

Meet the new Clipper Race Crew Recruitment Director

The Clipper Race is delighted to announce that Della Parsons will be its new Crew Recruitment Director from next month. Della has worked in the Crew Recruitment team for almost…

24 Jun 2018

​Race 12: The LegenDerry Race Preview

After ten months and more than 36,000 nautical miles, there are just two races remaining in the Clipper 2017-18 Race Circumnavigation. And kicking off The Atlantic Homecoming Leg 8 is…

22 Jun 2018

Clipper Race lights up Times Square during Nasdaq MarketSite Visit

After racing some 36,000 nautical miles around the globe to its team partner’s home in New York, USA, the Nasdaq Clipper Race team had the honour of attending Nasdaq’s Stock…

22 Jun 2018

Joining Crew Arrive in New York, Meet Prashant De

As 91 joining Clipper Race crew members arrive into New York, USA, to join their teams for Leg 8: The Atlantic Homecoming Leg, the final Leg of the eleven month…

21 Jun 2018


Clipper Race Fleet Partner Dell has utilised the Clipper Race stopover in New York, USA, to promote its Dell Rugged products to industry leaders and journalists through a series of…

20 Jun 2018

Meet the Clipper 2017-18 Race Crew: Ineke Van Der Weijden

NAME: Ineke Van Der Weijden AGE: 44 OCCUPATION: Program director, Economic development NATIONALITY: Dutch LEGS: Circumnavigation TEAM: Nasdaq Ineke Van Der Weijden from Utrecht, Netherlands is circumnavigating onboard Nasdaq and…

19 Jun 2018

​Best Friends From New York to take on Ocean Adventure

NAME: David Laufer AGE: 58 NATIONALITY: USA PROFESSION: Public Affairs Executive LEGS: Mighty Pacific Leg 6 and US Coast-to-Coast Leg 7 NAME: Michael Richman AGE: 58 NATIONALITY: USA PROFESSION: Real…

18 Jun 2018

Meet the Clipper 2017-18 Race Crew: ‘Round the Worlder’ Mike Miller

Name: Mike Miller Age: 49 Nationality: UK Occupation: Team: Sanya Serenity Coast Legs: Full circumnavigation “I don’t know how leggers get off. You miss so much by getting off the…

17 Jun 2018

Double Prize Giving Celebrations in New York

Following the completion of the penultimate leg of the circumnavigation, which was made up of two races, the Clipper Race held a double Prize Giving celebration tonight in New Jersey,…

15 Jun 2018

Homecoming for New York Locals as Full fleet Arrives in New York

The final Clipper Race teams – Qingdao, Visit Seattle, Dare To Lead and Liverpool 2018 – have arrived into New York to wrap up the US Coast-to-Coast Leg 7, the…

14 Jun 2018

​A Night of Arrivals into the City that Never Sleeps

Following the arrival of Race 11 leaders PSP Logistics, Sanya Serenity Coast and GREAT Britain, the Clipper Race fleet continued to arrive into New York throughout the night. The close…

14 Jun 2018

PSP Logistics Powers Through to Win Race to New York

PSP Logistics has powered to victory in Race 11 of the Clipper 2017-18 Round the World Yacht Race; a ten-day 1,800 nautical mile dash from Panama to New York. The…

13 Jun 2018

Fifty Years Since Record-Breaking Race Began

At 13:45 on June 14, 1968, Sir Robin Knox-Johnston bid farewell to his parents and the comforts of land, not knowing when he would see either again. As has been…

13 Jun 2018

​Race 11 Day 10: Scene Set for Tight Finish

The Clipper Race fleet leading pack has entered what should be the final 24 hours of Race 11: Nasdaq Race from Panama to New York, but finishing positions are still…

12 Jun 2018

​GREAT Britain on show at Queen’s Birthday Celebrations in Panama

During the recent stopover in Panama, the British Embassy hosted an event to celebrate The Queen’s Birthday and its Sport is GREAT Britain week using the Clipper Race team entry…

12 Jun 2018

​Race 11 Day 9: Sprints and Squalls

The Elliot Brown Ocean Sprint for Race 11: Nasdaq Race to New York is far from over, but already there have been some incredible duels between the Clipper Race teams.…

11 Jun 2018

​Race 11 Day 8: Time to Sprint

The final chance for bonus points in the race to New York is underway, with the majority of the Clipper Race fleet in the midst of the Elliot Brown Ocean…

10 Jun 2018

​Race 11 Day 7: Bonus Point Bets Pay off

After a week of racing around the clock in Race 11: Nasdaq Race, the Clipper Race fleet has been keeping everyone guessing as to their Scoring Gate tactics. The Scoring…

10 Jun 2018


ETAs shown in local Eastern Daylight Time (EDT - UTC-4 // BST-5) across the Finish Line for Race 11: Nasdaq Race. Please note that the ETAs are to the finish…

9 Jun 2018

​Race 11 Day 6: Scoring Gate Mystery

The Clipper Race fleet leading pack has left the Caribbean behind and arrived in the Atlantic Ocean proper, but with many teams remaining in Stealth Mode, a mystery over whether…

8 Jun 2018

Sprint Finish Confirmed for Clipper 2017-18 Finale in Liverpool

In just 50 days’ time, the Clipper 2017-18 Round the World Yacht Race will be reaching a thrilling climax as the fleet sprints up the River Mersey in a spectacular…

8 Jun 2018

​Race 11 Day 5: Stealthy Passage Through Caribbean

The Atlantic Ocean is beckoning but the crafty Caribbean has thrown up a few final hurdles for the Clipper Race teams on Day 5 of Race 11: Nasdaq Race from…

7 Jun 2018


The Clipper Race teams are chasing each other through the Caribbean and it's not just the weather that is hotting up as it's time to open the nominations for the…

7 Jun 2018

​British Logistics Company Flying Flag Through Panama Canal For Global Sailing Race

The logo of Hampshire based freight and packing company PSP Logistics is a common sight on containers transiting the Panama Canal, but this British business put on a show of…

7 Jun 2018

​Race 11 Day 4: Teams bolt past Jamaica

Whilst yesterday’s game of snakes and ladders continues to disrupt the leaderboard, Day 4 of Race 11: Nasdaq Race has seen the majority of the fleet converge for the first…

6 Jun 2018

​Race 11 Day 3: Snakes and Ladders Towards Jamaica

The early divide in the fleet has led to more shake ups on the Race 11: Nasdaq Race leaderboard as teams complete their third full day of racing. Whilst the…

5 Jun 2018

​Race 11 Day 2: Upwind Caribbean Challenge

Life at an angle continues on Day 2 of Race 11: Nasdaq Race from Panama to New York, with the Clipper Race teams calculating their best approach to the first…

4 Jun 2018

Fundraising milestone reached in Panama

It’s been an exciting week for The Clipper 2017-18 Race. After traversing through the Panama Canal another race milestone was also passed - £300k has now been raised for Unicef.…

4 Jun 2018

Race 11 Day 1: Early Split in Fleet

Although the Clipper Race fleet spent the majority of the race to Panama in close quarters, it only took minutes for a split to emerge in Race 11: Nasdaq Race…

3 Jun 2018

Skippers Thoughts Ahead of Race 11: Nasdaq Race to New York

It’s time to return to racing, and the Clipper Race Skippers couldn’t be more excited heading into the third last race of the 40,000 nautical mile , eleven month circumnavigation.…

3 Jun 2018

​Chinese Ambassador to Panama Applauds Clipper Race After Visiting Sanya Serenity Coast

Following recently established diplomatic relations between China and Panama, the inaugural Chinese Ambassador to Panama, Wei Qiang, has described the Clipper Race as an inspiration and a positive step for…

2 Jun 2018

Race 11 Preview: Nasdaq Race

After completing the 48 nautical mile (nm) passage of the Panama Canal, one of the most famous and impressive engineering feats in the world, watching out for basking American and…

30 May 2018

Meet the Clipper 2017-18 Race Crew: Duffy Drum

NAME: Duffy Drum AGE: 63 HOMETOWN: Long Island, New York NATIONALITY: USA OCCUPATION: Retired Naval Fitness Director TEAM: Visit Seattle Leg: The USA Coast-to-Coast Leg 7 Duffy’s story is altogether…

29 May 2018

Meet the Clipper 2017-18 Race Crew: Simone Talfourd

NAME: Simone Talfourd OCCUPATION: Film Marketing Manager NATIONALITY: British LEGS: Circumnavigation TEAM: Garmin Simone Talfourd, a Film Marketing Manager from Essex, UK, originally signed up for Leg 1 which crosses…

26 May 2018

Gearing up for the Panama Canal

As one of the engineering wonders of the modern world, the Panama Canal is considered by many Clipper Race Crew as one of the highlights of the entire circumnavigation. After…

25 May 2018

Panama Canal Transit Schedule

All Clipper Race teams have now arrived to Flamenco Marina in Panama. The teams will be remain berthed in Flamenco Marina on the Pacific side until their scheduled transit the…

25 May 2018

​50 Days Until Derry-Londonderry!

There are just 50 days to go until the Clipper Race returns to the shores of the Foyle for the much-anticipated Derry-Londonderry Stopover. After leaving New York and racing some…

24 May 2018

Extraordinary Encounter with Giant of the Sea

Over the past nine months, the Clipper 2017-18 Race crew have witnessed elements of Mother Nature few ever get to see. And the wildlife show throughout Race 10: The Garmin…

21 May 2018

​Meet the Clipper 2017-18 Crew: Anne Hough

NAME: Anne Hough AGE: 61 HOMETOWN: Guernsey NATIONALITY: British Islands: Bailiwick of Guernsey LEGS: Leg 7: The USA Coast-to-Coast Leg TEAM: Liverpool 2018 Anne Hough, 61, who is proudly from…

18 May 2018

Close Finish After Intense Racing

There’s been little separating the majority of the Clipper Race teams for much of Race 10: The Garmin American Challenge and its finish was no exception with some positions decided…

18 May 2018

Race 10 Day 18: ​Thrilling Conclusion to Garmin American Challenge

After a nail-biting race finish for the Clipper Race teams (and Race Viewer addicts), Dare To Lead has won Race 10, after its brave tactics paid off. In the last…

18 May 2018

​Visit Seattle Scoop Second in Race from Home Port

In a result that will delight its home port, Visit Seattle has secured second place after holding off a challenge from GREAT Britain in Race 10: The Garmin American Challenge…

17 May 2018

Dare To Lead Steals Maiden Victory in Clipper Race to Panama

One of the closest races so far in the Clipper 2017-18 Race has ended in a surprise win for Dare To Lead , after the team pulled off an eleventh…

17 May 2018

China on Show in Race of Their Lives Episode 4

The award-winning Race of Their Lives – the documentary showcasing the incredible achievements of the Clipper 2017-18 Round the World Yacht Race crew – is set to return for the…

17 May 2018

Race 10 Day 17: Stealth Mode Shakes up Leaderboard

On day 17 of Race 10 from Seattle to Panama the leaderboard has seen almost a complete transformation. With Stealth Mode being used to shield tactical moves or favourable wind…

16 May 2018


With teams jostling for a podium position as they race off the coast of Mexico, it looks like Race 10: The Garmin American Challenge is much too close to call.…

16 May 2018

Race 10 Day 16: Closer Than Close

The final stage of the 4,100 nautical mile Race 10: The Garmin American Challenge from Seattle to Panama is shaping up as one of the most exciting finishes of the…

15 May 2018

​Race 10 Day 15: Close Competition

The leading Clipper Race teams are under pressure, with the light winds off the southern coast of Mexico compressing the fleet and causing some exciting competition on Day 15 of…

14 May 2018

​Race 10 Day 14: Pre-Doldrums Dash

After two weeks of racing around the clock in Race 10: The Garmin American Challenge, the top seven Clipper Race teams find themselves even more tightly compressed than ever approaching…

13 May 2018

​Race 10 Day 13: Light Wind Escape

After days of speculation and carefully monitoring the looming wind hole off the coast of Mexico, it seems the Clipper Race fleet was let off lightly by the wind gods,…

12 May 2018

​Race 10 Day 12: Wind Hole Compression

The Clipper Race fleet has spent much of the twelfth day of Race 10: The Garmin American Challenge either desperately holding onto leaderboard positions or making gains on race leaders…

11 May 2018

Race 10 Day 11: Inshore Gains

The looming wind hole off the coast of Mexico has so far been relatively kind to the Clipper Race fleet during Day 11 of Race 10: The Garmin American Challenge…

10 May 2018

​Meet the Clipper 2017-18 Race Crew: Dmitry Papulin

NAME Dmitry Papulin AGE: 31 NATIONALITY: Russian LEGS: Full circumnavigation TEAM: Sanya Serenity Coast 31-year-old Dmitry Papulin, the only Russian to be circumnavigating during the Clipper 2017-18 Race, is having…

10 May 2018

​Race 10 Day 10: Holding onto Breeze

Light wind tactics remain the central theme on the tenth day of Race 10: The Garmin American Challenge as teams seek to maintain the best possible course ahead of an…

9 May 2018

Dave Cusworth to Leave Clipper Race

After spending years encouraging others to step outside their comfort zones to pursue adventure, Crew Recruitment Director Dave Cusworth is now taking on his own life challenge, revealing that he…

9 May 2018

​Race 10 Day 9: Wind Hole Ahead

With light and variable winds set to afflict the Clipper Race fleet for the next few days of the race from Seattle to Panama, teams are busy talking tactics, with…

8 May 2018

​Race 10 Day 8: Frustrations Afoot

Frustrations are afoot across fleet as tactics come into play and racing gears up during Day 8 of the Garmin American Challenge. Although the Elliot Brown Ocean Sprint divided teams,…

7 May 2018

Race 10 Day 7: Tactical Sprinting

After one full week of racing in the Garmin American Challenge, nine of the eleven Clipper Race teams have now embarked on the first bonus point scoring opportunity of Race…

6 May 2018

​Race 10 Day 6: Mexico Calling

The sixth day of Race 10: The Garmin American Challenge has featured champagne sailing conditions, as the fleet marks another milestone - crossing from Californian to Mexican latitudes. After a…

5 May 2018

Race 10 Day 5: Californian Drag Race

The wind has returned on Day 5 of Race 10: The Garmin American Challenge from Seattle to Panama, but yesterday’s wind hole off the Californian coast has had a big…

4 May 2018

Sea change for British firefighter who battled ‘The Big One’ in Pacific Ocean Race

After almost a month at sea, an East Midlands Firefighter has reflected on completing the gruelling North Pacific Ocean stage, nicknamed ‘The Big One’. Rebecca ‘Bex’ Sims, 38, from Derbyshire,…

4 May 2018

Race 10 Day 4: The Light Winds Arrive

The forecasted light wind has arrived and is slowing the progress of the Clipper Race fleet as it races past San Francisco on Day 4 of the 4,100 nautical mile…

3 May 2018

​Race 10 Day 3: ‘Kitemares’ Test Fleet

It’s been a day of learning for the Clipper Race crews, with the majority of teams dealing with a series of ‘kitemares’ as the fleet entered the waters off California…

2 May 2018

​Race 10 Day 2: Inshore Tactic Pays Dividends

There’s been an early win for the Clipper Race teams that opted to stay inshore after yesterday’s Le Mans start to the 4,100 nautical mile Race 10: The Garmin American…

1 May 2018

Race 10 Day 1: Early Split After Le Mans Start

Race 10: The Garmin American Challenge from Seattle to Panama is officially underway after the Clipper Race fleet had a successful Le Mans start off the northwest coast of the…

30 Apr 2018

Family Connections in Seattle

The Clipper Race stopover in Seattle, USA, was an unforgettable one for crew and supporters alike, with an action paced timetable of events and some glorious weather showcasing the very…

30 Apr 2018

​Race 10 Day 0: The Start Line Looms

The Clipper Race fleet is making good progress towards the start line of Race 10: The Garmin American Challenge to Panama, after bidding Seattle a fond farewell. Visit Seattle gave…

29 Apr 2018

​Clipper Race Teams Depart Seattle

The Clipper 2017-18 Race teams left Seattle today ahead of embarking on their next adventure which takes them to Panama. The intense 4,000 nm Race 10: The Garmin American Challenge…

29 Apr 2018

Skippers’ Thoughts Ahead of Race 10: The Garmin American Challenge

After an action-packed stopover in Seattle, USA, following the Mighty Pacific Leg, each of the eleven Clipper Race teams are completing final preparations ahead of Race 10: the Garmin American…

28 Apr 2018

​GREAT Britain and Liverpool team up in Seattle

After their teams had crossed the mighty North Pacific Ocean, Clipper Race Team Partners GREAT Britain and Liverpool 2018 put their sporting rivalry aside and joined forces on Monday, at…

28 Apr 2018

​Race 10 Preview: The Garmin American Challenge

Whilst it will be with a heavy heart that the Clipper Race crew say goodbye to Seattle, after an entertaining and memorable stopover in the Emerald City it is time…

28 Apr 2018


When the Clipper 2017-18 Round the World Yacht Race departs Seattle for the penultimate leg of its 40,000 nm circumnavigation of the planet, it will be engaging in pioneering scientific…

26 Apr 2018

“Giving up is not an option.” Charlotte’s Life Changing Experience

This time two years ago, 23-year old Boitumelo ‘Charlotte’ Malia, from South Africa, an ambassador for the Rainbow Foundation, had just raced into Seattle on the exact same route as…

26 Apr 2018

Leg 7 Crew Arrive in Seattle, Meet Chris Goodwin

Crew changeover day is an exciting time for joining crew members and the landmark day becomes one of the most memorable of the experience, bringing together months or even years…

25 Apr 2018

Meet the Clipper 2017-18 Race Crew: Mike and David Shoulder

NAME: David Shoulder and Mike Shoulder AGE: 64 and 58 OCCUPATION: Semi Retired Business Owner and Electrical Engineer NATIONALITY: British LEGS: The Mighty Pacific Ocean Leg 6 TEAM: Dare To…

24 Apr 2018

​MEET THE CLIPPER 2017-18 RACE CREW: Victor and Benoit Ansart

NAME: Victor Ansart AGE: 26 OCCUPATION: Electrical Engineer NATIONALITY: American/French LEGS: The Asia-Pacific Leg 5, the Mighty Pacific Leg 6 and the Atlantic Homecoming Leg 8 TEAM: Sanya Serenity Coast…

23 Apr 2018


After completing the toughest stage of the Clipper 2017-18 Race so far, which included hurricane strength winds and Phenomenal sea states of over 14m in height, each of the teams…

22 Apr 2018


The Clipper Race fleet has been welcomed into the Port of Seattle having completed Race 9, which is nicknames ‘The Big One’, from Qingdao, China, across the mighty North Pacific…

22 Apr 2018

History Maker: 49 Years Since Robin’s Golden Globe Return

Today, 22 April, 2018, marks 49 years since Sir Robin Knox-Johnston returned to Falmouth, UK, after spending ten and a half months racing solo, non-stop around the world to win…

21 Apr 2018

​Heroes Welcome for Home Team in Seattle

After almost a month at sea, the Visit Seattle team arrived into its home at the Port of Seattle today, Saturday 21 April, to a heroes welcome. Arriving in brilliant…

20 Apr 2018

​Race 9 Day 28: Final Push to Finish

As the front half of the Clipper Race fleet begins the motor through the Puget Sound to Seattle, the chasing pack are all fighting for the final positions in the…

20 Apr 2018

Seattle Arrivals: Tight at the Top has edged out PSP Logistics in a photo finish for fourth place in the epic marathon across the Mighty North Pacific Ocean to Seattle. Despite spending 28 days racing…

20 Apr 2018


Qingdao is celebrating its maiden victory of the Clipper 2017-18 Race after crossing the finish line of the Mighty Pacific Leg 6 in first place. The Qingdao team, skippered by…

19 Apr 2018

​Race 9 Day 27: Wind Hole Slows Final Push

It’s been slow going due to a wind hole sitting between the leading teams of the Clipper Race fleet and the finish line, but the end of the epic 5,600…

18 Apr 2018

​Race 9 Day 26: Wind Hole Ahead

The leading Clipper Race teams have entered into what could be their final full day of the epic 5,600nm marathon across the North Pacific Ocean to Seattle, USA. But with…

17 Apr 2018

​Race 9 Day 25: Points and Positions Up for Grabs

After 25 days and approximately 5,000 nautical miles, amazingly there is little separating the top teams in the final stages of the race across the mighty North Pacific Ocean to…

16 Apr 2018

​Race 9 Day 24: Stealthy Sprinting

Tension is building amongst the leading pack, with five boats now off the radar in Stealth Mode as the Clipper Race fleet begins what should be the final week of…

15 Apr 2018

​Race 9 Day 23: Stealth Mode for Final Stretch

The leading Clipper Race teams have rounded the final waypoint of the 5,600 nautical mile marathon across the North Pacific Ocean, and are now racing directly towards the finish line…

14 Apr 2018

​Race 9 Day 22: Racing Tight at the Front

With the Mighty North Pacific Ocean relatively calm to what was experienced by the fleet a few days ago, the leading Clipper Race teams are relishing the return to full…

13 Apr 2018

Estimated Arrival Times into Seattle, USA

ETAs shown in local Pacific Time Zone (UTC-7, BST-8) across the Finish Line for Race 9: The Race to the Emerald City and for arrival into Seattle's Bell Harbor Marina.…

13 Apr 2018

​Race 9 Day 21: Crew Praised for Handling Phenomenal Storm

The Clipper Race fleet has emerged from some of the toughest conditions faced in the 2017-18 edition of the race to date. As the teams continue racing across the North…

12 Apr 2018

Race 9 Day 20: Clipper Race Fleet Fends Off Hurricane Force Winds

Very few professional sailors can say they have sailed in hurricane force winds and a phenomenal sea state with waves greater than 14 metres, but at 1800 yesterday this was…

12 Apr 2018

Nominations Open For Race 9 Stormhoek Social Spirit Award

Seattle may still seem very far away for the Clipper Race fleet at the moment as it crosses the mighty Pacific Ocean but Race 9: The Race to the Emerald…

11 Apr 2018

​Race 9 Day 19: Wild Weather Arrives

The forecast big weather arrived right on schedule with the Clipper Race fleet hit by powerful winds and waves on Day 19 of the race across the Mighty Pacific Ocean…

10 Apr 2018

​Race 9 Day 18: International Date Line Dilemma

The Clipper Race fleet ticked off another significant race milestone during Day 18 when it crossed the International Date Line. Teams are now sailing west of the prime meridian and…

9 Apr 2018

​Race 9 Day 17: Close Racing as Date Line Approaches

The Clipper Race fleet has reached the approximate halfway point of the 5,600 nautical mile race across the North Pacific Ocean to Seattle, and in a sign of how competitive…

9 Apr 2018

Race Update: Leg 5 Penalty Points

The Clipper Race Committee has finalised the list of penalty points that will be deducted from the teams following the assessment of damages and repairs needed after the Asia-Pacific Leg…

8 Apr 2018

​Race 9 Day 16: Heavy Weather Balancing Act

After the forecasted textbook North Pacific weather delivered some of Race 9’s fastest, most furious and thrilling conditions, with reports of gusts heading well into the 50 knot range overnight,…

7 Apr 2018

​Race 9 Day 15: Fleet Bracing for Onslaught

For most competitors in the Clipper Race fleet, it’s the relative calm before the storm, with teams bracing themselves for a period of text-book North Pacific Ocean weather on day…

6 Apr 2018

​Race 9 Day 14: Seconds Apart in Scoring Gate Thriller

A thrilling match race played out in the midst of the North Pacific overnight as Sanya Serenity Coast, Qingdao and Unicef gave everything in the aim of securing top bonus…

5 Apr 2018

Race Update: Change to Seattle Arrival Window

The light conditions and wind holes that hit the Clipper Race fleet in the days after leaving Qingdao has resulted in the arrival window for Seattle being altered. The fleet…

5 Apr 2018

Race 9 Day 13: Pacific Delight As Scoring Gate Nears

Speed records for Race 9 tumbled for a second successive day as the Clipper Race fleet made fantastic progress over the last 24 hours in the Race to the Emerald…

5 Apr 2018


The Clipper Race fleet may well be in the North Pacific Ocean but this hasn’t stopped one Skipper and his crew marking a special milestone as the 100-day countdown to…

4 Apr 2018

All-Australian Race of Their Lives Episode to Air This Week

The next stage of the incredible journey that is the Clipper 2017-18 Race will return this week, when Episode 3 of the award-winning documentary, the Race of Their Lives, goes…

4 Apr 2018

Race 9 Day 12: Preparing For The North Pacific Low

The stronger winds and big surfs that the Pacific Ocean is renowned for have finally arrived. The Clipper Race teams recorded some of their best speeds towards Seattle over the…

3 Apr 2018

Race 9 Day 11: The Pacific Playground

A mixed bag of weather conditions has kept each of the eleven Clipper Race teams busy through the night, and any big tactical moves at bay, as a ridge of…

2 Apr 2018

​Race 9 Day 10: A New Window of Opportunity

The tenth day of the Race to the Emerald City saw the fleet compress yet again in what felt like the third on-the-water race restart for the eleven Skippers and…

1 Apr 2018

Race 9 Day 9: Time For Reflection As Open Ocean Awaits

The Mandatory Gate Haller lies between the Japanese islands of Hachijō and Aogashima and for the Clipper Race fleet it marks the edge of the open Pacific Ocean. As the…

31 Mar 2018

Race 9 Day 8: Blue Skies And Calm After Lumpy Seas

The Clipper Race fleet remains compressed as the teams attempt to position themselves ahead of another ridge of high-pressure. The challenging sea state has eased as the teams choose their…

30 Mar 2018

Race 9, Day 7: Wind Wishes Come True as Pacific Beckons

It might have taken the entire first week of the race but the requests for reliable wind have finally been answered, resulting in teams recording their best 24 hour runs,…

29 Mar 2018


With less than a month to go until the Clipper Race fleet reaches the West Coast of the USA, preparations are well underway to ensure that the stopover in Seattle…

29 Mar 2018

​Race 9, Day 6: Positive Mental Attitude as Teams Round Japan

The positive news today is the wind finally arrived as forecast, allowing boat speeds and progress to pick up, though on the downside it’s still patchy and the weeds are…

28 Mar 2018

Race 9 Day 5: High-pressure Hampers Progress

Progress in the race to Seattle has continued to be hampered over the past 24 hours by the high-pressure system which has kept teams in very close proximity of each…

27 Mar 2018

Race 9 Day 4: Groundhog Day As Light Winds Continue

Day 4 of Race 9 has been a case of ‘Groundhog Day’ as the light winds that had been a feature of the previous 24 hours continue to frustrate the…

26 Mar 2018


The forecasted light winds and the busy fishing fleet in the East China Sea continue to frustrate the teams on the third day of racing to Seattle. Culminating in a…

25 Mar 2018

Race 9 Day 2: From Pea Soup Fog to Glorious Sunshine

Things are starting to look up for the Clipper Race fleet on Day 2 of Race 9; glorious sunshine has emerged after a challenging 24 hours for the teams trying…

24 Mar 2018

​Race 9, Day 1: Cat and Mouse Start Amidst Obstacles

Race 9, from Qingdao, China, to Seattle, USA, is officially underway after the thick fog cleared and the wind picked up sufficiently to allow for the delayed Le Mans start…

23 Mar 2018

The ‘Big One’ Begins

The Clipper Race fleet is preparing to embark on the ‘The Big One’, Race 9: The Race to the Emerald City across the world’s biggest ocean, the North Pacific. Approximately…

22 Mar 2018

Skippers Thoughts: Race 9

Since the dramatic race finish which concluded the Asia-Pacific Leg 5, Clipper Race crew have enjoyed a cultural break in Qingdao, China, but it’s now time for the next challenge;…

22 Mar 2018

Race 9 Preview: Race to the Emerald City

There is just one sleep remaining until the Clipper Race teams bid farewell to their Chinese hosts and embark on the ‘Race to the Emerald City’. Known as the big…

22 Mar 2018

​Liverpool Vice Mayor Gets Down to Business at Clipper Race Stopover in Qingdao, China

Vice Mayor of Liverpool, Councillor Gary Millar, has spent an afternoon with the City’s Clipper Race Team Entry, Liverpool 2018, during the stopover in Qingdao, China, as he strengthens ties…

21 Mar 2018

Clipper Race Crew Catch-Up: Seumas Kellock

It’s a long way from home for Cumbrian man, Seumas Kellock, aged 25, and after travelling over halfway around the world he has been embracing different cultures whilst on his…

21 Mar 2018

​Meet the Qingdao Ambassadors: E Xianhong (Hungry)

Name: E Xianhong (Hungry) Age: 24 Nationality: Chinese Occupation: Student Legs: Asia-Pacific Leg 5 Team: Qingdao At 24, E Xianhong, or as he is known to his teammates, Hungry, has…

21 Mar 2018

Meet The Clipper 2017-18 Race Crew: Annie Neeson

NAME: Annie Neeson AGE: 37 NATIONALITY: British OCCUPATION: Doctor LEGS: Leg 6,7,8 TEAM: Sanya Serenity Coast For many, deciding to take part in a challenge such as the Clipper Race…

20 Mar 2018

UK Training Back In Full Swing After Winter

Clipper Race Training has restarted in the UK after a break for winter but with the “Beast from the East” and then the “Mini Beast from the East” sweeping the…

20 Mar 2018

Teenage Crew Sum Up “a Leg of Contrasts”

Two of the youngest crew members of the Clipper 2017-18 Race have completed their ocean adventures after reaching Qingdao and have been reflecting on their achievements– and the contrasts that…

19 Mar 2018

New Era for Sailing in China Says Industry Leaders

The Clipper Round the World Yacht Race, assisted by the GREAT Britain Campaign, China Yachting Association (CYA) and Royal Yachting Association (RYA), has committed to making China a world sailing…

17 Mar 2018

Race 8: The Sailing City Qingdao Cup Prize Giving

Race 8: The Sailing City Qingdao Cup has certainly been a race to remember for the Clipper Race teams as last-minute position changes and exclusion zone penalties meant that final…

17 Mar 2018

Race 8 Exclusion Zone Penalties

Qingdao will officially take fourth place in Race 8: The Sailing City Qingdao Cup, after three Clipper Round the World Yacht Race teams were issued with time penalties. The Clipper…

16 Mar 2018

An Arrival To Remember Into Wanda Marina, Qingdao

It has been a day to remember at Wanda Marina and Yacht Club on Starry Island in Qingdao’s West Coast New Area. Not only is it the first time that…

15 Mar 2018

​Qingdao’s Triumphant Homecoming

After racing more than half way round the world, Qingdao has arrived home to a triumphant welcome at the brand-new Wanda Yacht Club in West Coast New Area of Qingdao,…

15 Mar 2018


It has been a short but tough race from Sanya to Qingdao, which ended in a dramatic finale for the podium positions for Race 8: The Sailing City Qingdao Cup.…

15 Mar 2018

Visit Seattle Steals Victory in Dramatic Qingdao Finale

Visit Seattle has pulled off a sensational victory after a dramatic twist in the tale of Race 8, swooping past PSP Logistics to steal victory in the final few miles…

15 Mar 2018


ETAs shown in local China Standard Time (UTC+8) across the Finish Line for Race 8: Sailing City Qingdao Cup. These are best estimates based on the latest weather and the…

14 Mar 2018

Race 8 Day 10: PSP Logistics On Course for Race 8 Victory

The Clipper Race fleet has been steaming along under spinnaker in a flat sea state towards the finish line of Race 8: The Sailing City Qingdao Cup and it looks…

14 Mar 2018

Former Qingdao Ambassador Uses Programme to Make his Mark on Chinese Sailing Industry

Wen Shuo Fan, a 23-year-old former Qingdao Ambassador from North Qingdao has made his mark on the Chinese Sailing Industry after taking part in the Clipper 2015-16 Race, using his…

14 Mar 2018

​Qingdao Looks Forward to Greatest Clipper Race Stopover to Date

After previously hosting six successful Clipper Race stopovers at the City’s Olympic Sailing Centre, the Qingdao Organising Committee is looking forward to putting on its greatest show yet as the…

13 Mar 2018

Race 8 Day 9: Stealthy Tactics And Scoring Gate Points

The race to Qingdao is reaching its climax and the Clipper Race teams are pulling out all the stops to gain a tactical advantage in the final stage of Race…

13 Mar 2018

​Meet the Qingdao Ambassadors: Jingqiu (Lisa) Liu

For most Clipper Race crew, the upcoming Stopover will be their first time in Qingdao. But many will arrive knowing much about China’s Sailing City, thanks to the Qingdao Ambassadors…

13 Mar 2018

​Exciting New Chapter for Clipper Race in Qingdao

The seventh Clipper Round the World Yacht Race Stopover in Qingdao is set to be one of the biggest yet, with the fleet of eleven ocean racing yachts to be…

12 Mar 2018

Race 8 Day 8: Scoring Gate Decision Times

As we approach the final 500nm of this intense race to Qingdao, the Scoring Gate has posed a tactical headache overnight, with the five leading teams making a contrast of…

12 Mar 2018

​Clipper Race Highlights Booming Sanya Tourism Industry

The tourism industry in Sanya has been hailed as world class by the Clipper Race crew, following the successful inaugural stopover in China’s tropical paradise. Around 200 crew members from…

11 Mar 2018

Race 8 Day 7: Highs And Lows As Chase For Podium Heats Up

As the fleet pushes north up the Taiwanese Coast, a real contrast in wind and conditions have been reported over the last 24 hours, resulting in a vast range of…

11 Mar 2018

Redress For Qingdao and Nasdaq Verified By Race Committee

Qingdao and Nasdaq have both been awarded race redress following a rendezvous on March 6 between both boats in order to transfer an essential watermaker spare part from Nasdaq to…

10 Mar 2018

Race 8 Day 6: Sunshine Sailing as Teams Round Taiwan

After a tough and wet couple of days for the Clipper Race fleet, the sun has come out, bringing plenty of positive attitudes as the teams make better progress up…

9 Mar 2018

Race 8 Day 5: Rough Conditions Force Early Northerly Tack

It’s been another tough day and night at the office for the Clipper Race fleet as the teams have struggled to complete the Elliot Brown Ocean Sprint in strong headwinds…

8 Mar 2018

Race 8 Day 4: Strong Winds for Elliot Brown Ocean Sprint Start

Half the Clipper Race fleet has begun the Elliot Brown Ocean Sprint for Race 8: The Sailing City Qingdao Cup, though all eleven teams are having to deal with the…

8 Mar 2018

Celebrating International Women’s Day 2018

There have been many stories of inspirational women on the Clipper 2017-18 Race so far and on today, International Women’s Day (IWD) 2018, it is the perfect time to pay…

7 Mar 2018


Ever since Sanya was announced as a brand new Chinese Host Port for the Clipper 2017-18 Race route in February 2017, there has been great intrigue and anticipation around the…

7 Mar 2018

Race 8 Day 3: Bumpy and Lumpy as Winds Start to Build

There’s been a reshuffle at the top after the Clipper Race fleet spent another busy night avoiding fishing vessels and dealing with strengthening winds en route to Qingdao. PSP Logistics…

6 Mar 2018

Nominations Open For Race 8 Stormhoek Social Spirit Award

The Clipper Race fleet has only recently departed Sanya, but with Race 8: The Sailing City Qingdao Cup being one of the shorter but more intense stages of the circumnavigation…

6 Mar 2018

Race 8 Day 2: Breeze And Vigilance Pick Up

Skippers are reporting relief today as winds and boat speeds have picked up, though with the high level of fishing fleets around, teams are on high alert in this opening…

5 Mar 2018

​Race 8 Day 1: Light Wind Lottery Creates Early Winners and Losers

The light wind lottery that got Race 8: The Sailing City Qingdao Cup, underway yesterday from Sanya, has continued overnight, with the teams out east taking the early jackpot as…

4 Mar 2018

The Race From Sanya to Qingdao is on!

Race 8: The Sailing City Qingdao Cup, has got underway today, Sunday 04 March, following the inaugural Clipper Round the World Yacht Race Stopover in Sanya, China. Sanya lived up…

3 Mar 2018


With the incredible, action-packed stopover in the tropical paradise of Sanya, China, drawing to a close, the eleven Clipper Race Skippers are turning their thoughts towards the next challenge, Race…

3 Mar 2018

​Race 8 Preview: Sanya to Qingdao, China.

Tomorrow, Sunday 4 March, sees the Clipper Race fleet take back to the water for the start of the eighth of 13 stages which make up the Clipper 2017-18 Race…

1 Mar 2018

Liverpool 2018 Makes Its Mark In Sanya

The inaugural Clipper Race Sanya Serenity Coast In-Port Regatta has been one to remember, with Liverpool 2018 leading from start to finish to take victory. Hundreds of thousands of people…

28 Feb 2018


The first Clipper Connect Business networking event, held this evening in partnership with Sanya Serenity Coast, was hailed a huge success by local government, tourism and Clipper Race delegations alike.…

27 Feb 2018

Crew Enjoy a Delicious Cultural Experience

One of the big drawcards of China is the food, and the Clipper Race crew found out why that is the case after being treated to a morning of dumpling…

27 Feb 2018

Qingdao Excited to See Sanya’s Success

The Qingdao Organising Committee has declared the inaugural Clipper Race Stopover in Sanya a success, saying the addition of a second Chinese Host Port can only be a positive for…

26 Feb 2018


After racing some 4,300 nautical miles from The Whitsundays, Australia, to the fleet’s new tropical home of Sanya, China, during the seventh of thirteen individual races that makes up the…

26 Feb 2018


Some 25 Race crew members representing six different nationalities have a new-found love of Sanya after being treated to the first of three action-packed tours of the region’s key tourist…

25 Feb 2018

Sanya Race Village is Open!

The Clipper Race Village at the Sanya Serenity Marina is officially open, adding yet another level of excitement to what has already been an action-packed stopover. From early morning, visitors…

24 Feb 2018

Race 7: Close Finish into debut Clipper Race Host Port, Sanya

An incredibly close finish to the hottest Leg of the Clipper Race from the Whitsundays, Australia, to debut Host Port of Sanya, China, saw all eleven Clipper Race teams finish…

23 Feb 2018


The full Clipper Race fleet is now berthed at the beautiful Sanya Serenity Coast Marina following an exciting finish to Race 7: The Forever Tropical Paradise Race to Sanya, in…

23 Feb 2018

Unicef and Visit Seattle Complete Busy Night of Arrivals

Unicef and Visit Seattle capped off a busy night of arrivals in Sanya, with the two teams taking out fifth and sixth place in Race 7: The Forever Tropical Paradise…

23 Feb 2018

​An Arrival to Remember for Sanya Serenity Coast

It’s been an arrival to remember for Sanya Serenity Coast , after the team claimed fourth place following an early morning arrival in its home port. The stars were still…

22 Feb 2018


Dare To Lead is celebrating finishing Race 7 in second place, after crossing the finish line at 18:17:39 UTC (02:17:39 local time). The team had been third to cross the…

22 Feb 2018

Sanya Puts on a Hero’s Welcome for Winning PSP Logistics

PSP Logistics has been given a hero’s welcome to Sanya in China after claiming a maiden Clipper 2017-18 Race win. The team crossed the finish line just offshore from the…

21 Feb 2018


The finish line is tantalisingly close for the leading teams but, with the wind filling in for the boats at the back of the fleet before it reaches those at…

21 Feb 2018


ETAs shown in local China Standard Time (UTC+8) across the Finish Line for Race 7: The Forever Tropical Paradise Race are as follows: (Be aware that these are best estimates…

20 Feb 2018

Race 7 Day 21: Tense Finish Expected As Wind Hole Strikes

Less than 30 nautical miles separates the top two teams, and they are nervously looking over their shoulders at the chasing pack, as a wind hole has once again appeared…

20 Feb 2018


As the Clipper Race fleet pushes hard to complete the final stretch of Race 7: The Forever Tropical Paradise Race, the organising committee in Sanya is making final touches to…

20 Feb 2018


Have you been loving all the photos from on board as much as we have? You can now have your say as to which image is the best, in the…

19 Feb 2018

Race 7 Day 20: Anticipation Builds for Arrival into Sanya

The finish line for Race 7: The Forever Tropical Paradise Race to Sanya is just days away and some last-minute tactics are being deployed to keep Race Viewers sweating on…

18 Feb 2018

Race 7 Day 19: Focused on the Finish

For the sixth day in a row Qingdao maintains its lead over the rest of its competitors, at the front of the Clipper Race fleet as the leading pack turns…

17 Feb 2018

Race 7 Day 18: Wind Hole Tactics Come Into Play

The first teams have crossed the end gate of the Elliot Brown Ocean Sprint on Day 18 of Race 7: The Forever Tropical Paradise Race to Sanya and have taken…

16 Feb 2018

Race 7 Day 17: Light Winds Hamper Elliot Brown Ocean Sprint

Half of the Clipper Race fleet has begun its Elliot Brown Ocean Sprint but a fickle breeze and upcoming wind holes could result in changes in the standings on Day…

15 Feb 2018

​Happy Chinese New Year!

Happy Chinese New Year from the Clipper Race! As celebrations get underway on land, the Clipper Race fleet counts down the miles during the last stretch of Race 7: The…

15 Feb 2018

Race 7 Day 16: Unsettled Night Ahead Of Elliot Brown Ocean Sprint

It has been an eventful night for many of the teams in the Clipper Race fleet but the race leader, Qingdao , appears to have escaped the drama as it…

14 Feb 2018

Nominations Open For Race 7 Stormhoek Social Spirit Award

The Clipper Race fleet is approaching China and nearing the end of Race 7: The Forever Tropical Paradise Race, which means that it’s time once again to open up nominations…

14 Feb 2018

Race 7 Day 15: Farewell To Spinnakers As Winds Shift

The two Chinese teams continue to lead the race to their home country on Day 15 of Race 7: The Forever Tropical Paradise Race to Sanya. Shifting winds have meant…

13 Feb 2018

Race 7 Day 14: Drag Race to the Elliot Brown Ocean Sprint

Following another successful day under spinnakers, the Clipper Race fleet continues to eat away at the miles and make good progress towards Sanya. Thanks to the stable north easterly wind,…

12 Feb 2018

​Race 7 Day 13: Stable Conditions Make for Plain Sailing

There has been little change in weather conditions over the last 24 hours and the consistency has enabled teams to continue accelerating towards Sanya after yesterday’s gear shift and nearly…

11 Feb 2018

Race 7 Day 12: Relief as Trade Winds Bring Gear Shift

Relief is the overriding emotion amongst the Clipper Race fleet on Day 12 of Race 7: The Forever Tropical Paradise Race as the Trade Winds which continue to boost progress…

10 Feb 2018

Race 7 Day 11: North Easterlies Finally Kick In

Following the recent equator crossing ceremonies, the North Easterly trade winds that the teams have been wishing for have finally kicked in for the fleet leaders on Day 11 of…

9 Feb 2018

​Race 7 Day 10: Nasdaq Gains First Clipper Race Bonus Point

The tenth day of racing in Race 7: The Forever Tropical Paradise Race saw the race to the Scoring Gate come to a close for the three teams chasing for…

8 Feb 2018

Dare To Lead Awarded Redress for Race 7: Forever Tropical Paradise Race

The Clipper Race Committee has announced today that, following an official request from Dare To Lead , the team has been awarded redress for assistance rendered towards Liverpool 2018 in…

8 Feb 2018

Race 7 Day 9: Light Winds And An Elusive Scoring Gate

It’s been slow progress in light winds for the fleet on Day 9 of Race 7: The Forever Tropical Paradise Race, with no team managing to sail more than 50…

7 Feb 2018


The Clipper Race Committee has confirmed that no penalty points will be given to any team for Race 6: The Wondrous Whitsundays Race following an assessment of damages and repairs…

7 Feb 2018

Race 7 Day 8: Equator Crossings And Scoring Gate Decisions

It’s tight at the top on Day 8 of Race 7: The Forever Tropical Paradise Race, with less than two nautical miles separating the lead between the top three teams.…

6 Feb 2018

​Race 7 Day 7: Return to the Northern Hemisphere

The Clipper Race fleet has begun to spread out after a full week of racing in Race 7: The Forever Tropical Paradise Race with 167 nautical miles (nm) now separating…

5 Feb 2018

​Race 7 Day 6: Unpredictable Conditions Test Fleet

Race 7: The Forever Tropical Paradise Race has served up some of the most unexpected conditions of the 2017-18 edition so far and unforecasted weather conditions have continued to challenge…

4 Feb 2018

​RACE 7 DAY 5: Tactics Play Out in Doldrums Corridor

Tactical decisions are made as the typical Doldrums conditions of light airs and rain squalls return. On the fifth day of racing in Race 7: The Forever Tropical Paradise Race…

3 Feb 2018

​Race 7 Day 4: Teams get Tactical in Fast Doldrums Corridor

And they’re off! Much to the delight of the majority of Clipper Race Skippers and their crews, the fourth day of Race 7: The Forever Tropical Paradise Race to Sanya,…

2 Feb 2018

​Race 7 Day 3: The Pre-Doldrums, Doldrums Return

The third day of Race 7: The Forever Tropical Paradise Race to Sanya was meant to bring high winds from a low-pressure system but instead, the Clipper Race fleet has…

2 Feb 2018

​Qingdao Celebrates Long Term Clipper Race Partnership

The Qingdao Municipal Government has celebrated its thirteen-yearlong partnership with the Clipper Race during a press conference held in the city yesterday. The Clipper Race, which will be the opening…

1 Feb 2018

​Race 7 Day 2: Waiting for Wind

The slow start to Race 7: The Forever Tropical Paradise Race has continued over the last 24 hours with no change to the top of the leaderboard. The teams remain…

31 Jan 2018

Watch! Race Of Their Lives 3, Episode 2 on Sky Sports

The Race of Their Lives, the award-winning official documentary series about the Clipper Race, returns with a brand new episode airing on Sky Sports starting Friday 2nd February and Fox…

31 Jan 2018

Race 7 Day 1: ​Light Wind Lottery Brings Leaderboard Changes

A testing first 24 hours of Race 7: The Forever Tropical Paradise Race has seen the Clipper Race fleet make slow progress whilst at the mercy of a light wind…

30 Jan 2018

RACE 7 DAY 0: Dare To Lead Pulls Away After Le Mans Start

Although Race 7: The Forever Tropical Paradise Race may only be in its opening hours, Dare To Lead has managed to pull away and currently has a two nautical mile…

30 Jan 2018

Race 7, to Sanya, China, is officially underway!

Race 7: The Forever Tropical Paradise Race to Sanya, China, officially got underway at 1400 local time (0400 UTC) today, with a Le Mans start in position S19 42.1 E150…

29 Jan 2018

​Clipper Race Fleet Departs Whitsundays in Style

The Whitsundays was picture-perfect today for the Clipper Race fleet’s departure, with its blue skies, azure waters and steady winds providing the ideal scene as it bid farewell and headed…

28 Jan 2018

Skipper Thoughts Ahead of Forever Tropical Paradise Race to Sanya

The Clipper Race Skippers are relaxed and well rested after a break in the Whitsundays but it’s time to get back to work, and start Race 7: The Forever Tropical…

28 Jan 2018

​Race 7 Preview: The Forever Tropical Paradise Race to Sanya

After a well-deserved break in the Whitsundays, which marks the approximate halfway point of the overall Clipper 2017-18 Race route, the eleven teams are now gearing up to return to…

26 Jan 2018


Dare To Lead , the Team Partner that is unique in that it is promoting an inspirational concept rather than any particular organisation or geographical location, has announced that it…

26 Jan 2018

​Australia Gets the Clipper Race Seal of Approval

There are just three days before the Clipper Race fleet bids Australia farewell, but those on board will be leaving with plenty of memories after an action packed and varied…

26 Jan 2018


With less than three months to go before the Clipper Race fleet arrives into Seattle, the excitement is already building at the Seattle Boat Show , where it was announced…

25 Jan 2018

​Familiar Faces Return for More Adventure

Given it’s the halfway point of the Clipper 2017-18 Race, it’s not surprising that all eleven teams are undergoing a big makeover as we say goodbye to some crew and…

24 Jan 2018

Clipper Race Crew Embrace Carnival

The Clipper Race crew may still have a week left of their stopover here in Airlie Beach but it’s already been one to remember, thanks to the brilliant events organised…

24 Jan 2018


Clipper Race Skipper Conall Morrison has been nominated for the Irish Sailor of the Year Award, following his win in the 73 rd Rolex Sydney Hobart Yacht Race. Conall, who…

23 Jan 2018

​Surprise Skills: PSP Logistics pride at finding competitive edge

Continuing the ‘halfway’ catch ups with round the world crew members here in Airlie Beach, where they’ve now sailed 20,000 nms of their 40,000 nautical mile journey, we asked PSP…

22 Jan 2018

Clipper Race Crew Catch-up: Novice to Watch Leader

The last time we caught up with round the worlder Roseann McGlinchey was June, 2017, and her total sailing experience only consisted of three levels of Clipper Race training.…

21 Jan 2018

David Hartshorn to take over as GREAT Britain Skipper

British sailor David Hartshorn, 53, is to take over as GREAT Britain Skipper for the remainder of the Clipper 2017-18 Race, replacing Andy Burns who has made the difficult personal…

20 Jan 2018

​Race 6 Update: Penalty

CV23 has retrospectively been given a 6 hour time penalty for breaching the 2 nautical mile exclusion zone as stated in the Clipper Race Course Instructions for Race 6.…

19 Jan 2018


The Unicef team has been fortunate enough to take some time out during the Whitsundays stopover to hear more about how fundraising for the Clipper Race Charity Partner helps to…

18 Jan 2018

​Leg 4: Close Finishes and Competitive Racing in Most Compelling Stage Yet

The All-Australian Leg 4 has been full of close finishes and competitive racing, and has also resulted in back to back line honours for Sanya Serenity Coast , and maiden…

18 Jan 2018

​Meet the Clipper 2017-18 Race Crew: Mia Showell-Woodsmith

Name: Mia Showell-Woodsmith Age: 33 Occupation: Lawyer Nationality: Australian Legs: All-Australian Leg 4 and Asia Pacific Leg 5 Team: Garmin Spending Christmas and New Year racing around Australia’s coastline wouldn’t…

17 Jan 2018

Double Celebration in the Whitsundays

There was a double celebration at the Prize Giving Ceremony in Abell Point Marina, the first global 5 Gold Anchor accredited marina in the world, as the awards for both…

16 Jan 2018

Full Fleet Arrives in Whitsundays

All eleven Clipper Race teams have now arrived in Airlie Beach, after completing Race 6: The Wondrous Whitsundays Race. and Nasdaq completed the arrivals on Wednesday morning, local time,…

16 Jan 2018

​Liverpool 2018 Claims Breakthrough Podium

The crew of Liverpool 2018 arrived into Airlie Beach in jubilant spirit this evening after claiming their first podium result of the Clipper 2017-18 Race. Skippered by Lance Shepherd, from…

16 Jan 2018

Third Podium for PSP Logistics

PSP Logistics has once again claimed a place on the podium after finishing second in Race 6: The Wondrous Whitsundays Race, from Hobart to Airlie Beach in the Whitsundays. Following…

16 Jan 2018

Visit Seattle Claims Wondrous Whitsundays Win

After one of the most challenging races so far in the Clipper 2017-18 Race, Visit Seattle has held off a strong challenge from three other teams to chalk up a…

16 Jan 2018

Time Penalty For Sanya Serenity Coast

The Clipper Race Committee is announcing that CV27, Sanya Serenity Coast, has been given a six-hour time penalty as a result of breaching part of the Clipper Race Course Instructions…

16 Jan 2018


ESTIMATED ARRIVAL TIMES INTO THE WHITSUNDAYS Team finish times and ETAs shown in local Australian Eastern Standard Time (UTC+10) across the Finish Line for Race 6: The Wondrous Whitsundays Race…

15 Jan 2018

​Race 6 Day 10: Visit Seattle leads Drag Race to Nerve-Wracking Finish

Dramatic weather systems that have dominated much of Race 6: The Wondrous Whitsundays Race continue to make conditions challenging for the Clipper Race fleet during the tenth day of racing.…

14 Jan 2018

​Race 6 Day 9: Weather Front Predicted to Bring Faster, Flatter Conditions

Teams have been continuing their upwind slog as they tack up the Queensland coast, and positive thinking finally looks set to pay off as the latest weather forecast predicts a…

14 Jan 2018

​Meet the Clipper 2017-18 Race Crew Supporters: Marie Greer

Whilst some Clipper Race Crew Supporters are beginning to gather ahead of the fleet’s arrival in Airlie Beach, others, all around the globe, are glued to the Race Viewer, watching…

14 Jan 2018


Nottinghamshire Firefighter Rebecca ‘Bex’ Sims is preparing to swap the extreme heat for the cold water after being selected as an Elliot Brown Ambassador for the North Pacific Leg 6,…

13 Jan 2018


The fleet has continued to face frustrating conditions on Day 8 of Race 6: The Wondrous Whitsundays Race, with teams struggling over the end gate of the Elliot Brown Ocean…

12 Jan 2018

Clipper Round the World Yacht Race Extends Fundraising Partnership with Unicef

The Clipper Round the World Yacht Race has announced it will be extending its fundraising partnership with Unicef UK for a further two editions (2019-20 and 2021-22). Since becoming the…

12 Jan 2018


On Day 7 of Race 6: The Wondrous Whitsundays Race, the Elliot Brown Ocean Sprint has turned into a marathon as wind holes have halted the progress of the Clipper…

11 Jan 2018


Light winds on the sixth day of Race 6: The Wondrous Whitsundays Race mean that the fleet has converged and the heat is on, quite literally, as the teams battle…

10 Jan 2018

​Race 6 Day 5: Southerly Buster marks Ocean Sprint start

After the Clipper Race fleet split into two packs, it has converged again over the last 24 hours as teams tackled stormy conditions, known locally as Southerly Busters, ahead of…

9 Jan 2018


The MAIB (Marine Accident Investigation Branch) has issued a Safety Bulletin today on the “ use of safety harness tethers on sailing yachts ” – this has been produced for…

9 Jan 2018

Race 6 Day 4: Mixed Conditions Split The Fleet

Sanya Serenity Coast retains its lead during the fourth day of Race 6: The Wondrous Whitsundays Race as mixed conditions splits the fleet into two, as it progresses up the…

8 Jan 2018

Update on Penalty Points

The Clipper Race Committee has finalised the list of penalty points to be given to the teams following the assessment of damages and repairs needed after Race 3, Race 4…

8 Jan 2018

​Race 6 Day 3: Scoring Gate Results are in

A gripping race to the Scoring Gate unfolded during the third day of Race 6: The Wondrous Whitsundays Race which ultimately saw Sanya Serenity Coast come out on top followed…

7 Jan 2018

Nominations Open For Race 6 Stormhoek Social Spirit Award

It’s the third and final stage of the All-Australian Leg and it’s time once again to open up nominations for the Stormhoek Social Spirit Award for Race 6: The Wondrous…

7 Jan 2018

​Race 6 Day 2: Race to the Scoring Gate

A mixed bag of conditions has kept the fleet very busy during the second day of racing in Race 6: The Wondrous Whitsundays race but the main focus for each…

6 Jan 2018

RACE 6 DAY 1: Tough Upwind Conditions Test The Fleet

After a testing first 24 hours beating upwind in Race 6: The Wondrous Whitsundays Race, the Clipper Race fleet remains close together with just over one nautical mile (nm) being…

5 Jan 2018

​Fleet Splits Tactics in Race to The Wondrous Whitsundays

Race 6: The Wondrous Whitsundays Race may only be six hours into its journey but some divisive early navigational choices and tight racing means the leaderboard is already making for…

5 Jan 2018


Overall Clipper 2017-18 Race leaders Sanya Serenity Coast has had the perfect start to Race 6: The Wondrous Whitsundays Race from Hobart, Tasmania, to Airlie Beach in the Whitsundays. It…

4 Jan 2018

​Skipper thoughts ahead of Race 6: The Wondrous Whitsundays Race

As each of the eleven Clipper Race teams make final preparations ahead of the third and final stage of Leg 4, The All-Australian Leg, Skippers have taken a moment to…

4 Jan 2018

Race 6 Preview: The Wondrous Whitsundays Race

After a thrilling Sydney Hobart campaign for the Clipper Race fleet, teams have been using the New Year period to prepare to head back on the water for Race 6:…

3 Jan 2018

​Invictus Sydney Hobart a Lifechanging Success

The Rolex Sydney Hobart Yacht Race adventure has officially come to an end for the UK and Australian crew aboard Invictus Games Sydney 2018 GAME ON (CV10) and DOWN UNDER…

31 Dec 2017 Ends 2017 on a High has scooped the pool at the Rolex Sydney Hobart Yacht Race Prize Giving, with the Clipper Race team awarded not only the plaque for winning the Clipper 70 Class,…

31 Dec 2017

Clipper Race Alumni Shine in Sydney Hobart

It’s not just the Clipper 2017-18 Race crew who have been impressing on the sailing world stage in this year’s Rolex Sydney Hobart Yacht Race (RSHYR), with former crew also…

30 Dec 2017 Awarded Redress by Sydney Hobart (CV23) has won the Rolex Sydney Hobart Yacht Race Clipper 70 Class after being granted a 120 minute redress for going to the assistance of a fellow competitor shortly…

30 Dec 2017

​Clipper Race CEO Named in Queen’s New Year’s Honours List

The Clipper Round the World Yacht Race is proud to announce that its Co-Founder and Chief Executive, William Ward, has been awarded with the Officer of the Order of the…

29 Dec 2017

Nominations Open For Race 5 Stormhoek Social Spirit Award

It has been a remarkably quick Sydney Hobart Race with records being broken and the leaders of the Clipper 70 fleet finishing just over three days after setting out on…

29 Dec 2017

​Less than 90 minutes separated Clipper Race fleet in tightest race stage yet

Race 5, the Sydney Hobart Yacht Race, was always going to be a memorable experience for the crew but with just 90 minutes separating the eleven Clipper Race teams, including…

29 Dec 2017


The cricket might have gone the way of Australia, but legendary yachtsman Sir Robin Knox-Johnston has led the UK to victory in the Ashes on the Water in the Rolex…

29 Dec 2017


Experience has proved the key for Sanya Serenity Coast Skipper Wendy Tuck, who has marked her eleventh Rolex Sydney Hobart Yacht Race by achieving back to back wins in the…

28 Dec 2017

​Race 5 Day 2: All to Play For on Approach to Hobart

It has been another nail bitingly close day of racing with just 38 nautical miles separating the Clipper Race fleet as it descends upon Tasman Island, a race waypoint that…

28 Dec 2017

Estimated Arrivals Into Hobart, Australia

Team finish times, shown in local Australian Eastern Standard Time (UTC+11) across the Finish Line for the Rolex Sydney Hobart Yacht Race, which doubles as Race 5 of the Clipper…

27 Dec 2017

Race 5 Day 1: Bold Tactics in Fast, Close Race to Hobart

Just 35 nautical miles separate the whole Clipper Race fleet as teams approach the halfway stage in this fast, thrilling Sydney Hobart Yacht Race, enjoying champagne conditions as they fly…

27 Dec 2017

Race Update: Redress (CV23) went to the assistance of a fellow Rolex Sydney Hobart Yacht Race competitor CV5 at approximately 1700 local time (0600 UTC) on Tuesday 26 December The crew member…

26 Dec 2017


PSP Logistics is still leading the Clipper Race fleet after the first night of the Rolex Sydney Hobart Yacht Race, but there is little separating it from the other ten…

26 Dec 2017

PSP Logistics Dominates Sydney Hobart Race Start

PSP Logistics has dominated the start of the Rolex Sydney Hobart Yacht Race, which doubles as Race 5 of the Clipper 2017-18 Race. There were two early wins for PSP…

26 Dec 2017

Skipper Thoughts ahead of Race 5: The Rolex Sydney Hobart Yacht Race

Since arriving in Sydney following an intense and thrilling first stage of All-Australian Leg preparations have been building for Race 5: The Rolex Sydney Hobart. Before the teams slipped lines…

24 Dec 2017

​Clipper 2017-18 Race 5 Preview: Rolex Sydney Hobart Yacht Race (RSHYR)

Following a festive stopover in Sydney, the Clipper Race teams are now raring to take on the iconic Rolex Sydney Hobart Race, which doubles as Race 5 in the All-Australian…

24 Dec 2017

Rolex Sydney Hobart Yacht Race Briefing

For most of the world, December 24 is Christmas Eve and a time to relax and celebrate. But for 102 Skippers, including the eleven Clipper Race Skippers, today means one…

24 Dec 2017

​Meet the Clipper 2017-18 Race Crew: Glenn Manchett

NAME: Glenn Manchett AGE: 53 NATIONALITY: UK OCCUPATION: Mechanic and Business Owner LEGS: Whole circumnavigation TEAM: Sanya Serenity Coast Finding the perfect Christmas present can prove to be a challenging…

23 Dec 2017

Countdown to Sydney Hobart Is On

With the start gun for the 73 rd Rolex Sydney less than 72 hours away, the Clipper Race crew have been run through all the finer details of taking part…

22 Dec 2017

Invictus Games Sydney 2018 Crews Ready for Sydney Hobart

With just four days to go until their Rolex Sydney Hobart Yacht Race adventure begins, the 16 Australian and UK wounded, injured, and ill veterans all gathered together to receive…

22 Dec 2017

Meet the Clipper 2017-18 Race Crew: Tony Maggs

Name: Frederick “Tony” Maggs Age: 69 Nationality: British Home Town: Born in Bristol; lives in Adeje, Tenerife Occupation: Retired Carpenter Legs: 4 Team: Sanya Serenity Coast One of the many…

21 Dec 2017

The forecast is in: it will be downwind sailing to Hobart!

The Clipper Race fleet could be in store for a record breaking trip to Hobart, with the long-range weather forecast predicting perfect conditions for the medium sized vessels in the…

21 Dec 2017


Gender is never an issue on the Clipper Race – everyone does their bit to get the boats 40,000 nautical miles around the world. But when approached by Australian group…

20 Dec 2017

Meet the Clipper 2017-18 Race crew: Paul Bidwell

NAME: Paul Bidwell AGE: 59 NATIONALITY: British LEGS: Circumnavigator TEAM: Unicef For Paul Bidwell, circumnavigator on Unicef , racing has always been a passion and sailing around the world has…

19 Dec 2017

Sydney Hobart: An International Affair

The Rolex Sydney Hobart Yacht Race (RSHYR) is an iconic event on the Australian sporting calendar but this year, more than ever, the blue water classic will have a strong…

17 Dec 2017


It has been a thrilling first stage of the All-Australian Leg of the Clipper 2017-18 Race and the fleet came together to celebrate the achievements of Race 4 at a…

17 Dec 2017

It’s a Draw! GREAT Britain and Nasdaq Share Eighth Place

A dead heat has been declared for the first time in Clipper Race history, with both GREAT Britain and Nasdaq to share eighth place in Race 4: The ClipperTelemed+ Tasman…

16 Dec 2017

Liverpool 2018 and Complete Sydney Arrivals

All eleven Clipper Race yachts are now enjoying life at the Cruising Yacht Club of Australia in Sydney, following the arrivals of Liverpool 2018 and . Liverpool 2018, affectionately…

16 Dec 2017

Positions Yet to be Decided Between GREAT Britain and Nasdaq

RACE UPDATE: Based on photographic evidence from both GREAT Britain and Nasdaq the result is inconclusive. Eighth and ninth place will be decided following a Race Committee evaluation. Regardless of…

15 Dec 2017

Sunshine and spinnakers for second day of Sydney arrivals

Unicef was the first team to arrive on a second day of boat arrivals in to the Cruising Yacht Club of Australia, Sydney, after crossing the Finish Line of Race…

15 Dec 2017

​Race 4, Day 13: Windhole frustration on final day

With almost half the Clipper Race fleet now in Sydney, the thirteenth day of racing is proving pretty unlucky for the six teams still racing as un-forecasted windholes provide frustration…

15 Dec 2017


After a hard slog up from Tasmania, Dare To Lead is in Sydney, after becoming the fifth Clipper Race team to cross the finish line at 07:12:27 UTC (18:12:27 local…

15 Dec 2017

Overall Leaders Qingdao Take Final Place on Podium

Qingdao has claimed it's maiden podium for the Clipper 2017-18 Race, after finishing third in a thrilling finish to Race 4: The ClipperTelemed+ Tasman Test. Led by Skipper Chris Kobusch,…

15 Dec 2017


Sanya Serenity Coast Skipper Wendy Tuck has geared up for her eleventh Rolex Sydney Hobart Yacht Race by winning Race 4: The ClipperTelemed+ Tasman Test. It was a photo finish…

15 Dec 2017


Team finish times and ETAs, shown in local Australian Eastern Standard Time (UTC+11 ) across the Finish Line for Race 4: The ClipperTelemed+ Tasman Test are as follows: (Be aware…

14 Dec 2017

Race 4 Day 12: Battle for Podium Reaching Thrilling Conclusion

After twelve intense days and almost 2,500 nautical miles of racing, just half a nautical mile now separates frontrunner Sanya Serenity Coast , from second placed Visit Seattle , both…

14 Dec 2017


The Australian and UK crews of Invictus Games Sydney 2018 DOWN UNDER and Invictus Games Sydney 2018 GAME ON have met for the first time, as the countdown to their…

13 Dec 2017

​Race 4, Day 11: Nerve-Wracking Drag Race to Finish

With under 200 nautical miles (nm) left to Sydney, but with under five nautical miles separating leaders Qingdao with Sanya Serenity Coast and Visit Seattle, in challenging winds,teams are set…

12 Dec 2017

Race 4, Day 10: Snakes and Ladders Game to Sydney

It’s been another busy day for the fleet as teams zigzag north to the Sydney finish line trying to avoid the windholes, with some teams far more fortunate in the…

11 Dec 2017

Race 4 Day 9: Light Airs Ahead of Scoring Gate

It has been a day of contrasts for the fleet on Day 9 of Race 4: The ClipperTelemed+ Tasman Test. After surfing down waves at 20 knots in the Southern…

11 Dec 2017

Meet the Clipper Race Supporters: Bronwen Vearncombe

The Clipper Race is not only the race of their lives for crew, but for the many supporters who wake at all times of night to check the Race Viewer,…

10 Dec 2017

Race 4 Day 8: Tactics at Play as Teams Round Tasmania

Following a week of close racing in the Southern Ocean, Clipper Race teams are getting more tactical as the race leaders approach Waypoint Mitchell, south of Tasmania, and prepare to…

10 Dec 2017


The Clipper Race reached a momentous milestone this week as the amount raised for Unicef by staff, crew and supporters topped the £200,000 mark, meaning that we are over halfway…

9 Dec 2017

Watch! Clipper Race TV Series on Sky Sports

Don't miss a beat of the action! The Clipper Race’s award-winning official documentary is back with The Race of Their Lives Series 3, with the first episode airing tonight, from…

9 Dec 2017

Race 4 Day 7: Close Racing Continues

As the close racing continues in the Southern Ocean, the leaderboard positions continue to change with Qingdao retaking the lead on day seven of the The ClipperTelemed+ Tasman Test. With…

8 Dec 2017


Following an intense day of racing on the sixth day of Race 4: The ClipperTelemed+ Tasman Test, it can be revealed that an incredible thirteen seconds separated the top two…

8 Dec 2017

Nominations open for Race 4 Stormhoek Social Spirit Award

The Clipper Race fleet has made a tremendous start to Race 4: The ClipperTelemed+ Tasman Test and is expected to arrive in to Sydney in around a week’s time. This…

8 Dec 2017

Meet the Clipper 2017-18 Race Crew: Jackie Patton

Name: Jackie Patton Age: 56 Nationality: British Legs: The All-Australian Leg 4 Team: Nasdaq The first few days of any new leg of the Clipper Race are interesting, as all…

7 Dec 2017

​Race 4 Day 5: Tight Racing in Elliot Brown Ocean Sprint

The Elliot Brown Ocean Sprint is in full swing on day 5 of Race 4: The ClipperTelemed+ Tasman Test, and the racing remains as close as ever. Qingdao has continued…

6 Dec 2017


The competition for the lead is heating up ahead of the Elliot Brown Ocean Sprint with less than five nautical miles separating the top five teams on Day 4 of…

5 Dec 2017

Race 4 Day 3: Leaderboard Shake Up Ahead of Elliot Brown Ocean Sprint

It has been a very close third day of racing in Race 4: The ClipperTelemed+ Tasman Test with just 38 nautical miles separating first and tenth position. Day 3 has…

4 Dec 2017


We are very proud to announce we will be working with the Invictus Games Sydney 2018 for the upcoming 73rd Rolex Sydney Hobart Yacht Race. As well as the eleven…

4 Dec 2017


After beating upwind to the south, the Clipper Race fleet is now heading eastwards towards the Great Australian Bight and Sanya Serenity Coast has maintained its lead on the pack…

4 Dec 2017

Meet the Clipper 2017-18 Race Crew: Guylaine Chapdelaine

NAME: Guylaine Chapdelaine AGE: 52 OCCUPATION: Maths Teacher NATIONALITY: French LEGS: 2, 4, 7, 8 TEAM: Visit Seattle The challenge of the Clipper Race appeals to both sailors and non-sailors…

3 Dec 2017


After a short but very welcome stopover in Fremantle, Western Australia, the Clipper Race fleet has enjoyed its initial 24 hours at sea on the first day of Race 4:…

2 Dec 2017

Australian Skipper Has Brilliant Start in Race Home to Sydney

The Clipper Race fleet has left Fremantle, bound for Sydney, and Sanya Serenity Coast Skipper Wendy Tuck clearly can’t wait to be home, with her team dominating race start for…

2 Dec 2017

Skippers Preview Race 4: The ClipperTelemed+ Tasman Test

After the toughest Leg in Clipper Race history, participants have had a chance to recuperate in Fremantle (Western Australia) ahead of Race 4: The ClipperTelemed+ Tasman Test towards Sydney. The…

1 Dec 2017

Race 4: The ClipperTelemed+ Tasman Test Preview

After the toughest leg in Clipper Race history and a welcome respite in Fremantle, Australia, the Skippers and crew are gearing up for the first stage of the All-Australian Leg…

1 Dec 2017

Introduction of Qualified Mate

During the stopover here in Fremantle, the Clipper Race has received very positive feedback from the MAIB (Marine Accident and Investigation Board) on the safety cultures in existence across the…

1 Dec 2017


Two-time Olympian and GREAT Britain crew member Hannah Macleod arrived in Fremantle earlier this week ahead of joining her crew to take on the upcoming All-Australian Leg 4 of the…

30 Nov 2017


Fremantle, and in general, the city of Perth, has a proud sailing tradition and culture, so it should come as no surprise that the locals have fully embraced the Clipper…

29 Nov 2017


It’s been less than one month since Greenings ran aground on the opening day of Race 3: The Dell Latitude Rugged Race. Whilst the rest of the fleet has now…

29 Nov 2017

​Meet the Clipper 2017-18 Race Crew: Nick Redman

Name: Nick Redman Age: 25 Nationality: Australian Legs: 1, 2 and 4 Team: Liverpool 2018 Time and time again we see that once crew have caught the Clipper Race bug,…

28 Nov 2017


The Clipper Race Committee has finalised the list of penalty points to be given to the teams following the assessment of damages and repairs needed after the fleet’s race from…

27 Nov 2017


Following the relief of getting to port after an incredibly tough and emotional leg, now officially known as the most challenging in Clipper Race history, tonight it was time for…

26 Nov 2017


All the Clipper Race teams are once again in the same place, after completed the arrivals for Race 3: The Dell Latitude Rugged Race to Fremantle, Australia. crossed…

25 Nov 2017

Arrivals Continue into Fremantle

Fremantle Harbour resembled a parking lot at times with the arrivals continuing to come in thick and fast overnight. Visit Seattle just missed out on its first podium of the…

25 Nov 2017


PSP Logistics wrapped up the podium positions tonight for Race 3, arriving into Fremantle in third place, meaning the team has finished in the top three twice out the three…

25 Nov 2017


Showing incredible courage and resilience, GREAT Britain has claimed its best position of its Clipper 2017-18 Race campaign so far, taking second place into Fremantle, Australia. The team crossed the…

25 Nov 2017


Unicef is celebrating after clinching its first podium of the Clipper 2017-18 Race, with the team crossing the finish line of Race 3: The Dell Latitude Rugged Race into Fremantle,…

25 Nov 2017

Race 3 Day 25: Thrilling Finish to Emotionally Charged Race

After 25 days and almost 4,800 nautical miles of racing across the Southern Ocean, the finish positions for Race 3: The Dell Latitude Rugged Race from Cape Town, South Africa,…

25 Nov 2017

​Meet the Clipper 2017-18 Race Crew: Trevor Taylor

Name: Trevor Taylor Age: 64 Nationality: Australian Home Town: Rockingham, Western Australia Occupation: Retired Drainage Contractor Legs: Full Circumnavigation Team: PSP Logistics As the Clipper Race fleet enters the final…

25 Nov 2017


Team finish times and ETAs, shown in local Australian Western Standard Time (UTC+8 ) across the Finish Line for Race 3 are as follows: (Be aware that these are best…

24 Nov 2017


The Race Committee has announced today that has been awarded redress totalling 1 hour and 30 minutes for the time spent in facilitating six new Greenings crew joining the…

24 Nov 2017


It’s shaping up to be an incredibly close finish to Race 3: The Dell Latitude Rugged Race with less than 70 nautical miles separating the top seven teams. PSP Logistics…

24 Nov 2017

50 Days Until the Whitsundays Clipper Race Carnival

It is now just 50 days to go until the Clipper Round the World Yacht Race reaches the halfway point of the 2017-18 race and arrives in the beautiful Whitsundays.…

24 Nov 2017

​Meet the Clipper 2017-18 Race Crew: Dianne Andary

Name: Dianne Andary Age: 65 Nationality: Australian Legs: All-Australian Leg 4 Team: PSP Logistics The Fremantle Stopover has been one that Di Andary has been waiting for for some time,…

23 Nov 2017

Race 3 Day 23: Leading Teams’ Wind Hole Woes

Over the last two days of racing a high-pressure system has consumed the lead Sanya Serenity Coast held for the majority of Race 3: The Dell Latitude Rugged Race across…

22 Nov 2017


In the past 24 hours, was the final boat to cross the finish line of the Elliot Brown Ocean Sprint and, after all boat times were calculated, was declared…

21 Nov 2017


As the Clipper Race teams look ahead to arriving in to Fremantle later this week, Skippers from across the fleet have expressed their gratitude on behalf of the crew for…

20 Nov 2017

Race 3 Day 20: Sombre Mood Across Fleet As Race Continues

Thoughts of love and support for the family, friends and crewmates of Simon Speirs remain at the forefront of the minds of the Skippers and Clipper Race crew across the…

19 Nov 2017


BANNER IMAGE: Qingdao take a moment to reflect Racing has taken a back seat over the past 24 hours for the Clipper Race fleet following the tragedy on board CV30…

19 Nov 2017

​Fatality Statement: Simon Speirs - CV30

UPDATED 19/11/2017 (ORIGINAL STATEMENT BELOW) Following medical advice and all considerations, Simon Speirs was given a sea burial at 0900 local time (0300 UTC) today during a service on board…

17 Nov 2017

​Garmin Medevac Crew Member Erik Hellstrom

24 November 2017 Update ( 0100 UTC 0900 Local) Garmin (CV22) Crew Member Erik Hellstrom has arrived safely in Australia and has been successfully transferred to hospital where he is…

17 Nov 2017

​Race 3 Day 17: Sleigh Ride Begins Ahead of Elliot Brown Ocean Sprint

Christmas has come early for the Clipper Race fleet which is finally enjoying the downwind sailing conditions that teams have been hoping for as they gear up for the Elliot…

16 Nov 2017


It has been a pleasant day for the leading teams on Day 16 of Race 3: The Dell Latitude Rugged Race but teams are eagerly waiting for the stronger westerlies,…

16 Nov 2017

​Clipper Race Reveals £7.5 Million Boost to Liverpool Economy

The Clipper Race has announced a positive economic impact of over £7.5 million from its Race Start in Liverpool in August, reinforcing its strength and power as an impactful and…

15 Nov 2017


Day 15 of Race 3: The Dell Latitude Rugged Race has seen mixed conditions for the Clipper Race fleet with fast downwind conditions being replaced by shifting winds and lighter…

15 Nov 2017

Nominations Open for Race 3 Stormhoek Social Spirit Award

It has been an eventful start to Race 3: the Dell Latitude Rugged Race and there has been plenty of social spirit on display already with the Clipper Race family…

15 Nov 2017

​Meet the Clipper 2017-18 Race Crew: Nell Wyatt

Name: Nell Wyatt Age: 58 Nationality: British Occupation: Doctor Legs: Full Circumnavigation Team: Garmin “I love feeling the wind and the waves on my face and trying to interpret how…

15 Nov 2017

Greenings Team and Yacht Update

The Clipper Race has confirmed the reallocation of Greenings crew members across the rest of the fleet for Leg 4 onwards after the team ran aground shortly after leaving Cape…

14 Nov 2017


The Race Committee has announced today that, following an official request from Unicef , the team has been awarded redress totalling 2 hours and 33 minutes for the time spent…

14 Nov 2017

Race 3 Day 14: Spinnakers Emerge as Westerlies Fill in

The westerly winds that the Clipper Race fleet has been waiting for finally arrived for many of the teams as they pass the halfway mark of Race 3: The Dell…

13 Nov 2017

​Meet the Clipper 2017-18 Race Crew: Emanuele Rivoira

Name: Emanuele Rivoira Age: 35 Nationality: Italy Occupation: Entrepreneur Legs: The Southern Ocean Leg 3 and The Mighty Pacific Ocean Leg 6 Team: Garmin It’s hard for Emanuele Rivoira to…

13 Nov 2017

Race 3 Day 13: Winds Frustrate Across Fleet

A waiting game has descended over the Clipper Race fleet, with all the teams waiting on the wind to decide their fates heading into the second half of Race 3:…

12 Nov 2017

​Race 3 Day 12: Downwind Sailing Conditions Kick In

Following the grueling upwind slog which has dominated much of Race 3: The Dell Latitude Rugged Race, a wind shift overnight has meant that for some of the most southerly…

11 Nov 2017

Race 3 Day 11: Sanya Serenity Coast Triumphs in Scoring Gate

The first points of Race 3: The Dell Latitude Rugged Race have gone to Sanya Serenity Coast , who crossed the Scoring Gate in first place overnight. Sanya Serenity Coast…

10 Nov 2017


The Clipper Race family, including all Race Skippers, have pulled together following the news that the Greenings yacht, formally registered as CV24, would be taking no further part in the…

10 Nov 2017

Race 3 Day 10: Race to the Scoring Gate

PSP Logistics remains in top spot on the leader board for Race 3: The Dell Latitude Rugged Race to Fremantle, Australia, but the real race at the moment is who…

9 Nov 2017

Meet the Clipper 2017-18 Race crew: Ann Marie Davis and Michael Fahy

NAME: Ann Marie Davis and Michael Fahy AGE: 54 and 50 OCCUPATION: MD Global Financial Operations and IT Director NATIONALITY: American and British LEGS: 1,2, 8 and 1,2 TEAM:…

9 Nov 2017


PSP Logistics has moved into pole position on Day 9 of the Dell Latitude Rugged Race to Fremantle. Sticking to the more southerly route, it has taken a 32 nautical…

8 Nov 2017


Life continues at a lean for many teams during the eighth day of Race 3: The Dell Latitude Rugged Race as the fleet slogs it out in tough upwind conditions.…

7 Nov 2017


A wind hole held up the leading pack of the Clipper Race fleet on Day 7 of Race 3: The Dell Latitude Rugged Race with the teams now back beating…

6 Nov 2017

​Race 3 Day 6: Squalls Test Fleet

Race 3: The Dell Latitude Rugged Race is known to serve up some of the most exhilarating and testing conditions of the entire circumnavigation and, over the last 24 hours,…

5 Nov 2017

HOTELPLANNER.COM RESUMES RACING AFTER PORT ELIZABETH DIVERSION has resumed racing after diverting to Port Elizabeth to drop off round the world crew member, Greg Adams (59), who had a suspected fractured arm. The team was met…

5 Nov 2017

​Race 3 Day 5: What a Difference a Day Makes

After a testing day on Friday, the Clipper Race fleet has enjoyed a more settled 24 hours in champagne sailing conditions that have allowed teams to recuperate and reset as…

5 Nov 2017

​ Departs Port Elizabeth Following Diversion

UPDATE - SUNDAY 05 NOVEMBER has departed Port Elizabeth after a successful medevac of round the world crew member, Greg Adams (59), who had a suspected fractured arm. The…

4 Nov 2017


It has been a testing 24 hours for the Clipper Race fleet as it made its way through relentless upwind storm conditions yesterday. Sanya Serenity Coast has retained its lead…

4 Nov 2017


With making good speed towards Port Elizabeth to drop off injured crew member, Greg Adams, arrangements are currently being made for Greenings crew members, who are wanting to resume…

3 Nov 2017

Race 3 Day 3:Welcome to the Southern Ocean

The last 24 hours has brought about a dramatic change for the Clipper Race fleet as it experiences the true conditions of the Southern Ocean for the first time on…

2 Nov 2017


Race 3: The Dell Latitude Rugged Race is often referred to as the Southern Ocean Sleigh Ride, but uncharacteristically light winds over the last 24 hours has seen the majority…

1 Nov 2017

Race 3 Day 1: Fleet’s Thoughts with Greenings

Though the tactics for The Dell Latitude Rugged Race 3 across the Southern Ocean are in full swing, the thoughts of the fleet are very much with Greenings, after the…

1 Nov 2017


UPDATE 01 NOVEMBER 1720 UTC (1920 local time) Following careful analysis of the situation and state of the Clipper Race Yacht CV24 the Clipper Race office has confirmed that the…

31 Oct 2017

Dell Latitude Rugged Race 3 gets underway

The third stage of the Clipper 2017-18 Race, officially known as Race 3: The Dell Latitude Rugged Race, got underway today from Cape Town for its highly anticipated 4,754 nautical…

31 Oct 2017


With two previous races now under their belts, each of the twelve Clipper Race Skippers are preparing lead their respective teams in the Dell Latitude Rugged Race 3 from Cape…

30 Oct 2017

The Dell Latitude Rugged Race 3 Preview

After an amazing stopover in Cape Town, South Africa, the Clipper Race crew are now preparing to leave on Tuesday 31 October for Race 3, to Fremantle, Australia, which will…

29 Oct 2017


Clipper Race CEO William Ward along with crew members who are raising money for Official Race Charity Partner, Unicef , were invited to an inspirational Isibindi Safe Park in Grabouw,…

29 Oct 2017

Meet the Clipper 2017-18 Race Crew: Sophia Müller

NAME: Sophia Müller AGE: 50 OCCUPATION: Automotive Industry Chemical Assistant NATIONALITY: German LEGS: 3,4,7 & 8 TEAM: Liverpool 2018 Like many of the intrepid Clipper Race crew, Sophia Müller, had…

28 Oct 2017

PSP Logistics Arrives into Cape Town

24 days after Race 2, the Stormhoek Race to the Cape of Storms, started from Punta del Este, including an unscheduled return to Uruguay after sustaining severe damage from a…

28 Oct 2017

Race 2 Day 24: Land In Sight

It’s the final day of a long and eventful Leg 2 for PSP Logistics but the end is finally in sight in Race 2: The Stormhoek Race to the Cape…

27 Oct 2017

​Race 2 Day 23: The Final Stretch

With just 275 nautical miles left for PSP Logistics in Race 2: Stormhoek Race to the Cape of Storms, full focus is on getting the boat in the best possible…

27 Oct 2017

Clipper Race Officially Enters Sydney Hobart Yacht Race

It’s official – the Clipper Race is returning to contest the Sydney Hobart Yacht Race for a third time. Entries for the 73 rd edition of the Sydney Hobart Yacht…

27 Oct 2017


NAME: Jan Banfield AGE: 62 OCCUPATUON: Retired Nurse NATIONALITY: British LEGS: Leg 3: The Southern Ocean Leg TEAM: Unicef With crew changeover taking place today, a fresh batch of leggers…

26 Oct 2017

Race 2 Day 22: Wind Woes for PSP Logistics

PSP Logistics remains on track for a Saturday arrival into Cape Town, but the final few days of what has already been a hard Race 2: The Stormhoek Race to…

25 Oct 2017

Meet the Clipper 2017-18 Race Crew - Nicola Harford

NAME: Nicola Harford AGE: 52 OCCUPATION: International Development Consultant NATIONALITY: British/ Zimbabwean LEGS: 1 and 2 TEAM: Sanya Serenity Coast Like many others, Nicola Harford’s first encounter with the Clipper…

25 Oct 2017


The Clipper Race Committee has finalised the list of penalty points to be given to the teams following the assessment of damages and repairs needed after the fleet’s race from…

25 Oct 2017

​Race 2 Day 21: Elliot Brown Ocean Sprint Results Are In

Day 21 saw PSP Logistics reach its final milestone mark of Race 2: Stormhoek Race to the Cape of Storms; the Eastern gate of the Elliot Brown Ocean Sprint. After…

24 Oct 2017

Racing Towards the Whitsundays Clipper Race Carnival

During the upcoming exhilarating and chilly Southern Ocean Sleighride, the Clipper Race fleet may feel a world away from the tropical Coral Sea of the Whitsundays, but each nautical mile…

24 Oct 2017


Thirteen days after re-joining Race 2: The Stormhoek Race to the Cape of Storms, PSP Logistics has hit another major milestone, passing the 1,000 nautical mile to go mark. PSP…

23 Oct 2017


For PSP Logistics , Day 19 of Race 2: The Stormhoek Race to The Cape of Storms marked a significant milestone in the sprint to Cape Town: the Elliot Brown…

22 Oct 2017

A Prize Giving With A Difference

The Stormhoek Race to the Cape of Storms Prize Giving Treasure Hunt had the Race Crew and 150 Race Crew Supporters buzzing with excitement as they revelled in the hunt,…

22 Oct 2017


The Clipper Race Office is very pleased to announce that it has appointed Tom Way as its new Deputy Race Director, with immediate effect in Cape Town, following the decision…

22 Oct 2017

Race 2 Day 18: And then there was one

Unicef crossed the finish line yesterday at 21:19:27 UTC, arriving into Cape Town after sailing over 3500nm. For PSP Logistics , this moment, celebrations and cold beers still awaits. Currently…

22 Oct 2017


Unicef crossed the line at 23:19:27 local South African time (21:19:27 UTC) on Saturday evening, having sailed over 3500nm, resulting in an eleventh placed finish in the Stormhoek Race to…

21 Oct 2017

Race 2 Day 17: Less than 100nm left for Unicef

Unicef is aiming to make today its final at sea of the Stormhoek Race to the Cape of Storms. Reporting earlier this morning, Skipper Bob Beggs, whose team will finish…

20 Oct 2017

South African Premier Soccer League Team Visits Clipper Race

The Clipper Race fleet in Cape Town had a surprise visit today from Bloemfontein Celtic FC who are in the city ahead of their Premier Soccer League game against Ajax…

20 Oct 2017

Race 2 Day 16: And Then There Were Two

With ten Clipper Race teams now arrived into Cape Town, South Africa, all eyes are now on Unicef and PSP Logistics , as they work to complete Race 2: The…

19 Oct 2017


It was a close fight right up until the final stretch for ninth placed and tenth placed GREAT Britain, who spent much of Race 2: The Stormhoek Race to…

19 Oct 2017

​Nasdaq Claims Eighth Place

Nasdaq has won the ‘Most Improved Award’ for Race 2: Stormhoek Race to the Cape of Storms. The team has finished in eighth place, after crossing the finish line in…

19 Oct 2017

Race 2 Day 15: Battle for Final Positions

After a fortnight of intense and incredibly close competition, seven of the twelve Clipper Race teams crossed the finish line in Cape Town overnight, successfully completing Race 2: Stormhoek Race…

19 Oct 2017

As dawn breaks arrivals continue into Cape Town

Another successful but varied race for Qingdao as it crossed the line at 03:54:47 UTC (05:54:47 local time), finishing sixth just shy of its close-fought rivals Liverpool 2018 and Visit…

19 Oct 2017

Visit Seattle pips Liverpool 2018 to fourth place

After some fast and furious sailing across the South Atlantic Ocean, Visit Seattle managed to edge out Liverpool 2018 to claim fourth place in the closing stages of the Stormhoek…

18 Oct 2017


The Greenings team claimed victory this evening in a thrilling finale to the Stormhoek Race to the Cape of Storms, which saw the top two teams finish approximately two miles…

18 Oct 2017

Race 2 Day 14: Photo Finish on the Cards

After 14 days of exhilarating competition, frontrunners Greenings and Dare to Lead are locked in an intense sprint to the Stormhoek Race to the Cape of Storms finish line, which…

17 Oct 2017


With less than two days before the fleet is scheduled to start descending upon the V&A Waterfront in Cape Town, light wind conditions are bringing last minute frustrations for the…

17 Oct 2017


The leading teams of the Clipper Race fleet have made good progress in the Stormhoek Race to the Cape of Storms and are currently predicted to arrive slightly ahead of…

16 Oct 2017

Race 2 Day 12: Positions and Points Up for Grabs

Despite having raced close to 3,000 nautical miles across the South Atlantic Ocean, most positions remain up for grabs in the final days of Race 2: Stormhoek Race to the…

15 Oct 2017

​Race 2 Day 11: Battle at the Top

We are just days out from the first estimated arrival into Cape Town, and two teams are fighting hard for the honour of taking first place in the Race 2:…

14 Oct 2017


After another exhilarating day of surfing down South Atlantic waves for the Clipper Race fleet, focus on board has very much turned to the Race 2 Elliot Brown Ocean Sprint.…

13 Oct 2017


Following fast and furious conditions over the last 24 hours, which has served up dramatic downpours and wind speeds gusting 60 knots, the Clipper Race fleet is busy shaking out…

12 Oct 2017

Nominations open for Race 2 Stormhoek Social Spirit Award

As the teams battle it out in the South Atlantic Ocean, it is time for everyone on dry land to start nominating for the Stormhoek Social Spirit Award in this…

12 Oct 2017


Many of the teams in the Clipper Race fleet have been setting their own boat speed records during some fast and furious sailing on Day 8 of the Stormhoek Race…

11 Oct 2017


PSP Logistics slipped lines from Piriapolis (Uruguay) yesterday evening to bring the Clipper Race fleet back to its full complement as the leaders approach the halfway point to Cape Town…

10 Oct 2017

PSP Logistics to Resume Racing

PSP Logistics has slipped lines in Piriapolis, Uruguay, after spending the past five days receiving repairs for rudder damage sustained during Leg 2 of the Clipper Race from Punta del…

10 Oct 2017


All eyes have been firmly fixed on the Race Viewer during the sixth day of racing as the twelve Clipper Race teams battled it out to reach the Scoring Gate.…

9 Oct 2017

Race 2 Day 5: High-Pressure System Frustrates Fleet

After an intense and action-packed few days since leaving Punta del Este, Uruguay, a high-pressure system has affected many of the teams in the fleet, frustrating their progress in the…

8 Oct 2017

Race 2 Day 4: Race to the Scoring Gate Hots Up

Whilst the Finish Line in Cape Town remains the ultimate goal for the Clipper Race fleet in the Stormhoek Race to the Cape of Storms, at least three teams currently…

7 Oct 2017


PSP Logistics safely arrived into Piriapolis, Uruguay, yesterday afternoon (local time), to repair rudder damage , as the rest of the fleet continued in a closely-fought contest towards Cape Town.…

6 Oct 2017

PSP Logistics Arrives Safely in Uruguay for Repairs

CV28 (PSP Logistics) has safely arrived in Piriapolis, Uruguay, after sustaining rudder damage during Leg 2 of the Clipper 2017-18 Round the World Yacht Race. The yacht was instructed to…

6 Oct 2017

Race 2 Day 2: Early Frontrunners Emerge

It’s been an action-packed second day of Race 2: The Stormhoek Race to the Cape of Storms, with the past 24 hours seeing one team forced to suspend racing, while…

5 Oct 2017

RACE ANNOUNCEMENT: PSP Logistics to Return to Uruguay After Rudder Damage

UPDATE: 06/10/2017 - 1430 (BST) PSP Logistics is continuing to motor-sail towards Piriapolis (near Punta del Este) and is expected to arrive around 1700 UTC Friday 6 October. UPDATE: 05/10/2017…

5 Oct 2017

​Race 2 Day 1 Daily Update: Tight Racing Out of Uruguay

The Clipper Race fleet has enjoyed its first night of sailing in Race 2: The Stormhoek Race to the Cape of Storms, though the teams remain tightly bunched on the…

4 Oct 2017

Race 2 Stormhoek Race to the Cape of Storms gets underway

Spectators and media flocked to the water for the start of the Clipper 2017-18 Round the World Yacht Race’s second stage, to Cape Town, South Africa, following the event’s first…

4 Oct 2017

Skippers share their thoughts ahead of Leg 2: The South Atlantic Challenge

The twelve Clipper Race Skippers have been checking the latest weather reports and are ready to go for Leg 2: The South Atlantic Challenge after experiencing a fantastic time in…

3 Oct 2017

​Time to Race: The Virtual Regatta is Now Live!

Wish you could be out on the start line at Punta Del Este, Uruguay, for Race 2 to Cape Town, South Africa? Well, now you can, virtually, from the comfort…

3 Oct 2017

​Meet the Clipper 2017-18 Race Crew: Graham Hill

Name: Graham Hill Age: 58 Occupation: Pilot Nationality: British Home Town: St Brelade, Channel Islands Legs: Full Circumnavigation Team: IMAGE: Graham Hill at the helm of The Clipper…

3 Oct 2017

​Clipper 2017-18 Race Preview: Stormhoek Race to the Cape of Storms

Following a fantastic first stopover in Punta del Este, Uruguay, crew are preparing to depart the first-time Host Port on Wednesday 04 October for Race 2, to Cape Town, South…

2 Oct 2017

Meet the Clipper 2017-18 Race Crew: Sarah Addison

NAME: Sarah Addison AGE: 31 NATIONALITY: Scottish LEGS: Leg 2, the South Atlantic Challenge and Leg 7, the USA Coast-to-Coast Leg TEAM: Garmin Sarah Addison, 31, an Engineer from Aberdeen,…

1 Oct 2017

Meet the Clipper 2017-18 Race Crew: Julio Matthieu

NAME Julio Matthieu AGE: 38 NATIONALITY: Mauritian LEGS: Leg 2,3,4,5 TEAM: Visit Seattle The first crew changeover of the Clipper 2017-18 Race took place yesterday, meaning a fresh batch of…

29 Sep 2017

Meet the Clipper 2017-18 Race Crew: Nathan Harrow

Name: Nathan Harrow Age: 43 Occupation: Healthcare Worker Nationality: British Legs: Full Circumnavigation Team: Unicef Nathan Harrow is finally back on dry land, after spending the last five weeks at…

26 Sep 2017

​Race 1 Prize Giving: GREAT Britain tops Standings

The Yacht Club Punta del Este offered an elegant setting for the first Prize Giving ceremony of the 2017-18 edition of the Clipper Race. Cr. Juan Etcheverrito, Commodore of Yacht…

26 Sep 2017

​Race 1: Close Finish For Clipper Race Opening Stage

A spectacularly close finish to the longest ever leg of the Clipper Race from Liverpool, UK, to Punta del Este, Uruguay, saw nine of the twelve Clipper Race teams complete…

25 Sep 2017

​Nasdaq Completes Leg 1 Team Arrivals

At 07:39:30 UTC (04:39:30 local time) on Monday 25 September, Nasdaq became the twelfth and final Clipper Race team to cross the Atlantic Trade Winds Leg 1 Finish Line t…

24 Sep 2017

Daily Update Race 1 Day 35 – Winds Frustrate Nasdaq

The fans and supporters in Punta del Este are now just waiting on one final arrival, with Nasdaq in the final stages of its 6,400 nautical mile race from Liverpool,…

23 Sep 2017


Greenings , the eleventh team to cross the line in Punta del Este, has won the first race of 2017-18 edition, finishing at 18:03:55 UTC on Saturday 23 September in…

23 Sep 2017

​Race 1 Day 34: Greenings Pushing For Victory

Only Greenings and Nasdaq remains at sea following the arrival of Visit Seattle late on Friday night, Punta del Este time. Currently, Greenings is 55.04 nautical miles from the Finish…

22 Sep 2017


Unicef has provided a truly thrilling journey for those following from home but for those on board, it has been a frustrating race at times. Despite being close to the…

22 Sep 2017, Garmin, and Liverpool 2018 Join Fleet in Punta del Este

The latest arrivals fought a close battle during the last stretch into Punta del Este, Uruguay with crossing the line in fifth place, Garmin in sixth, and Liverpool 2018…

22 Sep 2017

Race 1 Day 33: Battle for Positions Continue

Several teams continue to jostle for position after Sanya Serenity Coast claimed line honours yesterday afternoon, closely followed by PSP Logistics and GREAT Britain who arrived, second and third respectively,…

22 Sep 2017


Qingdao , the Clipper Race’s longest standing Team Partner, and debut, Dare To Lead, were fourth and fifth to cross the Race 1 finish, as this busy first night of…

22 Sep 2017


Following Sanya Serenity Coast ’s spectacular line honours finish on Thursday afternoon, PSP Logistics and GREAT Britain, have now both joined Wendy and her crew in port, in Punta del…

20 Aug 2017

​Clipper 2017-18 Race Leg 1 Preview: Liverpool, UK, to Punta del Este, Uruguay

The Clipper 2017-18 Round the World Yacht Race promises a shore side spectacle when the fleet crosses the start line in front of the large crowds that are expected to…

28 Jun 2018

Clipper Ventures Statement: CV24

The UK’s Marine Accident Investigation Branch (MAIB) has today published its final report into the grounding of CV24 in South Africa, which took place on 31 October 2017 during the…

4 Jun 2018

Race to New York Begins

There's been an early split in the Clipper Race fleet after Race 11: Nasdaq Race to New York officially got underway following a Le Mans style start off the Atlantic…

22 Feb 2018

Race 7 Day 23: Nerves Tested in Frustrating Final Miles to Sanya

Race 7: The Forever Tropical Paradise Race to Sanya, China, will finally conclude today after more than three weeks racing but light winds are causing a feeling of insecurity across…

18 Nov 2017


Leaderboard standings across the fleet have stayed consistent over the last 24 hours as the leading teams began their Elliot Brown Ocean Sprint. Race leaders, Sanya Serenity Coast , crossed…

28 Oct 2017


Roy Taylor has revealed that he is to step down from his role as PSP Logistics’ Skipper here in Cape Town, with experienced Clipper Race Skipper Matt Mitchell taking over…

23 Sep 2017


Team finish times and ETAs (shown in local Uruguay timing – UTC-3 ) across the Finish Line for Race 1 are as follows: (Be aware that these are best estimates…

21 Sep 2017

Sanya Serenity Coast Takes Line Honours in Race 1 to Uruguay

Sanya Serenity Coast claimed line honours today into Punta del Este, Uruguay, in the longest ever individual race of the Clipper Race’s eleven edition history. The team crossed the finish…

21 Sep 2017


Sanya Serenity Coast is on course to take line honours for the Atlantic Trade Winds Leg 1 as it is expected to be the first boat in to Punta del…

20 Sep 2017

Race 1 Day 31: Wind Returns For Final Push

After a frustrating 24 hours languishing in a wind hole off the southern coast of Brazil, most of the Clipper Race fleet is on the move again. Sanya Serenity Coast…

19 Sep 2017

Race 1 Day 30: Wind Holes Unsettle the Fleet

Sanya Serenity Coast has extended its lead in the closing stages of the race to Punta del Este, with the majority of the fleet caught out by wind holes. PSP…

18 Sep 2017

Race 1, Day 29: Mixed Results From Stealth Mode Tactics

As several teams have re-emerged from Stealth Mode, the leader board is looking a little clearer and Sanya Serenity Coast remains in the lead. More than half the teams in…

17 Sep 2017

Race 1 Day 28: Stealth Mode shakes up the fleet

Three of the twelve teams, Visit Seattle , Unicef and GREAT Britain , are in Stealth Mode hiding their positions from the rest of the fleet. With this, the leader…

16 Sep 2017

Race 1 Day 27: Elliot Brown Ocean Sprint Results Are In …

After nearly four weeks at sea and a variety of leaders, Visit Seattle tops the leader board going into the final stretch to Punta del Este. But, with less than…

15 Sep 2017

Race 1 Day 26: Waiting on A Wind Angle

Visit Seattle continues to lead the Clipper Race, maintaining clear water in front of Sanya Serenity Coast , in second, and Unicef in third. Now, just off the coast of…

14 Sep 2017

Race 1 Day 25: 4000nM sailed and the Fleet is Back Match Racing

After thousands of nautical miles sailed across the Atlantic Ocean, Visit Seattle , Sanya Serenity Coast and Unicef again hold first, second, and third position on the leader board. For…

14 Sep 2017

Nominations Open For Race 1 Stormhoek Social Spirit Award

The Stormhoek Social Spirit Award is back for a second consecutive Clipper Race edition and nominations are now open for Race 1! The Clipper Race is as much about team…

13 Sep 2017

Race 1 Day 24: Testing upwind conditions continue during Elliot Brown Ocean Sprint

Cementing a fifth day at the top of the leader board Visit Seattle has extended its lead over Sanya Serenity Coast and Unicef in second and third place respectively .…

13 Sep 2017

Andy Woodruff Named as Interim Greenings Skipper

Following the medevac of Greenings’ Skipper David Hartshorn early in Race 1, we can today announce that Andy Woodruff will be taking over leadership of the team until David is…

12 Sep 2017

Race 1 Day 23: Female skippers lead fleet into Elliot Brown Ocean Sprint

The two female skippers continue to dominate the leader board with the teams led by Nikki Henderson and Wendy Tuck in the top two positions as they begin the first…

12 Sep 2017

Punta del Este Awaits

A fantastic Uruguayan welcome awaits the Clipper Race when teams arrive in the South American Host Port, Punta del Este , for the first ever time. During the peak tourist…

11 Sep 2017

Race 1, Day 22: Life on a lean as King Neptune visits the fleet

Today marks a third day at the top of the leader board for Visit Seattle , which is followed closely by Sanya Serenity Coast and Unicef in second and third…

10 Sep 2017

Dare To Lead resumes racing following diversion to Brazilian island

UPDATE: 1800 (BST) 13/9/2017 Since being diagnosed with aspiration pneumonia during Race 1, we are pleased to report that Jerry Stokes ( Dare To Lead ) has been discharged from…

10 Sep 2017

Race 1, Day 21: Fleet Enters the Southern Hemisphere

Visit Seattle remains on top of the leader board for a second consecutive day, leading the Clipper Race fleet over the Equator and into the Southern Hemisphere for the first…

9 Sep 2017

Race 1, Day 20: Change at the Top

For the first time in 13 days, there has been a change at the top of the Atlantic Trade Winds Leg 1 Leader Board. Visit Seattle has moved into first…

8 Sep 2017

Race 1, Day 19: Sanya Serenity Coast Goes Stealth

All twelve Clipper Race teams are now in the Doldrums Corridor, but in the latest surprise of the Atlantic Trade Winds Leg 1, Sanya Serenity Coast has elected to employ…

7 Sep 2017

Race 1, Day 18: Heating up in the Doldrums Corridor

Most of the Clipper Race Fleet is now deep into the Doldrums Corridor, with all ten teams who have so far crossed the northern gate electing to motor-sail for the…

6 Sep 2017

Race 1 Day 17: Doldrums Tactics Play Out

Most of the Clipper Race teams are now within the Doldrums Corridor which is making for some interesting tactical decisions. Qingdao still leads the fleet with Sanya Serenity Coast up…

5 Sep 2017

​Daily Update Race 1 Day 16: Into The Doldrums

A milestone was reached overnight when leading team, Qingdao, entered the Doldrums Corridor. Skipper Chris Kobusch formally notified the Clipper Race Office that Qingdao would motor-sail for exactly 6° of…

5 Sep 2017

Nasdaq diverts to Cape Verde Islands

UPDATE 23:00 BST - 5/9/2017 At approximately 21:00 BST, Nasdaq arrived as planned into Mindelo, São Vicente, to transfer crew member David Harries to hospital following diagnosis of possible DVT.…

4 Sep 2017

Race 1 Day 15: The Approaching Doldrums

The Doldrums Corridor is fast approaching and with current weather predictions favouring teams towards the back of the fleet, it will be tactically fascinating to watch over the coming days.…

3 Sep 2017

RACE 1 DAY 14: Chasing pack close in on leader, Qingdao

It’s getting tight at the top as the Clipper Race leader, Qingdao , is being caught up by its nearest rivals after going through the Scoring Gate yesterday and entering…

2 Sep 2017


Qingdao guaranteed itself the first points of the Clipper 2017-18 Race after being the first team to cross the Scoring Gate this morning. GREAT Britain and Sanya Serenity Coast are…

1 Sep 2017


Qingdao continues to lead the fleet today, followed by GREAT Britain in second and Sanya Serenity Coast in third as the teams push towards the Scoring Gate. Qingdao Skipper Chris…

31 Aug 2017

Race 1 Day 11: Teams Eye Scoring Gate Points

The battle for positions continues with Qingdao holding onto its narrow lead. GREAT Britain is hot on its stern however, with Sanya Serenity Coast moving back up into third place…

30 Aug 2017


The Clipper Race fleet continued to make good progress under spinnaker in the Trade Winds but the race leaders further south are starting to feel the heat, quite literally. Qingdao…

29 Aug 2017

Greenings re-joins Race 1

UPDATE: 01/09/2017 - 1330 (BST) NOTICE OF REDRESS The Race Committee has confirmed it is awarding redress to Greenings after its forced diversion to Porto for a replacement Skipper. The…

29 Aug 2017

Race 1, Day 9: Champagne conditions create exciting helming coaching for crew

Following an impressive climb up the leaderboard, Qingdao, is still holding pole position, with GREAT Britain in second place and Sanya Serenity Coast third , as champagne sailing conditions with…

28 Aug 2017

Race 1 Day 8: Qingdao Storms Into the Lead

There has been a major change to the Clipper Race leaderboard in the last 24 hours as Qingdao has stormed through to take pole position after wind shifts favoured the…

28 Aug 2017

Greenings diverts to Porto following David Hartshorn Injury

UPDATE: 29/08/2017 - 0930 (BST) Whilst the team is arriving in Porto this morning, please read this Crew Diary from round the worlder Jenny Hall which gives an inspiring insight…

27 Aug 2017

Race 1 Day 7: Westerly Tactics Start To Pay Off

It has been yet another testing 24 hours for the Clipper Race fleet with a mixed bag of conditions leading to further shake ups on the leader board. For the…

26 Aug 2017

Race 1 Day 6: First Tough Test for Fleet

There have been leader board changes overnight with shifting winds and variable conditions resulting in teams experiencing some of the most demanding on board conditions of the race so far.…

25 Aug 2017

Race 1, Day 5: Tactics Time

Unicef remains in the lead for the fourth consecutive day of this opening race but the next 24 to 48 hours could be telling, with distinctly different strategies now in…

24 Aug 2017

Race 1, Day 4: The Pre-Doldrum Doldrums

Light winds continue to challenge during the fourth day of racing, which have caused the fleet to condense by 20 nautical miles in the last 24 hours in the Bay…

23 Aug 2017

Race 1 Day 3: Tackling the Bay of Biscay

As the fleet makes steady progress south past the UK and towards Northern France, Skippers and crew are focusing on the next challenge; the Bay of Biscay, notorious for violent…

22 Aug 2017

RACE 1 DAY 2: Strong Tides Divide Fleet

Strong tides running North have divided the fleet tactically overnight, with the front of the pack heading close inshore to seek faster routes. Dale Smyth, Skipper of third placed team…

21 Aug 2017

Race 1 Day 1: Settling In

Following an adrenaline filled start to the Clipper 2017-18 Race, with big crowds and international media turning out to see the twelve teams and 247 crew members on their way…

20 Aug 2017

Largest ever Clipper Race gets underway

The biggest ever edition of the Clipper Race, got underway on the River Mersey, Liverpool, today, in front of thousands of spectators, and was nothing short of spectacular. The day…

19 Aug 2017

Chinese Connections

The strong relationship and connection between the Clipper Race and China will strengthen even further when the eleventh edition begins in Liverpool on Sunday 20 August. The Clipper 2017-18 Race…

19 Aug 2017

British Olympians Swap Sports for New Challenge at Sea

Joining this year’s GREAT Britain entry in the Clipper 2017-18 Round the World Yacht Race are two athletes who have already spent their lives representing their country at the highest…

17 Aug 2017

​Three sleeps to go!

With less than 72 hours before the Clipper Round the World Yacht Race fleet line up on the River Mersey to start the 2017-18 edition of the 40,000 nautical mile…

16 Aug 2017


Millions of people from over a hundred countries around the world will be able to tune into live television coverage and video streams carried by international media, in addition to…

16 Aug 2017

Write an inspiring message on the Unicef “Spinnaker of Support”

YOU can be part of the Clipper 2017-18 Race from dry land by writing a message of support for any crew member on the Unicef Spinnaker, which will be flown…

16 Aug 2017

Meet the Clipper 2017-18 Race Crew: Fernando ‘Nano’ Antia

NAME: Fernando “Nano” Antia AGE: 28 OCCUPATION: Accountant NATIONALITY: Uruguayan LEGS: Full Circumnavigation TEAM: Liverpool 2018 Fernando “Nano” Antia is making Clipper Race history as the first Uruguayan crew member…

14 Aug 2017

Electric atmosphere as Albert Dock welcomes the Clipper Race fleet ahead of Race Start

Liverpool opened its arms to the Clipper Race, with rapturous applause and support welcoming the twelve-strong fleet of Clipper 70s as they paraded down the Mersey and moored up in…

13 Aug 2017

​Clipper Race Fleet Approaching Liverpool

Anticipation is growing in Liverpool, ahead of the arrival of the Clipper Race fleet on Monday. Tomorrow, the twelve matched Clipper 70 foot ocean racing yachts will return to Liverpool…

11 Aug 2017

Meet the Clipper 2017-18 Race Crew: Nessa Maloney

NAME : Nessa Maloney AGE : 39 OCCUPATION : Naval Service Executive Branch Officer, Irish Defence Force NATIONALITY : Irish LEGS : The Southern Ocean Leg 3 TEAM: Visit Seattle…

10 Aug 2017

Nasdaq Team Skipper Revealed

Rob Graham, from Angmering, West Sussex, has today been formally announced as the professional Skipper who will lead the Nasdaq team entry in the 40,000-nautical mile Clipper Race when it…

9 Aug 2017

Destination: Liverpool

After months of planning, training and preparation, the Clipper Race fleet is on its way to Liverpool. All twelve 70-foot ocean racing yachts slipped lines this morning, and won’t return…

7 Aug 2017

Nasdaq Sets Sail with Clipper Race

We are pleased to announce that the twelfth and final Clipper Race Team Partner for the 2017-18 edition will be Nasdaq. The Nasdaq Stock Market will partner one of twelve…

4 Aug 2017

Meet the Clipper 2017-18 Crew: Justin Heiner

Name: Justin Heiner Age: 37 Nationality: USA Hometown: Kemah, Texas Occupation: Engineer Legs: Full Circumnavigation Team: Dare To Lead When Justin Heiner, 37 from Texas, USA, came across the Clipper…

4 Aug 2017

Clipper Race HQ Welcomes Volvo Ocean Race Fleet

The Clipper Round the World Yacht Race and the Volvo Ocean Race, have been neighbours for the first time this week, berthed together at our Gosport, UK, base at exciting…

3 Aug 2017

Meet the Clipper 2017-18 Race Crew: Emily Dixon

NAME: Emily Dixon AGE: 30 OCCUPATION: Operations Director, Jeweller/Former Trapeze Artist NATIONALITY: British LEGS: The USA Coast-to-Coast Leg 7 TEAM: Greenings “I'm not sure I really knew what sailing was…

2 Aug 2017

GREAT Britain Team Skipper Named at Downing Street Ahead of Clipper 2017-18 Race Start

Clipper Race Skipper Andy Burns has today been formally announced as the Skipper who will lead the GREAT Britain team in the upcoming Clipper 2017-18 Race, during a special visit…

1 Aug 2017

​Excitement Builds with Race Prep Week Underway

One of the most exciting weeks in the build up to the race at Clipper Race HQ, Race Prep Week, is well underway at Gosport Marina. Race Prep Week is…

1 Aug 2017


The Clipper 2017-18 Race will feature a unique and inspirational new Team Partner, Dare To Lead, which will be Skippered by Dale Smyth. Dare to Lead is an exciting new…

30 Jul 2017

Vicky Song Wishes Ambassadors Well

The Clipper 2017-18 Race will be a historic one, as it includes two Chinese stopovers for the first time. And no one is more excited about that than Vicky Song.…

28 Jul 2017

PSP Logistics Skipper Revealed

We are excited to reveal that Roy Taylor, 47, from Barnsley, South Yorkshire, will lead the PSP Logistics team entry in the Clipper 2017-18 Race, which sets sail from Liverpool…

27 Jul 2017

Gaëtan Thomas to Skipper Garmin Team

The Garmin yacht will once again be racing across the world’s oceans, after the Global GPS Navigation and Wearable Technology company re-signed as a Team Partner for the Clipper 2017-18…

26 Jul 2017


It was by chance that crew member David Smith from Norwich came across the race website when he was planning his retirement. Now David is preparing to race 14,677 nautical…

25 Jul 2017

PSP Logistics Returns as Team Partner

The successful relationship between the Clipper Race and PSP Logistics is set to continue for a third consecutive race. We are very happy to announce that the global freight forwarder…

24 Jul 2017


This week, the Clipper Race is celebrating all things fundraising as we launch the first-ever fundraising week in aid of race charity, Unicef UK. Kick-starting the celebration, where we recognise…

23 Jul 2017

Hyde Sails Delivery Day

The twelve Clipper Race 70-foot yachts are a step closer to being ready for their 40,000 nautical mile adventure across the world’s oceans following the delivery of new sails today.…

21 Jul 2017

Ocean Racing Veteran Takes Over Helm of Unicef for Clipper 2017-18 Race

Ocean racing veteran Bob Beggs is returning to the Clipper Round the World Yacht Race, to lead the Unicef team for the 2017-18 edition, taking over the role from the…

21 Jul 2017


We are pleased to reveal that Liverpool 2018, Liverpool City Council’s newest international destination campaign, will be a team entry in the Clipper 2017-18 Round the World Yacht Race, which…

20 Jul 2017

One month to go until the start of Clipper 2017-18 Race

There is now just one month to go until the Clipper 2017-18 Race sets off from the Albert Dock in Liverpool. We caught up with some of the 111 Clipper…

19 Jul 2017

Looking ahead to the Unicef Clipper Race Fundraising Week (24 - 30 July 2017)

With a fantastic £60,000 already raised by our international crew for race charity Unicef as they prepare to race across the world’s oceans, the fundraising race to reach the £400,000…

17 Jul 2017

Clipper Race Hosts Royal Navy

Sir Robin Knox-Johnston and members of the Clipper Race Team have been busy from preparing for Race Start in Liverpool but took time out to touch base with Portsmouth neighbours…

14 Jul 2017

Meet the Clipper 2017-18 Race crew: Gerardo Injoque

Name: Gerardo ‘Jerry’ Injoque Age: 40 Nationality: Peruvian Occupation: Executive Legs: Full circumnavigation Team: Team Gaëtan A first for the Clipper Race, crew member Gerardo Injoque will make history this…

13 Jul 2017

​Tough Technology for Toughest Ocean Challenge

The Clipper Race is one of the toughest ocean challenges on the planet, which makes it a perfect fit for world leading technology brand Dell, which has come on board…

6 Jul 2017 Skipper Announced

"It’s really exciting to be named as the Skipper for the team,” says Conall Morrison, who has today been announced as the Skipper for the Clipper 2017-18 Race.…

3 Jul 2017

Clipper Race Skipper Replacement

In an unscheduled change to the Skipper line up for the upcoming Clipper 2017-18 Round the World Yacht Race, British sailor Dale Smyth will take over as Skipper of the…

3 Jul 2017

Female Skippers Come out on Top in First Major Test

Our two female Clipper Race Skippers, Wendy Tuck and Nikki Henderson , have made a huge statement less than two months out from Race Start in Liverpool. Wendy, who is…

3 Jul 2017

​Countdown to Liverpool: Race Start Timings Revealed!

With just under 50 days remaining until the start of one of the toughest endurance challenges on the planet, we are pleased to reveal further details for the week of…

1 Jul 2017

Clipper Events lines up for start of Round the Island Race

It’s an early start today for sister company Clipper Events and some 1342 fellow competitors, as they prepare to cross the start line in what is dubbed as one of…

30 Jun 2017

Fourth and Final Round With Dan Hardy

Congratulations on making it through to week four and Dan Hardy has made sure we will finish with a bang! The former UFC athlete took part in the opening leg…

29 Jun 2017


It’s revealed today that professional Skipper Dave Hartshorn, 52, from Chepstow, Wales, will lead the Greenings team in the 2017-18 edition of the largest round the world ocean race on…

28 Jun 2017


Delegates from the tropical destination of Sanya, the Clipper Race’s newest Chinese Host Port and Team Partner, have visited leading sailing organisations in the UK in a bid to develop…

28 Jun 2017


The Clipper Round the World Yacht Race welcomes ChartCo, a leading global supplier of maritime digital data and compliance services, back as Official Supplier for its fifth consecutive edition. The…

28 Jun 2017 Announced as Team Partner

We are excited to reveal, a leading online group hotel bookers, will make its debut as a Team Partner in the upcoming Clipper 2017-18 Race. The yacht will…

28 Jun 2017

Whitsundays Completes All-Australian Leg

The Clipper Race visits some of the most extraordinary and beautiful places on the planet, so it’s no surprise that the 2017-18 edition will be returning to the Whitsundays. A…

23 Jun 2017

Round Three with Dan Hardy

After hitting the half-way mark last week , it’s time to get stuck into Former Ultimate Fighting Championship athlete and Clipper 2015-16 Race crew member Dan Hardy’s third exercise episode.…

19 Jun 2017

Greenings Revealed as Latest Clipper Race Team Partner

It is announced today that Greenings International, a world leader in sourcing Senior Level Executive Talent for Card Payment and Fintech clients, will debut as a Team Partner in the…

18 Jun 2017

Meet the Clipper 2017-18 Crew: David Wilson

NAME: David Wilson AGE: 56 NATIONALITY USA OCCUPATION: Retired Air Traffic Controller TEAM: Team Roy LEGS: full circumnavigation The Clipper Race is an adventure of a lifetime but it does…

16 Jun 2017

Round Two with Dan Hardy

Alright crew it’s time for Episode 2! Just like with the first episode , Former Ultimate Fighting Championship athlete and Clipper 2015-16 Race crew member Dan Hardy has designed the…

14 Jun 2017

Meet the Clipper 2017-18 Race Crew: Rachel Penny

NAME: Rachel Penny AGE: 45 NATIONALITY: UK OCCUPATION: Administrator LEGS: All Australian Leg 4 and The Asia-Pacific Leg 5 TEAM: Visit Seattle To take on the challenge of the Clipper…

9 Jun 2017

Dan Hardy’s Plan for Clipper Race Success

Being physically fit is all in a day’s work for former Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC) fighter Dan Hardy, but he had to adapt his training for a very different challenge…

9 Jun 2017

Meet the Clipper 2017-18 Race crew: Roseann McGlinchey

NAME: Roseann McGlinchey AGE: 23 NATIONALITY: Irish OCCUPATION: Marketing Officer LEGS: Full circumnavigation TEAM: Team Conall For Roseann McGlinchey, her love affair with the Clipper Race began six years ago…

6 Jun 2017

​All Wrapped Up: Sanya Serenity Coast Branded

Sanya’s debut Clipper Race team yacht entry, Sanya Serenity Coast , has returned to the water following a complete refit to ensure she’s race-ready for the start of the 2017-18…

5 Jun 2017

Meet the Clipper 2017-18 Race Crew: Shannon Dean

NAME: Shannon Dean AGE: 53 NATIONALITY: American OCCUPATION: Nurse LEGS: full circumnavigation TEAM: Visit Seattle A brief moments break during a busy night shift led to Shannon Dean, a 53…

1 Jun 2017

First Stop: Punta del Este

Today we are pleased to formally announce that the city of Punta del Este in Uruguay will debut as the South American Host Port during the Clipper 2017-18 Race. After…

26 May 2017

Meet the Clipper 2017-18 Race Crew: Kathy Sheehan and Tony Barlow

NAME: Kathy Sheehan AGE: 46 NATIONALITY: Irish OCCUPATION: Doctor LEGS: The Atlantic Homecoming Leg 8 TEAM: Team Conall NAME: Tony Barlow AGE: 55 NATIONALITY: Irish OCCUPATION: Occupational Therapist LEGS: The…

25 May 2017

The Clipper Race Returns to Fremantle

We are excited to announce the Western Australian city of Fremantle will return as a stopover port for the Clipper 2017-18 Race. The fleet is set to arrive in the…

22 May 2017

Calling All Junior Crew Supporters!

They may be small but there’s no doubt that the Junior Crew Supporters will play a big role in the upcoming Clipper 2017-18 Race. “This is the first year we…

20 May 2017

The World Comes to Portsmouth for Crew Allocation

The Clipper Race is truly a global event and that was only reinforced by the turnout on Crew Allocation Day. It was the biggest Crew Allocation attendance in the 21-year…

20 May 2017

This weekend: Open boats in Portsmouth

This weekend in celebration of Crew Allocation, the first major event in the racing calendar that sees more than 400 crew members from more than 40 nationalities across the globe…

19 May 2017

Sanya Serenity Coast Team Skipper Announced

“I am so happy to have been given the opportunity to skipper the Sanya Serenity Coast team entry during the Clipper 2017-18 Race.” Says Wendy “Wendo” Tuck, who is revealed…

19 May 2017

Meet the Clipper 2017-18 Race Crew: Tessa Hicks

NAME: Tessa Hicks AGE: 59 OCCUPATION: Doctor NATIONALITY: British LEGS: Full circumnavigation TEAM: Team Andy There’s just one more sleep until Crew Allocation, and it will be a nervous one…

18 May 2017

Visit Seattle skipper revealed

“I'm thrilled to be appointed as the Visit Seattle Skipper for the 2017-18 race edition,” says Nikki Henderson after being confirmed as the leader of the Seattle entry in the…

17 May 2017


Returning for its second race partnership, under the technical alliance of MaxSea and Nobeltec, TIMEZERO by MaxSea, has been named as the Official Navigation Software Supplier for the Clipper 2017-18…

16 May 2017

Meet the Clipper 2017-18 Race Crew: Emily Woodason

NAME : Emily Woodason AGE : 31 OCCUPATION : Landscape Architect NATIONALITY : British LEGS : One to Four: The Atlantic Trade Winds Leg, The South Atlantic Challenge Leg, The…

9 May 2017

Qingdao Skipper Revealed

With less than four months to go before race start, it’s time for the first team Skipper to be revealed. And first off the block is German yachtsman Chris Kobusch,…

8 May 2017

Meet the Clipper 2017-18 Race Crew: Pip O’Sullivan

NAME: Pip O’Sullivan AGE: 28 OCCUPATION: Advertising NATIONALITY: British LEGS: full circumnavigation TEAM: Team Andy After spending eight years living in London, firstly to study a Classics degree at Kings…

2 May 2017

“Leaving Liverpool was really immense….It couldn’t have been more dramatic.” Ten years on Lisa Pover recalls.

Following the announcement that the Clipper 2017-18 Race will start and finish from Liverpool’s Albert Dock for the first time in ten years, we caught up with alumni crew member…

28 Apr 2017

​US Premier Regional Sports TV Network Airs Clipper Race Series

US sports TV network, ROOT SPORTS™ is to air our award winning sports adventure series, Race of Their Lives 2, which goes behind the scenes of the Clipper 2015-16 Race,…

28 Apr 2017

Sanya Ambassadors Selected For Clipper 2017-18 Race

We are excited to announce the inaugural Sanya Ambassadors who have been selected for the Clipper 2017-18 Race which will begin in Liverpool, UK, on Sunday 20 th August. Sanya,…

26 Apr 2017

Liverpool confirmed for Clipper 2017-18 Race Start and Finish

It is time for the announcement that everyone has been waiting for. The historic maritime city of Liverpool is officially confirmed today as the Start and Finish partner of the…

24 Apr 2017

Meet the Clipper 2017-18 Race crew: Zuzana Vybiralova

NAME: Zuzana Vybiralova AGE: 38 OCCUPATION: Business Manager NATIONALITY: Czech LEGS: The Southern Ocean Leg 3 and the Mighty North Pacific Leg 6 TEAM: Qingdao A first for the Clipper…

22 Apr 2017

48th anniversary of Sir Robin’s Golden Globe victory

In 1968, when 29 year-old Robin Knox-Johnston set off for the Sunday Times Golden Globe Race, striving to be the first person to sail single handed, nonstop around the world…

21 Apr 2017

‘Ain’t no mountain high enough’ for race skippers Unicef fundraising

In the words of Marvin Gaye and Tammi Terrell, there ‘Ain’t no mountain high enough’ for the Clipper Race’s Andy Burns, Chris Kobusch and Nikki Henderson as the three skippers…

20 Apr 2017

GREAT Britain announces Clipper 2017-18 Race team entry

The UK Government’s most ambitious marketing initiative, the GREAT Britain campaign, has today announced it will enter a team in the Clipper 2017-18 Race. The partnership was formally revealed in…

19 Apr 2017

One year on: Our Seattle journey

“I was eating dinner with my parents at a restaurant right on the marina when I heard a big round of applause,” says 25 year-old Nicole Stull from Seattle. “I…

17 Apr 2017

22 April: Calling all women! Join us at the Women’s Expo, Bristol

This week on Saturday 22 April, the Women’s Expo (WAExpo) in Bristol is taking to the water to talk all things adventure. The first travel and adventure exposition in the…

14 Apr 2017

​Meet the Clipper 2017-18 Race Crew: Shona Davies

NAME: Shona Davies AGE: 39 OCCUPATION: Medical website manager HOMETOWN: Cape Town, South Africa (now lives in London Colney, Hertfordshire, UK). LEGS: The Southern Ocean Leg 3, The All Australia…

13 Apr 2017

MAIB report published

The UK’s Marine Accident Investigation Branch (MAIB) has published its final report into the two fatal accidents which occurred in the Clipper 2015-16 Race, the first in our 20 year…

10 Apr 2017

Meet the Clipper 2017-18 Race Crew: Mick Pattni

NAME: Mick Pattni AGE: 35 OCCUPATION: Currency Trader HOME TOWN: Birmingham LEGS: Round the World TEAM: Team Gaëtan Meet round the world crew member, Mick Pattni. Mick was inspired to…

7 Apr 2017

Meet the Clipper 2017-18 Crew: Adam and Ian Cristol

NAME: Adam Cristol AGE: 31 OCCUPATION: world traveller NATIONALITY: UK LEGS: The Atlantic Trade Winds Leg 1 and The South Atlantic Leg 2 TEAM: Team Conall NAME: Ian Cristol AGE:…

5 Apr 2017


The famous big red Clipper Race dome will be taking up residence at the Royal Greenwich Tall Ships Festival from the 13-16 April 2017. Meet our intrepid alumni crew members…

5 Apr 2017

Unicef UK revealed as latest Clipper 2017-18 Race team

Today we can reveal that the world’s leading children’s charity, Unicef UK, has been gifted a team entry to take part in the Clipper Race once again. The cost of…

4 Apr 2017


Ocean Safety, the UK’s largest marine safety supplier, has renewed its Official Safety Supplier partnership with the Clipper Race for the third consecutive edition. Ocean Safety, part of the 3si…

4 Apr 2017

Meet Clipper 2017-18 Race Skipper Rob Graham

Already a familiar face to many, Rob Graham first became involved in the Clipper Race when his partner completed the full circumnavigation in the 2009-10 edition. Eight years on, it’s…

3 Apr 2017

Meet Clipper 2017-18 Race Skipper David Hartshorn

Looking at his qualifications and experience, many would be surprised to learn sailing is a second career for David Hartshorn. David, 52, was born and raised in Wales and spent…

31 Mar 2017

Meet Clipper 2017-18 Race Skipper Nikki Henderson

At 23, Nicola ‘Nikki’ Henderson, from Guildford is set to be the Clipper Race’s youngest ever skipper, by over a year, meaning she will take over the title from Alex…

30 Mar 2017

Meet Clipper 2017-18 Race Skipper Conall Morrison

After years of dreaming about it, Conall Morrison is finally about to embark on the adventure of a lifetime as a Clipper Race Skipper. The 35-year-old from Derry-Londonderry, in Northern…

29 Mar 2017

Meet the Clipper 2017-18 Race Crew: Stian Tønnesen

NAME: Stian Tønnesen AGE: 30 OCCUPATION: Grocery Store Manager NATIONALITY: Norway LEGS: full circumnavigation TEAM: Team Roy Stian Tønnesen’s dream of sailing around the world began when he was just…

29 Mar 2017

Meet Clipper 2017-18 Race Skipper Rick Powell

Rick Powell spent much of his childhood fiddling with broken motorbikes and garden machinery but the qualified engineer has turned his back on a career as a mechanic in favour…

28 Mar 2017

Seattle returns as Host Port and Team Partner

Seattle’s maritime history and adventurous spirit goes hand in hand with the Clipper Race and we are pleased to reveal that the American city will once again feature as a…

28 Mar 2017

Meet Clipper 2017-18 Race Skipper Chris Kobusch

Chris Kobusch, 32, from Herford, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany, started sailing a decade ago when he left school and moved to Cape Town, South Africa to work as a volunteer in…

26 Mar 2017

Happy Mother’s Day

Taking part in the Clipper Race is no small undertaking; each leg brings a mix of testing conditions that will see crew pit their physical and mental strength against the…

24 Mar 2017

Leadership Weekend: Skippers’ Climb to Success

Hiking through the hills in South Wales might not appear to be the most obvious training ground for a Clipper Race Skipper, but has again proved to be the perfect…

24 Mar 2017

Meet Clipper 2017-18 Race Skipper Gaëtan Thomas

This summer Gaëtan Thomas will make history as the first Belgian Skipper to lead a team around the world in the Clipper Race. The 29 year old from Brussels, Belgium,…

23 Mar 2017

Meet Clipper 2017-18 Race Skipper Wendy Tuck

For Wendy ‘Wendo’ Tuck, one race around the world was never going to be enough. And as a result, she’s set to make history in the Clipper 2017-18 Race as…

22 Mar 2017

Clipper 2015-16 Race Winner Wishes New Skippers Well

As our new Skippers begin their preparations for the Clipper 2017-18 Race, Olivier Cardin, winner of the last edition, offers his advice and recalls how it felt to be in…

22 Mar 2017

Meet Clipper 2017-18 Race Skipper Lance Shepherd

Lance Shepherd began sailing on Lake Windermere at the age of 14 with his local Scout group and has never looked back. For Lance, who has followed the Clipper Round…

21 Mar 2017

Meet Clipper 2017-18 Race Skipper Andy Burns

Andy Burns began sailing Toppers as a schoolboy on Covenham Reservoir in Lincolnshire. By the age of twelve, his passion for water sports and drive to succeed saw him set…

17 Mar 2017

Meet Clipper 2017-18 Race Skipper Roy Taylor

When it comes to offering original words of wisdom for the Clipper Race crew ahead of their ocean odyssey, Roy Taylor might just take first prize for his favourite saying:…

16 Mar 2017


With less than six months to go before the Clipper 2017-18 Race start, we are excited to introduce the ‘dynamic dozen’ who will guide the teams during the world’s largest…

14 Mar 2017

Second wave of experienced Crew Begin Clipper Race Coxswain Certificate Course

Following our first group of graduates successfully completing the Clipper Race Coxwain’s Certificate (CRCC) and enjoying a 100 per cent pass rate earlier this month, this week we welcome the…

14 Mar 2017

‘LegenDerry’ city Derry- Londonderry returns as Clipper 2017-18 Race Host Port

A firm favourite with Clipper Race crews and their supporters, we are excited to reveal that the ‘LegenDerry’ city of Derry-Londonderry, Northern Ireland, will once again feature as a Host…

13 Mar 2017

Meet the Clipper 2017-18 Race Crew: Seumas Kellock

NAME: Seumas Kellock AGE: 24 OCCUPATION: Activity holiday seasonaire, parcel sorter, waiter and bar staff. NATIONALITY: UK LEGS: Round the World TEAM: Unicef Seumas Kellock, a Scottish 24-year-old living in…

10 Mar 2017

Meet the 2017-18 Crew: Jane and Graham Coutts

NAME: Jane Coutts AGE: 65 OCCUPATION: Retired NATIONALITY: Australia LEGS: The Asia Pacific Leg 5 TEAM: Team Gaëten NAME: Graham Coutts AGE: 62 OCCUPATION: Development Consultant NATIONALITY: Australia LEGS: The…

9 Mar 2017


ClipperTelemed+ by PRAXES Medical , which specialises in providing health services in some of the most remote locations on the planet, has today announced an extension of its Medical Partnership…

8 Mar 2017

International Women’s Day 2017: Be Bold For Change

International Women’s Day is the global celebration of the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women. The day marks a call to action for increasing gender equality. Over a…

7 Mar 2017


The Clipper Race is without equal, a fierce blend of intense competition and stirring human endeavour, but the results don’t stop with its crew: this unique global event provides an…

6 Mar 2017

Clipper Race Alumni launches new water challenge

Clipper Race crew usually use the Clipper Race as a break from their everyday work, but alumni member Tom Salt is now turning his experiences in extreme endurance into a…

3 Mar 2017

World Wildlife Day: Listen to the Young Voices

There is so much more to the Clipper Race than sailing, and one of the major experiences the crew relish is seeing the majesty of the wildlife across the world’s…

1 Mar 2017

Chris Drummond’s Race Against Time

There are many inspirational people who take part in the Clipper Race, and one of them is 2015-16 crew member Chris Drummond. Chris, 63, from High Wycombe in Buckinghamshire, has…

24 Feb 2017

Clipper Race Coxswain Training Commences

We often tell the stories of the 40 per cent of crew who take on the Clipper Race with no previous sailing experience, but there are also many talented and…

21 Feb 2017

Meet the 2017-18 Crew: Greg Schey

NAME: Greg Schey AGE: 27 OCCUPATION: Doctor NATIONALITY: UK LEGS: Round the World TEAM: Qingdao “I’ve always wanted to sail around the world. Since I was knee high to a…

17 Feb 2017

Inspiring future ocean racers at the Telegraph Outdoor Adventure and Camping Show

Clipper Race alumni are at the Telegraph Outdoor Adventure Camping Show this week to share their unique Clipper Race experiences and inspire the next generation of ocean racers. As one…

14 Feb 2017

Sanya debuts as first time Host Port and Team Partner

Sanya, the energetic fast-developing holiday resort and sailing centre on Hainan Island in the south of China, has signed up as a first-time Host Port and Team Partner for the…

14 Feb 2017

For the Love of Sailing

They say never go back to your ex, but for a certain section of the Clipper 2017-18 Race crew, they just can’t stay away. There will be few familiar faces…

11 Feb 2017

Homecoming Celebrations for Former Clipper Race Skipper After Record Breaking Vendée Globe

Former Clipper Race skipper Alex Thomson received a hero’s welcome today when he returned to his hometown of Gosport after beating the British Vendée Globe record. Alex, who holds the…

10 Feb 2017

16-19 February: Join us at the Telegraph Outdoor Adventure and Camping Show

Looking to test yourself in the great outdoors and have a great day out in London? Then the Clipper Race stand at the Telegraph Outdoor Adventure and Camping Show is…

8 Feb 2017

Clipper Connect celebrates 1,000th member

Less than two years since it was formed, Clipper Connect , the business networking group for former Clipper Race crew and partners, is celebrating its 1,000 th member joining. Clipper…

6 Feb 2017

Happy Waitangi Day!

Kia ora and happy Waitangi Day! The Clipper Race has always been warmly embraced by New Zealanders, and after seeing race after race, how well our many Kiwi crew handle…

3 Feb 2017

Wendy Tuck Re-joins Clipper Race Australia

We are very pleased to welcome back former skipper Wendy ‘Wendo’ Tuck to the Clipper Race family, after being appointed to the role of Chief Instructor and Principal of our…

3 Feb 2017

Safety First

Ocean racing is at the mercy of the elements and these can include extreme weather consisting of high winds and big seas, posing a risk of potential damage to yachts…

30 Jan 2017

Congratulations Daniel!

The boating community from around Scotland gathered on Saturday evening at the Glasgow Science Centre as RYA Scotland recognised the achievements and outstanding commitment of Scotland’s volunteers, coaches, instructors, officials,…

25 Jan 2017

Happy ‘Straya Day!

The Clipper 2017-18 Race will be the seventh edition featuring Australia, with the race previously visiting eight different ports around the country. And it’s no wonder why we keep coming…

23 Jan 2017

Crew show support for every child in danger with Unicef

“I have chosen Unicef as my principle charity. Its cause for children around the world is particularly relevant at the moment given the wars and trauma kids are being caught…

20 Jan 2017

Former Clipper Race Skipper Equals British Record in Vendee Globe

The youngest skipper to win the Clipper Race, Alex Thomson, has finished in second place after a thrilling fight to the finish to the Vendee Globe. Alex crossed the finish…

19 Jan 2017

Qingdao Ambassadors Selected After Trial in China

Following a tough selection trial, we are proud to welcome the crew members who will represent Qingdao, China’s ‘Sailing City’, in the Clipper 2017-18 Race. Qingdao has a rich history…

18 Jan 2017

Former Clipper Race Skipper Chasing Vendee Globe Glory

After more than 70 days, the Vendee Globe is set for an epic finish, with the youngest skipper to win the Clipper Race, Alex Thomson, closing in on the lead…

16 Jan 2017

Meet the 2017-18 Crew: Samantha Harper

NAME: Samantha Harper AGE: 36 OCCUPATION: Doctor NATIONALITY: Canada LEGS: full circumnavigation TEAM: Team Rick There are many reasons why people want to do the Clipper Race, with adventure high…

15 Jan 2017

Excitement builds at Crew Brief Day

There was plenty of excitement as hundreds of Clipper 2017-18 Race crew members came together for the first time at the Crew Briefing. More than 200 crew, along with their…

12 Jan 2017

Meet Ruth – our new Crew Supporters Coordinator

There’s no doubt the Clipper Race is one big family of adventurers, and what makes the experience extra special is the support of the crew members’ own families, friends and…

11 Jan 2017

Race Receives Royal Stamp of Approval at London Boat Show

It’s a day to remember for our adventurous crew as the Princess Royal joined visitors and exhibitors alike at the London Boat Show, ExCeL today. Her Royal Highness met with…

10 Jan 2017

Clipper Race Crewman Clinches Top Award

An extraordinary act of bravery and seamanship has resulted in Clipper 2015-16 Race crew member Gavin Reid being named as the 2016 YJA Yachtsman of the Year. The 28-year-old…

9 Jan 2017

Elliot Brown Unveils Clipper 2017-18 Race Watch

It's time to reveal the Clipper 2017-18 Race limited edition watch! To mark its extended partnership as Official Timekeeper of the Clipper Round the World Yacht Race, UK watchmakers Elliot…

6 Jan 2017

Marlow Ropes Ties Up Deal For a Sixteenth Year With The Clipper Race

There will be no need to show Marlow the ropes for the Clipper 2017-18 Race, as the UK based global manufacturer is signing on for the eighth time as our…

5 Jan 2017

Hyde Sails to Power Clipper 2017-18 Round The World Yacht Race

One of the world’s largest volume sail producers, Hyde Sails, will once again be powering the Clipper Race fleet, after signing on as the Official Sail Partner for the 2017-18…

5 Jan 2017

6 -15 January: Join us at the London Boat Show!

Looking for the ultimate experience for 2017? Join us at the London Boat Show, ExCeL Centre, starting this week and running between January 6 – 15, and meet our intrepid…

4 Jan 2017

Marine Travel Extends Partnership with World’s Largest Ocean Race

Moving some 700 crew members, from more than 40 countries, to six different continents across eleven months, in timing with the race schedule, is a task that requires expert handling.…

31 Dec 2016

New Year, New Challenge: Meet Laura Kearley

NAME: Laura Kearley AGE: 27 OCCUPATION: Teacher NATIONALITY: Australia LEGS: The Asia Pacific Leg 5, The Mighty Pacific Leg 6, The USA Coast-To-Coast Leg 7, and The Atlantic Homecoming Leg…

23 Dec 2016

Meet the Crew: Catherine North

NAME: Catherine North AGE: 53 OCCUPATION: Payroll Specialist NATIONALITY: American / Australian LEGS: Full circumnavigation TEAM: Sanya Serenity Coast The Clipper Race is one of the world’s most unique adventures.…

23 Dec 2016

Sydney Hobart Race Success - Twelve Months On

Not many sailors know the treacherous 630 nautical mile Rolex Sydney Hobart Yacht Race like Sydney sider Wendy ‘Wendo’ Tuck, who will embark on her 10 th blue water classic…

23 Dec 2016

Clipper Events team ready to take on Rolex Sydney Hobart Yacht Race 2016

For many of us Boxing Day brings the enjoyment of turkey leftovers and shopping sales but for almost one hundred entries, including Clipper Events’ CV5 , it brings one of…

22 Dec 2016

Celebrating Clipper Race to start a New Year of adventure with Official Wine Partner Stormhoek

Following its successful partnership in the Clipper 2015-16 Race, South African wine brand Stormhoek will celebrate a New Year of adventure as Official Wine Partner for the 2017-18 edition. Based…

22 Dec 2016

Dan Smith appointed as new Deputy Race Director

The Clipper Race office is pleased to reveal it has appointed former Skipper Dan Smith as Deputy Race Director following his performance in the 2015-16 race. Dan, 36, from West…

21 Dec 2016

Office with a view – Meet the Clipper Race riggers

For most people an office with a view comes complete with comfy chair, desk, plus walls and windows to protect from the elements, however for Clipper Race riggers Alex Dower…

19 Dec 2016

Dan Smith shortlisted for Scottish Performance Award

Daniel Smith, Derry~Londonderry~Doire Skipper, has been shortlisted for the prestigious Performance of the Year award at the RYA Scotland Annual Awards following his team’s second place finish. On his nomination,…

16 Dec 2016

Swiss Sailing Awards recognition for Clipper Race circumnavigator

More than four months since LMAX Exchange was crowned the overall winner of the Clipper 2015-16 Race, the team continues to celebrate its success and hard work with skipper, Olivier…

15 Dec 2016

Race of Their Lives 2 – out now on DVD!

Have you ever wondered what it’s like to race the world’s oceans? Well now you can relive all the action of the last race as our highly anticipated TV series…

12 Dec 2016

Meet Race Director Mark Light

Developing and overseeing a year-long 40,000 nautical mile race across six continents is a task few would take on. More still would put down their hands when you throw in…

9 Dec 2016

Meet the 2017-18 Crew: Daniel Clifton

Growing up in the country in Forbes, NSW, Australia, Computer Operator Daniel Clifton never dreamed he would one day be a part of the Clipper Race. “I think the closest…

8 Dec 2016

From tackling the world’s oceans to tackling illiteracy in Africa

Twenty-two-year-old Mency Madolo could never have imagined she would be stepping onto a 70-foot yacht to sail from San Francisco to New York as part of the crew for the…

6 Dec 2016

Olivier Cardin given special honour at French Sailing Awards

Clipper 2015-16 Race winning skipper Olivier Cardin was recognised with a special award at last night’s French Sailing Federation’s flagship award ceremony, the Soiree des Champions. The awards, held in…

30 Nov 2016

Meet the 2017-18 Crew: Mike Kidwell

“It’s nine months before the start of the race so I suppose it’s not dissimilar to waiting for a baby – both can be wet, cold and miserable, but equally…

28 Nov 2016


Mark Light, 45, has been appointed as the new Race Director of the Clipper Race. An experienced sailor with many ocean crossings and over 120,000 nautical miles to his name,…

25 Nov 2016

Qingdao Ambassador Selection Underway

Qingdao’s search for Chinese crew members to participate in the Clipper 2017-18 Race is officially underway, with selection trials set to take place in January 2017. The call for applicants…

22 Nov 2016

Could this be you?

The Clipper Race is a diverse family of adventurers that’s for sure, and no two races are ever the same as our crew, made up of people from all walks…

18 Nov 2016

Meet the 2017-18 race crew: Jeremy Hilton

The Clipper Race is an infectious affair, there is no doubt about it. If you’ve had a brother, sister, parent, friend or work colleague take part in a previous edition,…

15 Nov 2016

Sta-Lok to kit out Clipper 70s as Official Standing Rigging Partner

Today we are pleased to announce that Sta-Lok will debut as the first Official Standing Rigging Partner for the 2017-18 edition race. The highly accredited manufacturer supplies everything from wire…

14 Nov 2016

Meet the 2017-18 Race Crew: Dina Stolcere

Our crew members come from all walks of life with a variety of previous sailing experience. From having never stepping on board a boat before signing up, to being competitive…

7 Nov 2016

Will crosses fundraising start line for Unicef

At the Clipper Race we love a challenge, especially when it is for a good cause. Following our partnership with Unicef during the Clipper 2015-16 Race, which to date has…

4 Nov 2016

Join us at the Geneva Boat Show: 11-13 November

“I fulfilled a dream and it was awesome,” says Swiss circumnavigating crew member Dominique Hausser as he reflects on his Clipper Race adventure. Next week, Dominique will be among 25…

2 Nov 2016


China’s ‘Sailing City’ Qingdao has today confirmed it will continue as a Host Port and Team Partner with a Qingdao yacht entry to the end of 2020 to incorporate the…

31 Oct 2016

Meet the 2017-18 Race Crew - Andy Sutherland

“I live in Johannesburg so I am not really a sailor at all, this is a stepping stone in the right direction,” says 2017-18 race crew member, Andy Sutherland who…

27 Oct 2016

Changing lives through sailing

The race experience itself is a test, but what difference does it make when you get home? Over the last 20 years the Clipper Race and our crew have worked…

25 Oct 2016

​Gavin Reid ‘honoured’ with nomination for prestigious YJA Yachtsman of the Year Awards

Mission Performance round the world crew member Gavin Reid, 28, has been shortlisted alongside world leading sailors for the industry renowned 2016 YJA (Yachting Journalists' Association) Yachtsman of the…

20 Oct 2016

Winning Skipper Brendan Hall on Team Spirit

Brendan Hall led the Spirit of Australia crew to overall victory in the Clipper 2009-10 Race, when aged 28. It was the second of three times the trophy has gone…

19 Oct 2016

“They all thought I was mad”: Wendy Bird on joining Clipper ‘96

“Because the Clipper Race was new, no one had heard of it and they all thought I was mad!” Wendy Bird was one of the first people to sign up…

18 Oct 2016

​Inspiration Expedition: Sir Chris Bonington’s 40 year friendship with Sir Robin

British mountaineer extraordinaire Sir Chris Bonington reflects on his friendship with Sir Robin Knox-Johnston and the expedition that inspired the Clipper Race more than twenty years ago. Sir Chris, who…

17 Oct 2016

20th Anniversary Ball Raises Unicef fundraising Total to £330,000

The familiar Clipper Race sailing attire was swapped for dinner jackets, bow ties and glamourous dresses this weekend in the sublime setting of the Great Room in the Grosvenor House…

14 Oct 2016

Clipper Race 20th Anniversary Ball: Sailing Stars line up to offer congratulations

This week we are celebrating 20 years since the first Clipper Race set sail and opened up the challenge of ocean racing to everyday people seeking a global adventure. On…

14 Oct 2016

20th Anniversary Ball – the finer details

On Saturday 15 October we are celebrating twenty years of the Clipper Round the World Yacht Race. Like the race itself, Saturday night promises to be one to remember as…

12 Oct 2016

From the World’s Waters to Waterloo Station

Commuters across the UK will be coming face to face with Clipper 2015-16 Race crew at over 600 London Underground and national railway stations over the coming fortnight following the…

10 Oct 2016

Race generations unite at Red Socks Regatta

Former Clipper Race crew returned to our Gosport HQ over the weekend to compete in the seventh annual Red Socks Regatta, organised by the Clipper Race Yacht Club (CRYC), with…

7 Oct 2016

Back to the start: Ras reflects on Clipper ‘96 win

This time twenty years ago, the inaugural Clipper Race teams were making final preparations to race around the world. The fleet of eight 60 foot yachts took eleven months to…

6 Oct 2016

Get Voting!

The Clipper Race website has been nominated for Best Sports Website of the Year in the MetrixLab Awards 2016 and it’s up to you to vote. The website has been…

4 Oct 2016

Skipper Trials underway for 2017-18

“A potential Race Skipper who doesn’t feel nervous stepping on board a Clipper 70 for their trial doesn’t know what they’re in for!” The words of one of the twelve…

29 Sep 2016


We’re pleased to announce a three year partnership with the prestigious Yacht Racing Forum, the leading annual conference for the business of sailing and yacht racing. The Yacht Racing Forum…

28 Sep 2016

Clipper 70 fleet makeover begins

After clocking up an average of 41,000 miles each during their tenth edition race circumnavigation, the Maintenance Team at Race HQ is now hard at work to refit the Clipper…

26 Sep 2016

One Year On: Flying the Flag for East Timor

Over a year ago in Gosport we met Alex Couto, 40, from Lisbon, Portugal, who had just finished his Level 4 training and was preparing to race in the opening…

23 Sep 2016

Global Partnerships

While the Clipper Race helps people achieve something remarkable by becoming an ocean racer, this is only one dimension of what we do; there is so much more that happens…

22 Sep 2016

Clipper 2017-18 Race Crew Catch Up: Meet Rose Todd

“It is the knocks you get in the process of living that make you the person you are – that and determination I think in my case!” says Rose Todd,…

15 Sep 2016

1 month to 20th Anniversary Ball: Meet Cath Roberts

Today marks the one month countdown to our 20th Anniversary Ball , which takes place on 15 October at the Grosvenor House Hotel’s Grand Ballroom, in aid of Unicef. With…

14 Sep 2016

Coppercoat makes debut as Official Antifoul Supplier

Today we are pleased to announce that Coppercoat will be the Official Antifoul Supplier for the 2017-18 race. This is the first time the specialist provider of long-lasting antifoul has…

12 Sep 2016

Race of Their Lives 2 aired on Sky Sports

The Race of Their Lives 2, the documentary series following the Clipper 2015-16 Race will air on Sky Sports 5 in the UK from Monday 12 September at 2100 BST…

12 Sep 2016

Meet the 2017-18 race crew – Richard and Mike Petrie

The 2015-16 edition of the race may have only just ended, meaning almost twelve months until the 2017-18 race gets underway but crew training is already in full swing. 455…

9 Sep 2016

A Boat of His Own: Suhaili relaunched

For the past three years, whilst not travelling the world fulfilling his hands on role as Clipper Race Chairman, Sir Robin Knox-Johnston has spent the bulk of his waking hours…

7 Sep 2016

One Month Later: Mia Hartwell Blog

Over a month has now passed since the end of the Clipper 2015-16 Race. For some that will feel like a lifetime ago, and for others mere moments. While armchair…

5 Sep 2016

Meet the Team – Emily Bambridge

With the 2016 sailing calendar in full swing, we welcome the friendly face of Emily Bambridge to the team to assist with the Clipper Events sailing days and regattas this…

1 Sep 2016

THROWBACK THURSDAY: ‘Mermeritus: A new disease and case studies’

As we edge ever closer to the 20 th anniversary celebrations on 15 October in London, we will be sharing memories from the last twenty years of the Clipper Race.…

31 Aug 2016

Calling all Adventurers Down Under: Crew Recruitment Tour

Over the next couple of weeks Della Parsons, our Crew Recruitment Manager and circumnavigator extraordinaire, is touring Australia and New Zealand searching for the next generation of adventurers to take…

30 Aug 2016

This day last year…

Around St Katharine Docks, the air was full of nervous energy and a sense of anticipation as the Clipper 2015-16 Race crew said goodbye to the thousands of well-wishers that…

26 Aug 2016

Crew Catch Up - Meet Dhruv Boruah

After crew members have completed their global ocean adventure, some go back to their previous lives and occupations, some decide on a future in the marine industry, some take time…

25 Aug 2016

Life Behind the Lens: The Clipper Race Cameraman

If you follow the Clipper Race you will likely have watched some of the YouTube videos or seen episodes of the recently award winning race documentary Race of Their Lives…

24 Aug 2016

Elliot Brown watch passes toughest test on Clipper Race

In July last year the Clipper 2015-16 Round the World Yacht Race’s Official Timekeeper, Elliot Brown, mounted a watch to the mast of one of our Clipper 70s. Incredibly after…

23 Aug 2016

LMAX Exchange Clipper 2015-16 Race Highlights

The time is here, we’ve recapped eleven team highlights so today we celebrate the Clipper 2015-16 Race winners - LMAX Exchange. Led by our first ever French Skipper Olivier Cardin,…

22 Aug 2016

Derry~Londonderry~Doire Clipper 2015-16 Race Highlights

“Powered by fairy dust, crewed by legends” is the tag line on the stern of Derry~Londonderry~Doire which finished as runner up in the Clipper 2015-16 Race, a mere four points…

19 Aug 2016

The Clipper Race turns 20!

Throughout the race, tales of Clipper Race crew celebrating their birthdays on board filter back and they are always a special occasion, likely to remain a completely unique event in…

19 Aug 2016

GREAT Britain Clipper 2015-16 Race Highlights

After nine days of team highlights, we now reach the final three podium winning teams. Today it is third overall placed GREAT Britain’s recap moment. (The team pictured outside Number…

18 Aug 2016

​Garmin Clipper 2015-16 Race Highlights

Intense rivalry, podium places and near misses sum up Garmin’s circumnavigation from a racing perspective, but there was much more to the team which claimed fourth place as the ‘Garminions’…

17 Aug 2016

Qingdao Clipper 2015-16 Race Highlights

From a home port arrival ceremony in which they were treated like superstars, to claiming two podium places and finishing with Qingdao’s highest ever position in the city’s six race…

16 Aug 2016


Our international television series The Race of Their Lives 2 has picked up a prestigious award as ‘Best Documentary Series-UK’ in the industry TMT Media Awards 2016 announced today. The…

16 Aug 2016

Mission Performance Clipper 2015-16 Race Highlights

Today we move into the top half of the table where Mission Performance finished a solid sixth in the overall rankings with a total of 78 points. Naming themselves the…

15 Aug 2016

Da Nang - Viet Nam Clipper 2015-16 Race Highlights

We start our second week of highlights with Da Nang – Viet Nam , the first time entry for the Vietnamese coastal city. Wendy Tuck, the Clipper Race’s first female…

12 Aug 2016

Visit Seattle Clipper 2015-16 Race Highlights

It's seems appropriate that the team highlights we are posting today are those of Visit Seattle , the crew that always brought the 'Friday feeling' to port. Under Skipper Huw…

11 Aug 2016

ClipperTelemed+ Clipper 2015-16 Race Highlights

The fourth team we are profiling this week is ClipperTelemed+, which finished ninth in Clipper 2015-16 Race. Under Skipper Matt Mitchell, a two-time Race Skipper, ClipperTelemed+ found its form in…

10 Aug 2016

Unicef Clipper 2015-16 Race Highlights

After almost eight months of racing around the world, the Unicef team came into its own when crossing the biggest and arguably toughest ocean on the planet, the North Pacific.…

9 Aug 2016

IchorCoal Clipper 2015-16 Race Highlights

On day two of showcasing each Clipper Race team’s highlights we feature IchorCoal. The strength of spirit and sense of togetherness displayed by the IchorCoal crew throughout the Clipper 2015-16…

8 Aug 2016

PSP Logistics Clipper 2015-16 Race Highlights

As Clipper Race crew adjust back to life on land, the memories and achievements of the past eleven months are far from forgotten. Over the next two weeks we will…

5 Aug 2016

Ross Ham: First Double Circumnavigator in Clipper Race History

The conclusion of the Clipper 2015-16 Race enrolled 106 crew members into our exclusive circumnavigator club, but not content with this achievement on its own, Australian crew member Ross Ham,…

3 Aug 2016

​Derek Hatfield: Loss of Canadian Legend

Over the weekend the sailing world learnt of the unfortunate passing of Canadian sailor, Derek Hatfield. Sir Robin Knox-Johnston and all at Clipper Ventures would like to send their condolences…

3 Aug 2016

Clipper 70 fleet returns to Gosport

More than eleven months since departing the Clipper Race HQ Gosport, the Clipper 70s have returned to the marina where the adventure started for many of the crew last August.…

1 Aug 2016

Round the World Crew Celebrate Circumnavigation

On Saturday, 103 members of our Clipper 2015-16 Race crew joined an elite club of people who have sailed around the world when they returned to London after their 41,135…

31 Jul 2016


Following the spectacular scenes of the Clipper 2015-16 Race Finish celebrations in London, the Race Village remains in full swing today and opportunities to tour a Clipper 70 yacht will…

30 Jul 2016

Clipper Race prizes awarded at London ceremony

The Clipper 2015-16 Race prizes have been awarded at a ceremony in St Katharine Docks following the conclusion of the global series in London. First, the pennants were awarded for…

30 Jul 2016

Clipper Race fleet performs Parade of Sail on River Thames

The Clipper Race fleet has performed a colourful Parade of Sail on the River Thames in London this morning after completing Race 14 and the full 40,000 nautical mile circumnavigation…

29 Jul 2016

​LMAX Exchange confirmed as winner of the Clipper 2015-16 Race title

LMAX Exchange, Skippered by Frenchman Olivier Cardin, is confirmed tonight as winner of the tenth edition of the Clipper Race. The team’s victory comes despite finishing the final race of…

29 Jul 2016


Update @ 1900 BST: Good news for Linda. She has been discharged from the hospital with a sprained shoulder. The Dr has cleared her to return for the final parade…

29 Jul 2016

Clipper Race trophy revamped for 20th year

All teams completing the Clipper 2015-16 Race will proudly take to the stage at the London Race Finish this Saturday, aware they have achieved a feat that very few people…

29 Jul 2016

​Race 14 Day 1: Constant trimming, little sleep in final battle for points and positions

A tight battle in the final denouement of the circumnavigation is playing out across the fleet, with constant trimming and little sleep in the North Sea. After a downwind start…

29 Jul 2016

Clipper Race finale this weekend in London

As the Clipper Race fleet prepares to race the final miles of its eleven month-long adventure, preparations for the London’s St Katharine Docks celebrations on Saturday 30 July are well…

28 Jul 2016

Finale of Clipper Race starts in The Netherlands

The finale of the Clipper Race, Race 14 to London, has started from Den Helder in The Netherlands. After a Departure Ceremony from Willemsoord Marina and a Parade of Sail…

28 Jul 2016

Race 14, Den Helder to London, starts today

The final race of the global circumnavigation series, Race 14 from Den Helder to London, starts today in The Netherlands. It’s going to be one of the most nail-biting yet…

26 Jul 2016

Last chance to win Stormhoek Social Spirit Award

In two days’ time the 14th and final stage of the Clipper 2015-16 Race gets underway from Den Helder to London with all positions still to be decided in the…

25 Jul 2016

Crew catch up: Jan Van de Laar

Sailing into The Netherlands on the penultimate race of the series in first place was a very special moment for Dutch round the world crew member Jan Van de Laar.…

24 Jul 2016

Race 13 prizes awarded in Den Helder

The prizes have been awarded for Race 13, the Den Helder Northern Seas Challenge, at a ceremony at Willemsoord Marina in The Netherlands. The three podium teams took to the…

23 Jul 2016

​Clipper Race Supporters Club: Meet Sue and Phil Ball

Sue Ball is a circumnavigator on PSP Logistics , and as if sailing round the world wasn’t a big enough challenge in itself she also took on the role of…

22 Jul 2016

Den Helder Race 13 arrivals complete

As Visit Seattle, PSP Logistics and Da Nang – Viet Nam celebrated their podium finishes in Race 13, the Den Helder Northern Seas Challenge, arrivals are now complete following the…

22 Jul 2016

Visit Seattle wins Race 13, the Den Helder Northern Seas Challenge

The Visit Seattle team has crossed the Race 13 finish line, achieving its first overall race win and second podium of the series. The team crossed the finish line off…

21 Jul 2016

Race 13 Day 4: Teams vie for vital positions as westerlies power them towards finish line

Tensions are mounting across the fleet in this penultimate race with every team knowing that positions into Den Helder could prove pivotal in the final race standings. Until this morning…

21 Jul 2016

​Race 12 Penalty Points

Given the intense battle for final positions as we approach the Clipper 2015-16 Race Finish in London on 30 July, the penalty points for Leg 8 are being allocated on…

21 Jul 2016

ETAs into Den Helder

Every position in the Den Helder Northern Seas Challenge is still up for grabs with the fleet tightly bunched heading for the finish line. Click here for the schedule of…

20 Jul 2016

Race 13 Day 3: Squalls, lightning and a lot of pressure

The fleet is contending with squalls, lightning and navigating the North Sea oil rigs, and with the lead changing multiple times in the last 24 hours, the pressure is intense.…

20 Jul 2016

22-24 July: Join us at America’s Cup World Series, Portsmouth

With a week to go until the Clipper Race fleet and its non-professional crew complete its circumnavigation of the world, we are at the Louis Vuitton America’s Cup World Series…

19 Jul 2016

Henri Lloyd Seamanship Award Shortlist Announced

The shortlist of eight nominees for the Henri Lloyd Seamanship Award is now in and race fans are encouraged to register their support and ‘Like’ their favourite candidate on the…

19 Jul 2016

Race 13 Day 2: Overhauling, foul tides and mixed fortunes

Light, patchy winds and the strong tidal conditions north of Scotland are testing nerves and patience as the teams battle to clear notorious Pentland Firth and make it out into…

18 Jul 2016

​Race 13 Day 1: Tight racing with all to play for

Day 1 of the Den Helder Northern Seas Challenge and racing is extremely tight, with positions changing regularly as the teams focus on constant trimming off the Hebrides. Race 13…

17 Jul 2016

Race 13: The Den Helder Northern Seas Challenge Starts

The Clipper Race teams have started Race 13: The Den Helder Northern Seas Challenge, knowing all is still to fight for in the battle for the overall podium. With a…

17 Jul 2016

Clipper Race departs Derry-Londonderry

Following an action-packed ten day stopover in Derry-Londonderry, the Clipper Race crew has departed the Foyle Marina for their penultimate challenge - Race 13: The Den Helder Northern Seas Challenge,…

16 Jul 2016

Live Stream: The Voyage of Sunniva

The River Foyle will be transformed into a magical, mythical stage tonight as the Clipper Race fleet takes the lead role in the theatrical finale to the Foyle Maritime Festival…

15 Jul 2016

​Preview: Race 13, the Den Helder Northern Seas Challenge starts tomorrow

The Clipper Race fleet is preparing for the penultimate race of the series, Race 13, the Den Helder Northern Seas Challenge from Derry-Londonderry, Northern Ireland to Den Helder, the Netherlands.…

15 Jul 2016

Jean-Christophe Novelli Cooks up a Storm at Clipper Race Kitchens

Waves the size of houses and hurricane force winds make the Clipper Race one of the toughest endurance challenges on the planet, but for some crew it’s life below deck,…

15 Jul 2016

​Like mother like daughter: Meet the Crockers

It’s not every day that you race against your family, but for mother and daughter duo Linda and Sophie Crocker, the past 10 months have been extremely competitive as they…

13 Jul 2016

City provides LegenDerry reception at Race 12 Prize-Giving event

Derry-Londonderry’s Guildhall Square turned purple tonight as city residents came out to support the LegenDerry Finale Prize Giving. From the Playhouse, the Clipper Race crew created a rainbow in their…

13 Jul 2016

Get on board our open boats in Derry-Londonderry

Join us today at Foyle Marina and step on board the Clipper 70 yachts to receive a free personal yacht tour from crew members who have competed in this unique…

13 Jul 2016

Meet the crew: Pippa Moore

Nineteen years in the making, Da Nang – Viet Nam crew member, Pippa Moore has accomplished her lifetime dream of crossing an ocean and she has done it in style…

12 Jul 2016

LegenDerry Skipper Trio United

With the Clipper Race back in Derry-Londonderry for the final edition of its race partnership, we found a moment to unite the three Skippers who have taken the city’s team…

11 Jul 2016


It was one of the most nail-biting challenges of the entire Clipper 2015-16 Race as Derry~Londonderry~Doire fought to hold off LMAX Exchange for a home win into Northern Ireland in…

11 Jul 2016

Crew Catch Up – Han Kim

The 700 crew competing in the Clipper 2015-16 Race represent 44 nationalities, including just one South Korean. Han Kim is the first person from his country to sail around the…

10 Jul 2016

Visitors flock to the 2016 Foyle Maritime Festival on opening weekend

Thousands of people have been descending on the banks of the River Foyle to mark the opening of the Foyle Maritime Festival which runs until 17 July, with the colourful…

9 Jul 2016

“I’ve found me again.” Meet Derry Londonderry resident/crew member Sinead Diver

Name: Sinead Diver Home: Culmore Point, Derry-Londonderry Age: 33 Occupation: Call Centre Associate Team: Derry~Londonderry~Doire, Leg 8 Sinead (pictured in main image being greeted by the Mayor of Derry in…

8 Jul 2016

Remaining team arrivals complete Race 12: The Legenderry Finale

With seven teams already in port, the remaining five teams have arrived this morning to complete the fleet at Foyle Marina, Derry Londonderry. IchorCoal arrived in just after 0200 after…

8 Jul 2016

ETAs into Derry-Londonderry

The Clipper Race fleet is closing in on Derry-Londonderry ahead of the start of the Foyle Maritime Festival. The finish line to the LegenDerry Finale is approximately a 3 hour…

7 Jul 2016

​Race 12 Day 17: Low pressure system for teams in closing stages

A low pressure system delivering lots of squalls is over the teams still at sea and headed south east towards Northern Ireland having cleared the Rockall mark of the course.…

7 Jul 2016

Second day of arrivals into Derry-Londonderry

Sixth place Garmin arrived into Foyle Marina this morning to sunny skies, waiting crowds, and cheers, after the team crossed the Race 12 LegendDerry Finale finish line at 0411 UTC…

6 Jul 2016

LMAX Exchange wins the LegenDerry Finale

LMAX Exchange has claimed its sixth victory of the Clipper 2015-16 Race by winning Race 12, the LegenDerry Finale. At 1043 UTC, Skipper Olivier Cardin and his crew crossed the…

6 Jul 2016

​Race 12 Day 16: LMAX Exchange on course for sixth overall race win

LMAX Exchange is on course for victory today after a fierce battle with Derry~Londonderry~Doire overnight, with positions changing often before the overall race leader managed to squeeze a two nautical…

5 Jul 2016

Race 12 Day 15: Can Derry~Londonderry~ Doire hold on for a home port victory?

With 175 nautical miles remaining in the LegenDerry Finale, Derry~Londonderry~Doire is leading the race to its home port once again, but with only 7.5NM between the front three teams as…

4 Jul 2016

“I have learnt a lot about responsibility”

After ten months of anticipation and having never sailed before training for the race, South Africans Siphamandla ‘Superman’ Ngcobo (23) and Sakhile ‘King’ Makhanya (22) are now racing more than…

4 Jul 2016

Race 12 Day 14: Frustrations kick in with easing winds

After setting a blistering pace across the Atlantic, some of the teams in the LegenDerry Finale have found themselves all but grind to a halt in the light winds off…

3 Jul 2016

Race 12 Day 13: Teams toy with tactics around Tory Island

Rounding Tory Island is causing a conundrum for the Clipper Race teams as changeable winds lead to a variation in tactics which, after the first three boats, is already mixing…

3 Jul 2016

UPDATE: Race 12 Course Extension

UPDATE 2230UTC SUNDAY 3 JULY 2016 Due to planned missile firing tests by the Navy the mark at St Kilda has been removed and a new one inserted at Rathlin…

2 Jul 2016

Race 12 Day 12: Weather getting complicated in closing stages

After blasting across the North Atlantic in Race 12, The LegenDerry Finale, the weather forecasting is getting a little ‘complicated’ according to Clipper Race and Great Britain Olympic Sailing Team…

2 Jul 2016

Clipper Events at the start line of Round the Island Race 2016

Dubbed as sailing’s answer to the London Marathon, today sister company Clipper Events will line up to cross the start of the annual Round the Island Race 2016 against 1533…

1 Jul 2016

Race 12 Day 11: Derry~Londonderry~ Doire leads Ocean Sprint to home port

In the last 24 hours, seven teams have completed the Ocean Sprint course in the LegenDerry Finale, in a bid to pick up the final bonus points on offer in…

30 Jun 2016

Party Time for Team with Most Social Spirit

With three races left to complete it means there are three more chances for teams to win the Stormhoek Social Spirit Award and our Official Wine Partner is offering a…

30 Jun 2016

​Race 12 Day 10:  Teams enjoy strong westerlies at start of Ocean Sprint

The fleet is enjoying strong westerly winds of 15 to 20 knots as it heads east in the North Atlantic Ocean on day 10 of The LegenDerry Finale to Derry-Londonderry.…

30 Jun 2016

Unicef in Ireland and the UK: giving young people a voice

After 11 months racing the world’s oceans, the concluding finish line is in sight and a glorious homecoming awaits for the race’s intrepid crew. During its 40,000 nautical mile journey,…

29 Jun 2016

​Race 12 Day 9: Brakes off as westerly propels fleet forward

A strong westerly served up by the Azores High is propelling the yachts forward after a frustrating few days of light airs from the same high in the North Atlantic…

28 Jun 2016

Race 12 day 8: Mixed fortunes for fleet as Atlantic High causes pain

The frontrunners have managed to escape the grasp of the light winds associated with the ridge of the Azores High, but the back of the fleet is still suffering in…

27 Jun 2016

Race 12 Day 7: Will there be a successful North Atlantic High Escape Artist?

A wind hole at the centre of the North Atlantic High could engulf the fleet today, with weather reports and tactics being analysed carefully on day 7 of The LegendDerry…

26 Jun 2016

Race 12 Day 6: Teams battle for speed as they turn north towards Derry-Londonderry

The brakes have been put on the rollercoaster ride for now after the teams made the turn north around the Ice Box perimeter and now find themselves caught in the…

25 Jun 2016

​Race 12 Day 5: Could blistering progress slow as fleet prepares to head north?

It has been another fantastic day’s progress in the North Atlantic. 30 knots of wind from the south-southwest, sun, and current has seen teams blast reaching and reporting record runs…

24 Jun 2016

Race 12 Day 4: Split fortunes as Atlantic storm divides fleet

A dramatic Atlantic storm stalled progress for some teams yesterday, widening the margin between the front and back of the fleet, and it is the boats to the south which…

23 Jun 2016

IchorCoal diverting to Halifax, Canada

Update: 24/06/2016 Deputy Race Director Mark Light has just provided the following update: "We can confirm that the helicopter medevac of Chris Drummond has been successful and completed at 0914UTC…

23 Jun 2016

Youth worker sailing home retraces route of ancestors

Among those crew sailing home to Derry-Londonderry after a long wait for the Atlantic Homecoming Leg to start from New York is 40 year old Danny Bryce. Having dedicated his…

23 Jun 2016

Race 12 Day 3: Gulf Stream rodeo delivers more exhilarating progress for fleet

It has been another thrilling day in the Atlantic as 30 to 50 knot winds, plus an added push from the Gulf Stream, create truly exhilarating sailing conditions, epic surfs…

22 Jun 2016

Crew Catchup: Meet St Katharine Docks Neighbours and Teammates Tom and Marta

As the teams compete in this final, Atlantic Homecoming Leg of the race, some crew be headed a little closer to home than others. Once back in London, many will…

22 Jun 2016

Race 12 Day 2: Atlantic Ocean delivers baptism of fire as wind shift provides challenge

The luxury of New York is now a fading memory after a wind shift in the Atlantic Ocean delivered an early challenge for the Clipper Race fleet. Team focus and…

21 Jun 2016

Race 12 Day 1: Drag race start for final ocean crossing of series

The Atlantic Homecoming Leg is underway and after the first twelve hours, just 5 nautical miles currently separate the first eleven teams in the Clipper 2015-16 Race’s final ocean crossing.…

20 Jun 2016

Race 12, the ‘LegenDerry Finale’ officially starts

Race 12, the ‘LegenDerry Finale’ to Derry-Londonderry, Northern Ireland, has officially started following the fleet’s departure from New York this morning. Following a Ceremony and Parade of Sail in front…

20 Jun 2016

Fleet departs New York for LegenDerry Finale

The Clipper Race fleet has departed New York after a spectacular Parade of Sail past the Statue of Liberty as it motors towards the Race 12 start line. The LegenDerry…

20 Jun 2016

The LegenDerry Finale starts today

Race 12, the LegenDerry Finale to Derry-Londonderry, Northern Ireland, starts today from New York. The crew depart Liberty Landing Marina this morning local time on the first of three races…

18 Jun 2016

Globetrotter’s Circumnavigation by Rail and Sail

As our round the world crew members prepare to join a very elite club upon completion of their global challenge in six weeks’ time, the achievements of all of our…

17 Jun 2016

​Local Alumni crew welcome teams in New York

“I love that the race keeps coming to New York. Every year I go down to the marina to see the boats and meet some of the crew and I…

17 Jun 2016

Crew Changeover: Meet Tony Griffiths

As the Leg 8 crew prepare for their challenge across the Atlantic towards Derry-Londonderry, Den Helder and the glory of the race finale in London today, we caught up with…

16 Jun 2016

Clipper Race Founders Ring Nasdaq Stock Exchange Opening Bell in NYC

Clipper Ventures co-founders William Ward and Sir Robin Knox-Johnston had the honour of ringing the Opening Bell at the Nasdaq Stock Market in Times Square this morning to celebrate the…

16 Jun 2016

​Firemen’s lift for IchorCoal victuallers

The story behind the picture gives a whole new meaning to the phrase ‘fireman’s lift’. For IchorCoal crew members Lizzie Tricks and Davina Watson, what was meant to be a…

15 Jun 2016

Clipper Race founders to ring Opening Bell at Nasdaq tomorrow

Clipper Race founders William Ward, Chief Executive, and Sir Robin Knox-Johnston, Chairman, will ring the Opening Bell at the Nasdaq Stock Market in New York on Thursday morning 16 June…

15 Jun 2016

Voting open: The Henri Lloyd Seamanship Award

An honour every team hopes to win, nominations for the Henri Lloyd Clipper Race Seamanship Award open today. In recognition of the extreme challenges faced by the crew, both as…

15 Jun 2016

The LegenDerry Finale awaits Crew

On Monday 20 June the Clipper Race fleet will set sail for three-time Host Port Derry-Londonderry in Northern Ireland in the 3120 nautical mile LegenDerry Finale from New York. The…

14 Jun 2016

New York Prize-giving

With the Manhattan skyline forming a stunning backdrop at sunset the prize-giving ceremony for Races 10 and 11 took place at Liberty Landing Marina following the conclusion of The LMAX…

14 Jun 2016

Crew Catchup: Dominique Hausser

LMAX Exchange Swiss round the world crew member Dominique Hausser has been sailing all his life having grown up near Lake Geneva, Switzerland. As he nears the end of the…

12 Jun 2016

Crew catch up: Drake Forney

For twenty-five year old Texan Drake Forney the American Coast-to-Coast Leg was particularly special because it has allowed him the chance to sail into and around his home country. Now…

11 Jun 2016

Crew Catch up: ​Linda McDavitt

Linda McDavitt, 69, from Austin, Texas, USA, is the oldest female round the world crew member in this year’s race. Before the race, Linda built upper body strength doing pilates…

11 Jun 2016

Bike vs Boat: Simon Parker completes 3,750 mile Clipper Race cycle challenge

“Worn out but absolutely ecstatic.” The emotion on Simon Parker’s face and in his voice is clear as he finally arrives into Liberty Landing Marina. Like his fellow Clipper Race…

10 Jun 2016

Clipper Race arrivals complete in New York

All of the Clipper Race fleet is now in Liberty Landing Marina after a busy day of arrivals into the Big Apple. Having crossed the LMAX Exchange - RACE of…

10 Jun 2016

Race 11, Day 10: Mission Performance and PSP Logistics battle for finish

After a busy night of nine team arrivals, the NYC skyline still awaits Mission Performance, PSP Logistics and IchorCoal which are all still battling to complete the final few miles…

10 Jun 2016

Fleet arrivals continue overnight in New York

As the teams continue to arrive at Liberty Landing Marina after crossing the Race 11, LMAX Exchange – RACE of THE AMERICAS finish line this story will be updated with…

10 Jun 2016

ClipperTelemed+ leads arrivals into New York

After nine days of racing from Panama the Clipper Race teams have started to arrive into Liberty Landing Marina led by winner of Race 11, The LMAX Exchange – RACE…

9 Jun 2016

ClipperTelemed+ wins Race 11 into New York

ClipperTelemed+ has won Race 11, The LMAX Exchange – RACE of THE AMERICAS, its first overall race win and second podium of the series. The team, skippered by Matt Mitchell,…

9 Jun 2016

Race 11 Day 9: Variable conditions guarantee nail biting finale

The closing stages of The LMAX Exchange – RACE of THE AMERICAS is turning into an incredibly tough finale. In contrast to the strong winds of Tropical Storm Colin, light,…

9 Jun 2016

ETAs into New York

The Clipper Race fleet has made great progress so far in the LMAX Exchange - RACE of THE AMERICAS and with the longer term forecast looking good, giving the fleet…

8 Jun 2016

World Oceans Day: Healthy Oceans, Healthy Planet

The oceans provide us with endless opportunities for adventure and exploration, moments of wonder, inspiration and happiness, and of course, without them there would be no Clipper Race. So it’s…

8 Jun 2016

Bike VS Boat across USA: The Final Test

As the Clipper Race fleet covers the remaining nail biting miles of the US Coast to Coast Leg, it is not just the crew at sea who are giving it…

8 Jun 2016

Race 11, Day 8: Tropical Storm Colin Packs Punch for Fleet

Tropical Storm Colin blasted over the fleet, packing a little more punch than forecasted yesterday. Winds gusting 70 knots, and exhilarating surfing speeds into the high 20s, provided a thrilling…

7 Jun 2016

Race 11 Day 7: Fleet prepares for Tropical Storm Colin to hit as battle heats up

The battle between Garmin and ClipperTelemed+ has intensified at the top of the leaderboard, with ClipperTelemed+ now ahead by less than 7 nautical miles. However, a shakeup of the leaderboard…

6 Jun 2016

​Race 11 Day 6: Garmin maintains narrow lead over ClipperTelemed+ approaching Ocean Sprint

Garmin is holding a narrow 8 nautical mile lead over ClipperTelemed+ in the final 650 NMs of the race to New York on Day 6 of the LMAX Exchange –…

5 Jun 2016

​Race 11 Day 5: Garmin victorious at Scoring Gate, claiming three points

Garmin has taken the lead over former race leader ClipperTelemed+, as the intense fight to be first into New York continues on day 5 of the LMAX Exchange – RACE…

4 Jun 2016

Race 11, Day 4: Snakes and ladders style fortune shakes up Race 11 positions

The past 24 hours played out like a game of snakes and ladders for the Clipper Race fleet as tactics and a healthy roll of good or bad fortune through…

3 Jun 2016

​Race 11 Day 3: A busy day of evolutions and trimming in light airs

The last 24 hours has seen a trimming battle and lots of sail evolutions across the fleet as the teams fight to clear the Windward Passage in extremely light winds.…

2 Jun 2016

Unicef crew gives Panamanian youths a taste of life at sea

As our international crew members take on the challenge of the world’s oceans, they are raising awareness and funds for children across the globe who are facing their own challenges…

2 Jun 2016

​Race 11 Day 2: Neck and neck in fight to clear Windward Passage

Just 0.6 nautical miles separate the top three teams as they navigate towards the Windward Passage which connects the Caribbean Sea with the Atlantic Ocean. The seas have reduced, the…

1 Jun 2016

​Race 11 Day 1: Quick off the mark as Trade Winds power fleet along

The teams are making good speeds close hauled in steady easterly Trade Winds in the first 24 hours of the LMAX Exchange – RACE of THE AMERICAS to New York.…

1 Jun 2016

Next Stop New York!

From sleepless in Seattle to the city that never sleeps, after transiting the Panama Canal the teams are now racing to the bright lights of New York in Race 11:…

31 May 2016

LMAX Exchange – RACE of THE AMERICAS is Underway

After a delayed start due to light winds, Race 11, the LMAX Exchange – RACE of THE AMERICAS got underway at 1208 UTC on Tuesday 31 May. Following a successful…

30 May 2016


UPDATED at 2300 UTC on Monday 30 May Due to continued light wind the Race Office has decided to postpone the start of Race 11, The LMAX Exchange - RACE…

29 May 2016

Cycle versus sail: Simon Parker’s American adventure continues

One direct flight will take you from China to the UK in less than a day. But where’s the fun in that when you can make the 15,000 journey by…

28 May 2016

“I want to grow and have an impact on someone’s life” Meet Lerato Masombuka

Lerato ‘Bridgette’ Masombuka grew up in a small township of Zithobeni situated in Gauteng Province, South Africa. Brought up by her grandmother and then later her aunt, Lerato was raised…

27 May 2016

Final arrivals in Panama

The Clipper Race fleet is now complete in Panama after Mission Performance, Da Nang-Viet Nam, Visit Seattle and PSP Logistics arrived on Friday morning (local time). GREAT Britain, Garmin and…

27 May 2016

Race 11 The LMAX Exchange - RACE of THE AMERICAS

The LMAX Exchange – RACE of THE AMERICAS from Panama to New York is due to get underway on Monday 30 May with a Le Mans start. At 1930 nautical…

27 May 2016

Race Finish Spectator Boat Tickets on sale today!

Tickets for the Official Spectator Boats for the Clipper Race finish are now on sale. In 10 weeks’ time, the 12-strong Clipper Race fleet will cross the final finish line…

26 May 2016

Leg 6 Penalty Points

The Race Committee has announced the penalty points for the Race 9 Seattle Pacific Challenge from Qingdao, China to Seattle, USA. During Leg 6, the fleet spent approximately four weeks…

26 May 2016

ETAs to Panama and Canal transit info

The Clipper Race fleet are currently heading for Panama ahead of the transit of the Panama Canal, below are the latest ETAs. ETAs to Panama (-5 UTC). ClipperTelemed+ - In…

25 May 2016

Further arrivals as first group begin Panama Canal transit

IchorCoal and Qingdao arrived in Panama on Wednesday morning (local time) as ClipperTelemed+ , Unicef and Derry~Londonderry~Doire begin the transit of the Panama Canal. Look out for them going through…

25 May 2016

Unicef in North America: Giving schoolchildren the power to save lives

As the fleet begins to transit the Panama Canal and experience one of the engineering wonders of the world, they will voyage through the tropical heat and squalls of the…

24 May 2016

First yachts arrive in Panama ahead of canal transit

LMAX Exchange and Unicef have joined ClipperTelemed+ and Derry~Londonderry~Doire in Panama today after completing the PSP Logistics Panama Cup. ClipperTelemed+ and Derry~Londonderry~Doire arrived on Tuesday morning (local time) ahead of…

24 May 2016

Crew gets creative with PSP Logistics photo competition

As the Clipper Race fleet motors to and through the Panama Canal, the Race 10 sponsor PSP Logistics has set the teams a task to test their creativity with a…

23 May 2016

​Next stop Panama

It’s full steam ahead to Panama for four of the Clipper Race fleet after a successful pit stop in Banana Bay Marina, Costa Rica, to refuel ahead of the canal…

20 May 2016

Social Spirit Powers Teams to Panama

The power of social spirit and an optimistic outlook on board has been shining out of the Clipper Race teams in the PSP Logistics Panama Cup. They’ve been sweating under…

20 May 2016


Day 21 in the PSP Logistics Panama Cup and Race 10 draws to a close after the Race Committee announced yesterday that the compulsory Remedios Gate would be the finish…

20 May 2016


Today marks 50 days until the Clipper Race fleet arrives in Derry-Londonderry, Northern Ireland, to conclude a 3-race, 6-year, relationship which has seen its transformation as the UK’s first City…

19 May 2016

Another ‘crazy’ day on the Clipper Race

Day 20 in the PSP Logistics Panama Cup and Race 10 appears to be slipping into slow motion as the leading teams tackle the Inter Tropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ) –…

18 May 2016

Race 10 Day 19: 0.1 nautical mile between podium positions after 3000NM of racing

While the teams behind continue to chase the leaders, the PSP Logistics Panama Cup has once again got even tighter among the front four boats. With LMAX Exchange still in…

18 May 2016

British sailors unite to support Sailing is GREAT for Unicef

It is no secret, at the Clipper Race we really, really love sailing and British ocean racing legends Sir Robin Knox-Johnston, Dee Caffari MBE and Ian Walker are all throwing…

17 May 2016

Race 10 Day 18: Leaders feel the heat as fleet puts pressure on in PSP Logistics Panama Cup sweatfest

The scorching, calm tropics continue to test the nerves of the Clipper Race fleet, and leaders LMAX Exchange and ClipperTelemed+ are beginning to feel added heat from some of the…

16 May 2016

Race 10 Day 17: Battle for lead heats up between leaders LMAX Exchange and ClipperTelemed+

The battle for the lead position in The PSP Logistics Panama Cup is reaching boiling point in terms of both temperature and stakes. LMAX Exchange passed the second compulsory gate…

15 May 2016

Race 10 Day 16: Forecast squalls set to liven up the Doldrums

As the PSP Logistics Panama Cup continues, life in the Doldrums is frustrating the teams regardless of their position in the fleet, with one team covering as little as 35…

14 May 2016

Race 10: Day 15: Visit Seattle smash Ocean Sprint record for PSP Logistics Panama Cup

On a frustratingly hot, calm Friday 13th for most of the fleet, Visit Seattle had all the luck and smashed the Ocean Sprint record for Race 10: The PSP Logistics…

13 May 2016

Race 10 Day 14: IchorCoal sets time to beat in Ocean Sprint

Half of the fleet has completed the Ocean Sprint course with IchorCoal setting the fastest time so far of 14 hours 21 minutes, a mere 27 minutes faster than Qingdao…

13 May 2016

“Becoming a crew member helped me come alive again” - Meet Jack Chidley

Stood on the pontoon at Bell Harbor Marina in Seattle, USA, at the end of the Pacific Ocean leg of the current race, the beaming face of British man Jack…

12 May 2016

Race 10 Day 13: Let the battle commence for bonus points in Ocean Sprint

Once again, bonus points are up for grabs as the Clipper Race fleet approaches the Ocean Sprint start line at 17 and a half degrees north. Two points are on…

11 May 2016

Race 10 Day 12: Teams work to escape the Doldrums’ grasp

The lead has shifted once again in the PSP Logistics Panama Cup with ClipperTelemed+ now in pole position followed by IchorCoal and Unicef . However, as the frontrunners approach the…

10 May 2016

Race 10 Day 11: Fluky winds forecast is next test for fleet

2000 nautical miles and eleven days into the PSP Logistics Panama Cup the frontrunners are rounding the tip of Cabo San Lucas with their eyes now firmly on the Ocean…

9 May 2016

Unicef and ClipperTelemed+ win their first bonus points

At 1043 UTC Unicef was the first team to pass through the Scoring Gate in the PSP Logistics Panama Cup to take the maximum three points on offer. Skipper Martin…

9 May 2016

Race 10 Day 10: Sprint for bonus points at Scoring Gate

As some teams search for stronger winds, the leading boats are within hours of passing through the Scoring Gate and snatching those vital bonus points. Unicef, ClipperTelemed+, LMAX Exchange and…

8 May 2016


Despite lighter airs some good downwind racing under spinnaker has continued with a number of match races between duelling teams now heading for the Scoring Gate, around 250nM south. LMAX…

7 May 2016

Race 10 Day 8: Teams push hard ahead of light winds

Day 8 of the PSP Logistics Panama Cup and all the teams have been taking advantage of great downwind sailing under their spinnakers as temperatures rise and shorts are shaken…

6 May 2016

Race 10 Day 7: IchorCoal reaps reward from early gamble out west

For the first time in the PSP Logistics Panama Cup IchorCoal has taken the lead in this tenth race of fourteen in the global series. Several days ago, the South-African…

5 May 2016

Life as an ocean racer

On the Mighty Pacific leg we hosted two Andrew Simpson Sailing Foundation (ASSF) youth ambassadors. The opportunity was donated by Clipper Race founder and chairman, Sir Robin Knox-Johnston to ASSF,…

5 May 2016

Race 10 Day 6: Tack Exchange keeps teams busy in East Pacific Spaghetti Junction

Despite the vastness of the Pacific Ocean and the possible options for the fleet in terms of inshore and offshore racing en route to Central America, the majority of the…

4 May 2016

Race 10 Day 5: ClipperTelemed+ catches fleet as wind fills in and racing tightens

Having avoided the wind hole that held the rest of the teams captive yesterday, ClipperTelemed+ made good speed and now finds itself back in the mix with the rest of…

3 May 2016

​Race 10 Day 4: Frustrations build as light airs descend on fleet

A pressure system approximately 100 miles off the Californian coast has the Clipper Race teams battling in light airs, as they search for every advantage with wind speeds dropping to…

2 May 2016

Race 10 Day 3: Gybe ballet continues as wind eases

Day 3 of Race 10 and the PSP Logistics Panama Cup has seen a continuation of great downwind racing although conditions are starting to become lighter this morning (UTC) produced…

1 May 2016


Race 10, the PSP Logistics Panama Cup, has had a highly competitive first full day of racing in good downwind conditions from north westerly winds following yesterday’s Le Mans start.…

30 Apr 2016

Race 10 Day 1: Race is on to Panama after Le Mans start

UPDATED at 1430 UTC ClipperTelemed+ commenced racing at 1050 UTC having completed the necessary repairs to the mast track and is now in pursuit of the fleet in the race…

30 Apr 2016

Le Mans Start for PSP Logistics Panama Cup

UPDATE: PSP Logistics Panama Cup started at 0320 UTC (2020 local time) with a Le Mans start procedure. Ash Skett, skipper of Garmin, reported: "All went smoothly and it was…

29 Apr 2016

Seattle activities round up: Pro Am, Urban Trek and more

Seattle welcomed the fleet with open arms as a first-time Team Sponsor and Host Port, and whilst the crew were in town they took part in a variety of events…

28 Apr 2016

Fleet departs Seattle in Parade of Sail

The teams have departed Bell Harbor, Seattle, and have been putting on a show in front of crowds watching the Parade of Sail from Seattle Waterfront. A news helicopter and…

28 Apr 2016

​Seattleite Larry Garner ready to set sail

As the fleet prepares to bid farewell to the city of Seattle, for local Seattleite Larry Garner, this day has been a long time coming. Today, Larry will board his…

28 Apr 2016

Race 10, the PSP Logistics Panama Cup, starts today

The race crews are preparing to sail back out into the North Pacific Ocean from Seattle at the start of Race 10, the PSP Logistics Panama Cup today. The fleet…

27 Apr 2016

Seattle celebrity chef cooks for Clipper Race victuallers

This week, Seattle celebrity chef Ethan Stowell cooked for some of the Clipper Race victuallers while finding out more about the tough task of buying, managing and cooking food during…

26 Apr 2016

Skipper Huw Fernie makes first pitch at Mariners game

Making the first ceremonial pitch is a big part of American baseball culture; and the honour is usually reserved for presidents, dignitaries and rock stars. However, it was Visit Seattle…

26 Apr 2016

“My challenge will reach its pinnacle racing to New York”

Picking up the Derry~Londonderry~Doire bursary baton in Seattle is Jilly St John, a singer and writer from the Northern Irish city who was awarded her Clipper Race berth through the…

25 Apr 2016

Crew Changeover: Meet Charlotte Willis

As the Leg 7 crew prepare to start their challenge to New York and beyond, we caught up with Charlotte Willis, who has until this point been a patient Garminion…

24 Apr 2016

From South Africa to Seattle in the battle against HIV/AIDS

“It is great to be here and have the opportunity to tell my story,” says 23-year-old Boitumelo ‘Charlotte’ Malia, an orphan who lost her parents when she was a child.…

24 Apr 2016


Leg 6 crew members are handing over the baton to new ‘leggers’ joining their teams here in Seattle to take on the US Coast-to-Coast leg, which includes transiting the seventh…

23 Apr 2016

Crew Catch Up: Dana Nichols

American Dana Nichols is a round the world crew member on board Visit Seattle . Before starting the Clipper Race, she was a tax accountant based in California who had…

23 Apr 2016

Visit Seattle explores the city

The Emerald City has extended a warm welcome to our intrepid race crews, providing an eclectic mix of hospitality and entertainment to celebrate the fleet’s arrival, having completed the crossing…

22 Apr 2016

Simon cycles across USA on sail and pedal challenge

Clipper Race participant Simon Parker has pedalled off from Seattle, USA, as part of an epic sail and cycle journey from China to London. Simon, who competed on board Garmin…

22 Apr 2016

Get on board our open boats in Seattle today

The Clipper Race fleet has arrived at Bell Harbor Marina, Seattle, WA having completed the Seattle Pacific Challenge from Qingdao, China. Join us at today at Pier 66 and step…

22 Apr 2016

Feature: Sir Robin

In a very personal interview with The Huffington Post UK editor-in-chief Stephen Hull, Sir Robin Knox-Johnston talks about fear, the universe and living life as one of the UK’s most…

22 Apr 2016

47 years on from Sir Robin Knox-Johnston’s Golden Globe historic achievement

Forty-seven years ago today, Clipper Race chairman and founder Sir Robin Knox-Johnston became the first man to have sailed solo, nonstop round the globe having been victorious in the Sunday…

22 Apr 2016

Pennants awarded at Seattle Pacific Challenge Prizegiving

As the sun began to set behind Mount Rainier, teams gathered at Seattle Aquarium for the top honours for the Seattle Pacific Challenge prizes. Derry~Londonderry~Doire , Unicef and LMAX Exchange…

21 Apr 2016

Power Supply

“It’s key to have the right sail up at the right time. The Clipper 70 is huge so changing a sail is not a quick process and you need to…

19 Apr 2016

Da Nang - Viet Nam completes fleet’s Seattle arrivals

The Da Nang - Viet Nam team has arrived into Seattle’s Bell Harbor, Pier 66, with orange-clad team supporters cheering the team after the completion of the Mighty Pacific leg.…

19 Apr 2016


Following the arrival of IchorCoal into Seattle last night (local time), Clipper Race chairman Sir Robin Knox-Johnston and skipper Darren Ladd have met with the team this morning to cover…

19 Apr 2016

IchorCoal arrives into Seattle

IchorCoal has arrived into Seattle, docking at Bell Harbor Marina at 2100 local time. Crews from all teams clapped and cheered the team in from aboard their boats. Skipper Darren…

19 Apr 2016

ETAs into Seattle, USA

The Clipper Race will visit Seattle, USA for the first time in the race's history with the twelve-strong fleet berthing at Bell Harbor Marina. Due to busy shipping lanes on…

18 Apr 2016

PSP Logistics first of final three teams into Seattle

PSP Logistics has arrived into Seattle after completing the mighty Pacific Ocean crossing. The team, led by Max Stunell, finished Race 9, the Seattle Pacific Challenge, in tenth place, after…

17 Apr 2016

Adventurer and Visit seattle crew member makes history

Adventurer and Visit Seattle crew member Martin Frey has made history by becoming the first person to have scaled the seven summits and sailed the seven seas with the culmination…

17 Apr 2016

IchorCoal accepts eleventh place

Due to light winds currently being experienced by IchorCoal the team has accepted eleventh place so it can motor-sail to make best speed to Seattle, making an ETA between 2000-2100…

17 Apr 2016

Visit Seattle sails home

On a sunny Sunday morning in Seattle against the majestic backdrop of Mount Rainier and the downtown city skyline, home port entry Visit Seattle arrived into Bell Harbor Marina, Pier…

17 Apr 2016

Race 9 Day 28: Visit Seattle beats PSP Logistics to finish line

Home port entry Visit Seattle has crossed the finish line of the Seattle Pacific Challenge, pipping rival PSP Logistics in the final stages in light conditions. The team will arrive…

16 Apr 2016


Qingdao has arrived into Seattle's Bell Harbor Marina with a warm reception from friends, family and supporters. The team docked at 1300 local time after Skipper Bob Beggs and his…

16 Apr 2016

Race 9 Day 27: Sleepless to Seattle

The Emerald City beckons for the remaining teams completing the Seattle Pacific Challenge. But with high pressure building over the coast there could be a sleepless night ahead (local time)…

16 Apr 2016

Seattle crew member sails home

Sailing home to Seattle, Mission Performance crew member and business owner Yuko Kikuchi, 40, has had an emotional reunion with her husband Takao after nearly a month at sea. Yuko,…

15 Apr 2016

​Seattle Alumni crew welcome fleet to city

“As the Clipper Race fleet makes its way to Seattle across the gruelling North Pacific, it gives me a chance to re-live the glory days of circumnavigating and winning the…

15 Apr 2016

Unicef in Central America: Protecting the rights of vulnerable children

Leg 6, the Seattle Pacific Challenge sees the fleet arriving to west coast USA, after almost a month at sea. But the Clipper Race fleet isn’t the only group heading…

15 Apr 2016

Race 9 Day 26: Five teams still competing in Seattle Pacific Challenge

As the five teams still racing in the Seattle Pacific Challenge tick off the miles to the Emerald City, more moderate weather is allowing them to catch their breath for…

15 Apr 2016

Busy day of arrivals into Seattle

Mission Performance has arrived into Seattle after finishing in seventh place in the Seattle Pacific Challenge. Upon arrival, Skipper Greg Miller said it had been a very challenging race, but…

15 Apr 2016

Seattle Race Office now open

For those crew, friends, family and sponsors in Seattle, these instructions on how to find the Race Office may come in handy. The address is: Suite 200 of the World…

15 Apr 2016

Podium teams dock in Seattle

Bell Harbor, Seattle, has welcomed Unicef and LMAX Exchange this afternoon with the two teams arriving into the Emerald City to complete the podium after Derry~Londonderry~Doire's earlier arrival. Second-placed Unicef…

14 Apr 2016

Garmin latest to cross the Seattle Pacific Challenge finish line

*UPDATE*Congratulations to the Mission Performance team which became the lastest team to cross the Race 9 finish line at 0651 UTC April 15, and takes seventh place. Skipper Greg Miller…

14 Apr 2016

Derry ~ Londonderry ~ Doire arrives into Seattle

The winner of the Seattle Pacific Challenge, Derry~Londonderry~Doire, has arrived into Seattle this morning, docking in Bell Harbor, Pier 66, at 0800 local time. Purple-clad friends, family and supporters, as…

14 Apr 2016

Race 9 Day 25: Pacific still has tricks up her sleeve as race finale plays out

The podium positions for Race 9, The Seattle Pacific Challenge are now confirmed. However this race is far from over for the remaining eight contenders who have plenty left to…

14 Apr 2016

GREAT Britain becomes fourth team to finish Seattle Pacific Challenge

UPDATED at 1400 UTC on Thursday 14 April GREAT Britain has crossed the Seattle Pacific Challenge finish line in fourth place. Skipper Peter Thornton sent notification to the Race Office…

14 Apr 2016

And the Race 9 Stormhoek Social Spirit Award Goes to…

YOU, the Clipper Race family! Usually the winner of the Stormhoek Social Spirit Award is kept under wraps until the Official Prize-Giving Ceremony at the end of each race in…

13 Apr 2016


Darren Ladd has decided to step down as the Skipper of IchorCoal after its arrival in Seattle next week. He will return to the Clipper Race office in the UK…

13 Apr 2016

​Derry~Londonderry~Doire wins Seattle Pacific Challenge

Derry~Londonderry~Doire has won its third consecutive race, finishing the Seattle Pacific Challenge at 0915 local time/1615 UTC today, 13 April. The Northern Irish entry finished the Mighty Pacific leg after…

13 Apr 2016

Race 9 Day 24: Pacific Ocean commands respect as teams overcome “horrendous” conditions

Seattle may be drawing ever closer but the Pacific Ocean’s power is unrelenting, making the final miles to the west coast of the USA an incredible final test of seamanship…

13 Apr 2016

Next stop Seattle: City hosts exciting programme of events for its race debut

The countdown has begun in Seattle which will make its debut as a Host Port to the Clipper Race for the first time in its 19 year history this week.…

12 Apr 2016

​Garmin sustains damage in Pacific Storm

Garmin has been hit by the same secondary depression that knocked down Da Nang – Viet Nam , creating “Some of the worst seas that I have ever experienced,” reports…

12 Apr 2016

Race 9 Day 23: Unicef sets Ocean Sprint time to beat in dramatic day

With four teams having completed the Ocean Sprint, it is Unicef which has recorded the fastest time so far in a day of high winds and strong seas which proved…

12 Apr 2016

Da Nang - Viet Nam retires after storm knockdown

Da Nang – Viet Nam was knocked down when it was hit by a large wave at 2215UTC in 45 knot westerly winds as a secondary low hit the back…

11 Apr 2016

Race 9 Day 22: Winds set to build as Ocean Sprint commences

The frontal weather system currently passing over the fleet has not been as strong as the last, but has provided another day of excellent mileage in the final push to…

10 Apr 2016

Race 9 Day 21: Countdown to Seattle

The latest depression has the most westerly boats in its grip and is moving steadily east this morning in the closing week of the Seattle Pacific Challenge. The Race Office…

9 Apr 2016


The Clipper Race fleet is experiencing the ‘North Pacific Railway’ right now, according to race Meteorologist Simon Rowell, with a regular timetable of low/ridge/low coming through. A ridge of high…

8 Apr 2016

Race 9 Day 19: Wet and windy sleigh ride as teams hunt down leader Derry~Londonderry~Doire

Damp and gusty downwind conditions, with up to 50 knot peaks, are continuing to push the teams forward in the race to Seattle. With boat speeds in the high teens,…

7 Apr 2016

Race 9 Day 18: Pressure mounts as teams battle for position

Derry~Londonderry~Doire continues to lead the way in the Seattle Pacific Challenge, with an 87 nautical mile lead over second placed Unicef . However the chasing pack hasn’t given up the…

7 Apr 2016

Strictly Sail Pacific Boat Show starts today

Not your average adventure, the Clipper Race will be at the 2016 Strictly Sail Pacific Boat Show today until Sunday 10 April at Craneway Pavilion, San Francisco. Join us at…

6 Apr 2016

Race 9 Day 17: Low front propels teams towards Seattle

The big anticipated front expected yesterday failed to materialise, but the next storm is now moving over the Clipper 70 fleet in the Seattle Pacific Challenge. Today’s front should have…

6 Apr 2016

Fleet faces 48 hour day

The idea of Groundhog Day may seem like a fictional concept but in reality, it’s perfectly possible. The crews have been marking the crossing of the International Date Line today…

5 Apr 2016

​Race 9 Day 16: Teams travel in time as they cross International Date Line

The teams have been crossing the International Date Line and travelling back in time a day in the North Pacific Ocean. The Skippers have written about the significant milestone in…

4 Apr 2016

​Race 9 Day 15: Fast boat speeds with strong wind on the beam

Strong squalls have kept the teams busy in the cold temperatures as they change sail plans often to deal with the range of wind speeds. The wind has ranged between…

3 Apr 2016

Sarah Young - On board Tributes

As the Clipper Race says good bye to one of our family, with Sarah Young being laid to rest in the ‘deep blue’ she chose to sail across, explore and…

3 Apr 2016

Race 9 Day 14: Teams pay tribute to Sarah Young

The teams have been paying tribute to lost crewmate Sarah Young, who was buried at sea at 1202 local time today after a ceremony on board IchorCoal. Whilst the ceremony…

2 Apr 2016

​Sarah Young - Burial at Sea

UPDATE: 2200 UK time Skipper Darren Ladd and the IchorCoal team are now making the final preparations for Sarah's burial, which will start on board at 0100 UK time (1200…

2 Apr 2016

Race 9 Day 13: A sombre day across the fleet

There is a sombre mood across the Clipper Race fleet today with Skippers reflecting on the tragedy aboard IchorCoal in their reports as they head east to Seattle. Speaking on…

1 Apr 2016


OFFICIAL STATEMENT - 1 APRIL 2016 We are deeply saddened to report the death of crew member Sarah Young (40), a company owner from London. Sarah was one of the…

1 Apr 2016

The Clipper Race supporters Club: Meet Gabrielle ‘Gay’ Dowling and Tony Milsom

Today we continue our insight into the experience of the Clipper Race supporters. It wouldn't be a Clipper Race stopover without the familiar presence of Gabrielle ‘Gay’ Dowling, partner of…

1 Apr 2016

Race 9 Day 12: 50 knot gusts and white-knuckle helming as Pacific promise delivers

The North Pacific leg is always billed as ‘the big one’ and Skippers report this promise really delivered overnight as a short, sharp forecasted weather front came into force with…

31 Mar 2016

Leg 5 penalty points

The Race Committee has announced the penalty points for the Asian Pacific Challenge from Australia to China via Vietnam. Penalty points are awarded because of damage sustained to sails and…

31 Mar 2016

100 Days till Derry-Londonderry

When the Clipper Race teams set sail for the Pacific Ocean, for many crew members they finally felt they were heading for home, and waiting for them at the end…

31 Mar 2016

Race 9 Day 11: Scoring Gate poses conundrum as low front moves in

The upcoming Scoring Gate is on the minds of the Skippers as they debate weather options and the routing implications for the next four days on the Seattle Pacific Challenge.…

30 Mar 2016

​Race 9 Day 10: Fleet heads east as it awaits next North Pacific low

After a day of strong headwinds and breaking seas, the fleet has been heading east to try and stay in the wind as long as possible while a high pressure…

29 Mar 2016

Race 9 Day 9: ClipperTelemed+ takes lead as low brings strong headwinds

The low pressure system has shown the fleet what the mighty North Pacific is capable of, with the wind veering almost 180 degrees to the north and quickly picking up…

29 Mar 2016

Join us at the Strictly Sail Pacific Show: 7-10 April, San Francisco

Want to join our intrepid crews and race the world’s oceans? The Clipper Race will be at the 2016 Strictly Sail Pacific Boat Show from Thursday 7 to Sunday 10…

28 Mar 2016

Garmin and Derry~ Londonderry~Doire rendez-vous for spares

UPDATE FROM RACE OFFICE: At approximately 1900-2100 UTC Garmin and Derry~Londonderry~Doire will both cease racing to transfer fleet spares in order for Garmin to repair its watermaker. Both teams will…

28 Mar 2016

Race 9 Day 8: “We have seen it all weather wise the last 24 hours”

It has been another 24 hours of frustrating weather, with wind coming from all directions on the compass due to the low pressure that has formed over a small area…

27 Mar 2016

Race 9 Day 7: Teams deal with ‘diabolical’ sea state after unforecast low

Unicef is the new race leader today having faced some very tricky conditions in the night following a new small low pressure system formed further south than forecast and left…

26 Mar 2016

​Race 9 Day 6: Shifty, light winds hinder progress on Great Circle Route north

The wind has been inconsistent and shifty, with a lot of trimming and sail changes taking place on day 6 of the Seattle Pacific Challenge. With the speed varying between…

26 Mar 2016

“You must face challenges for you to grow”

“I think this experience will have a big impact on me and my community when I get back home. I think it will show that you can achieve and stand…

25 Mar 2016

​Race 9 Day 5: First taste of the North Pacific during an exhilarating night racing

The wind has eased off substantially after an exhilarating night of sailing with a steady 30 knots, and gusts of 50 knots as the teams had their first experience of…

24 Mar 2016

The Clipper Race Supporters Club: Meet Tracey Charles

We usually focus on getting to know the Clipper Race crew better but after getting more than half way through the circumnavigation, we have now got to know quite a…

24 Mar 2016

Race 9 Day 4: Wind and sea state increases as teams pass southern Japan

The yachts have passed the first waypoint off the southern tip of Japan, and are now headed upwind north towards the Great Circle route in stronger northerly, north-north-easterly winds that…

24 Mar 2016

Meet the Crew – Kristof Bostoen

A lover of sailing long distances, crew member Kristof Bostoen is returning to the high seas once more with his team to experience the world’s largest and deepest ocean. Ever…

23 Mar 2016

​Race 9 Day 3: Busy day of sail evolutions with wind shifts keeping teams on their toes

The wind and sea state has increased as the teams near the southern tip of Japan on day 3 of the Seattle Pacific Challenge. Over the last 24 hours, there…

23 Mar 2016

Aspiring young sailors take on challenging North Pacific

“I am really hoping to learn as much as I can about ocean racing and see if I could get into it as a professional career,” says Heather Thomas, 19,…

22 Mar 2016

Race 9 Day 2: Frustration and fishing nets in light airs

The fleet has had a frustrating 24 hours of light winds and trouble negotiating huge fishing nets in the Yellow Sea on day 2 of the Seattle Pacific Challenge. The…

22 Mar 2016

Sailing to Seattle: Meet Yuko Kikuchi

Seattle resident Yuko Kikuchi says she cannot wait to see the familiar sight of downtown coming into Bell Harbor as she sets off on the Seattle Pacific Challenge race from…

21 Mar 2016

Race 9 Day 1: Light winds on day 1 of the Seattle Pacific Challenge Race

Following the Le Mans start from Qingdao in light winds and sun at 0100 UTC, 0900 local time today, the Clipper Race fleet is now headed in a south easterly…

21 Mar 2016

Seattle Pacific Challenge Begins

At 0100 UTC today, the Clipper Race fleet began the ninth of 14 races as it heads across the Pacific Ocean to Seattle, USA from Qingdao, China. The Seattle Pacific…

21 Mar 2016

Adventurer on final 7 Seas, 7 Summits challenge with Clipper Race crossing

Visit Seattle crew member and adventurer Martin Frey has set off on the final stage of his quest to become the first person ever to climb the Seven Summits and…

20 Mar 2016

Crew departs Qingdao for notorious Seattle Pacific Challenge race

The Clipper Race crew, or ‘courageous ocean warriors’ as they are known here in China, have departed the Sailing City of Qingdao to begin their longest, most remote leg of…

19 Mar 2016

Race 9 Preview: The Seattle Pacific Challenge

Renowned by many as one of the toughest features of the circumnavigation, the fleet departs Qingdao for The Seattle Pacific Challenge from China to Seattle, USA, on Sunday. So what…

18 Mar 2016

Clipper Race teams up with British Embassy on gender equality in China

The Clipper Race teamed up with the British Embassy Beijing today to host a special panel discussion in Qingdao about gender equality, in support of the UK’s month long International…

18 Mar 2016

Meet the Crew: Kiki Bakker

A year ago, 21-year-old Dutch student Kiki Bakker was named as the winner of an international competition to win a berth on Leg 6. Kiki was selected at random from…

17 Mar 2016

Crew taste victory in international football match

Clipper Race Crew 2 - 1 Qingdao Media Team In a hotly contested battle at the Tian Tin Stadium in Qingdao, the Clipper Race crew took on the Qingdao media…

17 Mar 2016

Unicef highlights challenge for Children and Environment

The Clipper Race and our Official Charity Unicef joined forces in Qingdao to highlight a subject China is putting more and more emphasis on; that is the role children have…

16 Mar 2016

Chinese community embraces crew

Having been entertained by youngsters yesterday during a school visit, today it was the turn of the ‘young at heart’ to share elements of Chinese culture with the Clipper Race…

16 Mar 2016

Meet the Crew: Cheryl Campbell

Today, crew members taking part in the race across the mighty Pacific to Seattle, USA will join their teams to prepare for one of the toughest races of the series.…

16 Mar 2016

The adventurers return

As the teams soak up the amazing hospitality and culture of our six-time Host Port, Qingdao, we hear from some familiar faces of Alumni crew members who have returned to…

15 Mar 2016

Crew gets lessons in Chinese culture

Kung Fu fighting, Chinese calligraphy and origami messages in a bottle were order of the day for the Clipper Race crew and Skippers who were invited to a local primary…

15 Mar 2016

“​I have learnt things about myself along the journey, and I’ve been shocked.” Crew catch up with Andrew Jagoe-Salter

They say you can't teach a dog new tricks, yet self confessed 'old sea dog' Andrew who has decades of sailing experience is still learning new skills as he makes…

14 Mar 2016

The Sailing City • Qingdao Cup Prize-Giving

The Sailing City • Qingdao Cup officially drew to a close with an extravagant prize-giving ceremony hosted by the Qingdao Organizing Committee. Over three hundred crew, supporters and officials gathered…

13 Mar 2016

Arrivals complete with ClipperTelemed+ and Unicef alongside in Qingdao

All twelve teams are now alongside in Qingdao following the arrival of eleventh placed ClipperTelemed+ and twelfth placed Unicef after a gruelling race from Da Nang, Vietnam to complete the…

13 Mar 2016

‘Best experience of my life’: Paralympic Champion Charlotte Evans

British Paralympic champion ski guide Charlotte Evans has finished one of the ‘toughest’ and ‘best experiences of her life’, after competing with the GREAT Britain team in the Asia Pacific…

12 Mar 2016

​Race 8 Day 14: More favourable winds for ClipperTelemed+ and Unicef on final approach

The two teams still at sea, ClipperTelemed+ and Unicef, are enjoying more favourable winds as they make their way to the finish line of Race 8: The Sailing City •…

12 Mar 2016

Heroes’ Welcome for Home Team Qingdao

Though every Clipper Race team receives a big welcome into China, the crowds are inevitably always largest for the arrival of the hometown team, with this year in Qingdao being…

12 Mar 2016

PSP Logistics celebrates best finish of series as Qingdao arrivals continue

On the second day of arrivals into China’s Sailing City, PSP Logistics was the first to arrive in and join and receive its famously warm welcome from the hospitable Host…

12 Mar 2016

Fleet ETAs into Qingdao, China

China’s Sailing City, Qingdao, is looking forward to hosting the Clipper Race fleet for the sixth consecutive time. Due to Chinese immigration policy and an extravagant arrival ceremony which is…

11 Mar 2016

Race 8 Day 13: Relief from light winds forecast in final stages of The Sailing City • Qingdao Cup

The teams still at sea are contending with frustratingly light airs in the final stages of The Sailing City • Qingdao Cup. The freezing temperatures have delivered snow, but there…

11 Mar 2016

Red Hot Reception for Teams in Qingdao

China’s Sailing City put on a stunning display for the arrivals of the first four teams into Qingdao, with delegates from the city joining them on stage and over one…

10 Mar 2016

​Race 8 Day 12: Icy conditions as remaining teams beat upwind to Qingdao Race Finish

The countdown is on for the teams still racing and battling upwind in icy conditions to make it to Race Finish in Qingdao having come through the violent storm yesterday.…

10 Mar 2016

Derry~Londonderry~ Doire wins The Sailing City • Qingdao Cup

Derry~Londonderry~Doir e has recorded an impressive back to back, clean sweep win in the Clipper 2015-16 Race after taking line honours in The Sailing City • Qingdao Cup following twelve…

10 Mar 2016

China Calls for Qingdao Skipper

Every race edition, sailing into Qingdao has proven a memorable experience for the Clipper Race fleet. Each team takes to the stage for an individual Welcome Ceremony and are treated…

9 Mar 2016

UPDATE: Unicef en route to Qingdao

0800 UTC UPDATE on Unicef and crew member Trudi Bubb Although Unicef has reached the approaches to Shanghai, the option to transfer crew member Trudi Bubb to another boat was…

9 Mar 2016

​Race 8 Day 11: Violent storm hits fleet with ‘extreme’ conditions and 70 knot gusting winds

It has been a tumultuous night, with the fleet experiencing a violent storm which delivered some of the worst conditions of the entire circumnavigation. Gusting winds of 70 to 80…

9 Mar 2016

Qingdao Celebrates 12 Years of Achievement and Legacy

The city of Qingdao is ready to receive the Clipper Race fleet for the sixth consecutive edition and remains just as excited as it was in 2006, officials revealed at…

8 Mar 2016

Race 8 Day 10: Front moves over fleet as battle for leaderboard positions intensifies

A front is moving over the fleet, with north-easterly wind between 30 to 40 knots and a swell of three to four metres as the teams beat upwind in the…

8 Mar 2016


With more than a third of Clipper Race crew being women from all walks of life, ages and nationalities, it seems fitting to pay tribute to our female crew members…

8 Mar 2016

Clarification regarding LMAX Exchange discovery of deceased German sailor

Following recent media reports about the finding of deceased German sailor Manfred Fritz Bajorat in the Philippines last week, and subsequent misleading speculation regarding the involvement of the LMAX Exchange…

7 Mar 2016

​Race 8 Day 9: Exhausting sailing with fickle wind, fog and fishing fleets

Wind holes, thick fog and enormous fishing fleets are making for very stressful racing for the teams as they make slow progress towards Qingdao on Day 9 of The Sailing…

7 Mar 2016

“There are some things I will never forget in my life” 

What more unique a way to celebrate your birthday than on board a 70-foot ocean racing yacht racing from Australia to Vietnam, having never sailed before. That’s what 24-year-old Khulekani…

6 Mar 2016

​Race 8 Day 8: Constant trimming and sail plan adjustments in light winds

It has been a day of mostly frustratingly light and unstable airs on The Sailing City • Qingdao Cup to China, with a dying breeze. Garmin, which was leading the…

5 Mar 2016

​Race 8 Day 7: Fleet faces light winds in Ocean Sprint challenge

The teams have been contending with light, fluky winds and squally rain clouds during the Ocean Sprint, but have had a boost from the strong Kuro Shio current. Garmin is…

4 Mar 2016

​Race 8 Day 6: Teams begin Ocean Sprint as wind and sea state decreases

The wind has eased and veered round to the east, pushing the yachts onto a more northerly heading as the leading teams start the Ocean Sprint section of the course.…

3 Mar 2016

Race 8 Day 5: “Worst seas of the entire Clipper 2015-16 Race so far”

It has been another 24 hours of challenging seas and strong winds with the worst sea state of the entire circumnavigation reported by new race leader Garmin. Former race leader…

2 Mar 2016

​Race 8 Day 4: North or east: Which route will pay off?

The strong winds and steep waves have eased off, but the fleet is still battling upwind on day 4 of The Sailing City • Qingdao Cup to China. The northerly…

1 Mar 2016

Race 8 Day 3:  Fleet “Blasting up waves the size of houses”

The fleet is enduring some difficult conditions with the wind increasing significantly, delivering speeds of up to 40 knots over the last 24 hours and short, sharp waves, making progress…

29 Feb 2016

Race 8 Day 2: Wind forecasted to strengthen

With the fleet on an easterly course currently headed towards Taiwan on the race to Qingdao, the wind is picking up and will continue to do so for the next…

28 Feb 2016

Race 8 Day 1: ‘Tam biet’ as Clipper Race fleet heads north-east for Qingdao

Following a spectacular departure ceremony in Da Nang yesterday, and a dramatic seascape start off the Vinpearl Beach Resort, Race 8 is on and the teams are focussed on The…

27 Feb 2016

Race 8: The Sailing City • Qingdao Cup is underway

The Sailing City • Qingdao Cup started today in blustery conditions off Da Nang beach, Following a well attended departure ceremony, teams made their way to the coastal startlne. Visit…

27 Feb 2016

Fleet departs Da Nang ahead of starting The Sailing City • Qingdao Cup.

The Clipper Race bid an emotional farewell to Da Nang this morning following its ten day stopover in the coastal Vietnamese Host Port. During the on-stage departure ceremony, Clipper Race…

27 Feb 2016

Race 8: The Sailing City • Qingdao Cup

After an unforgettable stopover in Da Nang, the Clipper Race crew is turning its attention to Qingdao, China where an exciting and eventful visit awaits at the end of Race…

26 Feb 2016

Clipper Race crew visit Unicef supported day care centre in Da Nang for children with disabilities

Clipper Race CEO William Ward along with crew members who are raising money for Official Race Charity Unicef were invited to The DAVA Centre in the Hoa Vang District of…

26 Feb 2016

Thousands flock to watch spectacular Clipper Race night parade in Da Nang

Da Nang’s Han River bank was jam-packed for miles last night as people flocked in their thousands to see the Clipper Race fleet parade up and down the city’s water…

25 Feb 2016

Clipper Race Crew shine at Cultural Exchange Show

Clipper Race crew stole the show at Da Nang’s Art and Cultural night in the Race Village, as hundreds gathered to watch a variety of performances by local artists, dance…

24 Feb 2016

Da Nang means Business

The arrival of the Clipper Race fleet in Da Nang not only heralds the hosting of a great sporting and cultural event in the city, but also represents an international…

23 Feb 2016

Crew Catchup: Janet Chatzis

“Quite simply, I saw a picture in a magazine of a female crew member from a previous race and underneath it said 'No Experience Required'. Suddenly, it just grabbed me…

23 Feb 2016

‘Home team’ treated to tour of their city

Since arriving in Da Nang, Vietnam Skipper Wendy Tuck and her crew have been treated like superstars, as the people of the city embrace the team sailing around the world…

22 Feb 2016

Race 7: Five-Star Prize Giving Celebration in Da Nang, Vietnam

Clipper Race crew were treated to a lavish cultural celebration tonight at Da Nang’s five star Furama Resort where a sit down VIP Gala Dinner and traditional Vietnamese entertainment evening…

22 Feb 2016

Crew Catchup: Phil Orford - Life of the CEO turned ‘belated gap yearer’

Phil Orford is a round the world crew member on board GREAT Britain . Before starting the Clipper Race, he was the leader of the Forum of Private Business in…

21 Feb 2016

Crew Clean up in Da Nang

After almost a month at sea in a combination of high winds, spray over deck and hot, humid conditions below deck, the ritual ‘deep clean’ is proving even more thorough…

21 Feb 2016

Free Yacht Tours in Da Nang, Vietnam

During the Clipper Race’s stay in Da Nang, Vietnam there is the chance to get on board for free tours of the yachts. On Tuesday (23 February) and Wednesday (24…

19 Feb 2016

Race of Their Lives 2 Screenings in Race Village

Since receiving the warmest of welcomes into Da Nang, crew and supporters have been enjoying all the city has to offer, from first class Vietnamese cuisine to bicycle rides along…

18 Feb 2016

​Mission Performance and Unicef complete fleet arrivals in Da Nang

We now have a full house in Da Nang, Vietnam following the arrival of Mission Performance and Unicef in the South East Asian port this morning. Having been delayed due…

17 Feb 2016

Da Nang – Viet Nam receives rapturous reception as city turns out to welcome its team ‘home’

The Da Nang – Viet Nam crew always knew it was going to be special sailing into its home port, but no one was quite prepared for the pomp and…

17 Feb 2016

​Derry~Londonderry~ Doire Receives Spectacular Welcome into Da Nang

Winner of the Da Nang New Discovery of Asia Race Derry~Londonderry~Doire has been treated to a spectacular welcome ceremony in Da Nang as hundreds of people flocked to line the…

17 Feb 2016

ETAs to Da Nang, Vietnam

The city of Da Nang, Vietnam has provided a huge welcome to the Clipper Race fleet through Wednesday with Mission Performance and Unicef now due to arrive on Thursday morning.…

16 Feb 2016

Fleet closes in on Da Nang

Following the completion of the Da Nang New Discovery of Asia Race, the teams are making best speeds to Da Nang in strong winds as the north-east monsoon approaches the…

15 Feb 2016

Derry~Londonderry ~Doire takes first win in Race 7: Da Nang New Discovery of Asia Race

Following a challenging 27 day race in which crew faced a whole range of conditions, Derry~Londonderry~Doire has won the Da Nang New Discovery of Asia Race, taking its first race…

14 Feb 2016

​Race 7 Day 26: Battle for positions intensifies as Race Finish draws close

The Race Finish line has been set and teams are into the final hours of the Da Nang New Discovery of Asia Race with positions still to be decided as…

13 Feb 2016

UPDATE: Da Nang New Discovery of Asia Race Enters Final Hours

UPDATED at 0730 UTC, Sunday 14 February Message from Race Director Justin Taylor: "Please be advised that Visit Seattle has accepted my offer of twelfth place and Mission Performance has…

13 Feb 2016

Race 7 Day 25: Light winds allow chasing pack to make ground on leader

The Da Nang New Discovery of Asia Race could be set for a tighter finish than appeared possible a few days ago, since the frontrunners have all got caught in…

12 Feb 2016

Race 7 Day 24: Teams enjoy beat upwind towards Da Nang

As the fleet enters the final stages of the Da Nang New Discovery of Asia Race, the teams continue towards various waypoints on the route, enjoying comfortable sailing conditions along…

11 Feb 2016

Race 7 Day 23: “Clear skies” and “pleasant breeze” are welcome respite for fleet

With six days to go until the Clipper Race fleet arrives in Vietnam, the teams heading north are enjoying much easier upwind conditions which are forecast to continue for the…

10 Feb 2016


Looking for the adventure of a lifetime? This week we’re celebrating our thirst for all things action at the 2016 Telegraph Outdoor Adventure and Travel Show. Running tomorrow until Sunday…

10 Feb 2016

Nominate Your Team for Stormhoek Social Spirit Award

Upon completion of the Da Nang New Discovery of Asia Race, our intrepid crew will be half way through their fourteen race global adventure. The crew signed up for a…

10 Feb 2016

​Race 7 Day 22: Derry~Londonderry~ Doire claims Ocean Sprint bonus points

Leader of the Da Nang New Discovery of Asia Race Derry~Londonderry~Doire was the first through the Ocean Sprint course, setting a time of 14 hours 18 minutes, which has consequently…

9 Feb 2016

Race 7 Day 21: Record speeds set as teams round southern waypoint

Strong winds in the Da Nang New Discovery of Asia Race have led to some thrilling racing conditions for the Clipper Race fleet, with teams recording speeds of over 32…

8 Feb 2016

Race 7 Day 20: Teams turn corners as testing conditions continue

The New Moon signifies a new beginning and for many cultures, today represents a New Year. For some teams, turning the most southerly waypoint in the extended route of the…

7 Feb 2016

Race 7 Day 19: Bucking bronco seas test fleet ten days from Da Nang

The Da Nang New Discovery of Asia Race has continued at a fast pace. Derry~Londonderry~Doire maintains the fastest time across the Ocean Sprint, with eight teams now having completed the…

6 Feb 2016

​Race 7 Day 18: Winds gust up to 50 knots as teams face Sydney Hobart like conditions

Teams have been facing blustery conditions more reminiscent of the tough Rolex Sydney Hobart Yacht Race as winds hit 50 knots gusting and high surf speeds are reached on route…

5 Feb 2016

Race 7 Day 17: Rough ride as teams battle south in Ocean Sprint

As the fleet heads south for the first time this year the broad reaching champagne sailing experience enjoyed for much of the past two weeks is over. Winds died off…

4 Feb 2016

Making waves at the Seattle Boat Show this week

This week, we have been making waves at the West Coast’s largest boat show in Seattle, USA. During our debut at the Seattle Boat Show which runs until Saturday 6…

4 Feb 2016

Race 7 Day 16: Ocean Sprint start in sight for front runners

A swift turn around Amianan Island has seen half of the Clipper Race fleet gybe to the south-west as the teams head for the Ocean Sprint course and next waypoint…

4 Feb 2016

11-14 February: Join us at the 2016 Telegraph Outdoor Adventure & Travel Show

Looking for the adventure of a lifetime? Next week, we’re celebrating our thirst for all things action at the 2016 Telegraph Outdoor Adventure and Travel Show. Running from Thursday 11…

3 Feb 2016

Race 7 Day 15: “More oomph” forecast as fleet approaches waypoint

Passing to the north-east of the Philippines, the Da Nang New Discovery of Asia Race leader Derry~Londonderry~Doire is within 160 nautical miles of the next waypoint between the island of…

2 Feb 2016

Race 7 Day 14: King Neptune returns as close match racing continues

For the first time since escaping the Solomon Sea Doldrums, the Clipper Race fleet is experiencing much drier conditions and smoother sailing, as it continues to head north-west towards the…

1 Feb 2016

Race 7 Day 13: Trade Winds ride continues in South Pacific

The Trade Winds ride continues to provide great mileage for the Clipper Race fleet as constant wind angles and speeds result in 10 to 12 knots boat speed under heavyweight…

31 Jan 2016

Race 7 Day 12: “Stupendously stonking spinnaker runs” as Trade Winds continue to deliver

Day 12 has provided “stupendously stonking spinnaker runs” of up to 305 nautical miles covered in 24 hours, as the fleet powers on in the North Pacific Trade Winds. However,…

31 Jan 2016

LMAX Exchange resumes racing after discovering de-masted yacht

LMAX Exchange has resumed the Da Nang New Discovery of Asia Race after suspending racing at 0624 UTC following sight of a yacht that had been de-masted, drifting in position…

30 Jan 2016

Da Nang New Discovery of Asia Race Course Lengthened

Monday 1 February - Update on Race Course Extension Following questions, Race Chairman Sir Robin Knox Johnston, has provided additional details on the other options considered before deciding to extend…

30 Jan 2016

Race 7 Day 11: Trade Winds allow for High Speed Racing

The Clipper Race fleet is flying along in the Da Nang New Discovery of Asia Race, with many boats averaging more than 120 nautical miles in the last 12 hours.…

29 Jan 2016

​Episode two of Race of Their Lives 2 screens from Monday

The second instalment of the Clipper 2015-16 Race TV series, ‘Race of Their Lives 2’ will be broadcast across Europe and Australia on FOX SPORTS 2 and BLOOMBERG TV from…

29 Jan 2016

Race 7 Day 10: Fleet hit by 50 knot gusts in tropics

As a low pressure front continues to develop over the fleet, the circulatory winds are increasing with gusts of up to 50 knots, as the front runners approach the halfway…

29 Jan 2016

Penalty Points announced for Leg 4

The Clipper Race Committee has released details of the penalty points allocated to the teams following the three races of the All-Australian Leg 4. Penalty points are awarded because of…

28 Jan 2016

​Race 7 Day 9: Teams adjust to life at an angle as winds strengthen

The Clipper Race crew is getting used to life at an angle again as steady winds and mixed weather fronts keep the teams on their toes with the need for…

27 Jan 2016

Race 7 Day 8: Trade Winds power fleet after second Equator crossing

After days of taking a northerly route through Papua New Guinea, the fleet has finally reached a point where it can pick up the north-easterly Trade Winds which will ease…

27 Jan 2016

Crossing the line: Turning from slimy Pollywog to trusted Shellback

As the Clipper 2015-16 Race fleet crosses the Equator for the second and final time of its circumnavigation, we explain the history and tradition behind the famous King Neptune line…

26 Jan 2016

Race 7 Day 7: GREAT Britain leads charge through Scoring Gate

The chase is on in the Da Nang New Discovery of Asia Race, with the Scoring Gate behind them, the next big focus for the teams is crossing the Equator…

26 Jan 2016

The Clipper Race is calling! Visit us at the Seattle Boat Show: 29 Jan – 6 Feb

Still looking for the ultimate New Year’s resolution? We are on the search for the next generation of Clipper Race crew to take on the challenge of racing the world’s…

25 Jan 2016

Race 7 Day 6: Scoring Gate beckons as teams battle squall attacks

As the fleet passes New Ireland in Papua New Guinea, the leading four boats are within 80 nautical miles of the Scoring Gate and the chance to win the first…

25 Jan 2016

Unicef in the Philippines: ready when disaster strikes

Leg 5: The Asia-Pacific Challenge sees the fleet head back north, crossing the Equator for the second time in the race and travelling through the islands of Indonesia and the…

24 Jan 2016

​Race 7 Day 5: Doldrums frustrations eased by much welcomed winds

A significant wind-shift from south to north, bringing with it decent breeze, has helped get the fleet moving again on a beat after progress came to a standstill yesterday for…

23 Jan 2016

Race 7 Day 4: Doldrums duels keep teams moving

The teams are trying everything to keep their boats moving as they negotiate the light, shifty winds of the Doldrums and its associated rain squalls in the Da Nang New…

22 Jan 2016

​Race 7 Day 3: Heat is on as the fleet nears Doldrums

GREAT Britain has taken the lead, making up ground on familiar rival Garmin in second position* after it had to carry out a repair to its spinnaker and peel to…

21 Jan 2016

​Race 7 Day 2: Tropical conditions as teams near the Doldrums

The teams have been contending with tropical squalls and patchy wind as they close in on the Doldrums in the Da Nang New Discovery of Asia Race. And the next…

20 Jan 2016

‘Race of Their Lives’ continues this weekend

This weekend sees the ‘Race of their Lives’ series continue on Bloomberg Television across the UK and Europe. Episode 6 of the series, which followed the Clipper 2013-14 Race, airs…

20 Jan 2016

​Race 7 Day 1: Reef navigation decisions split fleet

The first 24 hours of the Da Nang New Discovery of Asia Race 7 has seen the teams split as they navigate the tactics of the Lihou Reef, with the…

19 Jan 2016

​Meet the Crew: Ann Adams

When the Clipper Race fleet sailed along the River Thames and past her pub in Canvey Island, Ann Adams couldn’t bring herself to watch because she knew the lure of…

19 Jan 2016

Race 7 gets underway in Coral Sea

Race 7, The Da Nang New Discovery of Asia Race, got underway at 0530 UTC (1530 Local) today, 19 January. The 4,310 nautical mile race had a Le Mans start…

18 Jan 2016

Clipper Race departs Australia for Da Nang, Vietnam

The Clipper Race bid a fond farewell to Australia today as Race 7, The Da Nang New Discovery of Asia Race, departed for Da Nang Vietnam. The 4,310 nautical mile…

17 Jan 2016

Skipper Change for Unicef

Jim Prendergast is to stand down as skipper of Unicef. Although he had reported to Airlie Beach following treatment for kidney stones, he subsequently felt he couldn’t continue and has…

17 Jan 2016

Additional Points for Mission Performance

Mission Performance has been awarded additional points to reflect the disadvantage it suffered by experiencing less favourable wind conditions following rendering assistance to a boat in distress. It will not…

16 Jan 2016

​Competitive streak runs through Asian Pacific Challenge Ambassadors

There are six new crew members from different ends of the earth boarding five Clipper Race boats to represent their individual Team Sponsor for the Asian Pacific Challenge, and there…

16 Jan 2016

Locals Lap up Clipper Race Fleet in Airlie Beach

Hundreds of Whitsunday and surrounding area residents and tourists took the chance to tour the Clipper Race fleet today. Families and friends enjoyed the tropic sunshine as they received free…

16 Jan 2016

Meet the Crew: Helen Hancorn

When Qingdao crew member Helen Hancorn saw the Clipper Race on the news last summer and learnt that anyone could take part, she went online and applied straight away. Now,…

15 Jan 2016

Celebrations at Henri Lloyd Hobart to Whitsundays Prize Giving

The excellent hospitality shown by Abell Point Marina and its Yacht Club continued this evening at the Henri Lloyd Hobart to Whitsundays Race Prize Giving. Podium winning teams LMAX Exchange…

15 Jan 2016

​The Da Nang New Discovery of Asia Race

After an extended and well earned break in Airlie Beach, the Clipper Race fleet will be back racing on Monday with their eyes firmly set on Vietnam in the Da…

14 Jan 2016

Meet the crew – Jennifer Burgis

After more than a year of preparation, Garmin crew member Jennifer Burgis is soaking up the sun in the idyllic setting of Airlie Beach in the Whitsundays in anticipation of…

14 Jan 2016

​Ambassadors bid emotional farewell after life-changing journey

Taking themselves out of their comfort zone is a trait shared by all Clipper Race crew, and many find that the mental and physical challenge provided through ocean racing helps…

13 Jan 2016

Round the World Crew Catch Up: Ruth Charles

As we've reached the midway point in terms of Clipper Race legs, we caught up with Derry~Londonderry~Doire round the world crew member Ruth Charles, 30, Wymondham-born youth worker (pictured front…

12 Jan 2016

Mayor of Whitsundays Welcomes Clipper Race Crew to Airlie Beach

Clipper Race crew were given the warmest of tropical welcomes to Airlie Beach this evening by the Mayor of the Whitsundays, Abell Point Marina and members of the local sailing…

11 Jan 2016

Mission Performance arrives into Airlie Beach to complete fleet

The Clipper Race fleet is all now safely berthed at Abell Point Marina in the Whitsundays Airlie Beach following the arrival of twelfth place Mission Performance this morning, which crossed…

9 Jan 2016


The Henri Lloyd Hobart to Whitsundays Race has been a week-long ‘sprint’ of tight unrelenting match racing over 1600 nautical miles which is going down to the wire with GREAT…

9 Jan 2016

LMAX Exchange wins Henri Lloyd Hobart to Whitsundays Race ahead of GREAT Britain

The tightest, most thrilling battle of the Clipper 2015-16 Race so far came right down to the final miles as LMAX Exchange claimed an incredibly narrow victory over constant rival…

9 Jan 2016

Clipper Race teams arrive to tropical welcome in Airlie Beach, Whitsundays

ELEVEN TEAMS NOW OVER THE FINISH LINE: ARRIVAL QUOTES The podium may be decided but the close finishes continued over night and this morning in Race 6: The Henri Lloyd…

9 Jan 2016

Mission Performance ETA 0830 Monday

UPDATE: MISSION PERFORMANCE DUE TO BERTH ABLE POINT MARINA 0830 LOCAL (2230 UTC) MONDAY 11 JANUARY 2016 Eleven teams have arrived at Abell Point Marina, Airlie Beach. The remaining yacht…

8 Jan 2016

Race 6 Day 6: Close racing makes for nail biting finale

The Henri Lloyd Hobart to Whitsundays Race is shaping up to a tense and dramatic finish, as once again in the last 24 hours, the lead has changed hands. As…

7 Jan 2016

​Race 6 Day 5: Mission Performance claims Ocean Sprint bonus points

Mission Performance may have started the Ocean Sprint much later than anticipated after going to the aid of another vessel in distress, but the team has made up for lost…

6 Jan 2016

​Race 6 Day 4: Offshore tactics pay off as Derry~Londonderry~ Doire takes the lead

With eleven of the twelve strong Clipper Race fleet making the tactical decision to sail close to the eastern Australian coast, Derry~Londonderry~Doire’s plan to remain further offshore has seen the…

5 Jan 2016

Mission Performance diverts to offer aid to yacht

UPDATE Mission Performance has resumed racing after diverting from its racing course to offer aid to a non-Clipper Race yacht which had a crew member stuck at the top of…

5 Jan 2016

Race 6 Day 3: Da Nang – Viet Nam leads charge into Ocean Sprint but drops into second place

The last 24 hours in the Henri Lloyd Hobart to Whitsundays Race have seen the fleet getting a bit of a battering from a developing low with unstable and unpredictable…

4 Jan 2016

Race 6 Day 2: GREAT Britain clinches three points at Scoring Gate

The fleet is flying along in Day 2 of Race 6: The Henri Lloyd Hobart to Whitsundays Race. The front runners are just over a thousand nautical miles from the…

3 Jan 2016

Race 6 Day 1: Split tactics as teams aim for extra points over positions

The New Year has brought a new determination to the Clipper Race fleet which, after a short stopover in Hobart, is back racing and charging across the Bass Strait in…

2 Jan 2016


Following the fleet's successful Rolex Sydney Hobart Yacht Race campaign, the sixth race of the 14-race series has started today, Saturday 2 January. Race 6: The Henri Lloyd Hobart to…

1 Jan 2016

Rolex Sydney Hobart Yacht Race prizes awarded

The prizes have been awarded in the official 71 st Rolex Sydney Hobart Yacht Race (RSHYR) prizegiving ceremony where the distinctive orange shirts of Da Nang – Viet Nam were…

30 Dec 2015


Wendy ‘Wendo’ Tuck, the first female Australian Skipper in the history of the Clipper Race, has clinched first place in the Clipper 70 class of the Rolex Sydney Hobart Yacht…

30 Dec 2015


The final fight to the finish line of Race 5, the 71 st Rolex Sydney Hobart Yacht Race (RSHYR), is going to be tight and tactical for the Clipper 70s…

30 Dec 2015

LATEST ETAs to Hobart

The Clipper Race fleet is still being led by ‘local Girl’ Wendo Tuck on Da Nang Viet Nam and is hurtling towards a finish just before 1600 local (0500 UTC)…

29 Dec 2015


The fleet continues to make good progress towards Hobart achieving decent speeds Tuesday morning local time across Bass Strait after some teams struggled in light winds close to the south…

28 Dec 2015

Race 5 Day 2: Da Nang – Viet Nam holds onto lead as conditions calm

Da Nang - Viet Nam, led by Australian Skipper Wendy Tuck, has held its lead overnight, benefitting from stronger south westerly winds by being on the east side of the…

27 Dec 2015

Race 5 Day 1: Fleet endures challenging first night on RSHYR

Following a spectacular start in front of millions of TV viewers, the Clipper Race fleet has endured a challenging first night which claimed victims of many of the super maxi…

26 Dec 2015

​Clipper Race fleet starts Rolex Sydney to Hobart Yacht Race

The 12-strong Clipper Race fleet has started famous Australian bluewater classic the Rolex Sydney Hobart Race (RSHYR) in front of hundreds of thousands of spectators. The fleet started at 1300…

26 Dec 2015

The Rolex Sydney Hobart Yacht Race starts today!

The entire Clipper Race fleet will compete in famous Australian bluewater classic the Rolex Sydney Hobart Race (RSHYR) which starts today, 26 December, at 1300 local AEDT (0200 UTC). Auditors…

25 Dec 2015

Santa surprises Sydney race crew

Christmas Day has got off to a suitably festive start down under today after (Sir) Santa Claus paid an early visit to Clipper Race crew at the CYCA in Sydney.…

24 Dec 2015

Making waves: The Sapinda Rainbow Foundation in Sydney

Thulisile ‘Thuli’ Lekalake had never been on a boat before joining the Clipper Race as an ambassador for the Sapinda Rainbow Foundation. Now, the 22 year-old from Mpumalanga, South Africa…

23 Dec 2015

Visit Seattle team cheer on Seahawks from Down Under

The Visit Seattle team has sent a message of support from the other side of the world to the Seattle Seahawks in celebration of the NFL team clinching a spot…

23 Dec 2015

​Clipper Race cousins re-trace family roots

For Australian cousins and Clipper Race crew members Lauren and Thomas Blunt, their first ever Rolex Sydney Hobart Yacht Race (RSHYR) is going to have extra special significance. Their grandfather…

22 Dec 2015

Sydney Hobart Weather Scare May Suit Clipper Racers

If the worst forecasted weather condtitions, estimated to bring gusts of up to 50 knots through the Rolex Sydney Hobart Yacht Race fleet, do materialise after the first 24 hours,…

22 Dec 2015

Wendy Tuck takes part in women in sailing event at the CYCA

Da Nang – Viet Nam Skipper Wendo Tuck has taken part in a Q&A panel event on women in offshore sailing here in Australia, ahead of her ninth Rolex Sydney…

21 Dec 2015

Unicef team finish mission to cycle length of Sydney Hobart Race

The Unicef crew has cycled 1000 kms in its bid to cycle the length of the Rolex Sydney Hobart Yacht Race (628 nautical miles/723 miles/1225 kms). The crew have cycled…

20 Dec 2015

Crew star in Sydney Hobart Race media day

With just six days to go to the long awaited Rolex Sydney Hobart Yacht Race (RSHYR), international media are arriving in Sydney ready to report on the 71 st edition…

18 Dec 2015


Forget Star Wars (for now), this week the first instalment of the Clipper 2015-16 Race TV series, ‘Race of Their Lives 2’ gets its UK and European premiere broadcast on…

17 Dec 2015

Busy maintenance schedule in Sydney

The Clipper Race fleet is undergoing a busy schedule of maintenance in Sydney, including each boat being lifted out of the water to have antifouling carried out. The 12 boats…

16 Dec 2015

Ross Ham: Eat, Sleep, Sail, Repeat

Amongst the crew competing in the Rolex Sydney Hobart Yacht Race this year is Australian Ross Ham, (58), the first double circumnavigator crew member in the history of the Clipper…

15 Dec 2015

Race 4: Elliot Brown Timekeeper Cup prizes awarded

The Race 4: Elliot Brown Timekeeper Cup prizes have been awarded at an event at the prestigious Royal Sydney Yacht Squadron. Winners LMAX Exchange received a flag from the race’s…

15 Dec 2015

PSP Logistics final team to arrive into Sydney

PSP Logistics has arrived into Sydney after completing Race 4, the Elliot Brown Timekeeper Cup. PSP Logistics finished in twelfth place and arrived into Sydney at 4pm local time. Skipper…

14 Dec 2015

Da Nang Viet Nam Skipper Wendy Tuck leads another night of Sydney arrivals

Australian Skipper Wendy Tuck has arrived home into Sydney, with a fleet of five supporter yachts accompanying her team Da Nang Viet Nam through Sydney Harbour and into the marina…

14 Dec 2015

Race 4 Day 13: Final positions confirmed for Race 4: The Elliot Brown Timekeeper Cup

Due to the continuing light airs affecting ClipperTelemed+, PSP Logistics and most recently Derry~Londonderry~Doire and Da Nang - Viet Nam , the final positions for Race 4: The Elliot Brown…

14 Dec 2015

ETAs to Sydney, Australia

Having also come to a virtual standstill in extremely light airs, Da Nang–Viet Nam has accepted ninth place and will now also motor to make best speed to Sydney. The…

13 Dec 2015

New day of Sydney arrivals for remaining teams

Strong headwinds followed by the wind dropping off in the harbour, has pushed back arrival times for the remaining five teams into Sydney. IchorCoal, which was due in just ahead…

13 Dec 2015

Race 4 Day 12: Sydney plays hard to get for remaining five teams

In a final, cruel test to what has already been a punishing slog, the five teams still striving to reach Sydney are once again fighting headwinds and fickle airs in…

12 Dec 2015

Busy day of Sydney arrivals

The podium may be complete but four other Clipper Race teams have celebrated completing the very same achievement after arriving into Sydney today too. Five teams remain at sea, with…

12 Dec 2015

Podium Complete

Garmin has crossed the Race 4 finish line into Sydney in third place, finishing at 0339 local time 13 December, 1639 UTC 12 December to complete the podium. GREAT Britain…

12 Dec 2015

Finish in sight as “toughest race so far” draws to conclusion

Following LMAX Exchange clinching the Race 4: Elliot Brown Timekeeper Cup title at 0801 UTC (1901 local) today , the finish line is truly now in sight as the remaining…

12 Dec 2015

LMAX Exchange crosses finish line, winning Race 4 into Sydney

LMAX Exchange has crossed the finish line in Sydney Harbour, taking line honours in Race 4 after racing 2,088 nautical miles from Albany through the Southern Ocean on the Elliot…

11 Dec 2015

​Race 4 Day 10: No margin for error as teams approach finish line

The heat is on as the Clipper Race fleet closes in on Sydney and the Elliot Brown Timekeeper Cup lives up to its name with the smallest of margins allowing…

11 Dec 2015

Information for the Sydney stopover

Ahead of the Sydney stopover, here are some details for Race Crew and friends and family. Marina information The boats will berth at the Cruising Yacht Club of Australia, the…

10 Dec 2015

Race 4 Day 9: Stealth Mode adds to Scoring Gate excitement

At 0007 UTC, the Elliot Brown Timekeeper Cup leader LMAX Exchange passed through the Scoring Gate and, pending verification by the Race Office, will collect three points for being the…

9 Dec 2015

​Race 4 Day 8: Tight at the top for front teams

It’s tight at the top of the Clipper Race fleet as the leading boats have rounded Great Mewstone, south of Tasmania, and entered the Tasman Sea in a quest to…

9 Dec 2015


LATEST: 1045 UTC Thursday 10 December Mike Gaskin has been been released from hospital and told to rest for a couple of days. His ribs have been strapped and he…

9 Dec 2015

Local resident to race home on Da Nang-Viet Nam team

When the fleet visits Da Nang in February 2016, Nguyen Tran Minh An from Cẩm Lệ District, will make a proud return home as the city’s first ever resident to…

8 Dec 2015

Race 4 day 7: Shifting wind patterns shake up fleet

The Clipper Race fleet has Tasmania in its sights, as a shift in wind patterns has allowed the majority of teams to head due east, south of the island, where…

8 Dec 2015

Unicef in Papua New Guinea: Malnutrition Prevention

As the fleet heads back into the Roaring Forties, this time venturing further south than on any other race, Unicef is working in many countries in the region to help…

7 Dec 2015

Race 4 Day 6: Closely fought inter-fleet battles excite teams

After six days of battling strong headwinds, the wind has finally backed and the Clipper Race fleet has swapped tacking for sail changes in a bid to make the most…

7 Dec 2015

Penalty Points Announced for Leg 3

The Clipper Race Committee has released details of the penalty points allocated to the teams following the race from Cape Town to Albany. Penalty points are awarded because of damage…

6 Dec 2015

​Race 4 Day 5: Teams jostle for position in challenging conditions

The constant headwinds and necessary tacking when battling against them may have slowed the fleet’s progress to Sydney, but in the last 24 hours the front runners have hit their…

5 Dec 2015

​Nominate your team for Stormhoek Social Spirit Award

The Australian Coast to Coast Leg is underway and what an exciting contest the Elliot Brown Timekeeper Cup is turning out to be. Shaping up to be the most close-matched…

5 Dec 2015

Race 4 Day 4: LMAX Exchange sets Ocean Sprint time to beat

LMAX Exchange is reaping the rewards of its decision to enter Stealth Mode for 24 hours, as it has so far recorded the fastest Ocean Sprint time of the five…

4 Dec 2015

Competition: Elliot Brown Timekeeper Cup

Throughout Race 4: The Elliot Brown Timekeeper Cup, Daily Update readers have the chance to win the limited edition Clipper Race watch. All you have to do is share with…

4 Dec 2015

Race 4 Day 3: Headwinds make progress uncomfortable in Ocean Sprint

The steady, downwind race is over and teams now find themselves living at an uncomfortable degree angle, beating into variable headwinds as they battle the frustrating conditions to select the…

3 Dec 2015

Race 4 Day 2: All to race for as teams head into Ocean Sprint

Visit Seattle , in a southerly position, has taken the lead for the first time in its overall race campaign this morning*, and is now 4.3 nautical miles ahead of…

2 Dec 2015

Race 4 Day 1: Clipper Race off to exciting, close start as Sydney beckons

After an enjoyable battery charge in Amazing Albany, the Clipper Race fleet is tightly packed and heading south east in search of Sydney, with sunshine and light winds easing them…

1 Dec 2015

Meet the Crew: David Pollock

This time last year David Pollock was unemployed, had struggled to hold down a job and wasn’t sure where life would take him but one thing is certain, he did…

1 Dec 2015

Race 4, The Elliot Brown Timekeeper Cup starts from Albany, Western Australia

The Clipper Race fleet has started Race 4, the Elliot Brown Timekeeper Cup to Sydney, after departing Official Host Port, City of Albany, Western Australia. The Australia Leg comprises three…

30 Nov 2015

Meet the Crew: Abi Oyepitan

Abiodun Adesola "Abi" Oyepitan, 34, is the second of four British Olympic and Paralympic athletes who will take on the Clipper Race challenge. Taking over from rower Bill Lucas, sprinter…

29 Nov 2015


Unicef team Skipper Jim Prendergast is to be replaced temporarily during the Australia Leg while he is treated for kidney stones which developed during the last race across the Southern…

29 Nov 2015

Coffee keeps Da Nang-Viet Nam going round the world

The Consul General of Viet Nam to Western Australia has visited the Da Nang – Viet Nam team in Albany bearing gifts of renewed coffee supplies that have been fuelling…

29 Nov 2015

Boat tour for Albany Brownies

Derry~Londonderry~Doire round the world crew member Ruth Charles, a Brownie leader back home in London, has given a boat tour to the Albany Brownies in Australia. Ruth is meeting local…

28 Nov 2015

ClipperTelemed+ arrives into Albany

ClipperTelemed+ has arrived into Albany this afternoon, docking at 5pm local time/0900 UTC after finishing Race 3 in twelfth place. After taking a tactical gamble to go furthest north in…

28 Nov 2015

Surfing, rowing and rugby for crew on Albany stopover

Crew have been enjoying surfing, rowing and touch rugby in Albany, Western Australia during the stopover. On Wednesday, crew members played touch rugby against the Amazing Albany team at the…

28 Nov 2015

Meet the Crew - Marta Michalska

Polish crew member Marta, now living in London, is due to begin the race of her life when Leg 4 starts from Albany, Western Australia on Tuesday 1 December. Find…

28 Nov 2015

Open boats and full programme of events in Albany this weekend

A busy programme of events for the public and crew is happening this weekend in Albany, Western Australia. Today (Saturday) and tomorrow there are opportunities to see on board the…

28 Nov 2015

ETAs to Albany, Australia

LMAX Exchange crossed the Wardan Whip finish line in Albany, Australia at 2143 UTC (0543 local time). Derry~Londonderry~Doire secured second place after crossing the finish line at 0932 UTC (1732…

27 Nov 2015

​Derry~Londonderry~ Doire moves to top of Race Standings

Following a very successful race for Derry~Londonderry~Doire in the Wardan Whip from Cape Town, South Africa to Albany, Australia, Skipper Daniel Smith and his crew have moved to the top…

27 Nov 2015


The Unicef team crossed the finish line in Albany at 0411 UTC (1211 local time) Friday 27 November in eleventh place in Race 3, the Wardan Whip: a 4850 nautical…

27 Nov 2015

Meet the Crew - Paul Wrightson

Today, Leg 3 crew members hand over the baton to the Leg 4 crew joining their teams to take part in the All-Australian Leg which includes the race from Albany…

26 Nov 2015

​Race 3 Day 26: Finish line beckons for final two teams

The Wardan Whip produced the tightest finish of the Clipper 2015-16 Race so far, when after twenty-five days and 4,850 nautical miles of racing Mission Performance and IchorCoal were neck…

26 Nov 2015

Pennants awarded at Race 3 prizegiving in Albany

The Race 3 Wardan Whip prizes have been awarded to the top three winning teams at a prizegiving event in Albany. An Aboriginal elder opened the ceremony at the White…

26 Nov 2015

Albany sailor Nicola Edwards finishes Race 3 on PSP Logistics

Albany local Nicola Edwards has finished Race 3 on board PSP Logistics, crossing the finish line in tenth place at 2356 UTC Wednesday November 25 (0756 local time Thursday 26th…

25 Nov 2015

Race 3 Day 25: Battle continues for final positions in the Wardan Whip

The fight for sixth place could go down to a photo finish for IchorCoal and Mission Performance , with just 0.35 nautical miles separating the pair at 1000 UTC, and…

25 Nov 2015

Clipper Race fleet arriving in Australia ahead of Rolex Sydney Hobart Yacht Race

With the arrival of the Clipper Race fleet into Australia after a stormy Southern Ocean crossing, thoughts are turning to the Rolex Sydney Hobart Yacht Race which starts one month…

24 Nov 2015

Race 3 Day 24: Fight for final points

Breeze has picked up for the teams still racing and just 30 nautical miles now separate the front three yachts as they look to finish as strongly as possible and…

24 Nov 2015

Olympic rower Bill Lucas completes the Southern Ocean leg 3

Former Olympic rower Bill Lucas has completed the Southern Ocean leg 3, finishing fifth into Albany Australia, with his team GREAT Britain this morning. Bill, 28, finished fifth in the…

24 Nov 2015

GREAT Britain finishes Race 3 in fifth place

GREAT Britain is now in Albany, Western Australia, after crossing the Wardan Whip finish line at 0136 UTC (0936 local time) today, Tuesday. The team finished just behind Garmin after…

24 Nov 2015

Garmin finishes Race 3, the Wardan Whip, in fourth place

Garmin has finished Race 3, the Wardan Whip, in fourth place. The team crossed the finish line in front of Albany Waterfront Marina at 0814 local time/0014UTC. The team managed…

23 Nov 2015

Qingdao finishes in third, claims second podium of series

The Qingdao team has crossed the Race 3 finish line into Albany, Western Australia, claiming third position, its second podium place out of three races. The team crossed the finish…

23 Nov 2015

​Race 3 Update: ClipperTelemed+ accepts twelfth place in Wardan Whip

After taking a tactical gamble to go furthest north in search of a better path to Albany, ClipperTelemed+ has found itself stuck in the centre of a high pressure weather…

23 Nov 2015

Race 3 Day 23: Plenty left to play for as stakes heat up for remaining teams

With podium places secured for LMAX Exchange and Derry~Londonderry~Doire (crossed finish line at 0932 UTC/ 1732 local) with Qingdao estimated to cross finish in approximately two hours, the competition continues…

23 Nov 2015

​Derry~Londonderry~ Doire clinches second place into Albany

Derry~Londonderry ~Doire has clinched second place into Albany, Western Australia, at the end of Race 3 across the Southern Ocean from Cape Town, South Africa, in the Wardan Whip. It…

23 Nov 2015


LMAX Exchange has claimed victory on Race 3, the Wardan Whip, crossing the finish line first in Albany, Western Australia at 2143 UTC November 22, (0543 local time, November 23).…

22 Nov 2015

​Race 3 Day 22: LMAX Exchange on course to win Wardan Whip today

After 22 days of racing, LMAX Exchange is within 55 nautical miles of the Wardan Whip finish line and, with approximately 120 nautical miles separating it from second placed Qingdao…

22 Nov 2015

Albany stopover photo competition

The Clipper Race fleet is approaching Albany, Western Australia, on its way from South Africa, and we want to see your best images of the yachts arriving in to Albany…

21 Nov 2015

​Race 3 Day 21: Varying team tactics make for exciting closing stages

While the front of the fleet is hoping to have cleared the last of the very light winds, the boats further back are averaging 10 to 12 knots as they…

20 Nov 2015

Race 3 Day 20: Final approach gets complicated as leaders enter Stealth Mode

Competition is hotting up as the teams make their way out of the Southern Ocean chill and get ever closer to the warmth of Western Australia. Front three teams, LMAX…

19 Nov 2015

Race 3 day 19: Light winds frustrate front runners in approach to Albany

In complete contrast to the conditions the western half of the fleet faced 48 hours ago, the boats further east are now toying with tactics as pockets of light winds…

18 Nov 2015

Unicef team exceeds fundraising target for Official Race Charity

Congratulations to the Unicef team, which has exceeded its fundraising target of £20,000 for the race’s official charity, and namesake, Unicef. The Unicef yacht entry was donated by the race…

18 Nov 2015

Race 3 Day 18: Teams brace against Southern Ocean Storm as Changeable Conditions set in

After a highly anticipated build up, the western half of the Clipper Race fleet braced against a ferocious Southern Ocean storm in the last 24 hours and has come out…

18 Nov 2015

TV Model Amy Willerton to take on Clipper Race challenge

Miss Universe Great Britain winner and former I’m a Celebrity Get Me Out of Here contestant Amy Willerton will take on her toughest challenge yet when she joins the Garmin…

17 Nov 2015

Come and visit us Up North!

As the fleet races across the Southern Ocean towards the west of Australia, our intrepid Recruitment Team here at Clipper Race HQ is travelling to the north of England in…

17 Nov 2015

Race 3 Day 17: Stormforce winds catch up with western teams

Teams in the west are experiencing the toughest conditions today as a stormforce front, expected to gust up to 70 to 80 knots, catches up behind them. Teams in the…

16 Nov 2015

​Nominations open for Wardan Whip Stormhoek Social Spirit Award

As the leading teams close in on the final 1000 nautical miles to Albany, Stormhoek Wines has opened its Social Spirit Award nomination window for Race 3. The Wardan Whip…

16 Nov 2015

​Race 3 Day 16: Ocean Sprints commence and teams prepare for strong front

The sun is shining and life at sea has been brighter and steadier, however a powerful incoming front, likely the strongest experienced so far in this race with gusts forecast…

15 Nov 2015

Race 3 Day 15: Winds ease to give teams a temporary breather

Steady surfs and large swells eased over the past 24 hours and light, fluffy winds overnight and this morning are now providing a temporary time out from the strenuous Southern…

15 Nov 2015


There has been a technical glitch with the Race Viewer overnight and not all the positions have updated correctly, most notably GREAT Britain and Mission Performance . All teams are…

14 Nov 2015

​Race 3 Day 14: High speeds and big surf keep Clipper Race steaming through Southern Ocean

Despite some predicted short-term respite, strong winds, big waves and squalls, which were most extreme in the south east, have meant yesterday was anything but restful for some teams in…

13 Nov 2015

​Race 3 Day 13: Fast moving front results in busy deck workout for fleet

A fast moving weather front brought wind from all angles and strengths with 60 knot gusts resulting in a busy day of sail manoeuvres as teams were forced to go…

12 Nov 2015

​Race 3 Day 12: Front moves over fleet bringing more exhilarating conditions

The fleet has had another day of exciting downwind sailing, with a front also starting to move over it providing more exhilarating conditions. The prelude to the front will see…

11 Nov 2015

Race 3 Day 11: Mixed wind fortune as sleigh ride continues for lead half of fleet

Lighter winds slowed progress for some yesterday, but depending on their position in the spread out fleet, winds have now built again and the blustery sleigh ride is back on…

10 Nov 2015

Race 3 Day 10: Race leaders claim Scoring Gate rewards

In the Wardan Whip’s first bonus opportunity, LMAX Exchange secured the maximum three points for being first across the Scoring Gate at 1625 UTC yesterday. Derry~Londonderry~Doire picked up two points…

9 Nov 2015

Penalty Points announced for Race 2

The Clipper Race Committee has released details of the penalty points allocated to the teams following the race from Rio de Janeiro to Cape Town. Penalty points are awarded because…

9 Nov 2015

Race 3 Day 9: Excitement for teams as Southern Ocean sleigh ride finally delivers

The wind has finally backed around and is allowing the Clipper Race fleet to get its first real taste of the Southern Ocean sleigh ride that teams have been craving…

9 Nov 2015


Clipper Ventures Chief Executive William Ward features in one of twelve separate films, produced in partnership with Ridley Scott Associates, showcasing real, live export opportunities that are waiting for UK…

8 Nov 2015

Race 3 Day 8: Front brings 50-knot gusts and short, sharp seas

An anticipated frontal system has brought strong gusting winds and building sea states, making for bouncy, wet living conditions yet a positive 12-hour run progress of more than 110 nautical…

7 Nov 2015

Race 3 Day 7: Purring Roaring Forties starts to waken as winds pick up

The ‘big purring cat’ of the Roaring Forties is starting to waken gently. Barometers are rising and increasingly wet, windy cold conditions have teams believing they really are now in…

6 Nov 2015

Race 3 Day 6: Progress slows as Roaring Forties purrs

Passing the 40S line which marks the official start of the Southern Ocean’s ‘Roaring Forties’ brings expectations of big surfs and accelerated boat speeds, however that is not always the…

6 Nov 2015

Unicef in Australasia: Malaria prevention

As the fleet takes on the Roaring Forties of the Southern Ocean Sleigh Ride towards Australia, Unicef is working in many countries across this region to keep children safe. One…

5 Nov 2015

​Race 3 Day 5: Life at an upwind angle as teams knock off miles to Albany

The Clipper Race fleet is living life at an angle as teams continue to push upwind, still seeking out the more favourable westerlies that the Southern Ocean is so famous…

4 Nov 2015

​Race 3 Day 4: Teams seek Southern Ocean reward

After a slow start, teams are relieved to be making better direction south towards the notoriously strong currents of the Southern Ocean and the Roaring Forties as they bid to…

3 Nov 2015

​Race 3 Day 3: Fickle winds, squalls and Agulhas current make progress difficult

The fleet has been struggling to make decent progress in the light conditions, with fickle winds, squalls and the Agulhas current making sail selection a tricky process. Over the next…

2 Nov 2015

Race 3 Day 2: Storm passes, wind and sea state reduces

The worst of the storm is over with wind and sea state reducing overnight, and the teams are making some progress east at the start of the Wardan Whip race.…

2 Nov 2015

Throwback: One year on since Sir Robin Knox-Johnston’s victorious Route du Rhum campaign

One year ago today, Clipper Race Founder and Chairman, Sir Robin Knox-Johnston, 76, started Transatlantic solo race the Route du Rhum – Destination Guadeloupe, leaving St Malo, France. The British…

1 Nov 2015

​Race 3 Day 1: Strong winds and big waves provide testing conditions

The start of the Wardan Whip, from Cape Town, South Africa, to Albany, Western Australia, saw strong south easterly winds of 20 knots and gusts of 35 knots on the…

1 Nov 2015

Alumni crew show their support in Cape Town

As we celebrate the tenth edition race and its departure from Cape Town yesterday for the start of Race 3: The Wardan Whip to Albany, Western Australia, the spirit of…

31 Oct 2015


The twelve-strong Clipper Race fleet has begun the third stage of its 14-race global series in an energetic start from Cape Town in the 4845 nautical mile Southern Ocean crossing…

31 Oct 2015

​It’s here: Race 3 start day!

It’s here: Race 3 start day! Crew are already down at the V&A Waterfront this morning to make final preparations and clear immigration before their scheduled departure jus after mid-day…

31 Oct 2015

Meet the Crew: Memnia Theodorou

Memnia Theodorou is the first Cypriot to do the race. She was only due to compete in the Atlantic Trade Winds Race to Brazil, but once she got to Rio…

30 Oct 2015


As Sewisa ‘Lawrence’ Magane, a 23-year-old South African from Groberlsdal, Limpopo, prepares to participate in the next leg of the race across the Southern Ocean, Sapinda Rainbow reserve Sakhile Khulekani…

30 Oct 2015


It’s been a busy week around our stay in Cape Town with a high level of engagement and activation by our Race Partners. The latest initiative was a range of…

30 Oct 2015

Meet the Crew: Chris Ingram

Cornish crew member Chris Ingram is set to race across the Southern Ocean when Race 3 starts from Cape Town on Saturday. Find out more about why he is taking…

29 Oct 2015

Hive of activity in Cape Town Race Village

The Race Village in Cape Town is a hive of activity as visitors to the V&A Waterfront Marina discover what life is like as an ocean racer ahead of the…

29 Oct 2015

​Race 3, The Wardan Whip, starts on Saturday

Race 3 - Cape Town, South Africa, to Albany, Western Australia - will be called the Wardan Whip. Wardan means ‘ocean’ in Noongar, a dialect spoken by the Noongar people,…

29 Oct 2015

Unicef fundraising exceeds £100,000 mark

Just two months into our eleven month global endurance we are very proud to announce we have already raised an incredible £100,000 for Official Race Charity Unicef, the world’s leading…

29 Oct 2015

​Meet the Crew: Gabrielle Barthelemy

French crew member Gabrielle Barthelemy had no sailing experience and had never stepped on a yacht before, but couldn’t get the thought of racing across oceans out of her head…

28 Oct 2015


Da Nang – Viet Nam received a visit from the Ambassador of Vietnam to South Africa, during the stopover in Cape Town before the fleet leaves to race across the…

28 Oct 2015

Meet the Crew: Christina Cunningham

Ahead of the start of the Southern Ocean Leg 3, we meet crew member Christina Cunningham, who has known about the Clipper Race since before the inaugural event after seeing…

27 Oct 2015

​Get on board our open boats in Cape Town today

The Clipper Race fleet has arrived at the V&A Waterfront Marina in Cape Town in all its splendour having completed the Stormhoek Race to the Cape of Storms from Rio…

27 Oct 2015


Highly accomplished ocean racing skipper and instructor Bob Beggs is to take the helm aboard Qingdao in Cape Town for the remainder of its global Clipper 2015-16 Race campaign. The…

27 Oct 2015

Tune in to the world’s biggest ‘house’ party tonight in Cape Town

Tonight, join the Sapinda Rainbow Foundation for it's massive party in Cape Town featuring award-winning beats by South African sensation and ‘Breakthrough DJ of 2015’ Black Coffee. Everyone’s invited, wherever…

26 Oct 2015

Meet the Crew: Olympian Bill Lucas

Today, Tuesday 27 October, marks Crew Changeover day for the Southern Ocean Leg to Albany, Western Australia. This is the day that the new joining crew officially join their teams…

26 Oct 2015

Qingdao and LMAX Exchange cross the finish line into Cape Town

Qingdao has completed the Stormhoek Race to the Cape of Storms and crossed the finish line at 1131 UTC (1331 local time) with an elapsed time of 366 hours and…

26 Oct 2015

​Race 2 Day 19: Qingdao overtakes LMAX Exchange in final approach to Cape Town

The race to Cape Town is not over yet. After chasing its nearest competitor since Rio, Qingdao has overtaken LMAX Exchange, finding stronger winds and a better angle in the…

25 Oct 2015

​Prizes Awarded for Stormhoek Race to Cape of Storms

As the sun began to set behind Table Mountain, teams gathered to award top honours for the Stormhoek Race to the Cape of Storms to GREAT Britain , with Derry~Londonderry~Doire…

25 Oct 2015

Stormhoek Race to the Cape of Storms Prize-giving Tonight

It’s almost time to get the party started as we count down the hours to the Stormhoek Race to the Cape of Storms Prize-giving and Crew Party. The excitement kicks…

25 Oct 2015

​Race 2 day 18: Time expires for LMAX Exchange or Qingdao to claim a podium

The time has passed for either LMAX Exchange or Qingdao to claim a podium position in Race 2: The Stormhoek Race to the Cape of Storms. With both boats racing…

25 Oct 2015

ETAs to Cape Town, South Africa

The Clipper 2015-16 Race fleet is now berthed at the V&A Waterfront in Cape Town, South Africa. Click here for further information about Cape Town and the events during the…

24 Oct 2015

​ Race 2 Day 17 Final 500 miles for LMAX Exchange and Qingdao

LMAX Exchange and Qingdao are sailing close hauled in the final 500 nautical miles to Cape Town, making good speed of 10.8 and 9.1 knots respectively on their very different…

24 Oct 2015

Unicef crosses finish line in Cape Town

Unicef has completed the Stormhoek Race to the Cape of Storms and crossed the finish line at 0813 UTC (1013 local time). The other teams stood on the bow of…

24 Oct 2015


Clipper Race veteran Skipper Matt Mitchell, 28, is to join ClipperTelemed+ in Cape Town, to lead the team for the remainder of the Clipper 2015-16 Race following the resignation of…

23 Oct 2015

Visit Seattle arrives in Cape Town, South Africa

Visit Seattle has crossed the Stormhoek Race to the Cape of Storms finish line to make it nine Clipper Race yachts now berthed at the V&A Waterfront in Cape Town,…

23 Oct 2015

​Race 2 Day 16: Wind shifts keep remaining teams focused on finish

The four teams still racing are managing the wind shifts on the final push into Cape Town. Southerly boat Qingdao, which struggled with changeable winds yesterday, is now making 8.7…

22 Oct 2015

IchorCoal celebrates finish into ‘home port’

South African sponsored IchorCoal is celebrating its arrival into ‘home port’ Cape Town at 0917 UTC (1117 local time), with an elapsed time of 351 hours 17 minutes. Sponsored by…

22 Oct 2015

​Race 2, Day 15: South Atlantic High the final obstacle for remaining teams

The South Atlantic High is the last remaining major obstacle for the boats still at sea, with progress slow in the final approaches to the finish line off Cape Town,…

22 Oct 2015

Busy day of arrivals as teams land in Cape Town

After the first four arrivals overnight day break has revealed Table Mountain in all its majesty. Four more teams are expected today as they battle to cross the finish line…

21 Oct 2015


GREAT Britain crossed the finish line in the Stormhoek Race to the Cape of Storms to take Line Honours at 20.30 (22.30 local time) after crossing the 3,400 nautical miles…

21 Oct 2015

​Race 2, Day 14: Dramatic denouement in store as teams fight to finish

Race 2, The Stormhoek Race to the Cape of Storms, is headed for a dramatic denouement, with Derry~Londonderry~Doire, Garmin, GREAT Britain and Mission Performance all fighting to be first into…

20 Oct 2015

Race 2, Day 13: Stealth Mode suspense for Race fans

The Stormhoek Race to the Cape of Storms is set for an exciting finish, with frustrating winds and the wide use of Stealth Mode amongst the fleet leaving race fans…

20 Oct 2015

Race 1 Penalty Points Awarded

The Clipper Race Committee has finalised the list of penalty points to be given to the teams following the assessment of damages and repairs that were needed after the fleet’s…

19 Oct 2015

​Race 2 Day 12: High pressure system off Africa the next challenge

The high pressure system ahead of the fleet off South Africa is causing a tactical headache for the Skippers as they analyse the navigation and weather options for the approach…

19 Oct 2015

Clipper Race fleet and Sir Robin Knox-Johnston officially entered in Rolex Sydney Hobart Race 2015

The Clipper Race fleet is officially entered in the Rolex Sydney Hobart Yacht Race (RSHYR) which starts on December 26. The fleet will bring colour to the Australian offshore classic…

18 Oct 2015

​Race 2 Day 11: Derry~Londonderry~Doire sets time to beat in Ocean Sprint

Four teams have completed the Ocean Sprint section of the course and are counting down the miles until the finish in Cape Town. All teams pushed hard with good average…

17 Oct 2015

ClipperTelemed+ resumes racing

ClipperTelemed+ suspended racing this morning (UTC) and engaged the motor while recovering crew member Alex Laline, who is uninjured, after losing grip of the mast while attempting to fix a…

17 Oct 2015

​Race 2 Day 10: Front teams start Ocean Sprint test

Five teams are currently pushing hard across the Ocean Sprint after enjoying more challenging conditions in the Stormhoek Race to the Cape of Storms. Race leader Garmin, GREAT Britain (second),…

16 Oct 2015

Race 2 Day 9: Speed records broken as teams tested by front

It has been a day of fast spinnaker sailing as the front passed over the fleet, with multiple teams breaking speed and distance records, including another new reported top speed…

15 Oct 2015

​Nominations Open for Stormhoek Social Spirit Award

As the teams battle it out in the South Atlantic Ocean, it is time for everyone on dry land to start nominating for the Stormhoek Social Spirit Award in this…

15 Oct 2015

Race 2 Day 8: Windy conditions provide exhilarating racing

The anticipated weather front will move over the fleet imminently, with the majority of teams already in winds of 30 to 40 knots, and still anticipating 50 knot gusts. Progress…

15 Oct 2015

Unicef in South Africa: HIV prevention

Leg 2: The South Atlantic Challenge takes the race teams from South America towards the distant shores of Africa, ending with a warm welcome in Cape Town, South Africa. Unicef…

14 Oct 2015

Race 2 Day 7: Gruelling conditions with 50 knot gusts predicted today

The majority of the fleet is making good progress in some fairly gruelling conditions, with strong winds and gusts around 50 knots predicted for the eastern group over the next…

13 Oct 2015


The Clipper Race has scooped Gold in a major industry award honouring online excellence at the 5 th Annual Lovie Awards, regarded as the most prestigious pan-European awards of its…

13 Oct 2015

Race 2 Day 6: Three teams cross the Scoring Gate

Three teams have crossed the Scoring Gate, following the fleet’s dilemma of whether to risk heading further south in pursuit of the bonus points. Derry~Londonderry~Doire crossed first at 0438UTC today,…

12 Oct 2015

Race 2 Day 5: Strong winds forecasted for eastern teams

Some of the fleet have been experiencing a period of light winds, but strong conditions associated with the front appearing are due to fill in over the next 24 hours…

11 Oct 2015

​Race 2 Day 4: Complicated weather patterns ahead as teams decide on tactics

The weather is set to be complicated over the next few days, creating the first major transition area of the race, and some tactical dilemmas for the teams. The eastern…

11 Oct 2015


UPDATE 0900UTC SUNDAY 11 OCTOBER 2015 LMAX Exchange and Qingdao have started Race 2 in a Le Mans start off the Brazilian coast at 0510 UTC today ( Sunday). They…

10 Oct 2015

Race 2 Day 3 Teams Toy with Scoring Gate Tactics

As the crew gradually settles into the life of ocean racing again, attention has now turned to the tactical decision of whether or not to go for the Scoring Gate…

9 Oct 2015

Race 2 Day 2: Crews acclimatise to tough conditions

As the crews continue to acclimatise to the tumultuous conditions in the South Atlantic Ocean, the strong winds are helping the fleet make steady progress towards Cape Town, with leader…

8 Oct 2015

​Race 2 Day 1: ‘A baptism of fire’ with fleet in strong winds and big waves

The Stormhoek Race to the Cape of Storms is underway with the fleet mostly in a tightly-bunched pack after 140 nautical miles and 14 hours of racing. Derry~Londonderry~Doire was first…

8 Oct 2015

Countdown to Cape Town

The countdown has already started to a host of exciting events in South Africa now that Race 2 is underway: the Stormhoek Race to the Cape of Storms from Rio…

7 Oct 2015

PSP Logistics - Back at sea after successful repairs

UPDATE - 0530 UTC /0230 LOCAL TIME THURSDAY 8 OCTOBER CV22 PSP Logistics has returned to sea to resume racing following replacement of a failed shackle on the running backstay.…

7 Oct 2015

Stormhoek Race to the Cape of Storms gets underway

Race 2: The Stormhoek Race to the Cape of Storms is underway off the Brazilian coast today on its 3,417 nautical mile voyage to Cape Town, South Africa. Teams departed…

7 Oct 2015

​Stormhoek Race to the Cape of Storms Start today

At 1600UTC (1300 local time) the Clipper Race fleet slipped lines and departed Rio de Janeiro in preparation for the start of the Stormhoek Race to the Cape of Storms.…

7 Oct 2015

Meet the Race 2 crew: Colleen Carstens

South African crew member Colleen Carstens had no previous sailing experience before signing up to take part in Leg 2 and race into her home country this year. Colleen was…

6 Oct 2015

Fightback with UFC World Number One

GREAT Britain crew member Dan Hardy was welcomed back into his mixed martial arts (MMA) ‘comfort zone’ with open arms in Brazil this week by Jose Aldo, the current UFC…

6 Oct 2015

Meet the Race 2 crew: Felipe Urrutia

For the first time in the race’s history, two Colombians will take part in the tenth edition race this year. Business owner Felipe Urrutia from Bogota is one of them…

6 Oct 2015


Just in time for Christmas! Get your orders in early via for the specially priced box set of the two Clipper 2013-14 Race official TV series. In addition to…

5 Oct 2015

9 – 11 October: Visit us at the Scotland Boat Show

With more than 100 intrepid adventurers signed up for the 2017-18 edition of the race preparing to take on the experience of a lifetime, we are on the search for…

5 Oct 2015

Unicef continues as Official Race Charity for 2017-18

We are pleased to announce that we are extending our partnership with the Official Race Charity, Unicef, to include the 2017-18 edition of the race. This will be the second…

5 Oct 2015

Meet the Race 2 crew: Stefan Ammann

Stafan Ammann is preparing to take on the might of the Southern Ocean, a dream he has been waiting five years to live. Stefan was due to take part in…

4 Oct 2015

Meet the Race 2 crew: Catherine Anderson

As the crew arrive into Rio to start the next race of the series, this time could not have come quicker for one race crew member. Catherine Anderson has had…

3 Oct 2015


The Race office has announced that repairs to LMAX Exchange and Qingdao will mean a delay in them starting the race to Cape Town, the Stormhoek Race to the Cape…

3 Oct 2015

Time for the Stormhoek Race to the Cape of Storms

The Stormhoek Race to the Cape of Storms gets underway on Wednesday 7 October. Compared to Race 1 it will seem like a straight sprint across the South Atlantic Ocean…

3 Oct 2015

​‘Lovie’ Your Website

We’re proud to reveal that the Clipper Race website has been shortlisted for a major global award in the category of ‘Best Sports Website’. has been nominated in the…

3 Oct 2015

Meet the Race 2 crew: Clement Lee

Today, Race 1 crew members hand over the baton to Race 2 crew joining their teams to take part in the South Atlantic Challenge to Cape Town, South Africa. Joining…

2 Oct 2015

Celebrations and tributes at Race 1 Prize Giving Ceremony

Marina da Gloria was brought to life tonight for the Race 1 Prize Giving as crew enjoyed samba music, traditional Brazilian barbecue, and a plentiful supply of caipirinhas to get…

2 Oct 2015

​Results for Race 1: The Atlantic Trade Winds Leg

After adjusting redress for shortening the course and calculating the positions of the boats still racing at 2300 Local Time on Wednesday 30 September, the Race Office has confirmed the…

2 Oct 2015

​IchorCoal arrives to emotional welcome from Clipper Race crew and supporters

At 1245 UTC (0845 local), the final team to arrive in Rio de Janeiro, IchorCoal was welcomed in with applause as waiting crew from all teams and many supporters came…

2 Oct 2015

Unicef arrives in Rio

It’s official, after 32 days at sea, all the Clipper 2015-16 Race teams have made it to Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Unicef berthed in Marina da Gloria at 0750 local…

1 Oct 2015

​Glorioso Rio

Rio de Janeiro has welcomed the Clipper Race fleet with open arms after a spectacular arrival set against the breath-taking Rio waterfront and the world-famous landmark of Sugarloaf Mountain. The…

1 Oct 2015

​Race 1 Day 31 Atlantic Trade Winds Leg draws to a close

Race 1 has drawn to a close, with the final seven teams battling for final positions and leaderboard points in the Atlantic Trade Winds Leg off the Brazilian coast. After…

1 Oct 2015

Busiest day of team arrivals into Rio

Out of the remaining teams still competing in Race 1, ClipperTelemed+ was the first of the seven yachts to arrive at Marina Da Gloria in the early hours local time…

1 Oct 2015

Fleet ETAs to Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

IchorCoal and Unicef have arrived in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil and are berthedat Marina da Gloria. Click here for more information on the fleet's arrival You can learn more about…

30 Sep 2015

Meet Ocean Racer Sarah Thompson

Sarah Thompson grew up by the sea in Northern Ireland and now works as a solicitor in London. It was during a visit from her mum that she came across…

30 Sep 2015

Race 1 Day 30 Final hours to Race Finish

As we have witnessed in Race 1, after racing more than 5000 nautical miles across the Atlantic Ocean, and at times travelling at speeds of 20 plus knots, the conditions…

29 Sep 2015

Race 1 to Finish at 2100 Local time (Brazil) Wednesday 30 September

The skippers of the seven remaining teams still racing have just been given notice that Race 1 to Rio de Janeiro will finish at 2100 local time (Rio de Janeiro,…

29 Sep 2015

Race 1 Day 29 Fleet wary of Cabo Frio concertina

Despite there being seven boats still racing, it has been an anxious 24 hours for Clipper Race followers with up to four teams opting to activate Stealth Mode over the…

28 Sep 2015

Race 1 Day 28 Stealth Mode employed in bid for sixth place

After 5600 nautical miles of racing, four teams made it to the Marina da Gloria yesterday within 14 hours of each other. Winners LMAX Exchange had to wait 36 hours…

27 Sep 2015


Skipper Ashley Skett and his Garmin team crossed the finish line at 1850 UTC (1550 local) today to claim the fifth spot in Race 1 to Rio and its first…

27 Sep 2015


After a nail biting fight to the finish, GREAT Britain crossed the finish line in Guanabara Bay, Rio de Janeiro at 1400 UTC (1100 local) just 0.8 nautical miles ahead…

27 Sep 2015

Race 1 Day 27 Sprint Finish for Final Podium Position

At 0433 UTC (0133 local time) Qingdao crossed the finish line at Rio de Janeiro after 27 days of racing across the Atlantic Ocean, claiming second place behind LMAX Exchange…

27 Sep 2015

Qingdao secures second podium place into Rio

The Chinese entry Qingdao crossed the finish line in Guanabara Bay, Rio de Janeiro at 0433 UTC (0133 local) to secure second place and the team’s first eleven points in…

26 Sep 2015


First to cross the finish line in the Atlantic Trade Winds Race to Rio was LMAX Exchange at 1718 UTC yesterday, having led the Clipper Race fleet for most of…

25 Sep 2015

Skipper français gagne Clipper Race 2015-16 1 à Rio de Janeiro

Olivier Cardin, Skipper Français de voilier « LMAX Exchange », a gagné la première étape de la « Clipper Round the World Yacht Race » de Londres à Rio de…

25 Sep 2015


LMAX Exchange has claimed the first victory of the Clipper 2015-16 Round the World Yacht Race after it crossed the Race 1 finish line in Guanabara Bay, Rio de Janeiro…

25 Sep 2015

Final Call for Stormhoek Social Spirit Nominations

As the Clipper Race teams begin to arrive into Marina da Gloria to celebrate the completion of Race 1 across the Atlantic Ocean and the Equator, this is a final…

25 Sep 2015

Race 1 Day 25: Fast sailing to Race and Sprint Finish Lines

As of 1000 UTC, Race 1 leader LMAX Exchange is only 36 nautical miles from the finish line. Sailing at an average of 7.5 knots speed over ground it is…

24 Sep 2015


The fleet has cleared the Doldrums Corridor and is charging down the eastern coast of South America at a speed of 9 to12 knots. Visit Seattle became the sixth team…

23 Sep 2015


A letter signed by child survivors of violence is being carried around the world by the Unicef team as a reminder of the dangers that children face in every corner…

23 Sep 2015

​Race 1 Day 23: Close racing between Derry ~ Londonderry ~ Doire and GREAT Britain

All of the fleet is making decent progress now, with the northerly boats out of the Doldrums, and the southerly boats at the front of the pack beating upwind. The…

22 Sep 2015

​Race 1 Day 22: Ocean Sprint pushes teams

Qingdao, Derry~Londonderry~Doire, GREAT Britain and Garmin are all in the Ocean Sprint phase of the course, headed south in steady south-easterly Trade Winds. The teams are focused on careful trimming…

21 Sep 2015

Clipper Race Yacht Club paints Solent red with annual regatta

This weekend saw more than 70 Clipper Race Alumni take to the Solent to celebrate the sixth edition of the Clipper Race Yacht Club (CRYC) Red Socks Regatta, named in…

21 Sep 2015

​Race 1 Day 21: Mixed fortunes across the fleet as conditions vary

The countdown to Rio has begun for the frontrunners, as they beat upwind in good southerly Trade Winds. The distance to finish is 1000 nautical miles for leader LMAX Exchange,…

20 Sep 2015

Race 1 Day 20:  Ocean Sprint next challenge for teams

More ceremonies with King Neptune have been taking place as the leading pack crosses the Equator. Garmin, Derry~Londonderry~Doire, GREAT Britain and Qingdao have all crossed into the Southern Hemisphere. The…

19 Sep 2015

​Race 1 Day 19: Equator crossing ceremony for LMAX Exchange

Race leader LMAX Exchange crossed the Equator yesterday afternoon local time, with the crew in a special ceremony in the court of King Neptune as they crossed the line marking…

18 Sep 2015

Nominations Open for Stormhoek Social Spirit Award

As the Atlantic Trade Winds Race draws ever closer to its Rio de Janeiro finish, it is time to open nominations for the first Stormhoek Social Spirit Award of the…

18 Sep 2015

​Race 1 Day 18: Tropical Depression 9 brings strong winds for frontrunners

Tropical Depression 9 has been sucking the south-east Trade Winds from the South Atlantic High across the Equator, giving some of the frontrunners unexpectedly strong southerly winds in the Doldrums…

17 Sep 2015

The World is Watching

The tenth edition of the unique biennial ocean challenge that is the Clipper Round the World Yacht Race, is set to attract its largest global audience to date. Take the…

17 Sep 2015

​Race 1 Day 17: Unicef chases Mission Performance through the Cape Verde Islands

Unicef, in tenth place, and Mission Performance in ninth, have been involved in a high drama battle yesterday and through the night. At midday, Mission Performance became visible to Unicef,…

16 Sep 2015

Unicef in Brazil: providing access to sport for children with disabilities

During Leg 1: The Trade Winds to Brazil, Clipper Race crew members are taking on their first major ocean crossing, the Atlantic, spending more than three weeks at sea before…

16 Sep 2015

​Race 1 Day 16: Crews grapple with unsettled conditions and routing tactics

It’s been another day of unsettled tropical weather as the front-runners enter the Doldrums Corridor, and the chasing pack rounds the Cape Verde Islands. In the front half of the…

15 Sep 2015

​Race 1 Day 15: Qingdao and Garmin duel again

All eyes are on the skies as the teams monitor the clouds for squall activity, gusts, strong winds and thunder and lightning in the Inter Tropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ). Meticulous…

14 Sep 2015

Race 1 Day 14: Tropical weather tests teams as the Doldrums await

The teams are studying weather files carefully as they approach the Inter Tropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ), known as the Doldrums amongst sailors, and the Doldrums Corridor. The ITCZ is a…

13 Sep 2015

​Race 1 Day 13: Squall activity high as leaders approach the Doldrums

The conditions at the front of the fleet have become more tropical with lots of squall activity as the Inter Tropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ), known as the Doldrums amongst sailors,…

12 Sep 2015

​Race 1 Day 12: Battle for remaining Scoring Gate points continues

GREAT Britain and Derry~Londonderry~Doire are fighting for the remaining Scoring Gate points, following race leader LMAX Exchange winning the maximum three points last night when it crossed the line first.…

11 Sep 2015

Atlantic Scoring Gate - Latest

UPDATE 1800 UTC GREAT Britain crossed the Atlantic Trade Winds Scoring Gate at 1518 UTC to take 2 points followed by Derry ~ Londonderry ~ Doire at 1637 to claim…

11 Sep 2015

Sir Robin Knox-Johnston awarded ‘Sailor of the Year’ accolade by Sailing Today magazine

Clipper Race Chairman and Founder Sir Robin Knox-Johnston was today announced as Sailing Today magazine’s Sailor of the Year at its 2015 awards. Members of the public voted, and Sir…

11 Sep 2015

Unique business network with Clipper Connect

Building on its successful launch event earlier this year, more than a hundred Clipper Connect members spanning almost 20 years of the race flocked to St Katharine Docks, central London’s…

11 Sep 2015

Race 1 Day 11: Competition heats up as fleet approaches Scoring Gate

Race leader LMAX Exchange is set to cross the Scoring Gate this afternoon and claim the maximum three bonus points on offer. GREAT Britain, in second place, and Derry~Londonderry~Doire, in…

11 Sep 2015

Mission Performance Resumes Racing - Update

UPDATE 1315 UTC Mission Performance resumed racing at 1243 UTC today (11 September 2015) after successfully transferring parts for the low pressure pump for their watermaker from ClipperTelemed+. UPDATE 0815…

10 Sep 2015

​Race 1 Day 10: Steady progress as fleet reaches Trade Winds

Progress has been steady overnight as all the teams have found reasonable wind after several days of very light airs for many of the yachts. Garmin and Qingdao , which…

9 Sep 2015

Race 1 Day 9: Leaderboard changes as Canary Islands tactics test teams

The leaderboard has seen some considerable changes overnight, as the teams make their tactical decisions on whether to pass between the Canary Islands and take more of an inshore route,…

8 Sep 2015

IchorCoal Resumes Racing

IchorCoal has officially resumed Race 1 following the tragic fatal accident to crew member Andy Ashman on Saturday. The team departed Douro Marina in Porto, Portugal at 1120 local time…

8 Sep 2015

Race 1 Day 8: Lmax Exchange finds steady Trade Winds

LMAX Exchange Skipper Olivier Cardin’s decision to stay east and keep heading south is paying off, as the yacht has now reached the steady Trade Winds, making 8.6 knots north…

7 Sep 2015

Race 1 Day 7: GREAT Britain re-takes lead as it positions itself west

Across the fleet, the yachts have been doing their best to make good speed during frustratingly light winds as they head south towards the Canary Islands. GREAT Britain is top…

6 Sep 2015

IchorCoal team announces decision to resume racing

After arriving in Porto late last night and having had time to process the absolute tragedy of losing their crew mate Andrew Ashman, the crew of IchorCoal have made the…

6 Sep 2015

Race 1 Day 6: A difficult and emotional 24 hours across the fleet

It’s been a difficult and emotional 24 hours across the fleet. The team of IchorCoal is now safely ashore in Porto, northern Portugal, where they were met by a Clipper…

5 Sep 2015


ICHORCOAL RESUMES RACING Full story here: UPDATE 2030 BST (1930 UTC) MONDAY 7 SEPTEMBER 2015 Following the completion of interviews this evening by the Marine Accident Investigation Branch of…

4 Sep 2015

Race 1 Day 4: LMAX Exchange widens lead as fleet heads south through Cape Finisterre’s acceleration zone

Some variable winds yesterday have built this morning and 20 knots, gusting to 35 knots of wind, is ensuring the fleet continues to make good racing progress. The teams are…

3 Sep 2015

Race 1 Day 3: ​Wind fills in as fleet escapes Ushant and makes good speed towards Cape Finisterre

After an agonising day of drifting back further than they went forward at one stage, the latter half of the fleet; namely Unicef , Da Nang-Viet Nam, IchorCoal, Visit Seattle,…

2 Sep 2015

Race Director Report: Justin Taylor explains:

At the Crew Briefing the day before the departure from St. Katharine Docks, I predicted that the yachts would be somewhere in the vicinity of Ushant between 48 and 60…

2 Sep 2015

Race 1 Day 2: Light winds off Ushant grip half the fleet after fast start

The race to get to the Bay of Biscay and out into the Atlantic was on last night as teams chased each other with good boat speed. However overnight light…

2 Sep 2015

Official Timekeeper ​Elliot Brown Watches Presented to Skippers and Ambassador

Watches made by the race's Official Timekeeper, Elliot Brown, were presented to the 12 Race Skippers and the British company's chosen ambassador before they set off on the circumnavigation. Elliot…

1 Sep 2015

A journey of biblical proportion

Visit Seattle skipper Huw Fernie is taking an artefact of maritime history around the world with him which holds great significance for both his grandfather and Sir Robin Knox-Johnston. Just…

1 Sep 2015

Race 1 Day 1: Thrilling Racing as Fleet Lead Changes Constantly

Day 1 proved to be a totally thrilling first day of close-hauled racing with a jostling of positions and leads as the fleet raced along the south east coast of…

31 Aug 2015

Clipper 2015-16 Round the World Yacht Race starts off English coast

The 12 international crews competing in the tenth edition of the world’s longest ocean race have started the 40,000 nautical mile circumnavigation off the English coast at Southend. The Clipper…

31 Aug 2015

Follow the Race

And they’re off! As the fleet of twelve racing teams made up of international crew members makes its way down the River Thames to the start line of Race 1,…

31 Aug 2015

Preview: The Atlantic Trade Winds leg to Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

The 12 teams will start their ocean odyssey and the 5,186 nautical mile Atlantic Trade Winds leg to Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, at 12.30pm today off Southend, UK. The fleet…

30 Aug 2015

Tower Bridge lifts for teams as tenth Clipper Race gets underway

The twelve teams made up of international amateur sailors competing in the Clipper 2015-16 Race have passed under Tower Bridge, London, at the start of the 40,000 nautical mile global…

30 Aug 2015

Sir Ben Ainslie message to Clipper Race Crew

Whilst Sir Robin Knox-Johnston prepares to send off the Clipper Race tomorrow, his friend and compatriot Sir Ben Ainslie is racing in the second series of the America’s Cup in…

30 Aug 2015

Race Start: LIVE

The departure of the Clipper Race fleet from St Katharine Docks, London will be streamed live on Sunday 30 August. The live stream will be available at . The…

29 Aug 2015


At the official naming of Qingdao , the crew were given a taste of the welcome that lies ahead for them when they arrive into the Chinese city next spring,…

29 Aug 2015

Stormhoek get Social Spirit flowing with new Crew Prize

The Clipper Race is as much as about team spirit and the people you share this experience with as it is about sailing, and this is something that our Official…

28 Aug 2015

GREAT Britain team has Downing Street date ahead of Race Start

The GREAT Britain team was invited to No 10 Downing Street today ahead of officially naming its yacht in the Race Village. Following a photocall in front of the famous…

28 Aug 2015

​PSP Logistics Official Naming Ceremony

This afternoon it was the turn of returning Team Sponsor PSP Logistics to officially name their yacht in the Race Village at Katharine Docks ahead of Race Start on Sunday.…

28 Aug 2015

IchorCoal Officially Named Ahead of Race Start

The Race Village burst into life this morning during the IchorCoal boat naming ceremony when the Sapinda Rainbow Ambassadors treated their fellow crew to an impromptu singing performance in honour…

28 Aug 2015

​Mission Performance officially unveiled ahead of Clipper Race start

Today the race’s Official Learning and Development Partner and Team Sponsor, Mission Performance Limited, officially named its yacht entry in St Katharine Docks, London, ahead of its upcoming race campaign.…

27 Aug 2015

Visit Seattle yacht christened in London naming ceremony

The Visit Seattle yacht has officially been named ahead of its ocean-racing debut in the Clipper 2015-16 Race. The yacht which will represent the Emerald city, Washington State, with Seattle…

27 Aug 2015

Garmin yacht named ahead of second-time entry in Clipper Race

Garmin, the global GPS technology company, has named its yacht entry ahead of its start in the Clipper 2015-16 Race. Following the brand’s successful sponsorship in the last edition of…

26 Aug 2015

Da Nang-Viet Nam celebrates global cultural exchange

Inaugural Host Port and Team Sponsor Da Nang City made an historic first visit to London today to officially name its Da Nang-Viet Nam yacht entry and celebrate the powerful…

26 Aug 2015

The run that took Kristi round the world

In early June 2012, Kristi Wilson was running near her New Jersey home in the USA. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary but little did she know that this run,…

25 Aug 2015

LMAX Exchange officially names debut Clipper Race entry

LMAX Exchange is making its ocean-racing debut in the Clipper 2015-16 Race and tonight was its turn to take the show pontoon limelight and officially name its yacht in St…

24 Aug 2015

Unicef yacht officially named ahead of global campaign

Kicking off the first of the naming ceremonies, the official Clipper Race charity Unicef has named its yacht in the St Katharine Docks Race Village. Unicef UK Executive Director David…

24 Aug 2015

Meet the Crew: Ken Brown

Ken Brown grew up in Fyvie near Aberdeen and after a lifetime dedicated to his family and engineering career, he has decided that it is time to do something for…

24 Aug 2015

ICON announced as Official Branding Partner

An industry leader in creating and delivering brand and live experiences, ICON, has been confirmed as Official Branding Partner of the Clipper Race. The company, which has worked on events…

22 Aug 2015

LMAX Exchange exceeds team fundraising target for Unicef

As the international Clipper Race crews prepare for the race of their lives, they are also fundraising and supporting the official race charity, Unicef. The LMAX Exchange team has already…

22 Aug 2015

Temperatures Soar during Opening Day of Clipper Race Village

Clipper Race Village visitors would have been forgiven for thinking they were in Rio de Janeiro today, the Clipper Race’s first stopover port, as temperatures reached 31 degrees and Brazilian…

22 Aug 2015

Alumni crew join in tenth edition race preparations in London

After their global adventure some crew go back to their previous lives and occupations, some decide on a future in the marine industry, and some take time out to assess…

21 Aug 2015

Meet the Crew: Anu Aggarwal

Anu Aggarwal is of our many crew who had never sailed before signing up to join the Clipper Race. Now the 37-year-old Business Analyst has completed all of her training,…

20 Aug 2015

Fleet arrives in London today

The Clipper 2015-16 Race fleet arrives at St Katharine Docks this afternoon at approximately 1645 local time (1545 UTC), parading up the Thames and entering central London’s only marina in…

20 Aug 2015

Derry~Londonderry~ Doire bursary winners race places revealed

As we count down to Race Start, the long wait is over for our five Derry~Londonderry~Doire bursary candidates, who have been waiting to find out which races they will experience…

19 Aug 2015

Young South Africans take to the water for fleet delivery

The Clipper Race fleet and its international crew is currently on its way to London for the highly anticipated tenth edition Race Start on 30 August, and on board IchorCoal…

18 Aug 2015

Olympic Sprinter joins GREAT Britain team

Sprinter Abi Oyepitan is used to racing fast on the track. She had no experience however in ocean racing until last month when she started sail training at our Gosport…

17 Aug 2015

Meet the Crew: Han Kim aims to be first ever Korean Clipper Race circumnavigator

Han Kim is an amateur sailor from Seoul, South Korea. An adventurer at heart, Han has so far travelled to 150 countries and is aiming to visit all 192 UN…

16 Aug 2015

Clipper Race crew on the Rolex Fastnet Race Start Line

Clipper Race crew are aboard the Clipper Events entry CV7 competing in the 2015 Rolex Fastnet Race which gets underway at 1100 UTC (1200 BST) today with a record-sized fleet…

15 Aug 2015

Just one week to go until Race Village opens!

As anticipation builds for the start of the tenth edition race, the long awaited opening of the Race Village at St Katharine Docks, London is now just one week away.…

14 Aug 2015

International crew prepare for the race of their lives

With just 15 days to go until the start of the Clipper 2015-16 Race Start in St Katharine Docks London, international crew members and skippers have been busy at our…

14 Aug 2015

The Boat that Rocks

Roger Daltrey, frontman of the legendary rock band The Who, dropped into Gosport this week to wish Clipper 2015-16 Race crew member Gary Colt, his team and skipper Olivier Cardin…

13 Aug 2015

Win a special Race Start experience in aid of Unicef

We’re teaming up with official race charity Unicef to provide a unique on the water opportunity to get you closer to the action for the Clipper 2015-16 Race Start. We…

12 Aug 2015

Meet the crew: UFC’s Dan Hardy on facing his toughest opponent yet

When former Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC) fighter Dan Hardy first arrived for his Clipper Race training in Gosport a couple of months ago he had never been on a yacht…

10 Aug 2015

US city Seattle to debut as Clipper Race Team Sponsor

Visit Seattle will be a first-time Team Sponsor in the Clipper 2015-16 Race, using the event’s platform to promote itself as a tourist and business destination. The ‘Emerald City’, Seattle,…

7 Aug 2015

​Meet the Crew – Gavin Reid

Every Clipper Race crew member signs up knowing they are about to embark on the challenge of a lifetime but for Mission Performance circumnavigator Gavin Reid there is an extra…

6 Aug 2015

PSP Logistics return as team sponsor

Hampshire based worldwide logistics company PSP are back on board the Clipper Race as a Team Sponsor for a second time and their entry will be led by local Race…

5 Aug 2015

​Den Helder in The Netherlands to host Clipper Race crew

For the third time in the Clipper Race’s history, the crew will receive a warm Dutch welcome in Den Helder in the penultimate race of the Atlantic Homecoming Leg 8.…

5 Aug 2015

Financial technology leader to debut in Clipper Race

The UK’s leading financial technology firm is to become a debut Team Sponsor in the Clipper 2015-16 Race. LMAX Exchange will be led by the race’s first ever French Skipper,…

4 Aug 2015

Clipper Race Statement: Injured crew member

Nicola Peers, a crew member training in Level 4 aboard CV30, Unicef , has been transferred to hospital following a fall below decks at 1745 BST (Tues 4 August) when…

4 Aug 2015

Meet the Crew: Lucie Ward

British crew member Lucie Ward of Lymington, Hampshire, needed a new challenge before she turned 30. She had never sailed before, but when she typed ‘challenge’ into Google, the race…

3 Aug 2015

Young sailors complete training for life changing race experience

Following nominations from all over the UK last year, Charlie Stannard, 19, from Tower Hamlets, London, and Heather Thomas, 18, from Otley, West Yorkshire, won the life-changing opportunity to experience…

30 Jul 2015

Meet the Crew: Michael Berry

French Anaesthetist and Intensive Care Doctor Michael Berry works in a hospital in London. He had no prior sailing experience before signing up to compete in this year’s Clipper Race.…

30 Jul 2015

Australian ocean adventurers wanted

Fifty Australian crew will compete in the world’s longest ocean race this year, and we are now searching for the next generation of Antipodean ocean racers looking to take on…

30 Jul 2015

London to Plymouth Cycle for Unicef

As well as the twelve crews taking part in the Clipper Race, the team at Race HQ will also be raising money for the race’s official charity, Unicef. With a…

29 Jul 2015

Team prepares for Rolex Fastnet Race 2015

There are only 18 days to go until the competitors of the 2015 Rolex Fastnet Race gather at the start line to race in the popular 608 nautical mile offshore…

29 Jul 2015

Olympic and Paralympic athletes join GREAT Britain

Three Olympic and Paralympic British athletes will once again represent their country, this time in a very unfamiliar way - as crew members of the GREAT Britain team in the…

29 Jul 2015

Crew Profile: Bill Lucas

Bill Lucas, 27, began rowing at Dart Totnes Rowing Club and went on to become U23 World Champion in the double scull before making the Team GB squad for the…

29 Jul 2015

Crew Profile: Charlotte Evans

Charlotte Evans made history at the 2014 Sochi Games by winning Britain’s first ever Winter Paralympic gold medal with Kelly Gallagher in the visually impaired Super-G event. Charlotte had been…

29 Jul 2015

Crew Profile: Nathan Robertson

Nathan Robertson, 38, is Britain’s most decorated badminton player and is best known for his formidable mixed doubles partnership with Gail Emms. Together they won Olympic Silver at the Athens…

28 Jul 2015

Hill Dickinson renews Clipper Race sponsorship

International law firm, Hill Dickinson, has renewed its sponsorship as Official Legal Partner of the Clipper Race. The firm, which has an international network of offices and is renowned for…

27 Jul 2015

Meet the Crew: Linda McDavitt

Linda McDavitt, from Austin, Texas, USA, is the oldest female round the world crew member in this year’s race. She has sailed most of her life, is very competitive and…

27 Jul 2015

Da Nang-Vietnam Team Skipper Revealed

A special contract signing ceremony today in Vietnam has finalised the agreement for Da Nang to be a Team Sponsor and the official South East Asia Host Port of the…

25 Jul 2015

Race Start Village opens four weeks today

The long awaited opening of the Race Village at St Katharine Docks, London is now just four weeks away today. On Saturday 22 August the central London marina will be…

24 Jul 2015

Meet the Crew - Sunil Prabhakar

Sunil Prabhakar from Chennai (formerly known as Madras), India, will be our first ever Indian round the world crew member when he completes the race next year on board GREAT…

22 Jul 2015

Familiar faces return for Clipper Race adventure round two

More than 3,300 crew members from around the world have taken part in the Clipper Race since the pioneering crew set sail back in 1996. With the 2015-16 race edition…

21 Jul 2015

Vietnam to host fleet in South East Asia

We are very pleased to reveal that agreement has been reached with the Vietnamese city of Đà Nẵng to be the South East Asia host city for the forthcoming edition.…

20 Jul 2015

​Meet the Crew: Linda and Sophie Crocker

Meet the Crew: Linda and Sophie Crocker Mother and daughter duo Linda and Sophie Crocker will be racing against each other on Qingdao and Ichor Coal during the South Atlantic…

20 Jul 2015

Come and visit us at America’s Cup World Series Portsmouth

Anticipation is mounting with the America’s Cup World Series starting in Portsmouth this week, marking the first time the UK has hosted the event since it originated here in 1851.…

16 Jul 2015

Friday Crew Catch-Up: Meet Stephen O’Connor

In this week’s Friday Crew Catch-up we meet round the world Team Olivier crew member Stephen O’Connor, 55, who is a retired Group Commander in the London Fire Brigade. After…

16 Jul 2015

British watch company Elliot Brown to be Official Timekeeper of the Clipper 2015-16 Race

British watch company Elliot Brown will be our Official Timekeeper during the Clipper 2015-16 Race. Built to go the distance during the circumnavigation, Elliot Brown watches will be worn to…

15 Jul 2015

Meet the crew - Boris Dosseh

Frenchman Boris admits he is a competitive person and hopes to win the race on board Team Olivier. Having never sailed before signing up for the race, Boris has now…

14 Jul 2015

Help us support children in danger

Unicef is the official Clipper 2015-16 Race Charity and also has a team entry which will highlight its projects on our race route around the world. There are many ways…

14 Jul 2015

Garmin to Sponsor Clipper Race team for second time

Garmin, the global GPS technology company, will be a second-time Team Sponsor in the Clipper 2015-16 Race following the brand’s successful sponsorship in the last edition of the race. The…

13 Jul 2015

Race Schedule Latest - Rio and Airlie Beach Marinas Confirmed

We are now able to confirm the remainder of the race route schedule and can release details of the marinas we will be berthing at in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil,…

10 Jul 2015

From Recovery to Racing: Meet Ana Downer-Duprey

“It’s my life so it doesn’t seem that interesting to me. When I found out that I was accepted on the race and my injuries would not stand in the…

8 Jul 2015

Meet the crew - Moussa Tawil

Moussa Tawil will be our first ever Lebanese round the world crew member by the time he completes his circumnavigation on board Team Max. Currently based in Doha, Moussa has…

7 Jul 2015

Sir Robin third in class in The Transatlantic Race

Clipper Race Founder and Chairman Sir Robin Knox-Johnston is third in the IRC 2 class in The Transatlantic Race more than halfway through the 2,800 nautical mile contest. Sir Robin…

4 Jul 2015

Challenging conditions for Sir Robin in The Transatlantic Race

Clipper Race Chairman and Founder Sir Robin Knox-Johnston has been experiencing strong winds and bouncy conditions in the 2,800 nautical mile Transatlantic Race aboard his Open 60 yacht Grey Power…

3 Jul 2015

Meet the crew: Dominique Hausser

This week we catch up with Dominique, a Swiss crew member who is preparing to race 40,000 nautical miles around the world in 57 days’ time. A former doctor who…

3 Jul 2015

​IchorCoal to sponsor team led by Skipper Darren Ladd

South African mining company IchorCoal is the latest Team Sponsor to come aboard the Clipper 2015-16 Race and their team will be led by Somerset Skipper Darren Ladd. It is…

2 Jul 2015

Throwback Thursday: Home-port win for Derry~Londonderry~Doire

In this week’s Throwback Thursday, we look at the most memorable moment from June during the last edition of the race. “My fondest memory is winning the race from New…

2 Jul 2015

Mayor Boris Johnson says London proud to host Clipper Race

Following yesterday’s announcement of plans for a spectacular parade on the Thames from St Katharine Docks at Tower Bridge for the start of the Clipper 2015-16 Race on 30 August,…

1 Jul 2015

Final Tickets for Race Start Spectator Boats on Sale

A final limit number of Official Spectator Boat tickets have been released for Race Start in London. From today (at 1100 UTC/GMT) you will be able to book on-water front…

1 Jul 2015

Spectacular London Start Planned from St Katharine Docks

The countdown clock has reached the 60 days mark to the start of the tenth edition of the Clipper Race and crew excitement is mounting in anticipation of the departure…

1 Jul 2015

Virtually There

With less than two months to the start of the tenth edition of the Clipper Race we're marking the occasion with an exciting new version of our official Race Game.…

1 Jul 2015

Sir Robin Knox-Johnston sets off in The Transatlantic Race

Clipper Race Chairman and Founder Sir Robin Knox-Johnston has set off in the 2,800 nautical mile Transatlantic Race aboard his Open 60 yacht Grey Power . A dozen boats got…

30 Jun 2015

International team building weekend for ClipperTelemed+ crew in Canada

Hot on the heels of the Clipper Race team building weekends in the UK, the Canadian crew of ClipperTelemed+ got together for the weekend in Toronto, Ontario. Leg 8 crew…

29 Jun 2015

Competitive Match Racing for Clipper Race Skippers in RTI

It was an exhilarating day of racing for the full fleet of twelve Clipper 70s over the weekend in the 84th JP Morgan Round the Island Race (RTI) as the…

27 Jun 2015

Clipper Race fleet full throttle Round the Island

A record-breaking 15 Clipper Race yachts are competing in today’s Round the Island Race (RTI) alongside nearly 1600 entries in the classic mass participation competition around the Isle of Wight…

26 Jun 2015

​Meet the Crew: Emma Dixey

Emma Dixey is a General Practitioner from Newport, Isle of Wight who recently completed her Level 3 training week. She’s been telling us about why she cannot wait to sail…

26 Jun 2015

PRAXES leads medical training for skippers and crew

The Clipper Race’s Global Medical Emergency Support Partner, PRAXES Medical Group, has led medical training for the skippers and medical crew members ahead of Race Start. PRAXES CEO Susan Helliwell…

25 Jun 2015

Seattle to debut in US Coast-to-Coast Leg to New York

Seattle has been revealed as a new US host port in the Clipper 2015-16 Race at the end of the challenging 5,600 mile month-long North Pacific leg from Qingdao in…

23 Jun 2015

Former UFC fighter to join GREAT Britain team

Former UFC® fighter, and current UFC commentator, Dan ‘The Outlaw’ Hardy (33) is to swap the Octagon for the Atlantic ocean as a crew member of the GREAT Britain team…

22 Jun 2015

Team Building Weekend Summary

Clipper Race red jackets were out in force all over the UK and as far as France this past weekend, being spotted in Kent, the Welsh Brecon Beacons, the New…

22 Jun 2015

Team Building Weekend - Skipper Blogs

Team Ash After battling through terrible traffic for hours, 18 members of Team Ash arrived in the middle of the New Forest just in time to get stuck into some…

22 Jun 2015

Local heroes awarded race places on Derry~Londonderry~Doire

Two local heroes from Derry-Londonderry are joining the Derry~Londonderry~Doire crew after being awarded bursary places for their work in the community. Shane Brunker, 56, and Danny Bryce, 39, have both…

19 Jun 2015

​Meet the Clipper 2015-16 Race Crew: Alex Couto

Meet the Clipper 2015-16 Race Crew: Alex Couto Alex Couto, from Lisbon, Portugal, is hoping to take East Timor with him in his luggage as he aims to use his…

18 Jun 2015

What does it take to feed a Clipper Race crew?

Being organised when planning menus and buying the right ingredients to be able to dish up satisfying food can make the difference between winning and losing the ocean odyssey that…

18 Jun 2015

Unicef Revealed as Latest Clipper 2015-16 Race Team Entry

Today we can confirm that Unicef, the world’s leading children’s organisation, will have a yacht entry in the tenth edition of the world’s longest ocean race. The distinctive blue branded…

17 Jun 2015

​Restaurateur swaps Caribbean cuisine for Clipper Race

Gary Colt, 53, was born in the USA, raised in Southern France and now lives on the West Indian island Nevis, where he runs a high-end beach restaurant with his…

16 Jun 2015

Meet our crew: Esha Mehta

Esha (pictured on left) is originally from India but grew up in Belgium and Israel. She currently lives in Reading, UK where she has just completed a degree in Biomedical…

12 Jun 2015

​Future Crew Friday – Meet Diarmuid O’Donovan

Diarmuid is an engineer from County Kerry, Ireland, who currently lives in Enniskillen, County Fermanagh. He is sailing around the world on board Derry~Londonderry~Doire and will share the media crew…

11 Jun 2015

Crew Complete First Practice Races

With two practice races under their belts and the sun shining on the Solent, the first 188 crew to complete their Level 4 training sailed into Gosport with smiles spread…

9 Jun 2015

Latest update from Sir Robin Knox-Johnston aboard Grey Power

Sir Robin Knox-Johnston is back aboard his open 60 yacht Grey Power , preparing for his next competitive test – the 2,800 nautical mile Transatlantic Race from Newport, Rhode Island,…

8 Jun 2015

Clipper Race celebrates World Oceans Day

In support of 8 June’s international World Oceans Day, an official United Nations designated day, we’re celebrating our love of ocean adventuring and ever-growing passion for discovering our beautiful Blue…

6 Jun 2015

Fearless female crew celebrate Women’s Sport Week

If you didn’t know it already, this is Women’s Sport Week and at the Clipper Race we want to dedicate it to all of our fearless female crew, past, present…

5 Jun 2015

​Future Crew Friday – Meet Pavels Saikins

Pavels Saikins, 28, is a former volleyball player who now works as a photographer on cruise ships. Hailing from Daugavpils, he is also our first ever Latvian crew member and…

4 Jun 2015

Sharing Adventures: Competition Winners Announced

Last month, Alumni Clipper Race crew members were invited to share their racing adventures and celebrate their memories as we approach the 20th anniversary year of the race's creation. Thanks…

3 Jun 2015

Sports Minister Reveals GREAT Britain Skipper

Cornish yachtsman Peter Thornton MBE, 37, has been revealed as the skipper of the GREAT Britain yacht which will fly the flag for the UK during the Clipper 2015-16 race.…

29 May 2015

Notice of Race document released

Race Director, Justin Taylor, has today released the Notice of Race document, which outlines the finer points of the Clipper Race. The document covers the rules of the race and…

29 May 2015

Future Crew Friday – Meet Robert Giuliani

This week we catch up with Minnesota chef Robert, who in less than 93 days’ time will be at the start line to race 40,000 miles across the world’s oceans.…

29 May 2015

Race Start Spectator Boat Tickets on Sale

Want to be at the heart of the action when the twelve ocean racing yachts of the Clipper 2015-16 Race fleet depart London to start the tenth edition of the…

28 May 2015

Throwback Thursday: Fleet pass through one of the engineering wonders of the world - the Panama Canal

In this week’s Throwback Thursday, we look at the most memorable moments of May during the last edition of the race. In the penultimate leg of the 8-leg series, en-route…

28 May 2015

Nautical Channel Plans Global TV Coverage

The international specialist marine events and lifestyle broadcaster Nautical Channel, which reaches more than 20 million people in over 40 countries across Europe, Africa, Americas and Oceania, broadcasting in English,…

27 May 2015

4 June: Discover the race of your life in Dublin

On Thursday 4 June, former Clipper Race circumnavigator, Conor O’Byrne will be sharing his adventures of the high seas at Howth Yacht Club in County Dublin, Ireland from 7:30pm. Conor,…

27 May 2015

Spectator boat tickets for Clipper Race Start on sale this Friday

Want to be at the heart of the action when the twelve ocean racing yachts of the Clipper 2015-16 Race fleet depart London to start the tenth edition of the…

26 May 2015

Derry-Londonderry to Nominate Local Heroes for Race Place

Sir Robin Knox-Johnston has announced today that Derry City and Strabane District Council has been gifted a unique opportunity for two community workers or volunteers to win a place on…

22 May 2015

​Future Crew Friday – Meet Marc Hundleby

This week, we catch up with Isle of Man crew member Marc Hundleby who lives in Australia, and first heard about the race when he saw the recruitment poster travelling…

22 May 2015

30 May: Join us in London to discover the race of your life

Interested in taking part in the world’s longest ocean race? On Saturday 30 May, Crew Recruitment Manager Della Parsons will be in London’s Little Ship Club from 0930-1230 to share…

21 May 2015

100 Days Until Race Start

Just 100 days until the Clipper 2015-16 Race sets sail. The tenth edition of the world’s longest yacht will start on Sunday 30 August from St Katharine Docks, London. Spectator…

19 May 2015

Sharing adventures: Clipper Race Alumni Photo Competition

As we approach the twentieth anniversary year of the race, we want to celebrate the years of adventures by sharing crew members favourite memories in our alumni photo competition. There…

18 May 2015

Young South Africans complete intensive UK training

Ten young South Africans, some of whom have never seen the ocean before, are celebrating the completion of all four levels of Clipper Race training. The group was shortlisted to…

18 May 2015

Derry-Londonderry Scoops Top Tourism Award                                                                            

Derry-Londonderry has scooped a prestigious travel industry award for an outstanding contribution to tourism by creating a highly successful week-long festival which attracted over 140,000 visitors and generated a £3m…

15 May 2015

​Largest ever group of Chinese crew in UK for training

The largest ever contingent of Chinese crew to represent China’s sailing city of Qingdao in a single edition of the race are currently in the UK to complete all four…

14 May 2015

Clipper Events offers front row experience for America’s Cup World Series Portsmouth

Clipper Events, the sister company of the Clipper Race, is offering a front row on-the-water experience for the America’s Cup World Series Portsmouth this July. Clipper Events has secured its…

8 May 2015

Future Crew Friday – Meet Muchi Lukhezo

This week, we catch up with Zimbabwe born Briton, Muchi Lukhezo from London who was introduced to sailing whilst living in Cape Verde and working a crew under a South…

1 May 2015

Future Crew Friday – Meet Jackie Patton

This week we catch up with former dinghy sailor and retired teacher Jackie Patton from Donaghadee, Northern Ireland on her passion for sailing. Jackie has completed two of the four…

30 Apr 2015

Scottish skipper Daniel Smith to lead Derry~Londonderry~Doire team

At the official Derry~Londonderry~Doire yacht naming ceremony today, attended by the Mayor of Derry City and Strabane District Council, Elisha McCallion, Sir Robin revealed Daniel Smith, the 31 year old…

30 Apr 2015

Stormhoek Bashes get the Party Started

While crew were getting to know their skipper and teams at Crew Allocation last Saturday, our Official Wine Partner Stormhoek was doing its best to make sure family and friends…

29 Apr 2015

Mission Performance back on board for tenth race edition

Our Official Learning and Development Partner Mission Performance Limited is returning as a Team Sponsor in the tenth edition of the race which starts in London on August 30, 2015.…

28 Apr 2015

Sir Robin comments on Cheeki Rafiki incident report

The official report into the incident involving the sailing vessel, Cheeki Rafiki, has been released from the Marine Accident Investigation Branch (MAIB). Clipper Race Chairman and Founder Sir Robin Knox-Johnston…

27 Apr 2015

Unicef welcomed on board as official Clipper 2015-16 Race charity

At Crew Allocation, we were very pleased to reveal that world's leading children's organisation Unicef UK has been appointed as our official race charity. Sir Robin Knox-Johnston says: “We are…

26 Apr 2015

Get on board our open boats in Portsmouth and London today

Following yesterday’s Crew Allocation event, we have Clipper 70 yachts open for free boat tours today, Sunday 26 April in Portsmouth and London, UK. Join us in Gunwharf Quays marina…

25 Apr 2015

Hundreds of Crew Allocated to International Teams

HUNDREDS OF CREW ALLOCATED TO INTERNATIONAL TEAMS More than 500 of our 2015-16 crew assembled in Portsmouth Guildhall today with their family and friends to discover which team and professional…

24 Apr 2015

Crew Allocation – Live Streamed Today

The waiting is almost over for the crew members of the 2015-16 race who will today find out the identity of their skipper and fellow team mates at the highly…

24 Apr 2015

Join us on board the race in Portsmouth and London this weekend

Ever wondered what it’s like to live on board a 70-foot ocean racing yacht? As we countdown to Crew Allocation tomorrow which will see more than 600 international crew members…

23 Apr 2015

Two days to go until Crew Allocation – race teams revealed

In just two days, more than 600 international race crew members, family and friends will gather in Portsmouth, UK for Crew Allocation to discover which skipper will lead them around…

22 Apr 2015

46th anniversary of Sir Robin Knox-Johnston’s Golden Globe victory

Forty-six years ago today, Clipper Race chairman and founder Sir Robin Knox-Johnston finished victorious in the Sunday Times Golden Globe race to complete the first nonstop solo circumnavigation. The sole…

20 Apr 2015

​Chinese TV Partnership Announced in Beijing

We have signed an agreement in China today at the Beijing International Film Festival to enter a partnership with Beijing Television (BTV) to assist them in the production of news,…

17 Apr 2015

Connecting Crew with Business Opportunities

A new business networking group for former Clipper Race crew has been launched to help our alumni make valuable connections with each other and our partners, as well as receiving…

17 Apr 2015

ClipperTelemed+™ yacht launched in London’s St Katharine Docks

The ClipperTelemed+™ yacht has been officially named ahead of its debut in the 2015-16 edition of the Clipper Race. The Team Sponsor - a telemedicine business - is a new…

17 Apr 2015

Future Crew Friday – Meet Bridget Keevil

This week, we catch up with Bridget, who is leaving her travel agent business to race across the world’s oceans this summer. Bridget has completed two of the four levels…

15 Apr 2015

Ollie Phillips to tackle Arctic challenge in world record attempt

Following the extreme conditions he tackled on the Clipper Race, former international rugby star Ollie Phillips is today setting off to attempt to play the world’s most northerly rugby Sevens…

13 Apr 2015

​Four people win bursaries aboard Derry~Londonderry~Doire

The lives of four people from Derry-Londonderry are about to be transformed after being selected for the ‘Your Next Chapter’ bursary scheme which will see each of them sail a…

10 Apr 2015

​Future Crew Friday – Meet Jimmy Gannon

In this week’s Future Crew Friday we catch up with round the world crew member, Jimmy Gannon from New South Wales, Australia. Jimmy first heard about the race on his…

10 Apr 2015

Meet Race Skipper Jim Prendergast

Jim Prendergast has spent the last decade working as a professional sailor, instructor and racer. The 40 year old was born in Sheffield and travelled extensively before settling in Gosport…

9 Apr 2015

Meet Race Skipper Diane Reid

Diane Reid, 42, is the first Canadian woman to be appointed as skipper in the world’s longest ocean race and is hoping to emulate the success of her compatriot Eric…

8 Apr 2015

Meet Race Skipper Igor Gotlibovych

Igor Gotlibovych was born in Kharkov, Ukraine before moving to Germany as a teenager. His dual nationality means he is both our first Ukrainian and first German race skipper in…

7 Apr 2015

Meet Race Skipper Darren Ladd

Somerset sailor Darren Ladd got into sailing thanks to his grandfather who would take him out on his converted lifeboat in Weymouth as a child. The 49 year old has…

5 Apr 2015

France tour for Sir Robin and first French skipper Olivier Cardin

The Clipper Race’s first ever French skipper Olivier Cardin has sailed into Saint Malo, France with Sir Robin Knox-Johnston for a tour following the successful call for a Fr ench…

2 Apr 2015

Future Crew Catch Up - Meet Anna Siraut

In this week’s Future Crew Friday we catch up with Anna who had no previous sailing experience before she heard about the race. Since signing up, Anna has completed three…

2 Apr 2015

Young sailors win life-changing Pacific Ocean prize

Charlie Stannard, 19, from London and Heather Thomas, 18, from West Yorkshire are celebrating today after both winning a place on Leg 6 of the next race following a national…

2 Apr 2015

Meet Race Skipper Ashley Skett

Growing up in Stratford-upon-Avon, Warwickshire, there was not much opportunity for Ashley Skett to get into sailing, but as a child he learned how to sail dinghies on holidays in…

1 Apr 2015

Meet Race Skipper Max Stunell

Max Stunell will be a familiar face to many former crew as he has been working as a Clipper Race training mate and skipper ahead of the last two races.…

31 Mar 2015

Meet Race Skipper Greg Miller

Greg Miller’s sailing career began as a sea scout in Gosport. Between leaving secondary school and joining the British Army, where he served for 24 years, Greg has worked as…

30 Mar 2015

​MOB Book Launched and New Personal AIS Revealed

One year after an MOB in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, in which crew member Andrew Taylor was successfully rescued after 100 minutes in the water, Sir Robin has…

27 Mar 2015

Skippers Scale Mountains for Leadership Lessons

SKIPPERS SCALE MOUNTAINS FOR LEADERSHIP LESSONS Just 24 hours into their new roles, with the exciting reality of the next 18 months still sinking in, the Clipper 2015-16 Race skippers…

27 Mar 2015

Meet Race Skipper Wendy Tuck

After two Australian race victories, Wendy Tuck is hoping to add to her nations accolades by becoming Australia’s first female Clipper Race winner. The fifty year old from Sydney is…

26 Mar 2015

Meet Race Skipper Olivier Cardin

Olivier Cardin will make history on August 30, 2015, when the tenth edition of the Clipper Race gets underway because he is the first French skipper in our nineteen year…

24 Mar 2015

Meet Race Skipper Daniel Smith

Daniel Smith has been sailing since he was a little boy on family holidays in the Scottish Islands. So for the Senior Yachting and Watersports Instructor to be appointed as…

24 Mar 2015

Meet Race Skipper Peter Thornton

Peter Thornton’s sailing career has seen him progress from the Gorran and Mevagissey Sea Scouts in Cornwall, to being awarded an MBE at the age of twenty-five. Presented with the…

23 Mar 2015

Meet Race Skipper Huw Fernie

Huw Fernie turned his back on a career in aeronautical engineering for his real passion of sailing, which began as a child while holidaying with his grandparents. 31-year-old Huw from…

21 Mar 2015

Former Clipper Race Skippers send a warm welcome to their successors

Following the announcement of our Clipper 2015-16 Race skippers, warm wishes and congratulations have flooded in from their predecessors. For the first time in our 19-year history, two of the…

20 Mar 2015

Future Crew Catch Up – Meet Steven Tng

In this week’s Future Crew Friday, we catch up with Steven. He first heard about the race many years ago but admits he did not give it much consideration at…

18 Mar 2015

Meet the Clipper 2015-16 Skippers

With less than six months to go until the start of the Clipper 2015-16 Race, we can now reveal our most diverse ever line up of professional skippers. For the…

13 Mar 2015

Future Crew Catch Up – Meet the international crew preparing for the adventure of a lifetime

It’s a busy time here at Clipper Race HQ. Just four weeks into training at our UK and Australian training centres since the winter break, and 18 courses have already…

12 Mar 2015

​Race features its unique global marketing platform at SportsPro LIVE

Today, Clipper Ventures CEO, William Ward and the Clipper Race partnerships team are at the annual SportsPro LIVE show in London. Hosted at Arsenal’s Emirates Stadium, the Clipper Race is…

10 Mar 2015

Former Hungarian crew member shares inspirational race experience next week

On Tuesday 17 March, former race crew member, Terezia Koczka is hoping to inspire people to follow in her footsteps in her home town of Budapest, Hungary at the Hungarian…

9 Mar 2015

Sean McCarter receives prestigious award for Outstanding Seamanship

Clipper 2013-14 Race Skipper Sean McCarter has been awarded the Rod Stephens Trophy for Outstanding Seamanship by the Cruising Club of America. The trophy was presented by CCA Commodore Tad…

9 Mar 2015

ClipperTelemed+™ announced as Team Sponsor in 2015-16 edition

ClipperTelemed+™ has been revealed as a Team Sponsor in the 2015-16 edition of the Clipper Round the World Yacht Race. The business is a new joint venture between Clipper Ventures…

6 Mar 2015

Future Crew Catch Up – Meet Jason Chan

In this week’s Future Crew Friday, we catch up with Jason. He first heard about the race through a random encounter with a Clipper Race crew member at a wine…

5 Mar 2015

Start dates revealed for Legs 1 - 4

As we edge ever closer to the start of the Clipper 2015-16 Race, we can now reveal the start dates and projected crew changeover days in the host ports, from…

2 Mar 2015

Young South Africans selected to take part in Clipper Race adventure

Eight young South Africans have been selected to take part in a life changing experience and compete in this year’s race following a tough three day training weekend. The Sapinda…

27 Feb 2015

Future Crew Catch Up – Meet Suzanne Tomkinson

Why has Australian-based crew member Suzanne Tomkinson been nicknamed the ‘Duracell Bunny’? In this week’s Future Crew Friday we catch up with Suzanne, who moved from the UK to Brisbane,…

26 Feb 2015

Throwback Thursday:  OneDLL encounters Jaws and teams celebrate second Equator crossing

In this week’s Throwback Thursday, we look at the most memorable moments of February during the last edition of the race. Leg 5 of the 8-leg series en-route to Singapore…

24 Feb 2015

Race Skipper Delivers ‘Legenderry’ talk at Enterprise Week

It’s a busy time for Race Partner Derry City Council as it celebrates Enterprise Week, and local race skipper Sean McCarter is a man in demand. Through a series of…

20 Feb 2015

Future Crew Catch Up – Meet Richard Foulkes

This week, Clipper Race crew members around the world dusted off their sailing boots to take to the water for the first two training courses of the New Year. Training…

17 Feb 2015

​Dutch student revealed as winner of international Leg 6 competition

20 year old Dutch student Kiki Bakker has been named as the winner of an international competition to win a berth on Leg 6, in the next edition of the…

16 Feb 2015

Compete in iconic race events with Clipper Ventures Australia

The Clipper Race’s Australian base invites you to join us to compete against sailing’s biggest names in two iconic races Down Under this year. The Sydney-based Clipper 68 yachts will…

13 Feb 2015

Future Crew Catch Up – Meet Ben Randall

Ben Randall first heard about the race after seeing a BBC TV feature about the 2013-14 Race Start preparations in London. Impressed by the Race Village and inspired by the…

10 Feb 2015

Join us at the Telegraph Outdoor Adventure and Travel Show this week

Looking for the ultimate adventure which won’t be found on the average person’s bucket list? Regarded as one of the toughest endurance challenges on the planet, we are celebrating our…

9 Feb 2015

Derry City Council launches exciting bursary scheme for Clipper Race training

Derry City Council is offering local people the chance to train alongside the crew taking part in the Clipper 2015-16 Race through a special bursary scheme. The ‘Your Next Chapter’…

9 Feb 2015

Winning skipper launches Canadian Ocean Racing campaign with former crew

Fresh from being crowned 2014 Rolex Sailor of the Year at the Sail Canada Awards over the weekend, Clipper 2013-14 Race winning skipper Eric Holden (34) has revealed plans to…

6 Feb 2015

Future Crew Catch Up – Meet Nicola Edwards

In November 2013, the Clipper Round the World Yacht Race visited Albany, Western Australia for the first ever time, during Leg 3 from Cape Town, South Africa. As a member…

5 Feb 2015

Clipper Race champion awaits reveal of Sail Canada’s 2014 Rolex Sailor of the Year Award

Tomorrow night (6:30pm EST) the Sail Canada Awards take place in Toronto and one of the finalists for its biggest accolade, the 2014 Rolex Sailor of the Year Award, is…

4 Feb 2015

International crew recruitment tour for Clipper Race

Are you looking to test your physical and mental limits and achieve something remarkable? Over the coming weeks, international crew talks are taking place in Australia, Hungary, the US and…

3 Feb 2015

MTA7’s UK partner the marine travel company announced as official Travel Partner

We are pleased to announce that the marine travel company will continue its role as Official Travel Partner for the 2015-16 edition of the race. At 40,000 nautical miles long…

1 Feb 2015

Strong Start to Crew Recruitment Tour in Ireland

Our crew recruitment tour of Ireland got off to a flying start at the National Yacht Club in Dun Laoghaire near Dublin over the weekend. Thirty people came along to…

30 Jan 2015

Future Crew Catch Up – Meet Marion Lang

It was whilst out for an early run in Sentosa Island’s One15 Marina, Singapore, that Marion Lang first learned of the Clipper Race as she noticed the race fleet there…

29 Jan 2015

Throwback Thursday: Triumph and a tornado as fleet heads back toward the Northern Hemisphere

In this edition of Throwback Thursday, which is now a monthly feature, we remember some memorable moments that occurred this time last year during the 2013-14 Race. After celebrating the…

28 Jan 2015

‘OneDLL: Connecting employees across oceans’ campaign shortlisted for sponsorship award

Two-time Clipper Race sponsor, the asset finance and leasing company De Lage Landen (DLL) is in contention for a European Sponsorship Association (ESA) Excellence Award following its effective race partnership.…

27 Jan 2015

Young South Africans shortlisted for Clipper Race adventure

In a month’s time, thirty young hopefuls from across South Africa will discover if they will be one of the final eight who will be chosen to participate in the…

27 Jan 2015

Harken back on board as Official Winch and Deck Hardware Supplier for 2015-16 race

We have once again joined forces with Harken to power the next edition of our race. Sir Robin Knox Johnston says: “I am delighted that Harken will continue to partner…

26 Jan 2015

Australia Day marks first anniversary celebrations for Clipper Race in Sydney

The Clipper Race is celebrating its one year Antipodean anniversary in Sydney this Australia Day. We opened our first base outside the UK in Sydney a year ago, and our…

23 Jan 2015

Place Filling Fast for Clipper 2015-16 Race

If your inner adventurer is calling out, now is the time to listen because places are filling fast for the special tenth edition of the Clipper Race. Only 18 round…

23 Jan 2015

Future Crew Catch Up – Meet Peter Fitch

Today, we catch up with Peter Finch who first heard about the race in 2012 when visiting his son in Australia following the win of team Gold Coast Australia in…

20 Jan 2015

Clipper Race headed on Irish crew recruitment tour

Over the coming weeks our race team will be visiting locations across the Emerald Isle to meet potential future race crew looking to get on board the Derry~Londonderry~Doire team for…

19 Jan 2015

Chinese 2015-16 Qingdao Ambassador crew members announced

Following a week of intense testing, a team of crew members who will represent Qingdao, China's ‘Sailing City,’ around the world during the Clipper 2015-16 Race have been confirmed. The…

16 Jan 2015

British Brands encouraged to climb aboard Clipper Race campaign

Our Partnerships Team is encouraging leading British brands to become GREAT Britain Team Partners for the 2015-16 edition of the Clipper Race. There are many exciting opportunities to support the…

16 Jan 2015

Future Crew Catch Up – Meet Deepak Pande

This week, we catch up with 2015-16 crew member Deepak Pande from Mumbai, one of only six Indians to take part in the race since its inception in 1996. More…

13 Jan 2015

Sir Robin Knox-Johnston is YJA’s Yachtsman of the Year

Legendary Clipper Race founder Sir Robin Knox-Johnston is the YJA's British Yachtsman of the Year for the fourth time. Sir Robin, 75, beat other shortlisted sailors Giles Scott and Miranda…

11 Jan 2015

Get on board the Clipper Race in London today

Following yesterday's Crew Brief Day, one of our impressive Clipper 70 yachts, Team Garmin, (pictured in action during the 2013-14 race) has stayed on in London and is open for…

10 Jan 2015

Stormhoek Wines named Official Wine Partner of the Clipper 2015-16 Race

Stormhoek Wines named Official Wine Partner of the Clipper 2015-16 Race South African wine brand Stormhoek, based in the famous Western Cape wine region, has been announced as the Official…

10 Jan 2015

Countdown begins as Clipper 2015-16 Race Start is revealed

The highly anticipated Clipper 2015-16 Race Start will set sail on Sunday, 30 August, 2015, from the South of the UK. The Race Start date and updates to the race…

10 Jan 2015

It’s Crew Day

Today over 250 race crew members are gathering with excitement in London for their first major briefing on the 2015-16 race. The crew represent a wide range of nationalities including:…

8 Jan 2015

Three days to go until 2015-16 Crew Day - Race Start date to be revealed

In just three days, over 250 international race crew members will gather in London for their first major briefing on the 2015-16 race. Race Chairman Sir Robin Knox-Johnston and Race…

8 Jan 2015

Clipper Race signs Nobeltec as official navigation software supplier

We are proud to announce the appointment of Nobeltec as the Official Navigation Software Supplier for the 2015-16 race edition. As they race around the globe, the Clipper Race fleet…

7 Jan 2015

Future Crew Catch Up – Meet Daniel Mokran

This week we catch up with 2015-16 race crew member, Daniel Mokran, a Telecom Engineer who moved to Seattle, USA six years ago and has been sailing for the past…

6 Jan 2015

Clipper Race announces New Year sponsorship extensions with Marlow Ropes, ChartCo and Ocean Safety

We are very happy to officially welcome long-term race partners Marlow Ropes, ChartCo and Ocean Safety on board once again ahead of the 2015-16 series. Sir Robin Knox-Johnston says: “We…

2 Jan 2015

Future crew catch up – meet Cathy Lorho

In today’s edition of Future Crew Friday, we catch up with Cathy Lorho from Sydney, Australia who saw an advert for the race at Sydney train station and is swapping…

1 Jan 2015

Looking for the ultimate New Year’s resolution?

New Year’s Day is the chance to start anew and do something lifechanging for 2015. What better than the ultimate challenge of racing the world’s oceans? This year, we are…

1 Jan 2015

Throwback Thursday: Winning Rolex Sydney-Hobart teams celebrate in Tasmania

In this week’s Throwback Thursday, we celebrate Derry~Londonderry~Doire , GREAT Britain and Old Pulteney’s achievement in the 2013 Rolex Sydney Hobart Yacht Race. The teams were presented with their pennants…

31 Dec 2014

Youngest ever winning Clipper Race skipper Alex Thomson starts Barcelona World Race today

Today, Gosport sailor and former Clipper Race skipper Alex Thomson sets off alongside Spaniard Pepe Ribes in the Barcelona World Race, the only double-handed, non-stop, round the world race. Alex…

29 Dec 2014

Clipper Ventures 10 finishes Rolex Sydney Hobart Yacht Race

Clipper Ventures 10 has crossed the finish line of the Rolex Sydney Hobart Yacht Race at 04.55 local time Tuesday (17.55 UTC Monday). International past and future Clipper Race crew…

29 Dec 2014

Clipper Ventures 10 hit by cold front in final 45 miles to Hobart

Clipper Ventures 10 has been hit by a cold Westerly front in the final 45 miles of the Rolex Sydney Hobart Yacht Race. There was a drop of 22 bars…

28 Dec 2014

Clipper Ventures 10 flies heavyweight kite as it starts Bass Strait crossing

Following a frustrating period in light airs, Clipper Ventures 10 has had a 'magical' 24 hour kite run flying the heavyweight spinnaker on day two of the Rolex Sydney Hobart…

27 Dec 2014

Clipper Ventures 10 becalmed after uncomfortable first night in Sydney Hobart

In stark contrast with the first night's beat into 30 knot southerly winds, Clipper Ventures 10 ha s been becalmed with a high pressure ridge moving over the yacht. The…

26 Dec 2014

Clipper Ventures 10 starts Rolex Sydney Hobart Yacht Race

Clipper Ventures 10 has started Australian classic offshore the Rolex Sydney Hobart Yacht Race, Australia in a warm, 15 knot plus breeze. The international crew of the Australia-based Clipper Events…

24 Dec 2014

Clipper Ventures 10 ready to race in 70th Rolex Sydney Hobart Yacht Race

Final preparations are underway on Clipper Ventures 10 in Sydney, Australia ahead of the start of offshore classic the Rolex Sydney Hobart Yacht Race on December 26. Victualling and final…

23 Dec 2014

Wishing you a Merry Christmas and a remarkable New Year.

As the end of 2014 approaches, we wish all past and future race crew, sponsors and supporters a very Merry Christmas and a remarkable New Year. Congratulations once again to…

23 Dec 2014

Fancy winning the world’s longest ocean race?

Australians have an impressive history in the Clipper Race with Australian yachts winning two of nine editions of the 40,000 mile ocean odyssey. Clipper Ventures Australia’s MD Kirsty Whyte is…

22 Dec 2014

Bid for Sir Robin’s Route du Rhum shorts

When Sir Robin Knox-Johnston, 75, finished on the podium of the Route du Rhum – Destination Guadeloupe race last month, it wasn’t just his big grin that attracted a lot…

22 Dec 2014

Clipper Race sailors celebrated in 2014 Sail Canada Awards

The 2013-14 race may be long completed but the celebrations continue for winning team Henri Lloyd following the announcement of the 2014 Sail Canada Awards. Vancouver's Eric Holden, the first…

19 Dec 2014

Future Crew Catch Up – Meet Ken Brown

Today, we catch up with Ken Brown from Dubai, UAE, to find out why he dares to do what very few have done before and circumnavigate the world’s oceans next…

19 Dec 2014

Skipper Sean McCarter to receive prestigious US award for Outstanding Seamanship

The Cruising Club of America (CCA) has confirmed that its 2014 Rod Stephens Trophy for Outstanding Seamanship will be awarded to Derry-Londonderry-Doire skipper Sean McCarter. The award is in recognition…

18 Dec 2014

Rolex Sydney Hobart Yacht Race to form part of 2015-16 race

We are very pleased to confirm that the 2015-16 race will include Australian offshore classic the Rolex Sydney Hobart Yacht Race (RSHYR) following a successful debut last year. The intention…

18 Dec 2014

Throwback Thursday: Crew centre stage in Rolex Sydney Hobart Yacht Race

This time last year, the world’s media were gathering in Sydney to interview Clipper Race crew as they prepared to take centre stage in the iconic Rolex Sydney Hobart Race…

17 Dec 2014

Sir Robin to mentor young South African with ambition to become first black Clipper Race skipper

22 year old South African Nqoba Mswazi, who participated in the tough Pacific Ocean leg of the Clipper Race earlier this year with the Sapinda Rainbow project, has revealed a…

15 Dec 2014

Australian training HQ preparing for Rolex Sydney Hobart Yacht Race

Excitement is building for past and future Clipper Race crew preparing for the Rolex Sydney Hobart Yacht Race again with training starting tomorrow out of the Sydney, Australia base. Fifteen…

13 Dec 2014

Relive Sir Robin’s Route du Rhum campaign on BBC TV News Channel

Last month, at 75 years old, our founder and chairman Sir Robin Knox-Johnston returned to solo ocean racing by taking on the 3500 mile transatlantic French classic Route du Rhum…

12 Dec 2014

Clipper Ventures Plc and Global Medical Emergency Support Partner launch new business

Clipper Ventures Plc and its Global Medical Emergency Support Partner, PRAXES Medical Group, are launching a new joint venture following partnership in the last edition of the Clipper Race. The…

12 Dec 2014

Future Crew Catch Up – Meet Steve Sonneveld

In today’s edition of Future Crew Friday, we catch up with Steve Sonneveld from Hobart, Tasmania who is swapping his scrubs for wet weather gear to do Leg 5. Steve…

11 Dec 2014

Sailed the World? Now own the yacht! Clipper 68s for Sale

The Clipper 68 Ed Dubois designed yacht was the backbone of the Clipper Race fleet for four races from 2005-2012 until we introduced the new Clipper 70 in 2013 and…

11 Dec 2014

Throwback Thursday: Henri Lloyd celebrates first race win of the series in Australia

“We were the winners of the Albany to Sydney Race!” says Donato Paradiso, a 53 year-old Italian who took part in Leg 4 of the last edition of the race.…

10 Dec 2014

Clipper Race CEO recognised as GREAT Britain ‘ambassador’ by Prime Minister

Our Chief Executive, William Ward has been invited to become a GREAT Britain ‘ambassador’ by Prime Minister David Cameron in recognition of his personal support and contribution to the UK’s…

8 Dec 2014

Want to race the world’s oceans?

Adding more miles to her recruitment log book, crew recruitment manager Della Parsons is in Newcastle today in the search for the next generation of ocean racers. Della, alongside former…

6 Dec 2014

Sir Robin Knox-Johnston receives Route du Rhum prize

British adventurer and Clipper Race founder Sir Robin Knox-Johnston has received his Route du Rhum – Destination Guadeloupe prize at a ceremony in Paris. Sir Robin, 75, came third in…

5 Dec 2014

Future Crew Catch Up - Alex Laline

This week we catch up with 2015-16 crew member, Alex Laline, a student from Spain who has lived in Bali with his family for the last ten years. Alex recently…

4 Dec 2014

Throwback Thursday: Race 5 to Sydney gets underway

In this week’s Throwback Thursday we reflect on this time last year, when following the warm hospitality of the city of Albany, Western Australia, the newest fleet of twelve 70-foot…

3 Dec 2014

Youth finalists announced for challenging Pacific Ocean experience

Two lucky youths have been shortlisted by Sir Robin Knox-Johnston and Sir Ben Ainslie for a chance to experience Mother Nature’s toughest conditions in the Pacific Ocean crossing of the…

2 Dec 2014

From one ocean challenge to another

After racing across the Pacific Ocean, the planet’s largest expanse of water, Clipper 2013-14 Race crew member Ali Murrell is on a mission to produce a unique range of board…

28 Nov 2014

‘Sbu’ goes back to school and needs your support

A year ago, 21 year old Masibulele Liyaba, known as ‘Sbu’ from Orkney, South Africa, was preparing to fly to Australia to join the Invest Africa entry in the 2013-14…

28 Nov 2014

Future Crew Catch Up – Meet Edwin van Emmerik

Earlier this week, the UK’s final race training course of the year was completed in Gosport, Hampshire. On board was Edwin van Emmerik from the Netherlands, one of 470 crew…

26 Nov 2014

Throwback Thursday: Nail biting finale for race into Albany

After 5,000 miles of racing, less than four minutes separated the final four teams at the finish line of Race 4 to Albany Waterfront Marina in Western Australia, in this…

26 Nov 2014

Former crew member Caroline Marrows launches exciting new race division

Fresh from life at sea on the last edition of the race, round the world crew member Caroline Marrows has joined the Clipper Race team in a new role which…

25 Nov 2014

Clipper Race joins forces with Hyde Sails to power 2015-16 race.

We are very pleased to announce that Hyde Sails will be powering the Clipper Race fleet for the fourth consecutive race series, with sail production for the brand new 2015-16…

24 Nov 2014

Make the world your office: Rare opportunity to join the Clipper Race PR team

“The first question I was asked after joining the Clipper Race team was whether or not I wanted to travel to Brazil,” recalls Julia Wall-Clarke, the Clipper Race PR Manager.…

24 Nov 2014

An inspirational legend

More than forty five years since his historical circumnavigation, legendary Clipper Race founder Sir Robin Knox-Johnston, 75, continues to prove inspirational to adventurers around the globe. Following his remarkable podium…

23 Nov 2014

“​The finish of the race was as hard as the beat down the English Channel” - Sir Robin Knox-Johnston

Sir Robin Knox-Johnston has said yesterday's finish of the Route du Rhum race was as hard as the beat down the English Channel during the first 36 hours, when there…

22 Nov 2014

Sir Robin Knox-Johnston ‘ecstatic’ with third in Route du Rhum – Destination Guadeloupe race

British adventurer and Clipper Race founder Sir Robin Knox-Johnston, 75, has finished solo Transatlantic race the Route du Rhum in third place in the Rhum class. Sir Robin crossed the…

22 Nov 2014

Denouement in Route du Rhum race for Sir Robin Knox-Johnston

Clipper Race Founder and Chairman Sir Robin Knox-Johnston has made ground on second-placed boat and is only 1 5 miles behind in the battle for the two remaining Rhum class…

21 Nov 2014

Future Crew Catch Up – Meet Nicolette Horak

This week we caught up with 2015-16 crew member Nicolette Horak from Eimo, Queensland, to find out how her race adventure is developing following the completion of her Level 1…

21 Nov 2014

Sir Robin Knox-Johnston back in third in Route du Rhum race

Sir Robin Knox-Johnston has moved back into third place in the Route du Rhum - Destination Guadeloupe and has a lead of 13 miles on the distance to finish over…

20 Nov 2014

Clipper Race Centre Stage at Sports Brand Showcase

Lord’s Cricket Ground in London is hosting SportsPro’s inaugural The Brand Conference today in which the Clipper Race has been telling its compelling story alongside other leading global sports brands…

20 Nov 2014

Sir Robin Knox-Johnston answers your questions on his Route du Rhum race

On Saturday, we invited the public to send their questions for British adventurer Sir Robin Knox-Johnston, currently racing in the Route du Rhum - Destination Guadeloupe. The Clipper Race Chairman…

20 Nov 2014

Throwback Thursday: PSP Logistics sets new race record

“It was the best experience of the whole race,” explains 23 year-old Tristan Grigalis from Leicester, UK, who circumnavigated on board PSP Logistics in the last edition of the race.…

20 Nov 2014

“The squalls disrupted any thoughts of getting some sleep”

Clipper Race Founder and Chairman Sir Robin Knox-Johnston has had another night of squalls with the wind shifting by as much as 309 degrees in the Route du Rhum -…

19 Nov 2014

Don’t miss the boat!

“I was completely buzzing with excitement. The whole idea of the race really excites me, I am really keen to get on board and I am now trying to plan…

19 Nov 2014

Another night of squalls for Sir Robin Knox-Johnston in Route du Rhum

Sir Robin Knox-Johnston has had another night of squalls in the Route du Rhum - Destination Guadeloupe race. The Clipper Race Founder and Chairman, 75, had a lot of sail…

18 Nov 2014

A day of steady Trade winds for Sir Robin Knox-Johnston in Route du Rhum

Sir Robin Knox-Johnston has had a day of steady winds but is now 58 miles from third-placed Andrea Mura on Vento di Sardegna in the Route du Rhum - Destination…

17 Nov 2014

​PRAXES Medical Group return as 2015-16 Global Medical Emergency Support Partner

We are pleased to announce that PRAXES Medical Group, the Canadian based company which provides worldwide, fast access to medical advice to patients in the world’s most remote environments, will…

17 Nov 2014

Wind backs giving Sir Robin Knox-Johnston more favourable conditions

Sir Robin Knox-Johnston has had a more peaceful night in the Route du Rhum race after a very tiring 24 hours of rain squalls and wind shifts. Sir Robin, on…

16 Nov 2014

Tiring 24 hours of squalls for Sir Robin Knox-Johnston

Sir Robin Knox-Johnston is still in third position tonight despite a very tiring 24 hours in the Route du Rhum - Destination Guadeloupe Race. A thrilling battle for the third…

15 Nov 2014

Send your questions for adventurer Sir Robin Knox-Johnston

Currently third in the Route du Rhum – Destination Guadeloupe (Rhum class) solo Transatlantic race, Clipper Race Founder and Chairman Sir Robin Knox-Johnston would like to invite followers to submit…

15 Nov 2014

Sir Robin Knox-Johnston moves into third position

Clipper Race Founder and Chairman Sir Robin Knox-Johnston moved up to third in the Route du Rhum - Destination Guadeloupe race Rhum class last night, and is now just one…

14 Nov 2014

Calling all adventurers!

Calling anyone 18 years or older, from all walks of life, colour, creed and gender. No experience necessary; just a spirit of adventure! Don’t miss the opportunity to meet our…

14 Nov 2014

Future Crew Catch Up – John Charles

The UK Training Office may be beginning to batten its hatches for winter, but the training season remains in full swing in the sunny summer shores of Sydney, at our…

14 Nov 2014

“My position is vulnerable and the race is far from finished” - Sir Robin Knox-Johnston

Sir Robin Knox-Johnston has overtaken rival Jean-Paul Froc and is in fourth place in the Rhum class of the Route du Rhum – Destination Guadeloupe race. Sir Robin, on his…

13 Nov 2014

International Clipper Race sailors to bring colour to Rolex Sydney Hobart Yacht Race again

Past and future Clipper Race crew from six different countries will once again compete in Australian classic offshore race, the Rolex Sydney Hobart Yacht Race (RSHYR) on Clipper 68 CV10.…

13 Nov 2014

Sir Robin Knox-Johnston intent on overtaking rivals in Route du Rhum race

Sir Robin Knox-Johnston is chasing the fourth-placed boat in the Route du Rhum - Destination Guadeloupe race Rhum class, rival Jean-Paul Froc on Groupe Berto. Sir Robin moved up a…

13 Nov 2014

Throwback Thursday: Fleet experiences 100 mph winds during race to Albany

“I remember saying to myself when Leg 3 was over that I was so glad I’d experienced the Southern Ocean, but that I would never do it again! Well...never say…

12 Nov 2014

Vicky Song celebrated at Fortune’s Most Powerful Women International Summit

Qingdao crew member Vicky Song, who famously became the first Chinese woman to circumnavigate the globe, gave an inspiring address to influential woman from across Asia yesterday when she made…

12 Nov 2014

GREAT Britain announces Clipper 2015-16 Race entry

The GREAT Britain campaign is to repeat its partnership with the Clipper Race for a second time after a highly successful campaign in the 2013-14 series. As a Team Sponsor,…

12 Nov 2014

Sir Robin Knox-Johnston: I’m gritting my teeth in Route du Rhum race

Sir Robin Knox-Johnston is within the Azores High Pressure System that is spreading southwards and gybed last night to try and reach stronger winds south of the high as quickly…

11 Nov 2014

Qingdao starts search for 2015-16 race ambassadors

In preparation for its sixth consecutive Clipper Race campaign, Qingdao Sailing Association has commenced a nationwide search to find the next Qingdao Ambassador crew who will represent China around the…

11 Nov 2014

Sir Robin Knox-Johnston: Everything to play for in Route du Rhum

Sir Robin Knox-Johnston is just 20 miles from the third-placed boat in his Rhum class on the Route du Rhum - Destination Guadeloupe race. And only four miles separate him…

10 Nov 2014

Henri Lloyd announces foul weather kit updates for 2015-16 race crew

Henri Lloyd has been the official technical clothing partner to the Clipper Race since 2002 and the 2015-16 edition of the race will be its seventh time providing foul weather…

10 Nov 2014

Sir Robin Knox-Johnston moves up two places in Rhum class

Clipper Race chairman and founder Sir Robin Knox-Johnston has moved up two places in the Rhum class in the last 24 hours, and is now in fifth place, just 0.1…

9 Nov 2014

Sir Robin Knox-Johnston chases Rhum class leaders

Clipper Race chairman and founder Sir Robin Knox-Johnston has made up ground on the Rhum class leaders on day 7 of the Route du Rhum - Destination Guadeloupe. Sir Robin…

8 Nov 2014

Sir Robin Knox-Johnston closes gap on Jean-Paul Froc

Clipper Race chairman and founder Sir Robin Knox-Johnston has entered the Trades and is beating on day 6 of the Route du Rhum - Destination Guadeloupe race. He has closed…

7 Nov 2014

Future Crew Catch Up – Trent Bulgin

This week, the final Level 1 training course of the year came to an end in the UK. We met up with Aussie Trent Bulgin to find out how he…

7 Nov 2014

Sir Robin Knox-Johnston fighting to recover lost ground

Clipper Race chairman and founder Sir Robin Knox-Johnston is still seventh in the Rhum class in the Route du Rhum - Destination Guadeloupe race. However he did lose ground overnight…

7 Nov 2014

Tackling a different challenge: Ollie Phillips takes on new Clipper Race role

Ollie Phillips, the 2009 IRB Player of the Year, and former England 7’s Captain, was a crew member and watch leader who took part on the GREAT Britain team during…

6 Nov 2014

Throwback Thursday: Fleet in for a ride as storm hits

“To me it’s all a blur, no matter how many times I watch the footage back, it doesn't seem to sink in what happened.” Says Michelle Porter, who circumnavigated on…

6 Nov 2014

Sir Robin Knox-Johnston makes good speed as wind veers

Clipper Race chairman and founder Sir Robin Knox-Johnston is seventh in the Rhum class in Transatlantic solo race, the Route du Rhum - Destination Guadeloupe. He is currently making 10.1…

6 Nov 2014

We’re recruiting!

Looking to test your limits? We are looking for the next crew of adventurous sailors and next week, newly appointed Crew Recruitment Member and circumnavigator Della Parsons, will be hitting…

5 Nov 2014

Sir Robin Knox-Johnston slowly reeling in the Rhum class

Here is Clipper Race chairman and founder Sir Robin Knox-Johnston's latest Route du Rhum blog from Wednesday morning. He is now in seventh position on his Open 60 Grey Power,…

5 Nov 2014

Switzerland image chosen for Mirabaud World Yacht Race Image Awards

A picture illustrating the resilient and resolute attitude of crew members competing in the Clipper Race has been selected for the Mirabaud World Yacht Race Image Awards. International sailing photographer…

4 Nov 2014

Sir Robin Knox-Johnston speeds up in Bay of Biscay

Clipper Race founder and chairman Sir Robin Knox-Johnston has entered the Bay of Biscay on Day 3 of the Route du Rhum - Destination Guadeloupe Race. He is currently making…

4 Nov 2014

Call for young South Africans to participate in global challenge

In Johannesburg, South Africa, today, eight young South Africans from Townships across the country have come together for the first time since their epic journey in the last edition of…

3 Nov 2014

Big seas and gusting winds for Sir Robin Knox-Johnston on first night of Route du Rhum race

Clipper Race chairman and founder, Sir Robin Knox-Johnston, has sent his first blog since he started Transatlantic solo race, the Route du Rhum - Destination Guadeloupe yesterday at 1400 CET…

2 Nov 2014

Sir Robin Knox-Johnston starts solo Transatlantic race, Route du Rhum - Destination Guadeloupe

Clipper Race founder and chairman, Sir Robin Knox-Johnston, 75, has started Transatlantic solo race the Route du Rhum – Destination Guadeloupe, 32 years after last competing in the French classic…

31 Oct 2014

Future Crew Catch Up – meet Terri Baker

As the first two levels of the four part training course the crews must complete comes to an end at our UK HQ until the New Year, those taking part…

30 Oct 2014

Sir Robin Knox-Johnston honoured with the medal of Saint Malo, France

Sir Robin Knox-Johnston, Founder and Chairman of the Clipper Race, has been given the medal of the honour of the City of Saint Malo. Mayor Claude Renoult presented Sir Robin…

30 Oct 2014

Throwback Thursday: Fleet start race across Southern Ocean

“The race start in Cape Town and what came after are memories that will never fade away in my life,” says Andrea Sangiorgi, a 46 year-old Italian Solicitor based in…

29 Oct 2014

Sir Robin seeks French entry in next race edition

As he prepares for his departure from St Malo this weekend for the Route du Rhum – Destination Guadeloupe, Sir Robin has called for more French people to take on…

28 Oct 2014

Switzerland nominated for SUI Sailing Awards

As part of the SUI Sailing Awards, Clipper 2013-14 Race entry Switzerland has been nominated for Best Sailing Project. The initiative is up for the award for being ‘unusual’ and…

27 Oct 2014

Is this the toughest job on the ocean?

Recruitment is well underway for what could be the toughest job on the ocean: A Clipper Race skipper. We are currently searching for twelve highly skilled sailors for this challenging…

24 Oct 2014

Future Crew Catch Up – Meet Lucy O’Connor

So you’ve signed up for the race, what’s next? In order to become an ocean racing athlete and take on Mother Nature full throttle, crew members must complete our compulsory…

23 Oct 2014

Throwback Thursday: GREAT Britain celebrates win into Cape Town

“It was an amazing feeling to win our first ocean race, be the first team to see Table Mountain and be greeted by a crowd of supporters and family,” says…

22 Oct 2014

Sir Robin Knox-Johnston departs UK to compete in Route du Rhum – Destination Guadeloupe

Clipper Race founder Sir Robin Knox-Johnston, 75, has departed Portsmouth, UK on his Open 60 Grey Power ahead of the start of French classic race the Route du Rhum –…

17 Oct 2014

Future crew catch up – Meet Nick and Bob Warren

What were we saying last week about the race being one big family? With Level 3 training kickstarting last week, we met up with father and son duo Nick and…

16 Oct 2014

Throwback Thursday: To go south or not to go south? That is the question

The South Atlantic challenge is one of risk and chance – how far south do you go? Big swells, heavy storms and occasional wind holes dictated the fate of the…

10 Oct 2014

Future Crew Catch Up – Meet Susanna Hetherton

Racing across the world’s oceans is no easy feat, and to prepare for the challenge, crew members must complete a comprehensive training course on board our fleet of ocean racers.…

9 Oct 2014

Throwback Thursday: Race to Cape Town gets underway

“I felt a mix of excitement and trepidation as we set off,” says Adam Nunn a 36 year-old Media Director from London, as he reflects on this week’s Throwback Thursday…

8 Oct 2014

​Scottish crew welcome Old Pulteney ‘home’ ahead of Scotland Boat Show

Skipper Patrick van der Zijden and race crew members past, present and future have arrived in Scotland on board Old Pulteney today as the Clipper 70 prepares to make its…

7 Oct 2014

Record Global Audience Boosted by TV Series

Record numbers of people have followed the exploits of the latest Clipper Race around the world, with a cumulative audience of more than 3.3 billion people in over 200 countries…

3 Oct 2014

​Future Crew Catch Up – Meet Fiona Bond

With the next edition of the race currently 70 per cent full, training is well underway for the crew like Fiona, who will race across the world’s oceans next year.…

2 Oct 2014

Throwback Thursday: Close call race to the finish line in Rio

You’ve raced across the Atlantic Ocean, clocked up close to 5,000 miles during 27 days at sea. How amazing is it that you and your team are then first to…

1 Oct 2014

Refit begins on Clipper 70 fleet

After clocking up an average of 50,000 miles during their inaugural circumnavigation, the Maintenance Team at Race HQ is now hard at work to refit the Clipper 70s in preparation…

25 Sep 2014

Throwback Thursday: Fleet celebrate crossing the Equator

Continuing our look back at some of the highlights of previous Clipper Races, today we remind ourselves of a memorable event: the Equator Crossing. “It’s a must-do,” Switzerland crew member…

25 Sep 2014

Old Pulteney heads to the Scotland Boat Show

Old Pulteney is heading out on the high seas once again as she gets ready to head north to take centre stage at the Scotland Boat Show. “It will be…

24 Sep 2014

Living life to the extreme for American adventurer

“Getting on the tube and turning around to see my face on the side of a station just before the doors closed was quite unexpected,” tells American crew member Kristi…

23 Sep 2014

Sean McCarter: From local sailor to local hero

“From the moment I met the crew I knew we had a great bunch of people,” smiles Sean McCarter, skipper of Derry~Londonderry~Doire . Sean and his team narrowly missed out…

22 Sep 2014

CRYC marks historic day for Bart’s Bash

Celebrating the legacy of Gold and Silver Olympic medallist and America’s Cup sailor Andrew 'Bart' Simpson, more than 17,000 sailors, representing over 600 clubs worldwide participated in Bart’s Bash yesterday.…

22 Sep 2014

Aussie adventurer shares 11-month odyssey

To coincide with the launch of our spanking new website, we’ve posted fresh Clipper Race crew faces on posters across the London Underground network. Over two million commuters and tourists…

21 Sep 2014

Irish Garda reflects on circumnavigation challenge

It was November 2012 when Conor O’Bryne first applied to take part in the Clipper Race. Fast forward two years and the Dubliner is now one of the selected crew…

19 Sep 2014

Follow us as Bart’s Bash kicks off this weekend

This weekend, over 100 former Clipper Race crew members will take to the water to compete in the first ever Bart’s Bash in a bid to set a new Guinness…

16 Sep 2014

Sir Robin Knox-Johnston and Sir Ben Ainslie announce challenge of a lifetime for UK youth

Sir Robin Knox-Johnston and founder and patron of the Andrew Simpson Sailing Foundation, Sir Ben Ainslie joined forces today to announce a unique opportunity for one young person to experience…

15 Sep 2014

“It was a beautiful moment all round”

The Clipper Round the World Yacht Race produces some unique, memorable and highly exciting moments during the eleven-month adventure. We caught up with some of the crew members fresh from…

15 Sep 2014

‘I’m so happy to have been part of such an incredible event’

GREAT Britain crew member Allison Bradley raced from Brisbane to Qingdao via Singapore during Leg 5 of the Clipper 2013-14 Race. Looking back on her experience Ally details: Best Moment:…

14 Sep 2014

Reflecting on circumnavigation

After crossing four oceans and visiting and twelve countries, Team Garmin race crew Caroline Marrows reflects on her circumnavigation. Most Challenging Moment: Changing from a Yankee 1 to a Yankee…

14 Sep 2014

Crossing through eight time zones

The Pacific Ocean is the world’s biggest expanse of water. It covers more than 30 per cent of the planet’s surface and few have crossed it, let alone on board…

13 Sep 2014

“Blessed with spectacular light shows”

The ninth edition of the Clipper Race was the biggest yet as the crew members who took part reflect on some of the most unique and challenging moment. “If anyone…

13 Sep 2014

Clipper Race helps kick start the PSP Southampton Boat Show

The south coast’s largest festival of boating got off to a flying start this morning, with the PSP Logistics Clipper 70 taking pride of place at the annual PSP Southampton…

12 Sep 2014

How to celebrate your 60th Birthday in the Southern Ocean

Terezia Koczka joined a very select group of people when she completed a circumnavigation of the globe during the Clipper 2013-14 Race. This weekend, the 61-year-old Hungarian shares some of…

12 Sep 2014

Sir Robin completes qualifier for Route de Rhum

Sir Robin Knox-Johnston, at 75-years-old will be the oldest competitor in this year’s French single handed classic transatlantic race the Route de Rhum, having completed the necessary qualification voyage. Sir…

11 Sep 2014

Throwback Thursday: Race 2 start to Rio de Janeiro

This week’s Throwback Thursday takes us to northern France and the city of Brest, where the fleet set off on of Race 2 - the 5,000-mile Atlantic Ocean crossing, to…

10 Sep 2014

‘Hurricane strength storms, house sized waves and knock downs’

London-based Web Designer Neil Bennett took on some of the toughest sailing condition on the planet as he raced during Legs 1, 2, 3 and 4 on board GREAT Britain.…

9 Sep 2014

A knockdown, medevac and man overboard

A knockdown, medevac and man overboard, Derry~Londonderry~Doire crew member Michelle Porter, experienced it all during the 40,000-mile circumnavigation as part of the Clipper 2013-14 Race. Best Moment: So many amazing…

9 Sep 2014

GoPro competition winner revealed

Throughout August we teamed up with the official GoPro supplier of the Clipper Race to give you the chance to win a brand new GoPro Hero 3+. After careful consideration…

8 Sep 2014

Be prepared - a Scout Leader’s inspiring circumnavigation

Scout Leader George Bayles was the youngest male to sail around the world during the Clipper 2013-14 Race. Here he tells us about his story, having inspired Scout Groups across…

8 Sep 2014

Upcoming Crew Recruitment Sessions in Australia

Kirsty Whyte, winning crew member in the Clipper 09-10 Race ( Spirit of Australia ) and Managing Director of Clipper Ventures Australia will be holding presentations in the following locations…

7 Sep 2014

“What a ride!”

Rob Fisher, a 42-year-old Managing Director from West Sussex raced from London to the west coast of Australia during the 2013-14 edition of the Clipper Race. He reveals some of…

6 Sep 2014

“Thousands of people along the banks of the river all cheering us on. One of the best days of my life!”

Following a diagnosis in 2011 that gave Alex Lund, 43, a Marketing Manager for Coca-Cola, an 80% risk of developing breast cancer, she elected to undergo a double mastectomy at…

5 Sep 2014

“The team worked tirelessly and without complaint to achieve it”

Nick Mulholland, a Quantity Surveyor from Surrey, completed a circumnavigation during the Clipper 2013-14 Race on board OneDLL. He reflects on his eleven-month adventure… Best Moment: There were so many…

4 Sep 2014

Throwback Thursday: Invest Africa takes first yellow pennant

With the competition finally underway, Race 1 was a short, tightly contested race to Brest, France, in foggy, light wind conditions.  Invest Africa’s  gamble to tack away from the rest…

3 Sep 2014

‘Deep down I still felt awesome’

Sascha Bonus raced on board Old Pulteney for over 26,000 miles during the Clipper 2013-14 Race, she shares some of her best moments… Best Moment: Ok I've got two here.…

2 Sep 2014

Clipper Race to feature at PSP Southampton Boat Show

The Clipper Race will be playing a leading part at the UK's largest purpose-built Show marina, the PSP Southampton Boat Show, on from 12-21 September 2014. Clipper 70 yacht PSP…

1 Sep 2014

Clipper Race Recruitment Manager hitting the road

The Clipper Race recruitment team is looking for suggestions for UK locations to visit as newly appointed Crew Recruitment Manager Della Parsons prepares to hit the road next month in…

5 Aug 2014

Henri Lloyd announced as Official Technical Clothing Supplier for next two race editions

The company behind winning 2013-14 edition of the race, Henri Lloyd, was announced today as the Official Technical Clothing Supplier for the 2015-16 and the 2017-18 editions of the Clipper…

13 Jul 2024

Race 13 results

FIRST PLACE After over 3,000nm of racing, the winner of Race 13: Oban Atlantic Homecoming has been crowned, with Perseverance sailing proudly over the Finish Line at 21:27:21 UTC. The…

25 Jun 2024

​Washington, DC, we appreciate y’all!

It's departure day here at The Wharf, DC and teams are making the final preparations after a truly awesome first-time stopover in the US capital. The fleet of eleven stripped…

17 Jun 2024

​Like father, like son - duo complete ocean adventure together

Niel and Ben Holt, a father-and-son duo from Maulden, Bedfordshire, have just finished sailing over 6,000nm around America together on Leg 7 of the Clipper Round the World Yacht race,…

6 Jun 2024

​Adiós Panama, DC here we come!

Another milestone on the Clipper 2023-24 Race is complete, as all yachts have transited the historic Panama Canal and are making their way to the Le Mans Start area for…

31 May 2024

Panama arrivals day 2

After a busy first day of arrivals, day two promised to match the excitement as four more boats were welcomed into the Flamenco Island Marina, Panama. The first of the…

1 May 2024

Race Crew volunteer for Sustainable Shorelines in Seattle

With the Clipper Race stopover in Seattle in full swing, the timetable of events is offering opportunities to get involved with a host of different activities and initiatives. Sustainability is…

26 Apr 2024

Bekezela completes the fleet at Bell Harbor marina

As the sun rose over a sleepy Seattle, the last of the Clipper Race yachts arrived in Bell Harbor Marina and marked the end of Race 10: Ultimate Test of…

18 Apr 2024

​A standout stopover in Qingdao

The Qingdao stopover on the Clipper Race circuit is is quite simply legendary. The Qingdao Organising Committee had the vision and ambition to bring the Clipper Race to China for…

11 Apr 2024

​Xie xie Zhuhai for the show-stopover

It was a big thank you and see you soon to the Jiuzhou Zhuhai Marina after a perfect stopover for Clipper Race crew. A debut as Host Port on the…

12 Mar 2024

​Race 9: Sailing City-Qingdao Cup gets underway

After a jam-packed stopover in Zhuhai, it’s back to boat life as the fleet focuses on the next race in the circumnavigation. Race 9: Sailing City – Qingdao Cup is…

14 Jan 2024

Fleet penalty points Leg 3

The Clipper Race Committee has finalised the list of penalty points that will be deducted from the teams following the assessment of damages and repairs needed for Leg 3 –…

26 Dec 2023

A holly, jolly, Southern Indian Ocean Christmas

The pigs in blankets have been devoured, the Secret Santa presents shared (and eaten!), and the Christmas quizzes completed, it's back to trimming and grinding for our Roaring Forties Race…

14 Oct 2023

Qingdao Update

The Qingdao team has asked the Clipper Race Office if it can accept eleventh position and therefore one race point and in turn motor across the Finish Line. The decision…

18 Aug 2023

Dutch initiative Perseverance debuts as Team Partner in the Clipper 2023-24 Race

A Dutch initiative, working in collaboration with the Princess Máxima Center for Paediatric Oncology, will be making its debut as a Team Partner in the Clipper 2023-24 Race, under the…

8 Aug 2023

Clipper Race to dock in Oban, Scotland for first time ever

For the first time in its 27-year history, the Clipper Round the World Yacht Race will be making a stop in Scotland when it sails to Oban during its upcoming…

22 Mar 2023

Grahame Robb Associates appointed Official Learning and Development Supplier

Returning for a second edition, Grahame Robb Associates (GRA) will be delivering a bespoke leadership and development programme for the Skippers and AQPs (First Mates) on the Clipper Round the…

7 Feb 2023

Musto reveals new cutting-edge offshore sailing kit for Clipper 2023-24 Race Crew

Clipper Race Technical Clothing Partner Musto has launched its brand new, technologically-advanced HPX Collection , ready for crew to take on the world’s oceans on the upcoming edition of the…

23 Jan 2023

​Spotlight: Leg 4- The Australian Coast-To-Coast Leg

Mileage : 4,000nm Air temperature: 5-30°C One individual race Days racing: 20 Where? West coast Australia to east coast Australia (ports to be announced) When? December 2023-January 2024 The Australian…

26 Sep 2022

​First ever Knox-Johnston Cup a huge success

The inaugural Knox-Johnston Cup was a beaming success last weekend, where participants were treated to sunny skies, good breeze and a weekend of training, sailing and socialising on the Solent.…

11 Aug 2022

​The Clipper Race once again celebrates a LegenDerry stopover

The Derry~Londonderry stopover is a highly anticipated port of call during the Clipper Race, and for good reason. Each time the fleet arrives in the Northern Irish city, it receives…

30 Jul 2022

​Imagine your Korea Race Finish Update

JULY 31 After enjoying the celebrations yesterday afternoon, the Imagine your Korea team returned to their yacht and then departed Ipswich in the early hours of this morning. The team…

20 Jul 2022

Prizegiving takes centre stage in Derry~Londonderry

The Foyle waterside was alive with joyous festivities this evening, as the penultimate prizegiving ceremony of the Clipper 2019-20 Race was held on the opening day of the Foyle Maritime…

3 May 2022

​Programme returns to give pandemic-impacted young people opportunity to learn how to sail and gain life changing skills

A sailing programme giving young people who have suffered as a result of the pandemic a week of funded training aboard a Clipper Race yacht has returned to Scotland’s West…

1 May 2022

​Clipper Race departs Seattle in style

Seattle’s waterfront, at Bell Harbor Marina, was a hive of excitement as the crew prepared to take on the long-awaited seventh stage of the Clipper Race: The USA Coast-to-Coast Leg.…

30 Apr 2022

Racing Thoughts: Skippers and AQPs on Race 11: The Seattle Pacific Challenge

After a spectacular stopover in Seattle, each of the Clipper Race teams leaving today are completing final preparations ahead of Race 11: The Seattle Pacific Challenge. Following a busy few…

25 Apr 2022

Continued: Teams arrive into Seattle after epic North Pacific Marathon

Following Punta del Este , fourth placed Ha Long Bay, Viet Nam made its way into Bell Harbor Marina before Seattle arrived to a particularly warm welcome in its home…

25 Apr 2022

​Teams arrive into Seattle after epic North Pacific marathon

After an incredibly close finish to the longest race of the Clipper 2019-20 Race, a 6,100 nautical mile marathon through one of the most inhospitable places on Earth - the…

27 Jan 2022

Clipper Ventures reveals new Arctic Circle sailing expedition alongside relaunching events programme

Clipper Ventures will be offering expedition sailing to Greenland from summer 2022 as it unveils its new subsidiary, SKIRR Adventures . The company has also announced exhilarating big-boat racing, including…

18 Sep 2020

Behind the scenes: Weather

The weather is often stereotyped as the go-to conversation of the British public but for sailors accurate forecasting, constant monitoring and discussions about the weather are a day to day…

13 Jul 2020

Clipper Race - The Boat Song Playlist

3 Apr 2020


The Clipper 2019-20 Race will resume in early 2021 to complete the final three legs and the full circumnavigation. Race Crew scheduled to join for the North Pacific Ocean, USA…

15 Mar 2020

Meet the crew - Jade Hughes

Meet the Clipper 2019-20 Race Crew Name : Jade Hughes Age : 29 Occupation : Satellite Communications Nationality : British Hometown : London via Liverpool Leg: 5 and 6 Team…

14 Mar 2020

Race 9 - Course Amendment

From Mark Light, Clipper Race Director: The Clipper Race Office constantly monitors the fleet’s progress and current and forecast weather conditions. As a result of forecasted light wind in Subic…

3 Mar 2020

Leg 4 Penalty Points

The Clipper Race Committee has finalised the list of penalty points that will be deducted from the teams following the assessment of damages and repairs needed after Leg 4. Leg…

14 Feb 2020

Race 6: The Race Remains

WTC Logistics, Qingdao and Ha Long Bay, Viet Nam have arrived into Subic Bay, Philippines securing first, second and third podium places respectively in Race 6. Visit Sanya, China crossed…

14 Feb 2020

Sweet Spots on the Podium Decided After a Tense Race Finale

Qingdao back to its winning ways The Qingdao team entry, representing the Chinese Sailing City of the same name, takes second place in Race 6: The Sanya Tropical Paradise Race…

13 Feb 2020

Race 6: All change at the top

The competition at the top of the current race standings couldn’t be closer. Hit refresh on the Clipper Round the World, Race Viewer and the four leading teams seem to…

9 Feb 2020

Meet the team: Della Parsons, Crew Recruitment Director

Mark Twain said “Find a job you enjoy doing, and you will never have to work a day in your life.”. This is certainly true for everyone at the Clipper…

7 Feb 2020

Halfway around the world

Back in the day, if you went to the cinema halfway through the film, the lights would come on and it would be time for the interval. The Clipper Race…

6 Feb 2020

Race 6 Day 15: Catch the WInd

The competition continues to thrill as the teams sail north west of the equator towards Subic Bay in the Philippines and for the majority of the fleet, it couldn’t be…

3 Feb 2020

Race 6: Starry nights, Stealth mode and speedy sailing

Oh what a night! As David Bowie sang ‘The Stars (Are Out Tonight)’ and the night sky has been charming the teams in the most glorious way. GoToBermuda Skipper, David…

29 Jan 2020

Imagine your Korea’s Gillian Donald celebrates Burns Night at sea by baking shortbread

Imagine your Korea's Gillian Donald celebrates Burns Night at sea by baking shortbread

27 Jan 2020

Race 6: Busy days and Invisible bungee cords

It was another busy day for the Clipper Race fleet as it continued its way through the Doldrums Corridor and across the Solomon Sea. The battle for first place in…

26 Jan 2020

Race 6: Closer than Close

Race 6: The Sanya Tropical Paradise Race continues to thrill as the fleet navigate towards and into the Doldrums Corridor. Most teams report being in close proximity to each other…

25 Jan 2020

Race 6: Showers, Squalls and Shortbread

Well, it has been an extremely busy 24 hours for the fleet as they sail in The Sanya Tropical Paradise Race. The slow conditions continue to frustrate and this has…

21 Jan 2020

Leg 3 Penalty Points

The Clipper Race Committee has finalised the list of penalty points that will be deducted from the teams following the assessment of damages and repairs needed after the Leg 3.…

21 Jan 2020

OBR Cherie Bridges Blogs

Leg 5 - Race 6 - Visit Sanya, China Tuesday 21 January 2020 So the start of Leg 5 was a little anticlimactic, with the fleet being postponed an extra…

17 Jan 2020

Meet the Crew: Theresia Cadwallader

Meet the Clipper 2019-20 Race Crew Name: Theresia Cadwallader Age: 60 Occupation: Self-employed Jewellery Designer Nationality: British Hometown: Merseyside Leg: 5 Team: Dare to Lead Theresia Cadwallader, who was a…

11 Jan 2020

Race update on Punta del Este

Given slow progress over the last few days and its likely ETA into Airlie Beach due to lighter wind conditions, Punta del Este has officially accepted 10th position and the…

5 Dec 2019

Race 4 Day 18: All eyes on Fremantle

As ETA's are now in frequent circulation, the competitive side of The Clipper Race remains ever present in the minds of all teams battling in the The Marlow Southern Ocean…

13 Oct 2019

Crowds Gather as More Teams Race into Punta del Este

Hundreds of locals lined the walls of Yacht Club Punta del Este today to welcome in the next five teams to race into the Uruguayan city. Dare To Lead took…

23 Sep 2019

Update Regarding CV22

At 0339 UTC 23 September, the Skipper of CV22 fell overside while assisting in the recovery of a spinnaker. The Additional Qualified Person (AQP) was on deck and immediately took…

11 Sep 2019

Clipper 2019-20 Race: Race 1 Prizegiving

4 Sep 2019

Clipper 2019-20 Race Departure Highlights

28 Jul 2019

Flashback to the Clipper 2017-18 Race Finish one year ago

17 Jul 2019


We are pleased to announce that leading satellite communications specialist Applied Satellite Technology Ltd (AST) is to be the Official Satellite Communications Supplier to the 2019-20 edition. With over 25…

16 Jul 2019

ATPI Sports Events announced as Official Travel Supplier

The Clipper Round the World Yacht Race has announced a partnership with ATPI Sports Events to deliver a seamless travel experience for the Clipper Race organisers, Race Crew and their…